Gao Zhisheng originally planned to stay with Wang Pang for a few more days, but seeing Wang Pang's farewell, he was determined to know that he was a person who would do great things, so he just stayed with Wang Pang at the Prime Minister's Office for a day to discuss in detail Wang Pang's laws and regulations that all member states of the federation should follow. For the detailed rules of this federation, the calculations in Wang Pang's mind are not in a day or two, and now it is not limited to the establishment of a currency fund that was considered back then for 14 years. Unexpectedly, after 14 years, I thought I missed a lot, but I didn't realize that it was in exchange for time. Space is indeed the people around me who have matured in 14 years

"Little Dynasty, Big World" Wanyan Aguda whispered it again before going to bed

"What are you muttering about? We will go to Xiping County tomorrow." Wang Zhennan asked softly while lying on the other side of the big shop

The three of Wang Pang waited until Dai Zong reported the letter and set off from Dali. This journey was faster than going to Dali. They drove day and night and finally arrived at Xiping County, the capital of Tubo.

"Brother Zhennan, I've been thinking about my father-in-law's words for the past few days, so what I thought was that I, the Jurchen of the Wanyan Tribe, now it seems that I am really short-sighted" [

"Yeah, I feel pretty much the same as you, especially when you just met my dad at Wanyanbu. Apart from feeling strange, I feel strange. Sometimes I also think it's a bit too irresponsible for him to walk away. Who knows that he has been planning Big event" Wang Zhennan also sighed and said

"Don't talk about you. I came out of the tribe and found out that the world outside the Jurchen is really big. What kind of world should my father-in-law think in Song, Liao, Tubo, Xixia? What kind of person will be like Gao Zhisheng and his father-in-law? "

"Then there's no need to talk. Don't forget your father, my father, and this Ali bone, but the sworn brothers who kowtow on the ground are much closer than that Gao Guoxiang."

The two of them are obviously a little bit embarrassed, but they are a little excited when they think of Wang's big plan.

"By the way, Agu, tell me what that kid was doing at that time, he is so beautiful now, he hides in the house every day, and I don't know what he will eat." Speaking of Shi Qian, the two couldn't help laughing

At dawn, several people got up and had breakfast. Wang Pang ordered Dai Zong to go to Xiping County first to contact Zhong Shidao and their residence, and second to find out if A Guda had returned to Xiping Mansion. Wang Pang brought Wang Zhennan and Wanyan A Guda to Huang. At this time, the riverside of the water is in spring and summer, and the ice and snow in the upper reaches of the Huangshui River have melted, and the water source is sufficient.

“Unexpectedly, a remote place like Tubo has such beautiful scenery”

"Father, have you been to many places before, or how would you know so many beautiful places?" The father and son walked along the Huangshui River to Shixia leisurely.

Shixia, commonly known as Xiaoxia, is famous for its dangerous passes in history. During the reign of the world, it was the main road connecting east and west traffic; A fairy threw stones at the hills and collapsed the Huangshui Pass, forming a majestic and majestic small gorge. In his previous life, the king was doing business. There are almost no places he has never been to. He thought of the small gorge in later generations, a reinforced concrete arch bridge flying over the bridge. The north-south highway is as flat as a stone. The constant flow of pedestrians and vehicles is dangerous. Passages change. However, when tourists reach the banks of the Huangshui River at Xiaoxiakou, even in the scorching summer, they still feel the cool breeze.

"Of course there are still many beautiful places in the world that your father and I have visited back then." There are many beautiful places, but there are no modern cars and planes, no matter how good a horse is, it can't run

Coming out of the capital, we are almost on our way all the way. The beautiful scenery of Dali is just passing by. The magnificence of Huangshui and the romance of Dali have another charm. This half-day leisurely tour made Aguda and Wang Zhennan feel more about the world.

Like the road ahead, the cliffs on both sides became narrower and narrower, the three people had to stagger their horses, and the king suddenly thought of a few words: Xining City, facing the cliffs and steep walls in the east No two-wheeled horses and no bridles

Anyway, Aguda couldn't understand. He looked at Wang Zhennan in a daze: "My brother-in-law and father-in-law recited well."

Wang Zhennan chuckled: "Well, it's even looser than my grandfather's prose."

