Zhao Zongshi had seen the impeachment of Di Qing, and it was difficult to convince Renzong with evidence. Once this matter was shelved, the efforts during this period would be in vain.It was the king who caused trouble several times. This fourteen-year-old child spoiled his big affairs at a young age, and he must not be a tiger.

Some people agree with Zhao Zongshi's words, some people are puzzled, and of course some people can hear the taste in it.Wang Pang understood that Zhao Zongshi's words were aimed at himself.He repeatedly thought about why Zhao Zongshi did this. In history, Yingzong succeeded to the throne normally.In particular, he couldn't understand why Yingzong wanted to frame Di Qing.

When everyone was hesitating, Wang Anshi stood up and said: "My lord: I have a few words to say about the unknown matter. It is obvious to all that Mr. Di Qing was planted. The missing person in Kaifeng Mansion happened just yesterday. If the lord did not call Wang to attend yesterday, Chrysanthemum banquet, naturally there is no canonization; Lord Di Qing's mansion and near the minister's mansion caught fire, not to mention unknown, if it wasn't for Juzi being deposed by the sage, how could he set fire to the shop? If Lord Di's mansion really lived in the murderous demon Zhu Wen It should have been burned long ago, and it is a good thing to burn, not to mention that the mansion where the minister lived was arranged by the court, when it was arranged for Mr. Di Qing to live, didn’t you know that Zhu Wen lived there?"

Before Renzong could speak, Zhao Zongshi said, "Lord Wang, are you blaming the Holy One for your words?"

Wang Anshi shook his head and said: "I dare not blame the sage, how can the sage take it seriously for a coincidence, and want to punish him, how can he say it?"

When Wang Yaochen saw that things had turned around, he turned his attention to the king, and when he saw Wang Anshi say this, he said: "Don't you know, Mr. Wang Anshi, that the first half of the sentence of "If you want to commit a crime?" is exactly: "There is no waste. How can you be happy?'”

Wang Anshi said: "Your Majesty Wang Yaochen, as the deputy envoy of the Privy Council, doesn't ask about the frontiers or about leading troops in battle. Is it an auspicious sign for the imperial court to argue all day long?"

Wang Yaochen was choked there.Wang Anshi said to Renzong: "My minister asks for an order: resign from the post of group pastor and return to the hometown with my son, and hope for the permission of the Holy One."

Anyone who knows Wang Anshi knows that Wang Anshi broke out, and the reputation of this dude is not for nothing.Renzong also frowned slightly. The six imperial edicts summoned the ministers in the capital to serve as officials. He has always done a good job as a shepherd envoy, and his work is well organized. There is nothing to say about his ability.

Renzong wanted to suppress the matter at this point and said: "What Mr. Wang said is also reasonable, and many things are coincidences.".

But I heard someone from the court say, "These things can be coincidences, but how can the twins be a coincidence?"

Wang Anshi also heard him say: "I was born in my parents, I would like to resign from office, and return to my hometown with my son, hoping for the permission of the Holy One!" This is still the same sentence, please resign.Renzong thought to himself: This Wang Anshi is here again, no matter what he says, he will definitely resign later.Seeing Wang Pang shaking his head, Renzong asked, "Wang Pang, what do you have to say?"

Zhao Anshi stopped him and said: "Father, don't listen to this child anymore. Wang Pang is eloquent, don't be fooled by him anymore."

Renzong was also skeptical at the moment. He looked at the king who was staying in the hall. He was not yet an adult. Although he was precocious, he was still underage.But what the ministers said made sense.Renzong was in trouble.

Bao Zheng asked suddenly: "My lord, there is one thing I don't understand. What is the relationship between this adoptive father and adopted son?"

Zhao Zongshi was taken aback when he heard this, could it be that Bao Zheng found something?Renzong and himself are in the relationship of adoptive father and son, so he said: "Master Bao is confused, adoptive father is like his own father."

