"Problems? Hehe" Wang Pang couldn't help but smile. "This is not a difficult problem, but it is not for me, the king, to solve it. Besides, even if I come up with a solution to the problem, the emperor of Liao can make the decision. Can Ambassador Li make the decision?"

After Wang Pang finished speaking, everyone seemed to realize something.Originally, since Wang Pang was able to build a world-wide spectacle on top of the boulders of Shuangta Mountain, there was no problem for Wang Pang in this world or in the Song Dynasty.It's just that he said the solution, whether Gao Li can implement it.

Everyone turned their attention to Li Enze, the envoy of Goryeo. Li Enze frowned, as if he had made up his mind.Suddenly they heard someone laughing in the main hall, everyone looked for the laughter, and the one who was laughing was Mr. Yeluren, Prime Minister of the South Court of Liao Kingdom.

Yelu Hongji asked: "Mr. Ren, why are you laughing?"

Yeluren suppressed his smile first, and said to the king: "The Immortal Wang probably underestimated this Ambassador Li." [

"How do you say that?" Wang Pang couldn't help asking.

Yeluren first said unhurriedly: "Ambassador Li is the king of Goryeo West, and he commands five of the twelve prefectures of Goryeo. He is in charge of [-] soldiers and horses in Goryeo. Cross borders. Such an important Ambassador Li can personally ask for troops from various countries on behalf of the Emperor Goryeo, so why worry about being unable to make decisions? "

I had never heard of these kings, and Li Bo only said that Li Enze was the county king when he came back, so he took a closer look at Li Enze.Seeing that this person seemed to have no idea and looked like a wimp, he thought carefully about the birthday party of the Empress Dowager of Liao at that time, and he didn't carry out the plans he had made one by one.And it seems that there is no deviation from the plan, which is enough to show that there are some things that Li Enze can decide.

Li Enze also looked at Yelu Renxian. This Liao native knew his background so clearly. He didn't know what else he knew.Yeluren first went on to say: "Li Junwang only has soldiers, so he may not be able to do what he says. The key lies in your Goryeo emperor. As far as I know, the current King Wenzong of Goryeo is fully assisted by Li Junwang and his son. When Wenzong ascended the throne The father of the young Junwang Li is a minister who assists the emperor, and now Ambassador Li Mengyin is the county king, and he can also handle military affairs on behalf of the monarch. I am not wrong about this."

Yelu Hongji squinted at Li Enze, but he didn't expect that this unattractive Korean ambassador was actually a powerful faction.Seeing that Yelu Renxian knew the current situation of himself and Goryeo very well, Li Enze sighed and said: "Prime Minister Renxian is indeed right, but now, Emperor Wenzong of Goryeo can handle major affairs alone, the reason why I ask for soldiers everywhere is nothing more than loyalty. Solve the emperor's urgent needs."

Seeing that Yeluren asked so many questions first, King Xiao Ying also heard some clues. He is a straightforward person. Seeing that Li Enxi was still explaining, he snorted and said, "I don't understand. Since Ambassador Li has so many soldiers Ma, why don't you go to Tokyo to relieve the siege, instead borrow troops everywhere?"

"This, this soldier was ordered by the ancestors to guard the Great Wall built between the south of Xianxing and the north of Yongxing, and build the three passes of Dingzhou (now Dingping, South Hamgyong Province, North Korea), Xuande, and Yuanxing. Therefore, I also You can't make decisions on your own and go east..." Li Enze explained in a bit of embarrassment, but halfway through the words, he also felt that something was wrong.

Wang listened and understood, and he said to Yelu Hongji: "Your Majesty, the Koreans are very interesting. In order to defend the Liao Kingdom, they used this line of the Great Wall and the three passes as the boundary between Liao and the northeast of Koryo. Guard the border and use heavy troops to defend against the Liao Dynasty. But the coast was beaten back by the Japanese slave kingdom. This is what it means to be afraid of wolves and tigers!"

Everyone laughed when they heard this, even the queen Xiao Guanyin, who had been sitting upright, couldn't help laughing with her head down.Yelu Hongji was really amused by Goryeo's actions. He rubbed his belly and said with a smile: "I said you Goryeo people are really a stick. What's the use, doesn't that mean that the border between the Liao Kingdom and the Wonu Kingdom was built in advance? Haha. The family is gone, and the border is still guarding."

Wang Pang now understands that the descendants of love always say that Goryeo is a stick, but it is actually a misrepresentation. This is actually from the mouth of Liao Emperor Yelu Hongji, saying that the Goryeo is a stick.

Although it was a joke, the behavior of the Koreans was indeed ridiculous. Everyone was laughing, but Wang Pang didn't laugh. He kept staring at Li Enze, and told Wang Pang intuitively that there must be other reasons why Li Enze didn't move his soldiers.

After everyone laughed, Wang Pang asked Li Enze: "Ambassador Li, I have a question. If you can answer that, I will explain the solution to the problem of grain and grass." Seeing Wang Pang's serious question, Li Enze nodded. head.

Wang Pang pondered for a moment, then looked up at Li Enze and asked, "Ambassador Li, if you tell the truth, can you protect yourself by not using troops?"

Hearing Wang Pang's question, Li Enze gasped. Wang Pang stared at him with a pair of eyes. He was young, his eyes were like lightning, and his piercing eyes were sharp, as if looking directly into people's hearts.He said in a heartbeat: "Wang Shilang has a way to solve the problem of food and grass, so let's just talk about it."