Although the horses were back and forth, the three of them walked very slowly. Wang Pang naturally also heard what Wang Zhennan said about himself reciting this passage.

A Guda was upset when he heard that, he got off his horse and came closer: "I said you should be more polite, we are here under the emperor's order."

Wang Pang made a gesture to stop Aguda: "Forget about what you're fussing about with a soldier, let's go back."

"Stop" A man who looked like a general stood out from behind the soldiers: "How did you get here?"

"We went out on a trip and came to this place by accident. Please forgive me if I offend you." Wang Pang is unwilling to talk nonsense to them. The three of them, Shan Ligu, are still figuring out the situation in Tubo.

"No, I think you guys are 'spies' to arrest me." The general didn't intend to let Wang Pang and the others walk away. He ordered only a few dozen soldiers in the canyon to surround three people in such a small place at once. I'm afraid it will be difficult to rush out if you start the killing ring. The three horses are walking on the spot. A Guda is already holding the handle of the knife and glaring at the group of people, just waiting for Wang Pang's order; on the hilt

"Wait," Wang Pang said in a full voice. The slowness seemed to remind the two teenagers not to be impulsive, but there was also an echo in the valley. The Tubo soldiers were startled and even rushed forward.

"Since we don't know what this place is, how can we say that we are spies? Is there some important place after Shixia?" Wang Pang asked, staring at the general.

"Stop talking nonsense, the general has an order. This place should not be approached. Anyone who looks suspicious will be seized."

No matter what the king said, it was also the prince who dared to arrest him in the Song Dynasty. A small Tubo officer dared to make a move, let alone these Tubo soldiers. The general they said was his sworn brother. Pang also took the responsibility and became angry for a while: "Stop me to death, this king insists on seeing what is behind this mountain gorge today"

As he spoke, Wang Pang raised his horse and stepped forward. His mount and Wang Zhennan's A Guda were both BMWs with reins. The horse sounded long and loud. The horse was trampled like a Tubo soldier, and those who couldn't dodge were either kicked or kicked. The three horses were jumping and jumping. Go to the officer and pretend to swing a sword next to the king

The general also thought that the three people next to the king not only did not hide, but rushed to the place where they could hide, and all three of them were armed. The horse next to the Kung Fu King who closed his eyes took the lead in rushing over

Wang Pang wanted to really hack him to death. Although he knew it would be troublesome to go in and out again, all roads lead to Rome, there must be a way to get out of the stone gorge, so this is Wang Pang's swaying sword. As soon as he raised his head, a young man with eyes as big as copper bells waved his knife to criticize. This time it was over, thinking so in his heart, the general shouted: "Dead!" He closed his eyes again and opened them again. Aguda also rushed into the canyon with Wang Pang, his mother. Damn it, I just wanted to invite someone to report it, and when I looked up, Wang Zhennan looked at him with a smile: "You"

After you finished speaking, Wang Zhennan's sword light flashed and the general simply squatted on the ground: "If you want to kill him, kill him again and again." This time he didn't even need to look to know that the last boy followed the canyon

"What should we do?" the Tubo soldiers ran over and asked

"What the hell can I do? Hurry up and report to the general! Hurry up and be sure to drive ahead of them."

The three people beside Wang passed through the narrowest part of the canyon. Immediately, it widened in front of the eyes. In the distance, continuous mountains can be seen. A fork in the road appeared in front of them.

Along one side of the road, the three of them walked for a while and passed through a stone forest. It opened up in front of them. It turned out to be a dead end. No matter how you go, you still have to go back to that road

The three of them returned to Cheng Shun and walked along the other side of the fork in the road for a while. A large dense forest on both sides passed through the dense forest and vaguely saw a mansion on the opposite hill, but it was much larger than ordinary mansions.

"Father-in-law, what place is this? Why did the soldiers build this mansion in this place? It's so rich." Aguda asked

"This isn't a mansion, it looks like Tubo's residence," Wang Bang said.

"Then it's no wonder that someone is guarding us. Is this considered trespassing in the palace?" Wang Zhennan asked

"Hehe, no matter what, no matter what, let's just go once. If Tubo Zanpu or Aligu is here, it will be even better. Let's give him a happy surprise."

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