Apparently Zhang Zai knew that there was something strange about this stone, so Wang Pang said, "I came here precisely for this stone."

I thought that if I told the truth, he might not believe it, and seeing Zhang Zai's serious face, which didn't look like a joke, he told Zhang Yi what he said about the stone that transcends the past and the present.After speaking, he looked at Zhang Zai and waited for Zhang Zai to speak.

Zhang Zai looked at Wang Pang as if examining him, and Wang Pang felt the power of "leniency for confession and strictness for resistance".He decisively looked at Zhang Zai with a look waiting for an answer.

Finally, Zhang Zai slowed down his tone: "This stone is just like what Zhang Yi said, it is two pieces, one is through the ancient times and the other is more modern, and they are in the shape of Taiji Yinyang fish."

Wang Pang couldn't help asking, "How did Uncle Zhang know?" He pointed at Zhang Zai. [

Zhang Zai showed a very helpless expression: he told about a strange incident that happened in Yangzhou three or four years ago: Zhang Zai and Shen Kuo went to Yangzhou together

A friend of Shen Kuo's study was built on the lake. One night, he suddenly saw this giant "bead", which was very close to him.At the beginning, the "bead" room was slightly opened, and light came out from the edge of the kiss, like a horizontal golden thread.Suddenly, the "bead" room opened wide, as big as half a seat, inside it was as white as silver, and in it was a jewel as big as a fist, dazzling and dazzling, one couldn't look directly at it.The light it emits is like the rising sun, and the trees in a radius of more than ten miles can see their shadows.I saw that the sky was fiery red, like a burning wildfire.Suddenly, the "bead" flew away like a dazzling sun, floating on the lake.The light emitted by this bead is not like the pearl of the bright moon in ancient times, like moonlight, but radiant, like sunlight.Cui Boyi, a native of Gaoyou, often saw this pearl and wrote "Ode to the Pearl" for it.I haven't seen it in recent years, and I don't know where it went.Fanliang Town is in the place where "Pearls" come and go. When passers-by come here, they often park their boats for several nights, waiting for the "Pearls" to appear.The pavilion used to view "beads" has an elegant name - "playing beads".

Wang Pang immediately thought: "Flying saucer!" But seeing that Zhang Zai still had something to say, he carefully stopped what happened afterwards.Continue to tell about the experience after

Zhang Zai went to the Playing Beads Hall. At that time, he met a strange person in the pavilion. He mentioned the matter of the jade stone and the jade stone. If you get it at the same time, you can pass it on to the past and the present as you like. As for the piece of jade that is broken, you don't need to mention it in the world as long as it's just a piece of jade.

Wang listens to meet his heart's desire?According to his analysis, is it just what time do you want to go?He thought about this, and Zhang Zai said again, "The old man can know what he meets his heart, but what does it mean to travel through the past and the present?" Beard pondered.

Seeing this, Wang Pang knew exactly what Zhang Zai was talking about, so he said, "Through the past and the present, you can learn about the past and the present, but Uncle Zhang, did that person mention the whereabouts of this white stone?"

Zhang Zai shook his head: "I don't care how to mention it. I only said that the black gem is in the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, where Yanjing is located. That's why I asked you. How did you get it?"

Only then did Wang Pang breathe a sigh of relief, and at first he was worried that Zhang Zai had also come here through time travel.

He made up a lie and replied: "This is a gift from an old friend, probably because I don't know the allusion of black and white stones."

Zhang Zai nodded: "If he has this white stone, he will probably be no different than ordinary people. I am also thinking about the meaning of doing whatever he wants."

Wang Pang smiled and said half-jokingly: "Then getting Baishi would be a great cause!"

Zhang Zai nodded, but I'm afraid it's not that good. The land of Yanyun has been contested by military strategists since ancient times, and it may not be that Baishi also fell there.

Wang Pang smiled wryly: "If I can find Baishi and let me find Yuexia, then I will be satisfied."

The two of you said one sentence to another, and you forgot that the wall has ears. The ears were not intentional, but He Libo. Seeing that it was getting dark, the two of them didn't come back, so they also walked in this direction. He and the king are in the stone forest.

He Libo vaguely heard someone talking, like Wang Pang and Zhang Zai, and found it strange that Wang Pang's voice seemed very happy, not at all like what he heard about Liang's just now, when they approached, they walked around the stone forest and vaguely heard Anything that gets the white stone can become a big business.

He Libo's heart moved, Baishi?The two who Wang asked He Libo to inquire about just now, heard that they are going to Yanzhou, and they also mentioned that the Xixia Kingdom has found the "White Stone God" and they must go to see it.Could it be possible to dominate with this white stone?He Libo's thought was just a thought. For him, for the Wanyan tribe who gave birth to a daughter, he was satisfied that he would no longer be exploited by the ruling class with the Yelu surname.

Just thinking about this, He Libo immediately suppressed his thoughts, he thought that eavesdropping was just intentional, how could he win people's liking, he coughed hastily, and let him know.

Back at the mansion, He Li Bo told Wang Pang what He Li Bo had heard, and no matter what He Li Bo said, Wang Pang decided to continue walking westward. Zhang Zai asked Wang Pang to stay as little as possible. It's almost the ninth month of the lunar calendar. If it's winter and it's raining and snowing, it will be difficult to walk.

He Libo said: "It's less than three hundred miles away, and Xiaoxing will arrive there in five or six days after staying overnight." [

Wang Pang shook his head, "Old Cao pursued Liu Bei, and five thousand elite riders traveled three hundred miles in one day and one night. Although we are not as good as that elite rider, if you and I hurry up, we will arrive in three or four days."