Seeing that Renzong also nodded, Bao Zheng said to Zhao Zongshi, "It's not that I'm confused, it's Mr. Zhao who is confused."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, Bao Zheng said: "I once held a family banquet on August [-]th, and I recognized an adopted son, Wang Pang. Mr. Zhao also attended the banquet at that time, have you forgotten?"

Zhao Zongshi said: "Of course I never forget."

Bao Zheng said: "Even if the time of Wang Pang's birth is wrong, but he is already my son, can this not be counted? If it is counted, it will break the unknown theory. There is still a saying in the common people's family. Also happy"

Mr. Zhao really thought that this Bao Zheng would be able to stir things up. Bao Zheng and Zhao Zongshi looked at each other. Zhao Zongshi immediately understood that if he said that it didn't count, then the emperor's identity as the adopted son would naturally not be recognized. Without this hat, Wang Yaochen will confess himself soon.He said: "Adopting a father and son to give birth to a father and son, that's true, but I remember Mr. Bao said that he recognized the adopted son. There seems to be a difference in the literal meaning."

Bao Zheng smiled and said: "Of course it wasn't Mr. Zhao who went there. Lord Ouyang Xiu was also present. What the old man said was that he recognized the first son, the king, but not the second son. The only son is regarded as his own."

Renzong turned to look at Ouyang Xiu, who nodded.Looking at the king again, his lips were tightly closed at this time, his eyes were moist, and he stood there suffocating as if he had something to say.So he asked again: "What do you have to say next to the king?"

It was the first time Wang Pang saw Wang Anshi being so obstinate, he was already moved, and seeing Bao Zheng say this again, he was even more excited.Wang Pang said with a choked voice: "Although I am young, I know the ways of the world. Master Di is a hero in my heart. He fights for the country and he should worship him. But it cannot be compared with worshiping the Holy One." [

He went on to say, "The emperor ruled the country with benevolence and virtue. Not only did he not kill ministers, but he was also tolerant to the common people. When encountering difficult cases, he tried to punish them as lightly as possible. I once heard that there was a story among the people: Su Zhe took part in the Jinshi examination and wrote in the examination paper Said: "I heard people say on the road that in the palace, there are thousands of beauties. They sing, dance and drink all day long. The emperor doesn't care about the sufferings of the common people, and he doesn't discuss with the ministers about how to govern the country." The examiners Thinking that Su Zhe was innocent and maliciously slandering, the emperor said: "The establishment of the imperial examination was originally intended to welcome people who dare to speak out. Su Zhe is a small official who dares to speak so bluntly, and he should be given special fame." "

Everyone nodded, and Wang Pang went on to say, "There is one more thing. There is a scholar in Sichuan who dedicated a poem to the prefect of Chengdu, advocating 'burn down the Broken Sword Gate, and Chengdu will be a different world'. The prefect of Chengdu thinks this is a blatant incitement to rebellion. , tied him up and sent him to the capital. The emperor said: "This is an old scholar who is eager to become an official. He wrote a poem to vent his anger. How can he be punished? Why don't you give him an official?" So he was appointed as a secretary to join the army. The emperor said so, How can a courtier be disobedient? His Majesty Di Qing must have been framed by others, and the Holy Majesty will definitely find out the truth. Since ancient times, only I, the present Majesty of the Great Song Dynasty, can be a benevolent emperor."

The sincerity of what Wang Pang said, everyone was not moved by it, and Renzong was even more amazed. Seeing that everyone was quiet, Renzong said, "You don't know something: twins: one breast and two sons, as mentioned in "Warring States Policy" : Only the mother knows the resemblance between a husband and twins; only the wise know the resemblance of interests. In today’s dukedom, the resemblance of interests is just like the resemblance of twins. Doing it according to the way, the master will respect himself If you don’t know the way, you will be humble and your body will be in danger. It can be seen that the birthday is not a problem, but whether you can get the way and use it.”

All the ministers said in unison: "The emperor declares."

The views were unified, and Renzong continued to say, "Now Xixia and Liao Kingdom are all adjacent to our country, not to mention Liao Kingdom and Tupan tribes, but Xixia has always been determined to attack my Great Song Dynasty. Everyone think about dealing with Li Yuanhao At that time, how many generals did we lose him by just using alienation tactics?" Renzong sighed. "Whether Di Qing was framed will continue to be handed over to Kaifeng Mansion for investigation."

