Compete for the Song Dynasty

Chapter 17 Chrysanthemum Appreciation Royal Banquet

As soon as he entered the imperial garden, Wang Anshi was stopped by his colleagues to speak, and Yuan Ze accompanied him.Wang Pang told Wang Anshi that he was going to find his adoptive father and Mr. Di, and Wang Anshi told him not to run around. Wang Pang looked for Di Qing while admiring the flowers in the garden.

Every part of the garden and the front and rear of the hall are covered with various kinds of chrysanthemums, such as Wanling chrysanthemum with white and yellow flowers; peach blossom chrysanthemum with pink flowers; Rong chrysanthemum; yellow and round golden bell chrysanthemum; white and large silver calendula with a yellow heart.There are bursts of flower fragrance around me, which is refreshing.

Walking to the front of the hall, Wang Pang glanced at the hall, Yiluansi had already placed the emperor's throne dragon bed directly above the hall.It is also necessary to arrange the seats of the ministers attending the banquet according to their grades.Leave a few feet of space in the hall.Then there is a large table with high seats, and a low table with low seats between the large table and the hall door.

All the people who came to the Chrysanthemum Appreciation Banquet were the emperor's close ministers, and there were about 20 people in the court. Wang Pang estimated in his heart that the officials should sit at the same table, and the same juniors as himself should make the low table.Take a closer look at the low table, which can be seen clearly. Various fruits and pastries have been placed on it.What kind of lychee paste, mustard melon, apricot slices, plum ginger, Xiangtang Jiandaotang lychee, Yuemei, Lidao perilla paste, Jinsi party plum, Xiangzhiyuan, etc.Just looking at these kings is already eye-opening, and I think that when the banquet starts, I must try the royal banquet 900 years ago, and this trip is not in vain.

After walking through the main hall, Di Qing was sitting alone by the Yungui Pavilion, looking at the quiet lake.Wang Pang moved closer to Di Qing, and asked softly, "Is Master Di missing his family?" [

After saying this, Di Qing sighed lightly, turned to look at Wang, and asked, "How is your riding and archery practice recently?"

"I don't know why, when the master is around, the child can practice well, but when the master is not around, he feels unmotivated." Wang Pang replied, and now he doesn't know whether Di Qing was infected by the mother and daughter can read people's hearts think.

Di Qing was very calm: "It's normal. When I'm here, you're practicing for me, so that's fine. When you feel that it's for yourself, it's the same whether I'm here or not."

Wang Pang said yes in a low voice, Di Qing looked Wang Pang up and down again, and said to himself: "She has reached the age to marry, and I don't know what kind of family she has chosen."

Wang Pang followed the words and asked: "Is it your daughter? Where is it now? Why didn't I hear you mention it."

Di Qing said: "Men Khan serve the country to fight, how can he care about them, and they are separated, alas, it is my fault."

"Then why don't you go find them?" Wang Pang asked again.

"I've looked for it, but I can't find it. I said, you kid, why are you suddenly such a mother-in-law." Di Qing patted Wang Pang on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Just as Wang Pang was about to talk about the matter under the moon, a eunuch in charge came out and said that the emperor and empress arrived, and the ministers hurriedly lined up to welcome the saint.The king peeked out, and Renzong and the queen came out. After sitting on the dragon bed on the throne, Renzong said something like peace, prosperity and universal celebration, and invited everyone to sit down, and announced the beginning of the banquet.

The first is to give imperial wine. Not far behind each of them, there is a maid in charge of pouring the wine. Before entering the palace, the king heard that the wine in the palace was carefully brewed by winemakers from famous wine towns from all over the country.And when the third cup of wine is poured, the dishes and snacks to accompany the wine will be served.

Renzong first gave you a cup of Puzhong wine. During the pour, there will be music performances.

The emperor and the empress were watching the show while the ministers were drinking, and some of the children were whispering to each other. He quietly asked Yuan Ze: "I heard that father once made a joke?"

"Are you talking about eating bait?" Yuan Ze hid his face with his wide sleeve and snickered.Then he put on a serious face and said: "Father is too lazy to talk to those people. He sits by the pond and reads a book, usually eating snacks. Who knows who is secretly playing tricks, seeing that his father is serious, he puts the snacks Replaced with bait."

Wang Pang also laughed when he heard it. When the two were whispering, Zhao Zhongzhen next to Wang Pang pulled Wang Pang's sleeve and said, "Brother Pang, why don't you come to play with me?" Feast had promised him time to find him to play.So he coaxed him: "Recently, there is a case to be investigated in Kaifeng Prefecture."

Zhao Zhongzhen's witty big eyes flickered, and he said without envy: "Brother, just take me to investigate the case." Wang Pang thought of something, and took out a clay sculpture "clay figurine" from his arms.This clay figurine is upright and delicate, and it is also dressed in various clothing for men and women. When Wang Bang bought it, he wanted to laugh, thinking that Barbie already existed in the Song Dynasty.I bought two in total, one for Yuanze, and the other one for Liang Yuexia, but seeing that the future Emperor Shenzong was so close to me, I had the impulse to give it to him because I still had time to go to the streets to buy it.

After the performance, everyone drank the first cup of imperial wine. Renzong said: "I invite everyone to the banquet today. You can enjoy yourself to the fullest. I want you to bring your son here today, so that I can see what the young people look like. Please bring Come closer."

