In the afternoon of the next day, in the meeting hall of the Prince's Mansion, six people sat facing each other on the seats on the east and west sides. The oldest of these people was five or sixty years old, and the youngest was in his thirties.Shi Zhaoxi led Wang Pang in from the outside, and these people got up and said hello: "Director Shi..." Shi Zhaoxi nodded slightly: "Everyone is the shogunate counselor of the county prince's mansion. He is a person full of economics and talents, today I bring a person..." He said as he moved to the side, letting out Wang Pang behind him: "This young man of Wang Pang used to be the third-rank servant of the court, and now he specially You came from the capital to go to the county king, you must greet the prince well, if you neglect, I am afraid that everyone's seats will be moved."

Everyone here already knows the reason why the county king invited everyone here today, and the name of Wang Pang. These people have heard of the name of the king, but suddenly a stranger came and pressed on his head, and he was somewhat unconvinced.See Shi Zhaoxi sideways to let out a young man: this man looks only about 20 years old, wearing a square scarf on his head, a white robe embroidered with green patterns on his body, and a silver belt embroidered with green patterns around his waist. Holding a folding fan, he bowed his hands to everyone with a half-smile.Suddenly there were whispers in the hall: "This is Wang Pang?" "Is he so young?"

Shi Zhaoxi coughed hard twice, who are these people, they are in a mess before the competition.Everyone heard his cough and fell silent, and then Shi Zhaoxi said to everyone in a weird way: "Misters, don't underestimate Mr. Wang. Last night, Mr. Wang went to the academy to review again. This is well prepared.”

Everyone laughed "coaxingly" after hearing this, it was too big a statement, even if you read ten lines at a glance, you can't review a few books in one night.A counselor sitting in the middle seat on the east side laughed the loudest, pointing at the king while laughing: "This prince is really hardworking. I heard that prince studied "Shuang Zhuan" and "Qiu Beard" hard last night. "Guest Biography"? I don't know, is the prince coming to the county palace to be a counselor, or to seek marriage?!" Everyone laughed at this sentence, Shi Zhaoxi also covered his mouth and laughed.

Wang Pang also laughed, and he laughed even louder, Shi Zhaoxi asked back: "Hehe, Mr. Wang also thinks it's funny?"

"No, no, I see everyone laughing so happily, and I am also happy! Everyone is really good! Hahaha"

This silly boy, I really don't know how he became a third-rank servant, several counselors shook their heads.Shi Zhaoxi pointed to the seat at the end and said to the king: "That's it, then please sit down first, Mr. Wang."

"Sit here?" Wang Bang pointed to the chair. "Why not? Prince Wang sits with me? If you sit with me, I can also have leisure time to read unofficial stories and review "Taiping Guangji"." It was the same person who spoke, and his words aroused There was a burst of laughter.Wang Pang hurriedly waved his hands: "No hurry, no hurry! Dear friend, please sit down for a while, and move your seat together when you turn around!"

Good boy, killing a boatload of people with one pole, isn't your behavior arousing the anger of the crowd? !Shi Zhaoxi looked at everyone's faces, all kinds of disdain and contempt, and Wang Pang was ignored.Just as he was smiling, he heard the guard outside the door shouting: "The king is here!" Zhao Zongmian, the king of the county, strode into the meeting hall: "Haha, gentlemen, please sit down. Laughter, it seems that everyone is chatting very speculatively!"

Shi Zhaoxi hurriedly said: "Just now I introduced you to the gentlemen. The competition has not started yet, and I am waiting for you to come, my lord!"

"The king is already here, so let's start? What are you waiting for? Who will come first?" The county king looked impatient, and he looked at the six people sitting in the seats before the exam.A counselor at the last seat on the west side said: "My lord, all the gentlemen here have followed the county king for many years, and they are ashamed to be inferior to them in late life. Is this true?" Wang Pang nodded: "Well, it's absolutely true!" The people present couldn't help laughing, and the county king couldn't help frowning slightly.

The man shook his head and said: "The prince claims to have read all the books in the world, but he doesn't even have a reputation. How did he read this book?" There was a little sarcasm in his words. People still laugh again.But Wang Pang said unhurriedly: "My book is self-study and self-taught. Reading is to know the world's affairs. The book is for yourself. The king's way is to apply what you learn. I said to the Taizu Zeng that the prime minister Need to use scholars', Taizu did not say that the prime minister needs Jinshi. Could it be that what Taizu said is also wrong?"

"Young Master Wang's words seem to make some sense... But all the prime ministers are Jinshi." "Really?" The man who asked next to Wang scratched his head.

Wang Pang said with a smile: "The scientific examination system began with Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, but it was his son Yang Guang, Emperor Yang of Sui, who formed the system. After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the scientific examination system was perfected, and it was not until the Song Dynasty that it became a custom. Yin; Jiang Shang, Guan Zhong, Su Qin of the Zhou Dynasty; Lu Buwei and Li Si of the Qin Dynasty; Xiao He of the Han Dynasty and Zhuge Liang of the Shu Kingdom. Which one of these people is a Jinshi? This is clearly a misinterpretation of the legacy of the Taizu by later generations, and he was also a counselor of the Taizu at the beginning In the shogunate, Prime Minister Zhao Pu assisted the Taizu to establish a foundation, is Zhao Pu a Jinshi?"

"This..." Not only did the questioner hesitate, but all the counselors present also looked at each other in blank dismay, is it Zhao Pu?Really not Jinshi.But no one dared to say it, wouldn't it mean that the king won the first round?You don't say it?I said!Wang Pang straightened his waist, completely different from the way he was joking with everyone just now, and said with a serious face: "Misters, as the counselors of the county king, can't make contributions to the Taizu like Prime Minister Zhao Pu, and use the etiquette and scientific examination system to teach What background?! Prime Minister Zhao Pu has been prime minister for three times, although he is not a Jinshi, he has published half of the Analects of Confucius, who dare to say that Zhao Pu is not a scholar?"

