In the Daqing Palace, the Japanese slave monk wanted to throw a pound first, causing a storm, and then talk about the post-Nine Dragons Cup, humiliating the Song Dynasty; finally, he talked about the terms of the murder of the Japanese slaves.Unexpectedly, this first thing fell through, and was humiliated instead.

Wang Pang did not analyze it at all. The character of the people of the Wonu country is such a virtue. Generally, they don’t know how to be ashamed. They have to be beaten before lying on the ground. The slavishness lies in: he only calls you grandpa if you beat him to the ground.

Seeing the laughter of the crowd, Monk Kongxiu felt that it was pointless to entangle with the name of the country any longer.Then he found the steps by himself and said angrily, "No matter what you call it, we call us Japan anyway."

Sima Guang flicked his wide robe sleeves and said, "That's your Japanese business, it's none of our business." After speaking, he turned and went back to the queue.

Renzong laughed aloud: "Even so, what else can I have to say?"

Monk Kongxiu rolled his triangular eyes, and he didn't look like a monk at all. He said, "The second thing I want to do is to take another look at your country's Nine Dragon Cup. I don't know if the emperor can take it out for everyone to taste. .”

Seeing Renzong say yes generously, he clapped his hands.The emperor of the Song Dynasty, I will see you soon.Thinking of this in my heart, I saw a young man walking out of the side hall.

Said to be a young man, about seventeen or eighteen years old, with hair tied on his head and still wearing white clothes, his facial features are handsome without losing his heroic spirit.All eyes were drawn to him.Seeing him coming out of the side hall, there was another whisper in the hall.Master Bao and Wang Anshi looked at each other and smiled, Wang Anshi was a little confused, and this Wang Pang didn't know what tricks were going on.

The other envoys who came to celebrate the New Year saw Wang Pang during Yushe, and they all commented, isn't this the Wang Pang who Yushe?Xiao Ying, the envoy of the Liao Kingdom, said: "This young man is interesting." After speaking, he gave the king a thumbs-up.When Wang Pang saw that Xiao Ying was showing off a bit, she did not lose her grandeur.He nodded slightly in return.

Walking to the middle of the hall, Wang Pang first thought about Renzong's salute, then turned and said to the ministers. "To send you off today, I have specially prepared a program by the order of my sage."

"Oh, good..." Everyone thought it was fresh, they had never seen this program before, to see what kind of tricks this child can do at such a young age.

Wang Pang waved his hand, and two eunuchs came up, carrying a table with a black tablecloth on it.These two eunuchs were none other than He Libo and Lu Shenyan pretending to be.The two put down the table and stood by the table, their heads lower than the real eunuch's, for fear of being recognized by others.

Wang Anshi was really puzzled, seeing that Emperor Renzong was smiling on the dragon bed on the throne, he couldn't say anything more.

Wang Pang said, please ask an envoy to come over and see if there is anything wrong with this table? "I'm coming!" Xiao Ying from the Liao Kingdom stepped forward with her slightly fat belly, looked left and right, and pressed the table with her palm, but she didn't find any difference.

Turning around, he said, "I've seen everyone, but I should believe it. There is indeed nothing unusual."

He had his reasons for saying this, Xiao Ying from the Liao Kingdom is a bold person, and after coming to the capital for a few days, he did not lock himself in his room like that monk Kongxiu.Instead, they invite ambassadors from various countries to drink and have fun all day long.This Lunar New Year has become his diplomatic show.

Monk Kongxiu didn't know Wang Pang, he didn't come to participate in Yushe that day, and spent most of the day masturbating in the room by himself, so he had never seen Wang Pang before.Seeing this, he said: "Mr. Song, please watch the Nine Dragon Cup again. Why do you make such a show? Could it be that you can't use the cup to deceive your eyes?"

Loyal ministers saw him so disdainful, if they were not afraid of insulting the style of writing, they would probably drown Kong Xiu with a mouthful of saliva.Qiqi looked at Renzong, waiting for him to speak.

Renzong didn't answer him, but Wang Pang said: "Don't you just want to see the Nine Dragons Cup? The Nine Dragons Cup is just one of the many high-quality goods in our country. Why don't you show it to you? See, you haven't seen it in the market! !"

He was already taller than the monk Wonu Kongxiu, and he stood upright, with his chest upright, and only looked at the monk from the corner of his eye, and his voice was loud, and the last few tones that he had never seen before in the market, please pay attention. , as if reprimanding the Japanese slave monk.

What he said made it even more vulgar and vulgar, so the court fell silent, with one or two hundred pairs of eyes staring at the king.

Kongxiu was nestled by Wang Pang, speechless for a while, Wang Pang walked up to him, circled around him twice, looked at the gray cloth wrapped behind his back, and said in his heart that it made you reluctant to let it go .

Generally, envoys who come with entourage will hand over important items to the entourage waiting outside the city gate.Naturally, if there are swords and weapons, they cannot be brought into the palace.The monk didn't have a sword, so he couldn't talk about careful inspection.What's more, there are about the same number of guards and envoys in this hall, and they can all see man-to-man defense, so it can't be said that they are not heavily guarded.

