Lu Shenyan poured the decoction that had been grated over the dregs into a bowl, let it dry for a while, felt that it was not so hot, and brought it to Di Qing, who propped himself up on the side of the bed and sat up.He took the bowl and said, "It's fine if we don't see each other, but it's also tiring to socialize." After speaking, he drank the medicine.Judging by his appearance, he thought he was getting up.Xiao Lu hurriedly put down the bowl, picked up the cotton robe beside the bed and put it on Di Qing, and helped Di Qing walk to the table.

Wang Pang and He Libo hurriedly stood up, helped Di Qing to sit down, Di Qing looked at the chessboard and asked, "Li Bo's chess is really good, and I didn't have to ask you about your background even though I was on the way."

He Li Bo cupped his hands and said: "My lord, I am not a Han Chinese."

After saying this, everyone was shocked, and saw He Libo say: "To be honest, I am from the Liao Kingdom." King Di Qing looked at each other in blank dismay.

Xiao Lu stared wide-eyed and asked, "Boss, aren't you here to persuade Mr. Di to go to the spy of the Liao Kingdom?"

He Libo smiled bitterly and said: "I have escaped from the Liao Kingdom, how can I persuade you to go to the Liao Kingdom?" Everyone was relieved, Di Qing asked him to continue, and he said: "I am originally from the Liao Kingdom The people of a small tribe, but in recent years there have been constant tribal disputes, coupled with heavy taxes in the court, in addition to offering horses and special products every year, they are often plundered, and the women of our tribe are detained and humiliated. There are often silver medal angels who want the tribe They are accompanied by women. The men are all arrested to become strong men, and the tribe is depressed. I don’t want to go to fight for these bastards and kill each other, because when I came to the Song Dynasty, I have always heard about Master Di’s reputation, so I came to join him.”

Di Qing looked at him and said, "Okay, it's rare that you are so frank, I would rather take you by my side, but I'm afraid it will affect your future."

He Libo said: "The villain followed Master Di not for the sake of fame and fortune. He really admires Master Di. If he learns a skill, he may revitalize our clan in the future."

Di Qing nodded: "Who else is in your family?"

He Libo returned: "There are still parents and brothers at home."

Di Qing didn't ask any more questions, but He Li Bo Neng bluntly said that he was not a Han Chinese, which showed his honesty, so he stayed here for the time being and made plans later.He turned his head and said to the king: "Although Bo here is a few years older than you, but in a foreign land, you will see the truth when you are in adversity. You should take care of each other more in the future."

Wang Pang knew that Di Qing was suppressed by the imperial court and harmed by his colleagues, and his future in Chenzhou was even more uncertain.Before I came to the Song Dynasty, I also liked Di Qing, and I knew in my heart that Chenzhou was the place where Di Qing fell, so I understood his words even more.Xiao Lu stood by and watched with a smile, He Libo thanked Di Qing, turned his head to look at Xiao Lu, saw his strange smile, and asked, "Little Lu, what are you laughing at?"

Lu Shenyan said: "I said that if you are a big man, you will see that Lord Di and the young master are kind. I have a question. You say, it is very good that we have not fought with the Liao Kingdom for decades. If there is a war one day , will you fight the Liao Kingdom or help the Liao Kingdom fight us?"

"I really haven't thought about this." He Libo scratched his head, and then said: "Xiao Luzi, you really caught me, the king of Liao is stupid, and our people suffer, so we must not lead Song soldiers to fight against Liao. country, do things to subjugate the country; but you are all Song people, treat me like relatives, and I can't be ungrateful; oh, forget it! If there is a war between the two countries, then I will, I will stand on the border, Liao If you fight Song, you will fight Liao; if Song fights Liao, you will fight Song."

The three people laughed when they heard it, and it was easy to talk behind closed doors, but seeing what He Libo said was true, Xiao Lu continued: "I understand, you are trying to establish yourself as king." He Libo hurriedly said: " I don't think so, isn't this what you ran on?"

Listening to their conversation, Wang Bang thought to himself: Since ancient times, the world has been divided for a long time, and it must be divided for a long time. In the era when Wang Bang lived in his previous life, China has been unified. The territory of Song, Xixia, and Liao is smaller than that of these countries combined bigger.Small dynasty, big world, I don't feel as hostile to Liao and Xixia as the people of Song Dynasty in my heart. I can see that He Libo's character has a kind of northeastern man's arrogance.Then he said: "I am willing to be commensurate with Brother He Libo, I wonder if Brother He minds."

He Libo was overjoyed when he heard that Wang Pang was born in a famous family without the pretensions of a young master, he was young but thoughtful, seeing that he was respectful to Master Di, he had liked this man for a long time, he slapped him excitedly Pat on Wang Pang's shoulder: "Good brother. Why would I mind?"

He was very excited, Wang Pang immediately felt He Li Bo's strength, and He Li Bo's big palm was like a board.Fortunately, He Libo only used a third of his strength, and Wang Pang has also learned how to draw a bow and shoot arrows since he began to learn from Di Qing, not to mention his arm strength, but he will not be as bad as an ordinary person if he hangs his arms for several months. Resistance.Even so, Wang Pang gritted his teeth, swayed slightly, and almost didn't come out. He said in his heart that if it was slapped on Xiao Lu, Xiao Lu would fall down. No wonder He Libo grabbed Yan Zhihu's wrist that day. , the wrist rouge tiger screamed so miserable.

He Libo looked back at Xiao Lu again, and said, "From now on, you will also call me Big Brother, don't keep calling me Big, Big."

