Compete for the Song Dynasty

Chapter 8 Mocking Bi Mawen

After recovering from illness, Wang Pang's favorite place to go is a side courtyard in the mansion. The structure of that courtyard is similar to that of Wang Pang's, except that the courtyard is slightly larger and there are four or five more rooms.Occasionally, some foreign relatives or disciples of Wang Anshi came to visit, so they settled in the courtyard. Recently, some examinees who came to the residence temporarily stayed because of the fire in the residence.

This allowed Wang Pang to know many people: Zeng Gong, Zeng Bu, Cheng Hao, Zhang Zai. He was overwhelmed by the names he was familiar with.Being dazzled by the interesting things, he temporarily forgot about the past life.

Candidates on temporary stay received appointments one after another, and Wang Anshi's mansion gradually became quiet.Shen Kuo came to send Wang Shao away, and he took Wang Pang to Pu Mansion together.

What will the living Song Yingzong look like in the future?I have seen the picture before, but this is the first time I have seen the three-dimensional emperor, Wang Pang is really a little nervous.Now he is not the emperor, we have to start early to build a good relationship.I don't know if this guy is easy to contact or not.

Wang Pang thought about it all the way, but he came to Pu Mansion unknowingly.Wang Anshi's mansion is a three-in-one courtyard. Wang Pang had never lived in a house of more than [-] square meters before crossing. In Wang Anshi's mansion, he felt bright and bright. When he arrived at Pu Mansion, it was like a small park. [

At this time, Zhao Zongshi was about the same age as Shen Kuo, in their thirties, tall and thin, with melancholy eyes.With a worried look on his face, Wang Pang thought it might be because he was not in a hurry to ascend the throne. He thought in his mind that Zhao Zongshi had already given up his seat to the two of them.

Listening to the two of them chatting, Wang Pang felt a little chatty, not talking about official affairs, but he mentioned Wang Pang's saving lives while talking, Zhao Zongshi sighed: "Young hero."

Is this boasting yourself?Wang Pang hurriedly responded with a modest smile.When Zhao Zongshi praised others, he didn't seem to smile at all. He asked Wang Pangdao: "I have never met your lord, but I just heard some rumors that this person is not greedy for high-ranking officials, and refused to be appointed by the court several times. Do you know the reason?"

Wang Pang thought that luckily he had done some homework before coming: "Go back to the father-in-law, my father wants to make achievements in governing the country, and he is afraid of being greedy for fame. Of course, there is another secret. In addition to the large number of relatives in the family, the villain is weak and seriously ill all the year round. It was also just recovered with Brother Shen's skillful hand."

Zhao Zongshi is a prospective prince, in fact, maybe, if Emperor Renzong is still a queen, he is a prospective prince, if Emperor Renzong has a queen, he might be a prince, but no matter what, he still hopes to win people's hearts. "Children can't lie, Mr. Wang is so open-minded. No wonder Mr. Wen and Ouyang are so talented."

Shen Kuo claimed "yes" and began to gossip again: "My lord is well informed, the appointment of Mr. Wang here will not come down for a while."

Zhao Zongshi said: "You don't know, but I happened to be at the home of Mr. Chen Zhizhong, the prime minister. I couldn't take care of myself because of the fact that my concubine beat a girl to death and was impeached, which delayed a lot of serious business. Shen Kang's visit yesterday seemed to be a little bit upset, probably because Mr. Wang Anshi had been appointed to be a member of the group. Priest, this position should be assigned to Mr. Shen according to seniority. If Mr. Wang doesn't resign, he should take up the post within a day or two."

Wang Pang hurriedly thanked Zhao Zongshi, and quietly asked Shen Kuo: "Brother Shen, what does the Qun Mu Si do?"

While Zhao Zongshi was drinking tea with his head down, Shen Kuo whispered to Wang Pang: "These shepherds were set up by the Zhenzong Dynasty to take charge of horse affairs across the country."

After listening to him, Wang Bian thought to himself that he was not the prime minister. When did Wang Anshi become prime minister, so he muttered: "Okay! So it's Yibi Mawen."

Shen Kuo's ear was dedicated to listening to gossip, and he kept his ears up all the time. When he heard Wang Pang muttering, he heard and repeated it: "Bi Ma Wen?? What is it?"

