Compete for the Song Dynasty

Chapter 2 Famous in the World Chapter 128 Born to be a Talent

Yuan Ze came excitedly, but was startled when his father Wang Anshi slapped the table.Wang Anshi felt a little better when he saw his eldest son Yuanze.Knowing that Wang Pang was recalled to the capital, Yuan Ze and Zhong Zhen went to Yunxuan and Mayer Mansion separately to tell everyone the good news.

When Wang Pang returned to the capital, it was the time of the Dragon Boat Festival, and it was exactly the same time as the journey: durian flowers were alluring in May, and the green poplars were raining heavily.The streets and alleys in Bianjing City are also very lively, a high-spirited young man sits on a tall horse, followed by three entourages walking slowly through the street, the trading shops and pedestrians on the road, seeing this man give up Kai Lu greeted with a smile, and the young man nodded and smiled to passers-by on the horse.

An older man behind him said to the other two companions: "Hey, you two, look, how majestic our young master is." It was Yang Xi who spoke, and Zhe Kejun and Zhang Ping beside him also smiled. It is also very majestic to follow the king, and it is even more impressive to have these two tall and mighty followers by the king.

Wang Pang passed Jinxiu Building along the street. There were people coming and going in front of Jinxiu Building. The huge flag with the word "wine" fluttered in the wind in front of the door. There are five-color paper money hanging on it, and the rows are full of fruits and zongzi.The shopkeeper Cui Fu stood at the door of the restaurant, greeting the guests while instructing the waiter in the store to put these sundries into the basket.He was still holding a freshly tied wormwood figure in his hand, and he was gesturing where to place it.

Wang Pang saw that the layout was really good, and it seemed that the shopkeeper Cui was quite high-spirited.He jumped off his horse and walked to Cui Fu's side. Cui Fu saw that it was the king, and immediately showed a happy smile on his face: "Young master is back, isn't it a holiday? Our business has been good this year, so I want to arrange it properly when I am happy." .”[

Hahaha, Wang Pang laughed heartily, his smile could infect everyone around him to smile. "The shopkeeper Cui has worked so hard, I'll go home and have a look."

Cui Fu smiled next to the king: "Hurry up and go back, the house has been arranged for you these days."

When the two of them said these two sentences, the guests entering and leaving the hotel and the passers-by on the street all greeted: "Prince Wang", "Master Wang", "Shilang Wang"

Cui Fu hurriedly urged: "My lord, hurry up, or you will spend half the day on this street saying hello."

Wang Pang is now very popular, and he has become more and more mature in the past two years. With his handsome appearance and unrestrained temperament, even without the aura of this servant, he is still the top Confucian businessman in the capital.If there was an election in the Song Dynasty, Wang Pang would definitely win the first place in the votes.

At this moment, there were half-grown children who were playing on the street, and they ran to the gate of Mayer's mansion and said to the servants, the prince, the prince, is back.Others simply jumped and followed Wang Pang and his party, just like followers. In the eyes of these half-grown children, Wang Pang was their idol.

Zhang Ping smiled and said to Yang Xi: "Is this the same as Lao Yang, they are all fans of the son."

Yang Xi laughed loudly: "I am an old fan, and they are young fans."

A few people laughed and came to Mayer Mansion. There were calamus and mugwort planted on the gate of Mayer Mansion and other houses in the city.The door of Mayer's mansion was wide open, and the people in and out of the front yard who were busy with business seemed busy but in good order.

Yang Xi opened his eyes and sighed a lot along the way, and was about to sigh again when He Li Bo came out from the courtyard. He knew this tall and mighty man, he smiled and waved to He Li Bo.

The king looked at He Libo, and Zhe Kejun and Zhang Ping behind him, thinking that with the addition of Jiao Deyou, these four people are one of the Four King Kongs.Wang Pang arranged for the three of them, changed his clothes, and went to meet his father Wang Anshi and foster father Bao Zheng.

Needless to say, Wang Pang went back to Wang Anshi's mansion to meet his parents. He met Mr. Bao Zheng, and Bao Zheng was as happy to see Wang Pang as ever.He is not like Wang Anshi who thinks about the identity of father and son with Wang Pang. Bao Zheng is straightforward and likes Wang Pang's adoptive son very much, so he tells Wang Pang about Li Xili's arrival from Xixia and what the officials at the court said.Wang Pang listened with a smile, for him, nothing was unexpected.

Bao Zheng looked at Wang Pang's leisurely and contented appearance, he was pleased with Wang Pang's calmness, and also sweated for him.Bao Zheng asked: "Do you have any plans in mind?"

The corner of Wang Pang's mouth twitched, showing a disdainful expression: "Father, don't worry, Mr. Sima is right, you can't be so cheap for Xixia people, my child has plans in mind."

Wang Pang came out of Baozheng's Mansion and did not return to Mayer's Mansion. He wandered to Fanta and boarded Fanta to overlook Bianjing.The square is right in the capital, and the majestic and majestic palace in the capital has a panoramic view.

This modern person who returned to the Song Dynasty for four or five years, he is no longer that ignorant boy.Wang Pang knows: several business and fourth-rank official positions, these are just floating clouds.After several years of tempering, he has gotten used to this dynasty without telephones, internet, cars, and other modern materials.The same is that any era depends on the brain system.

Wang Pang believes that he is no more stupid than people 900 years ago. He is like a tree that has already taken root in the city in front of him. Now he wants to extend in all directions to make the root bigger and more stable so that he can stand upright.

