Compete for the Song Dynasty

Chapter 43 Goldman Sachs is a Bird

Wang Pang really wanted to meet Nan Jifeng. He was curious about this person and hoped to find a solution to the problem through meeting Nan Jifeng.

Zhang Yi looked at Wang Pang. It is needless to say that this child has courage, but after all, he has only known him for a short time, so he is not clear about what he is like, so he asked, "How do you want to see him? If I introduce it for you, believe me. It's not hard to do"

Wang Pang shook his head: "Master, I want to ask Nan Jifeng to come see me."

"Hehe, the tone is loud enough, why would you say that?"

"Well, let me prepare it well, let me have some time. I plan to learn some basics with my master first. If you fight with Nan Jifeng, you can't just watch my apprentice get beaten." [

Zhang Yi laughed loudly: "Hahaha, that's good, you go to get ready today, in front of the Eight Diagrams Pavilion at Yinshihaishi tomorrow morning."

After Wang Pang left, Zhang Yi thought carefully about how to teach this student in the room. When Wang Pang left, he glanced at the mansion with the open gate.Sunshine floods the entire courtyard, and the young and old in the courtyard are at ease.Suddenly there is a kind of ease of mind.If it weren't for Zhang Yi's richness, how could he be worried even if he is poor, old and young.

Before the sky was measured, I took a small boat and rowed towards the Longhu Lake in the north of the county. There was a mound not far from the lake. The mound was surrounded by the lake water. The octagonal pavilion, a cypress tree beside the pavilion, echoes the pavilion.There is a pond built into the hill, and there are several houses beside the pond, and this small island is like the courtyard of these houses.

Wang Pang knew that this place was a place for a wealthy local family, but the owner didn't go there often. Occasionally, some fishermen around would take shelter on the island when they encountered wind and rain.It was only today that I learned that this small island also belonged to Zhang Yi.

He Libo got a boat from nowhere and took the king to the island. At this time, the sky was overcast and there was some mist on the lake.It's the time when it's warm and cold.But Wang Pang was not aware of it, he beat the time, and when he thought about the time, he remembered what he liked in his previous life, such as listening to a commentary and playing the drums, he couldn't help humming

"Chou Moyin turned to Fusang on the first day of the week. I looked up sharply and saw the stars in the sky. The stars were fighting, fighting and Chen. It was vague, vague, and dense, and went straight to Xiaohan minus the brilliance. A bright moon fell to the west. I I can't even hear it. On the Huaguqiao tower, I can't hear the bang, the bell can't hit, the gong can't hear the sieve, the bell can't be heard, and those who are on duty are sleeping like thunder, falling into a dream. "Yellow beam"

A loud voice: "Good~!" echoed on the lake, which surprised Wang Pang.He saw that He Li Bo was looking at him, the goodness just now was exactly what He Li Bo drank.

Wang Pangxi asked, "Brother He knows what I'm singing?"

He Libo said in a daze, "I don't know what you are singing. It's a bit like our Yanyun sixteen prefectures, but it's really interesting after being changed by you Han people." He laughed. Then he said: "I saw you shaking your head and closing your eyes, humming to your heart's content and didn't stop you, but we've been to the shore for a long time, are you going up or not?"

Seeing that Wang Pang had arrived, he was afraid that he would forget the time because he was too busy remembering the Beijing charm, so he jumped off the boat and ran towards the pavilion on the hill.

No wonder Wang Pang was so happy. On the way back yesterday, he carefully recalled the conversation between Zhang Yi and Zhang Yi. No matter what he thought, he felt that the Tiandun swordsmanship sounded familiar to him, so he sorted out all the memories in his memory, including comments on martial arts chaos. .Finally, I thought of a name, Zhang Sanfeng.I have really met a great master. I found this patriarch of the beggar gang, and he is Zhang Sanfeng's predecessor. From now on, I have to pay attention to whether I have any senior brothers. If I don't have one, it is the famous Zhang Sanfeng.

There is a little joy in all the melancholy, the entire Song Dynasty star is zero distance, this trip is not in vain, so this time seeing the slightly bright sky and the lake, I think of the "Ugly End and Yinchu"

Looking back, seeing He Libo's boat drifting away, he remembered that he forgot to tell He Libo when he would come to pick him up. Forget it, if he didn't come, he could swim back by himself anyway, and besides, this quiet scenery would be used as a farmyard .

Just as he was thinking wildly, he had already reached the Bagua Pavilion, Zhang Yi was punching and stretching his muscles, Wang Pang also interrupted, just watching from the side, he could vaguely see the demeanor of Tai Chi between the moves.

Zhang Yi stopped his momentum, closed his eyes and gave up concentrating.After a while, he opened his eyes and saw Wang Pang. Wang Pang took off his robe and wore a short shirt underneath. The trousers looked smart and capable. The dagger hidden in the waist and crotch under the robe was exposed. Wang Pang took off the dagger and put his hands together Pass it to Zhang Yi.

Seeing the sword, Zhang Yi frowned and asked, "Where did this sword come from?"

Wang Pang then told Zhang Yi the whole process of obtaining the sword, and Zhang Yi listened to it.After pondering for a long time, he said, "The sword is conditioned by Qi. If your Qi is right, you can suppress the hostility of the sword and use it for you. If not, you will hurt others and yourself."

Wang Pang asked: "Master, how can I suppress the hostility here?"

Zhang Yi didn't answer, and walked three times with the sword, and each time was different. The first time was 16 moves, and the second time was performed while adding styles. Wang Pang understood that the second time was 6 moves. 6 types.Zhang Yi didn't seem to be satisfied, so he added two more moves, and each move increased to 8 moves, a total of 64 and [-] moves. [

Zhang Yi showed a satisfied expression this time, but Wang Pang didn't understand.I heard Zhang Yi say: "Well, this is almost the same, I will practice and practice."

