He Libo took a sip of food and drank a sip of wine to look at the two beaten men who were downcast, and looked at the king who held a wine glass in one hand but refused to send it to his lips.After watching for a long time, he really couldn't stand it anymore, and put the wine glass on the table.Knocking on the wooden table, the wine glass made a "pong" sound.The three looked at him at the same time.

"I'm talking about Yin Shijie, and you, Yu Danian. The two of you who are moaning, aren't they just some silver taels? Think of it as spending money to buy a lesson." He Libo was also angry when he saw the two of them being beaten, but they were young They are all in their early twenties, and they will come to fruition after chatting a few times, plus He Libo has a straight-talking manner.

Yin Shijie and Yu Danian looked at each other with endless grievances.Yu Danian said: "This business is not profitable in the first place, and I don't know how to go back and explain to the villagers after spending more time with me."

"I said, what kind of business do you guys do?" He Libo couldn't help being curious.

"Hey, let's just say it. Anyway, we are a new way, and we still hit a wall in the end?" Yin Shijie said [

While listening to what they said, He Libo nodded to show he was listening while eating. '

Among the two, the long-faced, tall and thin one is called Yin Shijie, and the fat one is called Yu Danian.The two young brothers are cousins ​​from Jincheng County, Zezhou.

I heard Yin Shijie say: "In the past two years, the merchants have charged very low prices for the coal we produced. They said that the price could not be sold in the capital, and the tax was high. The folks heard that there are many officers and soldiers near Yanzhou, so we directly If you sell it here, you can earn more, so this is it.”

He Libo said: "How is it? Have you made a lot of money?"

Yu Danian's big round face curled his mouth: "What are you earning? Let's go to Bianjing to have a look first. It is indeed very high. The tax is [-] catties per pack. That's quite a lot. The tax here is not bad. It is lower than that of Bianjing, and it depends on the spirit of the official. If you are happy, you can smoke less. If you are not happy, it is not new to smoke a pack of fifty catties. This is just to get some care. Besides, our feet are not good enough. ah."

Wang Pang looked at the three people in front of him. To be exact, the one who came back from the horse market had been in a daze. The woman in white veil and white clothes was standing far away in front of Xixia's village flag, riding a white horse.Who is that woman next to, Wang Pang really hates that this piece of jade is not that understandable, he even hopes that it is Liang Yuexia, but if she is really Yuexia, Wang Pang dare not think, this kind of heartache It is close at hand but seems far away.

The sound of He Li Bo squatting down the wine glass pulled him back from his thoughts, he looked at He Li Bo, but He Li Bo didn't look at the king's side, but took his time eating and chatting with the two of them.Thinking of how He Libo followed him all the way after his mentor disappeared, and a few days ago he promised Brother He that he would do his best to help him, if he didn't pull himself together, he would feel sorry for Brother He.

Wang Pang said, "This is really unreliable." At this time, he turned his attention to them from his contemplation.

Yin Shijie interjected: "That's right, our donkey will only carry a hundred catties if it dies."

He Libo didn't explain it, and he would make a lot of money selling it in the capital.

Yin Shijie took a sip of the wine in his glass, poured the wine and said slowly: "Listen, I'm just talking about the tax collected at the gate of the city. You can't go to the city and set up a stall to sell it. You have to go to a special carbon collector." There are also taxes here. Let’s just say that we can’t pass through every city on this road. We pass through prefectural capitals and counties, even if it’s a post station. There are taxes. People eat horses and feed them along the way. If we want to keep our capital, we have to carry two hundred catties in one load."

Yu Danian: "It's similar to livestock, so we thought first to see the cost here, and second, to find some good horses. Sigh"

After speaking, the two sighed together.Wang Pang calculated in his mind and then asked, how much do you sell to the merchant?

"In the past, a pack could sell six or seven guan, but now it can be sold for less than five guan and can be sold for more than [-] guan in the capital. After all the calculations, there are only six or seven guan left when we return home."

Yin Shijie said: "These four or five families have strong physical strength, and only a dozen or twenty packs a year."

Wang Pang couldn't help asking: "So few?"

"Less? That's still a lot. How long does it take from digging to getting out the coal, and someone has to guard it. Sometimes there will be fights when we get out of the land. We can't dig in the cold, and we can't dig in the rain. Now They have to be coked or unsmoked, and if you find the right ones, they will be unsmoked, and the smoked ones need to be coked and sold, and the cost is not counted. Do the math, how much can you pay?"

Yu Danian also rushed to say: "That's right, we still have a population tax. If we don't know what to do, we have to conscript rural soldiers. If you don't go to the tax, it's so high, and you can choose a good day for military training. Not to mention that there is also a land tax and a poll tax. Forget it." It’s only a few pennies per family per month, and there’s the risk of a cave collapse.”

He Libo said: "I have a big head, brother, do you understand? [

Wang Pang said: "Just listen to the last sentence, how much money, let me ask you, how much is a government servant's monthly salary?"

He Libo thought about it and said: "Fifteen rounds, can support a family of four or five." Turning to the two of Yin, he said, "It seems that it is difficult enough for you to make money, but how can you two come to negotiate the price? Why not?" Find someone older"

The two looked at each other and said, "Let's just read some books and know something."

Yu Danian said: "In the past, it was not only burning coal in the winter, but also making iron weapons and so on. In the past two years, there have been almost no wars. Besides, in the past, coins were cast in various places, and copper was not enough to use cast iron coins. I don't know which grandson in the past two years, proposed Get some paper tickets, and use less coal to make money."

He Libo gave a "poof" smile, and almost sprayed the wine in his mouth on Yu Danian's chubby face.Looking back at Wang Pang, Wang Pang didn't seem to hear at all.

