Wang Bang was amused by Lu Shenyan's words, and it's not like his house is going to shop early, this Mr. Su really thinks about it.

Lu Shenyan went on to say: "You can only laugh. Mr. Su said that when you were not at the house, the breakfast was not as exquisite as when you were there, and asked when you would return to the house. Let me see, tomorrow is breakfast time. The son will come."

Wang listened and laughed, this "Mr. Su" is really an interesting person. "Okay, tomorrow let the family prepare high soup wontons. Treat this breakfast Su"

Lu Shenyan replied, "Yes, then I'll let the cook go to serve soup." He laughed a few times: "By the way, my lord, some of the people who came here these days still gave you gifts. Since Emperor Beng Xin came to the throne, there have been very few people coming to the mansion to give gifts. After the accident in Jinxiang Mansion, the gates of the mansion were rarely opened, and it was rare for someone to visit you to give gifts. More people came to visit you to give you gifts in the past two days , Could it be that there is some news outside that the young master is going to be promoted again?"

"Who gave gifts?" Wang heard that someone gave gifts, and he was not interested in what kind of gifts they gave, the key was who gave them gifts. [

"I see that there are Liao people, Xixia people, Korean people and Japanese slave people in the name post, as well as people from the guild, and by the way, there are also some officials from other provinces who came to Beijing to work." Lu Shenyan said.

It is not surprising that people from Liao Kingdom Xixia and Koryo Wonu Kingdom gave gifts. People in guilds can give gifts of any size. After all, there is Zhang Yi’s relationship, but it is interesting to have officials give gifts: "Where are the officials? Are there any?" From Jincheng?"

Lu Shenyan nodded and said: "I was just about to tell you about this. The new county magistrate of Jincheng came here yesterday and said he wanted to see you. This person is quite familiar with you. Do you remember when Yunxuan first opened? Have you ever entertained a man named Wang Yansou?"

"Of course I remember that back then, the township examination, the provincial examination, and the imperial court examination all won three grades in the first round. He and I met in Jincheng." Wang Pang was very happy to hear the name of the old man.

Lu Shenyan said: "He is now the county magistrate of Jincheng. This time he came to Beijing because he was called to Beijing urgently. I heard that he came to look for you just after he arrived in Beijing yesterday."

good!This Wang Yansou knows the affairs of Jincheng very well, presumably he will be able to speak for Cheng Hao with his performance!Then taking back Jinxiang Mansion would give him more chances to win.

Wang Pang's test was not wrong. This time Wang Yansou came to Beijing saying that he was petitioning for the people, and he also brought the merits of Wang Pang's work in Jincheng.Ouyang Xiu impeached Qin Minzhi at court, Li Shen, the magistrate of Kaifeng prefecture, stated the difficulty of buying coal for the common people, and even three envoys submitted Qin Minzhi's empty report to Yingzong for confiscating the accounts.

Yingzong scolded in his heart, this trash, let him go to check on the king, but he got himself into a show.Wanting to suppress this matter, the Prime Minister Zeng Gongliang and Han Qi said: "The Holy Majesty wants to solve the long-standing financial problems, but he has made mistakes and hastily employed people carelessly, resulting in troubles instead of getting rid of the long-standing problems. Renzong's old laws must not be messed up." Change, please think twice. Severe punishment for corrupt people is also one of the best ways to eradicate long-standing evils."

There is a reason for what he said. When Song Yingzong was newly enthroned, he wanted to reform the finances and so he consulted the opinions of the ministers, but these veteran ministers all pretended to be deaf and dumb, and no one paid attention to it.Yingzong adopted Sima Guang's suggestion. His original intention was good. He wanted to punish the local officials and businessmen for colluding to sell the land cheaply. However, he chose the wrong person and should not choose the king.He sent someone to do things even more wrongly, and he sent Qin Minzhi who was eager for quick success and quick profit, and ungrateful for profit.

Yingzong felt angry after being dumb, so he summoned the county magistrate of Jincheng to ask again.He didn't know that Wang Yansou used to give lectures in Jincheng, and he was a teacher in the school that Wang Bang sponsored in Jincheng. Others don't know the situation in Jincheng, so how could Wang Yansou not know.What's more, Wang Yansou personally went to Jinxiang Mansion, and told Qin Minzhi to deduct workers' salaries severely, disregarding workers' safety, and reported all the accidents in the mine that killed and injured people.

The officials above the court listened, and scolded Qin Minzhi one by one in their hearts. Wang Yansou also said that now all the coal yards in Jincheng have stopped working, and the people in Jincheng are struggling to make a living. To do coal mining in the mine.If this matter is forcibly pulled by the government, it will go against the foundation of the Song Dynasty, which is peaceful and peaceful.

How could things have become so big? Yingzong heard that even though it was cold winter, he felt his forehead sweating while sitting on top of the hall, especially that it was the first time he had heard that coal mining killed people.Prime Minister Zeng Gongliang saw Yingzong's embarrassment and felt that the heat was almost ready, so he asked Wang Yansou: "The county magistrate Wang has been in Jincheng for a while, but has he ever found out that Wang Pang and the previous county magistrate have bribed and accepted bribes?"

Wang Yansou replied truthfully: "My minister brought an account, which is the transaction between Wang Shilang and the magistrate of Cheng County." Then he said: "These accounts are all used to subsidize schools and sponsor local candidates to travel to Beijing for the exam. Wang Shilang and Cheng County Magistrate engaged in bribery and bribery, but Wang Shilang's Jinxiang Mansion funded the expansion of Jincheng. A matter of merit."