Isn't this troublesome?The author of Journey to the West is from the Ming Dynasty. How can I explain this? After thinking about it, I came up with an idea: "During the reign of Zhenguan, the monk Sanzang of the former Tang Dynasty went to Tianzhu to learn Buddhist scriptures and seek Dharma. Do you two know?"

Zhao Zongshi and Shen Kuo both tilted their heads and looked at him. This child actually knew about Buddhism during the Zhenguan period. He listened to Wang Pang with great interest and continued: "It is rumored that Master Sanzang has three apprentices, and the eldest disciple is born from the spirit root fairy stone , one of the four seasons of chaos, the Lingming stone monkey. This monkey is naturally stubborn, and the first time he was appointed by the heaven was the position of Bi Mawen, and this Bi Mawen was to manage horses for the heaven."

Shen Kuo laughed loudly and said, "Brother Ruoxian, does your metaphor mean that your father is a monkey?" Wang Pang rubbed his head and felt that this description was a bit inappropriate. It's not bad, besides, it's a bit wrong for me to say that.

Zhao Zongshi shook and laughed and said: "If you want to talk about this monkey, I think Brother Shen's side brother is more clever than that, and he is more like that monkey." possible.

Several people were laughing, and a twelve or thirteen-year-old child came in. Zhao Zongshi hurriedly ordered him to meet Shen Kuo and Wang Pang. Seeing that this kid was more elf than his father, Wang Pang's eyes lit up immediately, taking down this little guy, this is the future Song Shenzong, who knows how long he will stay in the Song Dynasty, is one after another.

Listening to Zhao Zongshi and Shen Kuo talking, it is better to coax this little guy to play and teach him a little bit: White Dragon Horseshoe facing west, carrying Tang Sanzang on his back and following three apprentices...

At this time, Wang Anshi also had three worries. The first one was that he was not allowed to take up a post in the local government several times, and he was newly appointed, so he had been suspended in the capital for half a year.A few months ago, Shen Qi came to see Wang Anshi and told Wang Anshi that he learned from Wang Anshi's practice of constructing water conservancy in Yin County, and was dredging and embanking the Tonghe River in Haimen to prevent the tide. It is widely used everywhere, but it can't be used.Today, Shen Kuo and Shen Kuo also often talked about the construction of the region, and they were deeply touched. However, he was very annoyed that he could not do practical things in the capital.

The second thing: the younger brother Anguo also just became a Jinshi this year. Anguo's wife is Zeng Gong and Zeng Bu's younger sister. This line of business is also coming to the capital, and there is no stability for the time being. This is also a matter.Too many people cost a lot, and the whole family has to worry about it. [

The third thing is that the second son, Wang, is said to be a good thing to regain his sanity, but when he thinks about it carefully, unlike the elder son who was educated by a tutor since childhood, the elder son is already a juren, this time he came to Beijing to let him experience it.The second son, Wang Pang, had never studied and wanted to choose a good teacher for him. At first he thought of Shen Kuo, but when he suddenly saw Shen Kuo and his second son calling him brothers, he felt like a naughty boy and was worried.

When he was thinking about it, the servant came to report to Mr. Han Jiang to see him. Wang Anshi invited Han Jiang into the garden. The garden is in the main courtyard behind the living room. There is a lotus pond in the garden, and there is a water pavilion in the pond. Sitting opposite each other at the stone table.

Han Jiang brought a letter written by Ouyang Xiu, which roughly meant to persuade him to accept the appointment of the court.Mr. Kuang Wenyanbo also tried his best.Wang Pang already knew about his official position. As Bi Mawen joked about the herdsman, Wang Pang had just arrived in the Song Dynasty and started to weave his nets. He got the news faster than Wang Anshi.It's worth it after that.

Wang Anshi and Han Jiang are old friends, and after discussing their official business, they will inevitably talk about homework.Wang Anshi mentioned Wang Pang, saying that the second son's poor health delayed his studies, and he was thinking of finding a good teacher for Wang Pang.Han Jiang thought for a while, and said, "I have a good candidate. This man is very lonely and happens to be in the capital. It is better to hand over the second son to this man. But I just don't know if he is willing."

With such a good candidate, Wang Anshi must be tempted, and besides, Wang Anshi himself had no idea how he was next to the king, so he hurriedly asked who it was.Han Jiang smiled: "My immediate boss, the third envoy, Mr. Bao Zheng, who sits in Kaifeng Mansion."

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