After finishing speaking, the eunuch led the group of children sitting on low seats to the hall.The children lined up and saluted Renzong. Renzong looked down and said, "Raise your heads and let me have a look." The children all raised their heads.

Renzong glanced over their faces one by one, nodded, and asked one by one who the children were and what books they had read.

Only then did Wang Pang see Renzong clearly, and saw that he was wearing a headband with horizontal branches and stiff feet, a light yellow robe, a jade dress with a red belt, and soap boots.The clothes are much plainer than he imagined.Looking at his face again, he saw that his face was thin, gentle and refined, more kind and less majestic.Eyes narrowed slightly, half a smile is not a smile.This is Renzong?Wang Pang felt that he was far from the emperor he imagined, and there was no airs in the conversation, he just asked these children as an elder.Wang Pang breathed a sigh of relief.Look at Empress Cao next to Renzong wearing a colorful Zhai-patterned gown.The collar, sleeves, and skirt are all inlaid with red cloud and dragon patterns, and the crown of nine dragons and four phoenixes on the head is also dignified. [

Wang Pang didn't dare to look at it too much. After the children of each family answered Renzong's questions, they all got some rewards. After returning to their seats, the children were even more excited.

Renzong ordered to give the second cup of imperial wine. Wang Pang took a sip and felt that the taste was very fragrant. After drinking it, he didn't feel spicy, but had a warm aroma. He asked the tablemate who knew what kind of wine it was, and Zhao Zhongzhen said "Brother, this is Suhexiang wine: this wine is the royal medicinal wine in the palace, and it is very precious. Each bucket of wine is boiled with one or two Suhexiang pills, which can adjust the five internal organs and eliminate various diseases in the abdomen." That strange drink is so sweet .

The third cup is Liuxiang wine. After giving the wine, I watched ventriloquism, playing music, and dancing performances. Xiajiaozi, lotus meat, pancakes, bones, white meat, pancakes, qunxian taiping, biluo, fake turtle fish, naihuasuo powder, fake sand fish, water rice, salty soy sauce, bream, melon and ginger are naturally king I can't name the one next to him, so Zhao Zhongzhen, who was made next to him, may be a year or two younger than Wang Pang, but he is an authentic relative of the emperor, and he is naturally more knowledgeable about eating and drinking in the palace than other people present.

At this time, the three rounds of drinking had already passed, the atmosphere was not as tense as it was at the beginning, and the drinks were almost the same. Renzong ordered the show to be withdrawn and let everyone drink and chat as much as they wanted.Wang Pang thought to himself, Renzong is smart, and only in this relaxed state can he see the other side of the minister, and three glasses of wine on an empty stomach, even those who are overwhelmed by alcohol will show their true colors.

He looked at Renzong, seeing that Renzong occasionally ate a little food in front of him, most of the time he still squinted his eyes slightly to look at the ministers and their children above the hall, and occasionally turned his head to talk to the queen.

The people on the high table seemed to be drinking enough, and their voices gradually became louder. Suddenly, they heard Wang Yaochen talking to Di Qing, seemingly joking. "The tattoos on Master Di's face look even more beautiful."

Ordinarily, the two of them worked in the same department, and Di Qing was Wang Yaochen's boss, but they said so in the public hall.Everyone became quieter, and Di Qing gave him a cold look.He couldn't be angry, because this was in front of the emperor, and because Wang Yaochen was "a good man who sings as the number one scholar outside the Donghua Gate".

It is said that Di Qing has made a lot of military exploits, but Song Taizu has always valued literature over martial arts, not to mention that Di Qing was once an assassin, and today's official achievement to this level is already a reward from the emperor.If he was on the battlefield, or if he was a poor man, he would really dare to take Wang Yaochen's head off, but now he is in front of the emperor, and he is in an important position.Di Qing's usually fair face turned red whether it was the wine or Wang Yaochen's words.

Seeing this, Renzong said: "Di Aiqing, I will give you medicine and allow you to wash away the tattoos."

Di Qing got up and bowed to salute: "Thank you, the sage, for the grace of the dragon. I am willing to leave this tattoo, so that everyone in the world will know that the sage will give honor to those who have meritorious service regardless of their origin." After Di Qing finished speaking, most of the people were moved.

But Wang Yaochen fanned the flames and said: "Master Di, is it against the holy will?" The hall was immediately quiet after saying this, and everyone looked at Renzong and Di Qing.Some are worried, some are nervous, and some are waiting to see a joke.In this age of emphasizing civility over martial arts, Di Qing's appointment as Privy Secretary has already made many people envious.

Even Renzong squinted his eyes and looked at Di Qing without speaking. The hall was silent, and suddenly he heard a child talking to himself: "Your Majesty is wise, what Master Di said is also reasonable, it seems that this Your Majesty the King likes the tattoo on Master Di's face so much, why don't you ask the emperor to show mercy and give this lord the tattoo and everyone will be happy."

Everyone followed the voice, and saw the king sitting at the low table. After saying this, he ate a mouthful of food and drank a mouthful of wine, but this sentence made the teenagers at the same table laugh undisguisedly. Bao Zheng laughed, and seeing that even Renzong laughed, everyone on the high table laughed too.

Wang Yaochen wanted to say something more, but seeing that the atmosphere suddenly changed, Renzong was just being amused, so he didn't dare to say more, so he gave Wang Pang a hard look.Zhao Zongshi sneered in his heart: "Wang Yaochen, you trash; Di Qing, Wang Pang, I see you can still laugh after tonight?

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