Wang Pang knew that there was no need to ask any more questions. Smart people are like this. You don’t need to get to the bottom of things. You will know what you need to know. Wang Pang nodded: “Ambassador Li, I just asked you. I don’t know. But if the ambassador can do the solution I mentioned, it will only benefit you and not harm you.”

Wang Pang focused everyone's attention with just a few words. Seeing Li Enxi nodded, Wang Pang said slowly: "Ambassador Li, since the Liao Emperor helped Korea, you can't help it in vain! You are not without food. Don’t have any money? The Liao Kingdom can lend you grain and money, and my king can lend you money. However, there must be a certificate.”

"Oh? Immortal Wang, please tell me in detail, how can I help the Liao Kingdom in vain?" Yelu Hongji looked at Wang and asked.

Wang Pang followed his train of thought: "Ambassador Li, since you are talking about borrowing, you will be able to repay the borrowed money, and there is a profit for private borrowing, let alone between countries."

Li Enze didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Wang's gourd. He said, "Since it's borrowing money, of course I have to give it a profit. But how much is the loan, how much is the profit, and how long can it be borrowed? Wang Shilang will always give it to someone." Accurate.”[

There was the sound of crows and sparrows in the hall, and everyone looked at Wang Pang, as if what Wang Pang said could determine the fate of Goryeo.

"Ambassador Li is not a fool. How much should you borrow? It depends on how much food, grass, and military equipment you need to fight the Japanese slave country. How much profit and how long should you borrow? Let's limit it to one year. I will give you [-]% of the interest in Korea. By the end of the second year, you can repay as much as you can, and if you can’t repay, you can re-establish an IOU with interest and borrow it again."

Yeluren was the first to understand. He saw Yelu Hongji frowning, seeming to understand, so he asked Wang Pang, "Wang Shilang, can you understand what you said? Count me as Liao Kingdom Three." When thousands of soldiers arrive in Goryeo, how much grain, grass, and silver taels does Goryeo need to pay? If it is necessary to send troops this time to convert the silver taels into 1000 taels of silver, then my Liao Kingdom will lend Goryeo 1000 taels of silver to purchase grain, grass, and military equipment. After a year, he will Return me one thousand and one hundred taels of silver from the Liao Kingdom? "

Li Enxi frowned and looked at Wang Pang: "It is acceptable to lend some interest on the loan, and the interest is not very high. It's just that the interest rate has been rolling for a long time, so the more you owe, the more you owe?"

Wang Pang shook his head: "Hey, what are you afraid of? At the end of the year, he will use the IOU to pay you back. You can't pay back as much as you want. The new certificate will be replaced by the certificate, and the one that is not replaced will be void. Shouldn't the full amount of the money be reported?"

Xiao Ying seemed to be making money when he heard this matter, he rubbed his beard on his cheeks and asked: "Then what if Gao Li refuses to pay back the debt?"

Wang Pang looked at the crowd: "Gaoli borrowed silver, and there was always some mortgage. I think the boundary of the three gates is good. First, the mortgage certificate is issued. If the loan is owed to a certain extent with the principal and interest, then one gate will be surrendered." "Ambassador Li, what do you think?"

Li Enze is angry and funny now, why is this Song countryman full of strange ideas, if you say it won't work, it seems feasible; if you say it will work, it seems not so practical.He looked at the crowd, Yelu Hongji was looking at himself with narrowed eyes, as if he looked down on Goryeo for not being able to repay the loan, Li Enze said: "It is not unreasonable to borrow money with things as collateral, but the certificate of borrowing money is not unreasonable." What to do with it?"

This is the point. Goryeo can borrow money first, but how much should be repaid, and how?

Wang Pang blinked his eyes and said: "Let's calculate with grain. You Korea calculates how much grain you need and issues a "grain stamp". The vouchers are made for every ten stones and every hundred stones. Let's call him 'grain stamps'." '. Let's convert it according to the six hundred Wen Song Dynasty copper coins per stone grain, and each stone grain is one tael of silver.

These 100 Liao troops have 100 million shi of food a year, which is enough.You borrow 100 million shi of grain and grass from Liao, and Daliao will give you 100 million taels of silver in exchange for [-] million shi of grain and grass.When the Liao army arrives in Koryo, they will exchange these food stamps for your Koryo's food.Two months later, if the Liao army did not withdraw from Korea after the end of the war, then they would have no follow-up food when they ran out of food stamps.In this way, Ambassador Li doesn't have to worry about the Liao army not withdrawing troops, right? ! "

Wang Bang turned his head to look at Yelu Hongji: "Your Majesty, if the Dingzhou, Xuande, and Yuanxing passes in Goryeo are worth 100 million taels each, is this feasible?!"

Yelu Hongji pondered in his heart: If he passed every level of the Great Wall with real swords and guns, the military expenditure of 100 million taels might not be enough.But all the money was exchanged for the food stamps that Wang Pang said, and they were all consumed in Korea, so there was no benefit. Wouldn't it be the big cake rolls and fingers to eat by themselves?

Now that the matter has come to an end, Wang Pang knows that Li Enze can't help it anymore. Since he can persuade Liao Emperor Yelu Hongji to lend troops to Goryeo, he can persuade Yelu Hongji to lend Goryeo another loan.Wang Pang will definitely not let Yelu Hongji send troops in vain, everyone is really kind, not to mention that he himself wants to make a lot of money.Goryeo's money is worthless if you don't make it!

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