When Bantou Yang came back, he arrived in a day or two, and Wang Bang was very surprised.Zhang Zai patted Wang Pang on the shoulder: "Nephew, I think you have never traveled far."

Wang Pangxin said, if you want to change to the previous life, you have been out of the country, not to mention in this Shenzhou, but if you pretend to be Wang Pang, you really become a road blind. No one in Wang Pang's body before the age of 16 People who remember, people who don't have any experience.And I was just an ordinary person in my previous life, even if I had this ancient stone, what I knew was something before the present.

He Libo is very courageous and careful, and he knows the direction when he goes everywhere, so the two of them walked the big post road all the way, and there were no major mistakes.

Zhang Zai said: "It's not easy for you to come all the way with only a map, but if you want to get closer, you can go to the post station and find some guides."

He Libo said: "Did Mr. Zhang tell us to find someone who is going the same way? The post station is full of soldiers, I'm afraid that my brother has no right to send out branch soldiers. And when we first arrived, we also lived in the post house, but we came out of the capital. Coupons are exhausted”

Zhang Zai said: Naturally, you will not get lost if you take the Dayi Road. There are hundreds of post stations on the Dayi Road on the way from Bianjing to Yanzhou, and other post roads are generally 50 miles away.However, this post station is only a post house for officials and envoys to rest and stay halfway.If officials need to stay in post houses, they generally have to show the "post coupons" specially issued by the imperial court. If the post coupons can only be found elsewhere.

Zhang Zai went on to say: "There are soldiers in the post station who are in charge of official government documents and letters, but some letters or guides from the people are handled by some special deliverers. It is also a kind of livelihood for the common people to do the delivery."

Wang Pang smiled in his heart, and more and more found that the Song Dynasty had no high-tech descendants, but many of them were similar to modern times. Isn't this the courier and tour guide in the future. : "Could Uncle Zhang give some pointers, can you ask your husband to lead the way?"

Zhang Zai smiled: "Let's look for the husband later." He called Team Leader Yang and asked, "If you guide the two of them, how long will it take to get there?"

Bantou Yang said: "If there is a 'party horse', it will take about a day or two." Zhang Zai looked at Bantou Yang with complacency after hearing this.

Wang Pang had heard of Dangxiang horses, Zhang Zai said: "Suwen Dangxiang people are good at raising horses, and the reputation of "Dangxiang horses" has spread far and wide." Thanks to Zhang Zai, he is ready to leave tomorrow.He Libo and Yang Bantou prepare salutes and horses separately.

Seeing the outsider, Zhang Zai said: "Nephew, I am very curious about this stone. Can I borrow your stone?" Facing the candlelight, there seems to be a dazzling flow in the black crystal.Zhang Zai thought for a while, and then handed the stone to the king.

Wang Pang took the black crystal and put it on. Zhang Zai sighed and said, "This thing is destined for me." Wang Pang said, "Xiao Ke still doesn't know what this thing is for."

Zhang Zai said: "The man seems to have said that if you are not a spiritual person, even if you get this stone, especially the white stone, you will be either crazy or insane. There are things in the white stone that I can't see."

Wang Pang knew in his heart that Baishi was a matter of the future, and it was difficult for the ancients to accept it.Then he said: "This black stone only occasionally inspires Xiao Ke."

Zhang Zai's eyes lit up when he heard it, then I'm going to take the exam, you try to know this "party horse"

Wang Pang closed his eyes and meditated, as if he saw a party member on the blind grassland, riding a horse and shooting well, waving his whip and driving his horse, as if a poem came to mind

He opened his eyes and said: "Dangxiang's horses are very good, and they are good at poaching. How can I know this. There are a few poems that mention Dangxiang's horses."

Zhang Zai nodded. Most of the craftsmanship was on the broken and scattered jade. It happened that the party members had such horses. What was the poem?

Wang Pang read it slowly, feeling in his heart, with this stone reminding Zhang Yi of what he had arranged, it would no longer be difficult.

Begging for pearls to drive the sea[

Caiyu Shangjingheng

North buy party horse

Capturing Turpan Parrot

Yanzhou Buhuohuan

Shu brocade

The fatter the meat

Xi Tong bright eyes

Cost of food and clothing

regardless of distance

(Tang) Yuan Zhen Taxi Company

This article adds:

All the content in one person is related to my later new book "Crossing the Past and the Present Series". Suspense evoked.If you think it is acceptable, please continue to support it.

For Zhang Zai alone, I have cited the previous chapters, thank you for your support.

Volume 20 of "Mengxi Bi Tan" "Strange Events and Different Diseases" [Original Text] In Jiayou, there is a pearl in Yangzhou, which is very large and often seen in dark days.It first came out of Pizezhong, Tianchang County, then turned into Zengshe Lake, and then in Xinkai Lake. There are more than ten places where residents and pedestrians often see them.Yu Youren's study is on the lake, and suddenly saw the pearl overnight, very close.At the beginning, he opened his room slightly, and the light came out from the kiss.Such as a horizontal gold line.Erqing suddenly opened the shell, it was as big as half a mat, the white light in the shell was like silver, and the pearl was as big as a fist, it was so dead that it couldn't be looked at directly.There are shadows in the trees for more than ten miles, as if illuminated by the first sun; in the distance, you can see the sky is as red as wild fire;In ancient times, there was a pearl of the bright moon. The color of this pearl is not like the moon, but it is shining with flames, almost like sunlight.Cui Boyi tasted it as "Pearl Fu".Boyi, a native of Gaoyou, was often seen by Gai.I haven't come back in recent years, and I don't know where I'm going.Fanliang Town is the place where pearls come and go. When pedestrians come here, they often wait for several nights to wait for their appearance. They call the pavilion "playing pearls".

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