"Okay!" The king of the county took the lead in applauding, Wang Pang's words were in his heart, he was thinking of wearing a yellow robe, and of course he hoped that there would be someone like Zhao Pu who could assist him in his success.He yelled good and others dared not stop yelling, so the others had no choice but to hang their heads and say, "Okay, okay!"

The person who was sitting in the second seat on the east side just made fun of the king stood up and walked to the middle of the meeting hall: "My lord, even if this son compares himself to Zhao Pu, I will test him with the Analects of Confucius!" The king clicked nod.

Wang Pang thought: Good boy, you were the one who laughed at me just now!Are you still testing me now?But I heard the man say without showing off: "My lord, I am also familiar with "The Analects of Confucius". This book was written in the early Warring States period. Chapter 20 of Discourses Discussed by Disciples." He paused for a moment, looked around the room, and his colleagues and shogunate nodded in agreement. He was proud of himself, and then said: "Since the young master compares himself to Zhao Pu, let's talk about governing the country: Master said: Once Qi changes, it becomes Lu; once Lu changes, it becomes Dao. How do you understand this, my lord?"

"Oh, this question is too simple! Apparently Confucius did not agree with the state-governing strategies of the Qi and Lu countries. To govern the country to be "poor and flattering, rich and arrogant", one must emphasize both good and evil, and both civil and military. Just like the king of the county, you can It is fundamental to make good use of counselors and attach importance to military officers and generals. I have been in Shaozhou for the past few days, and seeing military officers from various prefectures in Guangnan come one after another, I know that the king of the county pays equal attention to civil and military talents. This gentleman, but for Do I have tailor-made exam questions? Thank you very much!!"

The person who asked the question saw Wang Pang's fluent answers, and the expression of "groaning" and "groaning", and sulked and said bitterly: "You are welcome!" He turned around and sat back in his seat and stopped talking.The king was elated by what the king said, and he looked at an old man sitting in the first seat: "Mr. Jiang, I think you haven't spoken for a long time, why don't you test this kid too, haha?" The king said this boy, It was a very happy tone.

That Mr. Jiang is the first shogunate of the current county prince's mansion. He smiled slightly: "Mr. Wang is indeed knowledgeable and talented. No wonder he reads "The Curly Bearded Man" to relieve boredom...Your master is so powerful in the capital, he must have read all the books in the Imperial Academy. I I would like to ask the prince to give me a book that is not available in the Wangfu Academy, of course, it’s fine to talk about unofficial history, I’m afraid I don’t have time.”

This topic is quite difficult, not only do you need to know the books of the Wangfu Academy, but you also need to know whether the Royal Academy has the Wangfu or not, but maybe others think it is difficult, but Wang Pang does not.He laughed and said: "During the first emperor's reign, Emperor Renzong ordered the prime minister to compile "Wu Jing Zong Yao". The first episode introduces ancient and modern battles, military systems, military organizations, selection of soldiers, and formations; The battles of the past dynasties and the gains and losses of soldiers. Have you ever read this book?" Mr. Jiang and everyone present gasped when they heard this. This kid has read a lot of books, not only many, but he has read all the new ones compiled by the royal family. Wang Pang knew that the book hadn't been published yet, and the county king Zhao Zongmian hurriedly said, "Oh, this book is a good book! Don't we have the academy of the county prince's mansion?"

Wang Pang smiled: "It's better for the county king to post a list to find the engraved copy of this book. It's worth collecting?"

The king of the county nodded: "Well! The king's side is good, but this is not a temporary thing. Just now, Mr. Jiang's question, I think you need another copy. Only the Wangfu Academy has it. Mr. Jiang has never read it!" He said After looking at Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang nodded with a smile. He is confident that the first shogunate of the county palace did not come for nothing. [

Wang Pang frowned and thought for a while: "This is the one I have!" He took out the "Biography of the Curly Bearded Man" from his pocket, stepped forward and handed it to Mr. Jiang himself: "Look at this..."

"Here! Do you want Mr. Jiang to read this unofficial history novel?" The county king widened his eyes.

"My lord, the bearded man saw Li Shimin's extraordinary aura, so he poured his family's wealth to support Li Jing, so that Li Shimin can achieve great achievements. This book has a mystery! Don't you think I just want to see the red-haired heroine?!"

Everyone was stunned by Wang Pang's words. Could there be any mystery in a wild history novel?This nonsense by the king is too outrageous.Seeing that everyone was skeptical, Wang Pang said: "Your Majesty, how much is your annual salary? The key to Li Shimin's success is that the bearded man's support is real money. The president of the United States must have the support of a consortium, let alone Your lord?!"

oops!Wang Bang's words are pearls, this is on point!If you want to achieve great success, how can you do it without money? Besides, who doesn't know Jinxiang Mansion, Meyer Mansion, Jinxiu Tower, Wang Pang, this kid is a great god of wealth!The king of the county immediately ordered: "Gentlemen, please stand up, and the first place is for Mr. Wang~" All the counselors and shogunate reluctantly stood up, and moved one to sit down one by one. The king of the county pointed at the first and laughed: "Mr. Wang, please Sit! What you said is great! But, where is the United States? What kind of gang do people in that country always stab?"

"Haha, the president of the United States is the emperor of the United States, and the consortium paid him behind the scenes. Could it be that the county king is also in urgent need of money?" Wang Pang asked knowingly, looking at Zhao Zongmian with a smile.

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