As for the business commerce between the Song Dynasty and Xixia, Wang Pang had already planned it, and he had already thought about how to deal with it tomorrow.Wang Pang looked at Bianjing with a smile. Who knew that this young man bathed in the spring breeze had slowly integrated what he had seen and learned in his previous life into the Song Dynasty, allowing him, who had no skills when he first came, to find a breakthrough point .

In the early morning of the second day, Wang Pang changed into the new official uniform issued by the imperial court before the Dragon Boat Festival. He wore a festooned head, a vermilion robe with a curved collar and large sleeves, a horizontal hem on the lower train, and a leather belt around his waist. Wearing white silk socks and black leather shoes.After changing his clothes, he looked at himself in the mirror. Fortunately, Yuexia was in Chenzhou. If Yuexia was in front of him, wouldn't he worship himself even handsome!He was born to be an official. [

As soon as he went up to the king, he was amused. It turned out that every time he came to the court according to the order, he would stand behind the line, and now he slipped away and ran to the middle of the line.Wang Pang, a fourth-rank official, was next to his father Wang Anshi, and Sima Guang stood opposite him.

It's ridiculous to go up like this, but you will get used to it in the future, and they may not be standing in front of them that day.

After the drumming, Renzong stepped up to the court hall, and all the officials saluted. His Majesty Renzong sat on the throne. As usual, he did a lot of trivial things: such as appointing and ordering Ouyang Xiu, a political counselor, promoting the three halls, and writing school books in the secret hall; and the minister Han Qi, etc. In the "Jiayou Compiled Edict" revised on the memorial, there is an amnesty decree in the "Continued Decree", please play for Renzong's approval, and the Renzong edict is promulgated and issued; if any official dies, the usually frugal and poor family has no money left. Er Renzong also approved it, with a reward of 200 taels.

The king listened with a big head, is it easy for the emperor?In short, trivial matters, but fortunately, the biggest matter discussed in the court this time is probably the matter of Xixia trade. If this was not placed at the finale, Wang Pang would have left the stage early as an audience.

Wang Pang really admired Renzong's good temper. No wonder Zhao Shu didn't want to be the prince. Wang Pang was thinking about the ancient time-travel dramas he had seen before. If you are in the mood to go back to the harem and deal with the concubine's quarrel.

Besides, any one of the ministers of the DPRK and China is more difficult to deal with than the concubine of the harem.For example, Lord Sima who is playing the memorial of Emperor Renzong.Master Sima is not three books, he pays attention to stacks of advice.Wang Pang looked at all the officials, many of them listened to Lord Sima's advice and lowered their heads.

This is not because Master Sima has participated in anyone, but because Master Sima has given too many advices, everyone got up too early, and they were almost drowsy.Even Renzong sat slightly sideways, secretly covered his mouth with his hand and yawned.

Prime Minister Han Qi looked at Sima Guang "with great interest". This Lord Sima is very interesting. Before he became an admonisher, he cherished his words like gold.Why did he suddenly become eloquent when he became an admonisher?

Wang Pang looked at Sima Guang and found it interesting. Although the admonitions were all trivial matters that hurt the government, there was a bit of gunpowder in it.There were admonishers in Tang and Song dynasties, but their responsibilities were different.

In the Tang Dynasty, it was the admonisher who helped the prime minister and commented on the right and wrong of the emperor in front of the emperor.In the Song Dynasty, the admonisher was next to the prime minister to comment on the right and wrong of the prime minister.It stands to reason that the person in charge of each department has the right to speak about the merits and demerits of each department of the government, and the admonition officer is dedicated to admonishing the emperor, which is a part of the prime minister's job.

The original intention was to use the power of the prime minister to limit the power of the monarch, but now it is turned into the power of the monarch to limit the power of the prime minister.Moreover, the role of the admonisher is to comment on right and wrong, and it is not considered a violation of duty or a crime to make a wrong comment. If this is the case, there will be a part of the government who hold different opinions and are not responsible, forming a confrontation between the admonisher and the government. , That is, the opposition between the admonisher and the prime minister.

Prime Minister Han Qi was well aware of this opposition. After Sima Guang finished speaking, Renzong asked the minister for his opinion. Han Qi smiled generously: "Master Sima's advice is advisable, whether it is advisable, the specific situation depends It needs to be analyzed in detail." These few words that are not painful or itchy have already cleared themselves up.Then the Prime Minister Han Qi said: "My Majesty, Wang Pang has now been ordered to return to Beijing. This time, Wang Pang's trip to Yanzhou has handled the salt affairs very well. Regarding the matter of Western Xia trade, Lord Sima also has suggestions. You might as well go back here." A discussion."

Han Qi said in his heart, don't just babble, it's better to use your trick to meet with the king.

When Renzong heard that he was interested, he sat up straight, looked at Wang Pang and said, "Pang Wang, come and talk to Master Sima about this business."

When the ministers heard what Renzong said, those who dozed off also woke up, and they all regained their energy.Everyone knows that Sima Guang has a problem. Xixia people are not aggressive, so it is even more difficult for them to hand over their benefits obediently, but they don't know how the king will deal with it.There are those who are concerned about being nervous about the king, and those who want to see the king make jokes.Everyone stared wide-eyed at Wang Pang and Sima Guang.

Wang Pang stepped out of the queue, dressed in vermilion court attire and a jade belt, and looked heroic on top of the Golden Luan Hall, which could not help but be admired by others.He had a calm smile on his face, an unruly air and a dismissive smile at the corner of his mouth, showing domineering arrogance.

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