Everyone who walked out of the main hall was very heavy hearted, and no one benefited from this court battle.But is this really the end of the matter?

In the next few days, Wang Pang felt depressed, and Liang Yuexia seemed to have evaporated from the world, and no news could be found.The only surprise is that he always accidentally knows something that he didn't know before, but it's just an accidental inspiration. He thinks it has something to do with his black crystal stone.But he couldn't find the point, not to mention that all the things he knew by accident had happened.

Di Qing fell ill, very ill.Probably because of being angry and aggrieved and missing my daughter.Wang Pang went to Di's mansion to visit, and the servants were busy repairing the burnt courtyard. When they saw that it was Wang Pang, he was allowed to come and go freely without notifying him.

Wang Pang walked to Di Qing's room, there were people talking inside, Wang Pang didn't want to eavesdrop, but he heard Master Bao's voice, everyone pay attention.I vaguely heard Bao Zheng talking about Xi Xia and Zhao Zongshi, and said: "It seems that Master Di and I think the same. It is rare that Master Di considers the overall situation. When he declares the matter of adopting father and son, it can be regarded as a tacit agreement."

Then I heard Di Qing's weak voice say: "Please leave the little girl to Master Bao."

Bao Zheng replied: "After all, there was a misunderstanding by the old man back then. However, if you find Yuexia, Lord Di must not recognize each other. Now that the ministers are impeaching good and bad things, if you know that Sir, there is still a mind-reading person." Daughter. It will be more troublesome."

Wang Pang knocked on the door, heard the door let him in, opened the door, and saw Bao Zheng sitting on the stool next to the bed, and Di Qing lying on the bed, with a thin face and sunken eye sockets.It's only been a few days since I saw him, a man of strong bones turned into such a morbid state.Wang Pang looked distressed, so he sat down beside the bed and asked, "Master Di is so seriously ill, I wonder if he has invited a famous doctor? Shen Kuo has the "Good Prescription" and it would be great if he is here."

Di Qing sighed, and Bao Zheng said: "Heart disease still needs heart medicine, besides, you have to find Liang Yuexia as soon as possible."

Wang Pang agreed, seeing Di Qing take off the jade pendant from his body, put it in Wang Pang's hand and said: "Look carefully, can Yue Xia wear the same kind of jade?"

Wang Pang took it over. The jade was clean and flawless, shaped like a fan, with a convex edge on one side and a groove on the other, just like the one under the moon. He took a closer look and found that one side of the jade was smooth, and there was a "Wu" on the other side. "Character.

Wang Pang asked: "Jade is exactly the same, but I don't know the word, should it be "wen" under the moon?"

Di Qing shook his head and said: "The piece of jade under the moon has the word "解" behind it." Wang Pang thought for a while, and the word "武" and "解" couldn't be connected together.

Di Qing said in a weak voice: "This jade is a family heirloom, but the ancestors have taught us to find someone who also has the same jade to marry." Wang Pang understood why Liang Yuexia also had such a piece, it should be passed down from his mother her.He handed the jade to Di Qing, but Di Qing waved his hand and said, "Today, in front of your adoptive father, Mr. Bao, I will give you the jade as a gift, and you must keep it safe." Wang Pang understood a little when he heard this, and wanted to resign There is no reason, seeing Di Qingbing like this again, he looked at Bao Zheng, Bao Zheng nodded and said: "Take it, I will talk to your father."

Holding the jade beside Wang, he thanked Di Qing, but seeing Di Qing didn't say anything further, his face was tired.He was about to say goodbye with Bao Zheng, and was about to leave when his family came to report, and Master Ouyang Xiu brought the imperial doctor to visit Di Qing.

Why did Lord Ouyang Xiu bring the imperial doctor here?Could it be that the emperor didn't believe that Di Qing was ill, and thought that Di Qing deliberately claimed that he was ill, so that he would not go to court in anger?

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