It was Yin Shijie who said, "Don't talk about the paper ticket, it's just a paper ticket. We need to get a load of iron money on the way back and forth."

He Libo smiled and said, "That's right, by the way, brother, you see, these two people are not easy. You have a lot of ideas, so help them? Besides, they even praise you, hahaha"

Wang Pangna rolled his eyes at him, and said in his heart that this He Li Bo was obviously just listening to the man call me a grandson just now, and deliberately wanted to see what I did.

Yu and Yin looked at He Libo in confusion.Wang Pang asked: "There is a way, quickly take out your Jiaozi and show me."

The two took out banknotes from their pockets, and Wang Pang smiled after reading it.Pick it up and run outside.Yu and Yin were startled, and suddenly realized that Wang Pang seemed to have robbed their banknotes, and hurriedly chased them out.He Libo wanted to chase him, but was stopped by the shop waiter, who hurriedly paid for the food and drinks.

The county seat is not big, and Wang Pang has strong legs, so he ran to the county government office in one breath.The yamen officer stopped him, and he handed over the name card.

Zhong Yi was looking at the case files in the hall, and when he heard Wang Pang coming, he came out to meet the fat and thin people beside Wang Pang, and tugged at his arm.When Zhong Yi drank, he chatted in front of the county government office.

Yu Danian, Yin Shijie saw that he was the county magistrate, so he didn't dare to argue anymore, and stood on the platform of the county government office in a daze.

Wang Pang saluted Zhong Yi, Mr. Zhong, these two people robbed my silver ticket.I snatched it back.As soon as Zhongyi heard the order, he took the two thieves to the hall.

Wang Pang said, my lord, they still have accomplices, please inform the county, and the official post office will detain their accomplices when they receive such bank notes.

As expected, Zhongyi ordered the yamen servants to go to the official post shop to sell the plainclothes.

Only then did Wang Pang return to the hall with Zhong Yi, and saw Yu Danian and Yin Shijie kneeling in the hall, Yu Danian still looked dazed, aggrieved and wronged, Yin Shijie stared at Wang Pang.

Wang Pang smiled and said to Zhong Yi, "Thank you, sir."

Zhong Yi was about to be promoted but was stopped by Wang Pang, "My lord, wait until the accomplice arrives and try again."

There are [-] words in the text, but actually it took two hours, from He Li Bo, who was watching the horses, from the horse market, back to the mansion, to drinking and chatting with the two downstairs in the mansion, it was only a matter of one or two hours. .The wine was not drunk yet, Wang Pang reckoned that the people who cheated horse money were greedy, and would not come halfway to exchange for this friend.

This Jiaozi is only used in the territory of the Song Dynasty, and only the official Jiaozi shop can be exchanged for silver.Catch the money changer first.

Yin Shijie refused to accept it and said: "I said Wang Bang, why are you robbing us of our bank notes and still biting back? Do you ask the adults to interrogate the adults whenever they want?" [

Zhong Yi said: "The thief dares to deny it, come here, open your mouth."

Don't look at Zhongyi's half-literate appearance, this majesty is really a bit tasteful, Wang Pang hurriedly stopped him.

Yu Danian tugged Yin Shijie to signal him to stop talking. Originally, the two of them were still bruised and swollen and had just been beaten, so they could investigate the matter of buying and selling horses.

He Li Bo also came after him, Wang Pang whispered something to him, and He Li Bo turned and went out.

Yu Danian and Yin Shijie's kneeling legs were numb. Seeing Wang Bang and the county magistrate whispering something, Zhong Yi frowns, smiles, looks suspiciously, and finally nods.

About half an hour later, the yamen servant really brought two people.

These two people were unlucky enough. Seeing that the horse market was almost over, they changed their clothes and led the horse into the county town. They wanted to exchange the Jiaozi bank note into silver. The shopkeeper took a look and gave it to the plain clothes guard.The two were locked up and taken to the county government office in a daze.

Zhong Yi asked Wang Pang to identify the bank notes, and Wang Pang took them out for comparison and said it was right, it was.

The county magistrate ordered the yamen servants to search for the person who exchanged the bank notes, and after a search, they found the military amulets of Xixia soldiers.Zhong Yi ordered the two to be sent to the military camp stationed in Yanzhou.They don't care how the barracks deal with it.

At this time He Libo also led the stolen horse back to the government office, Wang Pang saw this and Zhong Yi looked at each other and smiled.

The horses paid tribute to the county government, Yu Danian and Yin Shijie took back the money, and when he returned to the mansion, he felt really hungry, so he simply asked Xiaoer to deliver the food and drinks to the mansion's room.The two invited Wang Pang to say goodbye by the way.

After drinking for three rounds, Yu Danian said, I said to Mr. Wang, "Just tell us, why do you make us kneel for a long time?"

He Libo laughed and said, "Who told you to scold the person who proposed the bank note? Don't you know it's Prince Wang?"

Yu Danian smirked twice: "From now on, we will follow the young master. This time, we will go back and do the things arranged by the young master first, and wait for the young master in Jincheng, Zezhou."

Yin Shijie asked: "The bank notes are all the same, how can you identify the bank notes?" When he asked this, everyone looked at the king.

Wang Pang smiled: "Of course you don't understand the affairs of the official family, but you can't talk about it." He thought to himself, what's so difficult about this?When he wrote to Renzong at the Chrysanthemum Banquet, he also mentioned that the seals were distributed by state, and the codes of each state were different.These are all passwords hidden in Jiaozi bank notes, and there are other uses in it, let alone tell them for the time being.

Wang Pang believed that there must be a way for him to sneak to Xixia. Wang Pang stood on the city wall of Yanzhou and looked at the Xixia camp in the distance under the moonlight.

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