On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day, I wish all friends who read books a happy holiday. Thank you for your blessings and encouragement.The following text:

Saying goodbye to Cheng Hao and answering the mansion, He Libo has already returned, saying that Yu Danian and Yin Shijie are ready, and tomorrow morning they will pick up Wang Pang and go to the fast ground he bought.

Early the next morning, Yu Danian came to the mansion to meet Wang Pang. Wang Pang saw that the road he led was different from the one he took last time. Yu Danian explained: "This road goes directly from the county town to Bohuling and down to Tangjia Village."

In Wang Pang's impression, those who came before did not have this road.Yu Danian said: "The magistrate of the county saw that the soldiers were too idle, so he asked them to do some work. And you funded the school, the magistrate of the county posted an announcement. People in our village and the people in the county know Your name is also here to help, so you opened this road."

Wang Pang said: "I'm sorry to bother you all, it took so much effort."

Yu Danian said, "It's not too difficult. There used to be a road here, but in recent years, few people have walked it. We just cleared the sundries and walked a few times for nothing, and the road came out again."

Wang Pang laughed out loud, Cheng Hao was thoughtful, Er Xiao remembered a sentence.He said: "Lu Xun said: There is no road in this world, but when there are many people walking, it becomes a road."

Yu Danian asked stupidly: "Who is Lu Xun?"

He Libo shook his head: "Maybe it's some lord in the court. I really haven't heard about this lord Lu."

Wang listened to the conversation between the two, thinking that I have never met this Lord Lu, "I'm afraid you met by chance." He smiled and urged the horse to speed up.

The three of them were approaching the entrance of the village, when the king saw someone waiting there. When the man saw someone coming, he turned around and ran into the village, shouting as he ran, that Mr. Wang is here.Like a sentinel seeing the enemy, he rushed to report the news.

When I entered the village, I saw that the gates of the houses on both sides of the village were open, and the old people and children in the village stood at their gates and looked at Wang.Wang Pang got off his horse, if he was in Yujie, he would definitely pass by with his head held high, but this place is different.

When he was in the capital before, Wang Pang also knew Yin Shijie and Yu Danian.Tangjia Village was originally a barren village. There were only a few families in the village. They were all old people with children of the next generation. Some adults went to the county town to serve as servants for the rich, and some went to other richer villages and towns to go to the farmland. The big family has done long-term work.

From the eyes of these shabby-clothed villagers, it seems that Wang Pang has seen expectations, and of course there are doubts about why Wang Pang chose this barren land.No matter what these people think, Wang Pang knows that this place is full of treasures.Not only the underground coal, but also the mines on the mountain.

The village is not big, and a house is very conspicuous among the small and old village houses. This house was repaired and refurbished on the basis of the abandoned house of a rich family here.

Yin Shijie and some workers were standing at the gate of the house. When Yin Shijie was in the Meyer Mansion, he saw that Lu Shenyan arranged for the servants to do things every day.

Wang Pang greeted them and walked into the house. The house itself was considered too big and had been refurbished. The front yard was relatively wide and consisted of a hall and east and west wing rooms. Entering the inner house from the corner door was three main rooms.There are two ear rooms in the east and west.

Yin Shijie asked the workers to wait in the courtyard. Wang Pang entered the main hall and took a look. There was a table and two chairs facing him, and there were also seats and a square table for the guests. The two chairs and the square table formed a group. Three groups.The main hall is still quite large.

Wang Pang ordered all the people in the courtyard to enter the main hall, and called them to sit down.Seeing that there are many people in their 40s and [-]s, they folded their hands and asked everyone.I don't know who is Li Jian.

This name is also the name that Wang Pang and Yin Shijie and Yu Danian had discussed in detail. This man has been mining coal for the longest time, and he has also worked with his parents since he was a child.An old man in his 50s and [-]s with a dark red face hurriedly stood up and said, "It's me."

Seeing that this man was indeed the oldest among these people, Wang Bang hurriedly said: "Uncle Li, when I was in the capital, I often heard Yin Shijie and Yu Danian talk about it, saying that you are the most accurate. Experience is the most abundant. Thank you in advance for helping me."

The old man hurriedly bowed: "My lord, you don't need to be so polite. You have done us a great favor by leading our village, and you have already thought that you have repaid us by greeting us."

Wang Pang said: "Yu Danian and Yin Shijie are younger than you, but they have read some books. I want them to manage. Uncle Li has rich experience to assist them. Do you have any opinions? "

Although everyone didn't know what the management and assistance specifically said, they generally understood and obeyed willingly. [

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Wang Pang asked, "Who has a daughter-in-law who can be a maid. The job is to cook for everyone, wash clothes, and clean the house."

Then five or six people raised their hands, and Wang Pang said, "Call them all tomorrow."

Everyone looked at each other and all looked at old man Li. The old man said: "The women in our place are capable, and two or three people are enough. I don't think my mother-in-law will come here." Hearing what he said, someone said: " Then my family is different, too many people will make the young master spend money."

Wang Pang said with a smile: "I'm free to arrange, everyone is tired today, please stay for the time being Li old man I have something to ask for advice. Others go home and prepare, tomorrow is the start of work."