Wang listened dumbly. Could it be that before the master taught the students how to use swordsmanship, he himself didn't know how to use swordsmanship?

I saw Zhang Yi walking to the pavilion and walking around the cypress with his sword. He walked more and more smoothly, and the cold air of the sword light forced the cypress tree, which was not yet strong, to sway from side to side.It seemed to have aura, but Zhang Yi didn't hurt the cypress tree, he was just about to hit it.

Wang Pang also had sword shadows circling the pine and cypress in his mind, and suddenly remembered that he had been to this place a thousand years later, and the cypress tree was already a thousand years old at that time.The crooked cypress has become one of the landmarks of Chenzhou, because viewed from different angles in all directions, the cypress leans in different directions, which is wonderful and breathtaking.

Alas, Wang Pang sighed in his heart, Master Immortal, I have learned this sword, not to mention being an official or being rich in the world, maybe if one day I walk around the rivers and lakes, I can't prepare to appear in the Jin Daxia book.If I think so, I am afraid of missing the excitement even if I think about it for a while.

Zhang Yi walked two more times, he walked proficiently, and Wang Pang also mentally memorized a few moves.Zhang Yi handed the sword to the king, the old man was already covered in sweat.

Seeing him, he said: "Everything is between change and invariance. I will pass on the meaning of the 64 forms derived from Tiandun to you. The original sword has few moves and sharp moves, but this sword has reversed the principles of the sword and is very hostile. , when you hurt someone, there must be a counterattack. It may be useful to use the sword style to overcome the enemy's rigidity with softness, and to overcome the sharpness of the sword with softness."

Wang Pang thanked Zhang Yi, and from then on he practiced sword every day, went fishing by the pond, or listened to Zhang Yi's stories.Zhang Yi's business is unique. Compared with the battlefield, he is more useful than the king.

Today, when we talked about the chapter "Seeing the End and Knowing the Future", Zhang Yi was actually talking about his own business: There was a fire in the city, but instead of fighting the fire, he brought silver and recruited manpower to go out of the city to purchase bamboo, wood, bricks, tiles, Building materials such as reed rafters and jue.After the fire, all kinds of wastes were waiting to be built, and the building materials were sold out in the market. At this time, the businessman of the Pei family took advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune.

Wang Pang was puzzled: "Isn't this making disaster fortune?"

Zhang Yi said with a smile: "This kind of wealth can be made, relying on the wisdom of knowing the future and planning for the rainy day. It is not a natural disaster or man-made disaster. But even if this wealth is natural disasters and man-made disasters, what can you do to save people?"

Wang Pang thought that this old man was really eloquent, Zhang Yi said again: "Today's last lesson, I will tell you another ancient story: Goujian, king of Yue in the Spring and Autumn Period, was ashamed of subjugating the country for the snow. Knowing that there was a severe drought in Wu State, he purchased a large amount of grain from Wu State. In the second year, the State of Wu suffered a severe shortage of food, the people were in dire straits, and the hungry people had nothing to eat. The king of Yue eventually became the overlord, one of the five overlords in the Spring and Autumn Period. Here Goujian, the king of Yue, made a big business, and what he made was not gold and silver treasures, but a hegemony of a country and the world."

After speaking, Zhang Yi let out a long breath and looked at Wang.Wang Pang got up and bowed again: "Thank you for your teaching, Master."

Wang Pang originally thought that business wars were something for modern people, so he began to study business economics from Zhang Yi's first chapter "Small profits but quick turnover" and the second chapter "Carved Red and Carved Green". Wang Pang didn't think there was anything unusual, but he listened carefully, Zhang Yi's example is also like telling a story.When it comes to the third and fourth chapters "knowing the place is easy" and "knowing the time to move", there are more and more things to talk about, citing the past and the present, and incorporating the art of war.

From the Shang ancestor Bai Gui to Fan Li, from the Zhuo family in the Qin Dynasty to Tao Zhugong, the emperor of the Warring States period, all the famous people in business and war are also vivid in Zhang Yi's chapters.

What Zhang Yi said is becoming more and more exciting, from the great business theorists in the pre-Qin period to the famous merchants and merchants from all over the Song Dynasty, from the big official water transportation to the common people.Nearby to Bianjing, as far as Xixia, and Daliao to make a living.

Now Wang Pang was completely convinced, not only sincerely convinced, but also attentively listening, sometimes meditating at night, recalling that although he had done business in his previous life, it was really a child's play.

When Zhang Yi talked about the last few chapters, there were "Ji Ran" and "Xin Yan" the ancient "interest currency" and "expensive circulation" ancient currency theories, as well as the commercial warfare that integrated military tactics and real economics.

Until the end of this last chapter.Wang Pang's obeisance is really obedient, and he is completely convinced.No amount of adjectives can express Wang Pang's mood, and it only needs one sentence: "Look at the ancient Chinese commercial culture, Goldman Sachs is a bird!"

Want to continue to learn from Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi said with a smile, the art of war that I have learned like you, is just for you now, just like what Wang Pang wanted to say.So he said: "Business classics, swordsmanship, I will practice diligently"

Zhang Yi looked at him, this student had a high comprehension ability, and he was also satisfied.He said: "In the future, you are going to meet a person. This person is called Zhang Zai, who is also my old friend. He is "too empty, with the essence of Qi." "What you said is good for your cultivation and righteousness of the sword."

Wang Pang said: "After I finish solving the Longhu matter, I will go to see Zhang Zai for advice."

"Well, you have been studying with me for more than a month. How is the arrangement of Longhu?" Zhang Yi looked at Wang Pang with his hands behind his back. He has never asked about this matter, but he is very clear about what Wang Pang did. .

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