The monk is carrying the package on his back, so he doesn't have to go back to Huaiyuan post today, he said goodbye at the main hall and is going to return directly to the Wonu country, and it won't be too late to come back after explaining his business.Seeing Wang Pang circle around him three times, he unconsciously touched his package with the back of his hand.It is because the more afraid of being seen, the more guilty. [

Seeing him touch the package, Wang Bang looked at him slightly sideways, knowing in his heart that this was a signal from his body language.The monk's unconscious body language is the expression of the escaped subconscious mind.I have more than [-]% confidence in my heart.

He stopped and asked Na Kongxiu, "Excuse me, master, can you leave this package with me for a while."

Kong Xiu said in his heart: If I let you go, then you can return it to me. Did Emperor Renzong already know that the Nine Dragon Cup in his palace is fake?Look at Renzong again, sitting on the dragon bed on the throne, with a relaxed expression, without any nervousness.

Kong Xiu was a little undecided, so he said: "How can I let this young master temporarily store the belongings."

Wang Pang stared at him and asked him: "Is what you said true? I didn't hear you clearly, please say it again."

Kongxiu said loudly: "Your belongings, how can I let you temporarily store them." His heart was broken, anyway, I just won't give it to you.Can't you come and grab it in public?

Unexpectedly, Wang Pang laughed a few times.Said: "Hahahaha. Okay, what Monk Kongxiu said is good, everyone has heard it."

With such a loud voice, and both of them were in the middle of the hall, everyone could see clearly what they heard, so they all said: "I heard, I heard"

Wang Pang waved his hand to signal silence, he walked to the table, faced Renzong and said, "Please bring the Nine Dragon Cup, Your Majesty."

Renzong ordered someone to fetch the Kowloon Cup, and the king put the wooden box containing the Kowloon Cup on the table, opened the wooden box and took out the Kowloon Cup, and raised it above his head. Everyone suddenly felt very nervous. The needle can be heard.

Wang Anshi said in his heart: "What is this young master playing with? This is a royal thing. If you accidentally drop it, you won't be able to pay for it." He even stared at him nervously.

Monk Kongxiu said: "May I let the old man take a look?" He was about to come closer and expose the cup as fake, but Wang Pang said: "My lord, this cup is fake."

Everyone was in an uproar, and Monk Kongxiu was also taken aback. Could it be that Renzong knew that the cup was fake and deliberately concealed his embarrassment?

"Wow! How is it fake?" Upon hearing this, Renzong hurriedly stood up and walked down from the platform.This is a strange thing, but seeing that Renzong has come, he took the cup and looked at it.

Wang Pang said in a low voice: Boss, your performance is too exaggerated.Renzong frowned, and said, "It really is an imitation." After speaking, he turned and slowly returned to the dragon bed on the throne, as if he was thinking about something.In fact, it was the first time Renzong thought it was so funny when he was dozens of years old. When he turned around, no one could see his expression, and he had to slowly suppress the smile that was still showing.

After adjusting his mood, Renzong turned around and sat down, and said thoughtfully: "My lord, since this Jiulong cup is fake, I can't pour the national wine for you to enjoy. You can change to another program."

It was only then that everyone realized that the original program was for everyone to appreciate the magic of the Nine Dragons Cup, and everyone couldn't help feeling a little regretful on their faces.But Wang Pang said: "It doesn't matter if it's fake, I can make it real."

As he said that, he looked around the crowd, and everyone also looked at him, except the monk Kongxiu, who turned his triangular eyes while looking at him, and one of his hands was still clutching the knot he had tied.

The corner of Wang Pang's mouth twitched, and he will let you explain it yourself.Now that the performance started, Wang Pang walked around behind the table, facing all the civil and military officials, shook off the ball of tablecloth on the table, shook the front and back of the tablecloth, let everyone look at the tablecloth, and then The Kowloon Cup is good on the table. Put the tablecloth on the table to cover the Kowloon Cup.

The officials standing slightly in front could see clearly, while the envoys standing a little behind all stretched their necks to watch the king's actions.Seeing that he pressed the cup protruding from the tablecloth with one palm, and slowly pressed his palm down, the raised part wrapped with the cup sank down with his palm.

Everyone was dumbfounded, it must not have been crushed, did this young Wang Pang have such palm strength?And there is no sound of glass breaking.All the people above the court nervously stared at the increasingly shorter bulge in Wang Pang's palm.

Only behind Wang Pang, the high-ranking Renzong, with one arm resting on the side hall of the throne, squeezed his chin. He was not nervous, but he saw Wang Pang's small movements, and he wanted to laugh but couldn't. His own chin, just to keep from laughing. [

Wang Pang suddenly asked loudly: "Ambassador Kongxiu, is your package really not temporarily stored for outsiders?"

Kong Xiu was suddenly asked by him, and seeing everyone looking at him in unison, staring at Wang Pang, he replied loudly: "Of course not!"

Wang Pang said, "Okay, please look here." When everyone's eyes came to focus, Wang Pang lifted the tablecloth abruptly.

All the "people wow" exclaimed for a while, because they saw that the table was clean, and there was no shadow of the Jiulong Cup.

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