Everyone was very happy when they heard this and they all retreated, only He Libo, Yu Danian, Yin Shijie, and that old man Li were left in the room.

Wang Pang asked the old man Li for advice: "The old man has been digging coal for so long, but has he done any research on this coal?"

The old man said: "I can't talk about research, but there are three kinds of coal. If you want to hear it, I will talk about it."

Wang Pang said: "All ears!"

Old man Li told Wang Pang that there are three types of coal: clear coal, crushed coal and fine coal.

Ming coal is relatively large, and some are close to the size of a rice bucket. It only needs a small amount of charcoal to ignite it, and there is no need to use a bellows to blow air when burning.

There are two types of crushed coal, the one with a high flame is called "rice charcoal" which can be used for cooking, and the one with a slightly flatter flame is called "iron charcoal" which is generally used when forging iron.When this coal is used, it should be wetted with water first, and a bellows should be used to assist it. In addition, it should be added at any time.

There is also a kind of fine coal, also called "tap wind", which needs to be mixed with water and mud to make briquettes.The powdered coal can be used for cooking, copper smelting, stone melting, and cinnabar smelting.

Wang Bang listened and nodded, it seems that this old man Li is not only accurate.He knew that people with rich coal mining experience could tell whether there was coal underneath just from the soil quality on the ground.

Wang Pang asked: "Uncle Li, do you think there is coal in this terrain?" He was talking about the land he bought, of course.

The old man chuckled: "This is a good place. The mountains and grass don't grow well in this place."

Wang Pang asked again: "If the work starts today, how long will it take to dig?"

Old man Li said: "It takes five or six feet to dig a well. If you find the right coal, it will take about ten days for three or four people to dig together at the same time."

Yu Danian said: "My lord, we can start working in three places at the same time."

Wang Pang shook his head: "You listen to my arrangement. From now on, Yin Shijie will be responsible for the bank affairs, Yu Danian will be in charge of daily contact and transportation, and Li old man will be in charge of the coal digging supervisor. In addition, you will dig coal in the future according to my handover to you division of labor."

He took out some papers he had prepared earlier, on which were written the specific division of labor and the number of people assigned.He also ordered three people to start digging the well tomorrow, one person was responsible for preparing a bamboo pole more than five or six feet long, and two people were responsible for preparing wooden planks and wooden strips to meet the required dimensions.Two people were in charge of transforming and preparing a turntable waterwheel.Change the artificial image to the blue basket by means of transmission.

Before digging, the canopy must be built, and as the well is dug, the stakes must be strong, and the workers must be protected from top to bottom.If coal is dug out, don't rush to get it up for the time being, but use a hollow bamboo pole to insert into the coal seam.To release poisonous gas for three to five days.

At the same time, he ordered Yu Danian to go to the blacksmith's shop to make some safety helmets according to the drawings. [

Wang Pang looked at Yidong again. The cinders purchased by Yin Shijie and his wife at a low price have all been stored according to their own requirements, which is much more than what they got out last year.But even if all these are used, it is just enough for the palace.Wang Pang ordered to continue receiving goods this year.The receiving price is one penny lower than last year.

After explaining all these, Wang Pang walked around the mansion again. The west wing was as he explained before, and the interior was made into a conference room according to his ideas.He pointed to the table and chairs and Yu Danian and Yin Shijie and said, "From now on, we will discuss business here."

Individuals obeyed orders to prepare separately, and Wang Pang still went back to live in the county that night.Yin Shijie asked, is the young master not satisfied with this residence?Wang Pang said, I also have other arrangements for this residence.

Riding a horse back to the county seat, thinking about his own arrangements, and about to operate step by step according to his own ideas, Wang Pang felt relieved, and He Libo said: "Brother, I didn't know you knew how to dig coal." .”

Wang Pang said: "What is this, I will let my brother see more slowly in the future." When it should be low-key, it should be low-key, but in this small Jincheng County, when it is about to show its strength, it should be crazy.

The next day, after seeing the daughters-in-law of various families, Wang Pang saw that Li Jian's family really looked more virtuous and stable, so he arranged for her to take care of things, and arranged for people to cook, wash, and clean on a daily basis.

The daughter-in-laws of each family also said that they could not use so many people, and gave in to each other.Wang Pang said, you don't have to give up.There are two people who look after each family's children under the age of six.

Then he said to Yin Shijie: "In the inner house, set aside a room as a study room. Let children over six years old study. You need to hire a husband and prepare a separate residence for him."

Everyone was even more grateful for Wang Pang's arrangement.Wang Pang also posted a notice in the village that all laborers who are willing to return to the village can report to Yu Danian, and children from other families in the village can also study here.

Originally, Wang Pang arranged the division of labor in such a detailed way, but now the ** people may not be enough, not to mention that Yu Danian's transport team is not manned yet. The items needed to enter the village and the coal to be transported to the capital in large quantities require carts, cattle and coachman.

A few days after the notice came out, almost all the middle-aged adults in the village came back.Wang Pangxian each gave three guan to let them repair the house.Everyone has something to do and wages to earn, and the village immediately became lively. March in spring is a good time to start construction. When you enter the village, you will meet smiling people who are enthusiastically renovating the village and starting construction. It is full of vitality.Also, Yu Danian's family from the original village simply moved here.

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