Xiao Lu smiled and said, "I'll be your big brother too. From now on, I'll call you big brother. I'm not as good at literature and martial arts as you guys. I'll be satisfied if I can follow the master and young master. However, you can't let me call you big brother for nothing. , you agreed to teach me some martial arts, just in case that tiger mother hits me, I can resist." Everyone in the room laughed.

It was snowing heavily outside, but the room was warm and pleasant. Xiao Lu picked up the medicine jar and cleaned out the medicine residue inside. There was still heat in the medicine residue, and the air was filled with the faint fragrance of Chinese herbal medicine. He Libo held his nose and smelled it vigorously. Xiao Lu asked, "What do you smell, big man?" He Libo said: "Why do you smell this medicine has a fragrance?" Everyone heard what he said, and they all smelled it carefully.

Xiao Lu picked up the bowl where Di Qing had finished drinking the medicine, and held the bowl in front of him, "Smell this, if you don't like it, there are still medicine residues." He Libo frowned.

He Libo pushed his hand away, walked to the charcoal stove, squatted down, pulled out the medicine residue with chopsticks and said, "Lord Di, have you been taking this medicine?" Wang Pang hurriedly asked, "Why, what's wrong? ?"

He Libo replied, walked up to Di Qing and said, "Master Di, forgive me for offending me, can you take off your clothes and let me have a look?"

Di Qing nodded, and He Li Bo opened his collar, and looked down, frowning even tighter.

Wang Pang and Xiao Lu also came over, Wang Pang took a breath when he saw it, and Xiao Lu was even more surprised and said: "Oh, how did this happen?"

I saw a big sore on Di Qing's back, which looked very scary.

He Libo hurriedly asked, "Where is the prescription?"

Wang Pang looked at Lu Shenyan, Xiao Lu hurriedly took out the prescription from his bosom, He Libo looked at it and said, "No wonder, there is sandalwood in this medicine."

Xiao Lu asked, "Is the sandalwood bad?"

He Libo said: "Although sandalwood is good, its nature is fire. Mr. Di's illness is acute fire attacking the heart, yin deficiency and excessive fire. This fire is adding fire, how can it be cured?"

When Wang listened to this, he said this: "Master has been taking this medicine, but it doesn't always get better." He thought it's no wonder that Di Qing didn't get better, and every time he relapsed, it got worse. Prescribed by a doctor, isn't it?Thinking of this, Wang Pang asked Di Qing: "Master, who is the minister who is in charge of the Royal Pharmacy?" Di Qing thought for a while and said: "Speaking of the enshrined in charge of the Royal Pharmacy is the eunuch Ren Shouzhong."

Wang Pang asked, "Is there any dispute between Master and this person?"

Di Qing said: "There is no holiday, but I have made friends with this person when I was in Nanping Nong Zhigao. This person is the supervisor sent by the imperial court, and we have a good relationship."

He Libo took out a pen and paper, and said as he wrote: "My lord, if you can trust me, Chinese medicine talks about the harmony of yin and yang. I have some prescriptions for nourishing yin and nourishing qi. My lord, stop the original medicine first. Take it easy and see."

Di Qing said: "Believe it or not, let Xiao Lu catch it, anyway, it's already like this."

Lu Shenyan took the prescription and went to grab the medicine, and it took a long time before he came back.Everyone was afraid that he was not familiar with the way, maybe he got lost, it was estimated that it took more than an hour for Xiao Lu to come back.He entered the door and looked left and right before closing the door.When people saw him sneaking around, they asked him what he was doing.

Xiao Lu said: "I went to grab the medicine, and I walked around by the way, and saw a few strange things, so I came back slowly."

He Libo said: "Don't be tricky, what's the matter?"

Xiao Lu said: "When I was grabbing the medicine, I heard the doctor comment that the city has been closed for the past two days, and the in and out of the city have been strictly checked, especially the vehicles leaving the city. I don't know what happened in the city. I went to the edge of the city. Going up and turning around. Sure enough! Guess what, the guards are strictly guarded, and passers-by must be carefully checked. I just wandered around. I didn’t hear any major events in the county, and then I went to the gate of the county government. I found out that the county magistrate of Zhoukou County is called Chen Guang, who is from Dingzhou, and then he came back."

Di Qing pondered for a long time after listening, Wang Pang saw that Di Qing was thinking and asked, "Master, did you think of anything?"

Di Qing said: "During the southern campaign against Nong Zhigao, the Song army was defeated in succession and their morale was shaken. Generals such as Chen Shu and others attacked without authorization and returned in defeat, with heavy casualties. I suggest to the emperor to stop using Jiaozhi troops to assist in the war. Executed Chen Shu and other people who did not listen to orders. That Chen Shu is from Dingzhou, and he has a younger brother named Chen Guang."

Xiao Lu heard about it and said: "Hey, hey, could it be that you didn't see your lord, and the city was closed for your lord's sake?"

He Li Bo glared at him and said, "What are you afraid of?"

Wang Pang opened the door to look outside, closed the door and said to Di Qing: "Master, let Xiao Lu continue to inquire. Since we are here, we will be safe. It just so happens that you stay for two more days to recuperate your body." Di Qing saw that he was not in a hurry, I don't know what he's trying to sell, so just follow what he said and ask Xiao Lu to inquire again.

They only knew half of it, that the magistrate of Zhoukou County was Chen Guang, and that was the reason why Di Qing was not seen. Another reason was that Chen Guang received another secret letter two days ago, asking him to kill Di Qing in Zhoukou County. [

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