After hearing this, Yingzong became more and more embarrassed. Seeing that Wang Yansou presented the accounts, it was true.Not knowing how to deal with it, Sima Guang stepped forward and said: "The sage takes care of everything every day, and it is inevitable that he will be deceived by the villain's slander. I think this matter is all done by Qin Minzhi. It is better for the sage to depose the capital and anger the people."

It was still Sima Guang who was considerate and helped Yingzong and himself find a scapegoat at once; this is the same as Yingzong offended the empress dowager but finally beheaded the eunuch Wang Yaochen.

Mr. Zeng nodded brightly: "What Sima Hanlin said is very true, the Holy Majesty is sure to be so wise, and Kuang Shengshang wants to be sympathetic to the people and reuse good ministers and sages.

This Gao was erected by Yingzong at once, and Song Yingzong immediately issued an order to remove Qin Minzhi from his official position and expelled him from Beijing.Yingzong issued a decree to summon Wang Pang into the palace, no matter what, Wang Pang is also a hero, not to mention suffering from this injustice, the king of Song Yingzong's country must always show some generosity.

Wang Pang didn't know for the time being, he was thinking about how to make wontons.

Is it such a non-trivial thing to make a wonton?If it is now, it is not troublesome to make wontons, but it is different in the Song Dynasty, because there are already wontons in the Song Dynasty, not only wontons, but also rich families seek to win with surprises. A bowl of wontons has dozens of different fillings, and it is called Baiwei wontons.So Wang Pang had to do something different. [

Wang Pang ordered people to use the water of blanched vegetables to make green noodles, and then chopped carrots to squeeze out the juice to make red and yellow noodles. Use the two colors of noodles to make skins separately to make two-color wontons.The cook tried Wang Pang's method, and sure enough, the wontons he made were different.

Lu Shenyan came to ask Wang Pang, and said with a smile: "Last time you said that the preserved egg was laid by a god duck, let's see what you say this time."

Wang Pang said with a smile: "If he still comes tomorrow, let's not talk about just breakfast!"

Wang Pang gave Lu Shenyan an OK sign, and said concisely, "It's done!"

Wang Pang got up and changed clothes to enter the palace, but Lu Shenyan was pondering over there, gestured three times, said it was done, what does this mean, he couldn't figure it out, anyway, returning to the capital from Wang Pang this time, it was like a different person.

When Yingzong saw Wang Pang, there were two prime ministers present, and he had to say some official words. Wang Pang felt more disgusted with Yingzong than hated him. Xin and Yingzong deal with each other.In the end, let’s get back to the topic, that is, we already know that Jinxiang Mansion was not bought by Wang Pang with bribes and low prices, so it should be returned.However, the former Emperor Renzong bestowed the land on Wang Pang, who was an official in Beijing at that time, and the land was given to raise horses.Now that Wang Pang has decided to resign, is he willing to concentrate on raising horses?

Song Yingzong seemed to want to stay, but in fact he knew that Wang Pang wanted to be in the officialdom, and Wang Pang didn't want to get a horse to tie him down. What's more, Wang Pang knew that the horse administration in Song Dynasty was not fully open. Yingzong Zhao Shu would never allow a private racecourse to operate.

Jinxiang Mansion and surrounding lands are still owned by Wang Pang, and Wang Pang is willing to return the land bestowed by the former emperor as a token of his heart.The monarch and his ministers were very happy, and Wang Pang was even appointed to secretly investigate the loss of the lost volume of "Wu Jing Zong Yao". For this reason, the imperial court specially gave Wang Pang 500 taels of silver as funds.

Wang Pang understood that this was Zeng Gongliang's idea, and it was in line with Song Yingzong's idea, so he sent himself away.But it can be regarded as being right in his arms, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and the king is more happy to be at ease.

The affairs of Jinxiang Mansion came to an end, and Wang Pang officially resigned from his post. When he returned to the mansion, he passed the Jinxiu Tower and it was dinner time.Standing on the street, you can see the bright lights on the second and third floors, so you know it must be full of guests; when you enter Jinxiu Tower, Cui Fu is greeting the guests with a grin.Xiao Er was busy running around.The lobby on the first floor is also empty.There are several chairs on the open space between the counters after entering the door. There are people sitting on the chairs, and some standing at the door.

Seeing Wang Pang coming in, Cui Fu hurried over to wipe his sweat and said, "Look, my lord, these guests are all waiting to be seated, and they all come here to eat hot pot in this cold weather, I really didn't expect this hot pot to be so popular. "

"Hehe, old shopkeeper, look at your busy head, don't catch a cold! Later, I will arrange some people from the house to help!" Wang Pang said, feeling that the whole lobby was extraordinarily warm with dozens of pots. "

"That's right, you see, the guests are all here for the warmth." The old shopkeeper said with a smile.

"Do you know what this is called? We are beaming and warm~"

The old shopkeeper clapped his hands and beat the time, imitating Wang Pang, and Wang Pang laughed out loud with his "joyful and warm" look.

Wang Pang left the Jinxiu Building and returned to Mayer's Mansion. Now that several things have been arranged and implemented, the only thing missing is this mansion.If Su Xiao doesn't come tomorrow, let it go. If he comes, the two-color wonton will take care of him and let him buy the Meyer Mansion without hesitation.

The five-hundred-mile gold king is determined, because he is going to Guangnan. Wang Pang still remembers that when his master Zhang Yi advised him to treat Nong Jifeng kindly, he even mentioned that Guangnan is rich in resources, especially gold. mine.This is a treasure, if you take this opportunity to go south to dig gold, it will be so high that the emperor is far away, and Yingzong can't control him even if he wants to control him.What's more, in such a place, how can intercourse be allowed to watch!

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