Deepin Sony Ericsson: Women, don't cry!

Chapter 13 You Have No Right to Choose

"Uh... so hot..." The fire burning in his heart became more and more intense, until Leng Xi's body was about to explode, and there was an inexplicable tingling sensation in his lower abdomen, as if he was expecting something.

The hand holding her chin was strong and strong, vaguely aware of a pair of star-like eyes staring at her, as if there was an aura of male hormones rushing into the tip of her nose, making her heart flutter even more. As if looking forward to it...

The body's reaction made Lengxi unable to control herself. She only felt that her whole body was so hot that she was about to explode, and her lower abdomen was throbbing so hard that she couldn't bear it. At this time, as long as there was a little bit of coldness, she would be very dependent on it. Her eyes twinkled like a butterfly, hazy Hazy opened it for a moment, then closed it again, not only did not resist Ling Han's restraint, but more obediently licked Ling Han's coolness, and even stretched out her pink and tender tongue to lick Ling Han's hand.

Such tender lips and tongue!A tender and fiery feeling was instantly transmitted from the fingers to Ling Han's brain, and quickly returned to the sensitive part of his lower abdomen, where the nerves tightened numbly.

Damn, what is this woman doing, teasing him? He has always been the only one who has the right to play with women. How could this woman dare to touch his bottom line when he was being teased by a woman!Anger ignited, Ling Han sat up suddenly, and the hand pinching her chin quickly moved to her mouth...

"Hmm..." Before he could lock her cheeks with his hands, she snatched them first. She opened her pink mouth and encloses his fingers, impatiently sucking them!The soft touch led to Ling Han's nerves like an electric current, making him unable to bear the burning heat in his lower abdomen for a while, and let out a muffled groan.

Ling Han was not in a hurry to withdraw the finger that she was drinking like a treasure, and his eyes, which were as thick as ink, were covered with the most primitive breath of desire. He stared at the eyes, his cheeks were red, and he was pulled to reveal a large area of ​​his chest. Wang Ze Baixue's woman's throat became more and more clenched, and her lower abdomen was even more turbulent.

Actually challenged his endurance limit!I took the medicine and delivered it to my door, it turned out to be a member of the Leng family, so worldly and unscrupulous!

He gritted his teeth and endured the raw desire that was about to erupt, quickly pulled his fingers out of her mouth, and squeezed her red hot mouth into shape as punishment, "You want a man that much, huh? Can't live with a lonely woman!"

"Hmm... hot... so hot..." The body became more and more empty and anxious, Leng Xi couldn't hear what the outside world was saying, she only knew that she urgently needed to be cold, the wrapped clothes had become a source of burning fire, She tore her clothes in a daze, and with a "hiss", Xue Baibai popped out proudly.

The pink apricot fruit rushed into Ling Han's eyes, and Ling Han's irritated anger became stronger, he raised his hand and slapped her hard: In his impression, she shouldn't be like this!Although she is humble and small, she has a lot of backbone, and she has pure and unconventional eyes!

And what is she doing now, doing the most vulgar and most despised seduction!

With a crisp sound of "snap", not only did Lengxi not wake up a bit, but the fire ignited a little bit more. She was so hot that she was about to burn. Fortunately, the hand holding her arm was cold, and she climbed along it. She climbed up, snuggled into his arms and licked and kissed him like a kitten, and pressed her whole body against him...

The soft buns, the silky and supple skin were tightly attached to each other, aroused like never before, and Ling Han was burned with anger and passion.

He supported her body that was so soft that it was about to melt, and the fire in his eyes was complicated, "Woman, if I give you a chance, you don't want it. From this moment on, you have no choice!"

As soon as the words fell, he snatched all her initiative, and she was so soft that she was easily thrown out by him.

Just when Ling Han turned over, his mobile phone rang uncomfortably. He remembered that there were still important arrangements for today, so he pressed the answer button.

"Young Master Han, I have changed the house numbers of 6 and 9. When you wake up, you can go directly to 9, but the strange thing is that Leng Kang entered the original 6 with great interest. Has something changed?" came the phone call Du Shaoxi's voice.

Ling Han narrowed his long and narrow eyes dangerously, looking at the groaning woman under him, his anger became more like a prairie fire. If he hadn't sent someone to change the house number today, would this woman want to be in front of that damned Leng Kang? Such a charming attitude without a trace!

Huge anger stirred in his heart, if he didn't punish her, it would be difficult to solve the hatred in his heart.

"Young Master Han, why don't you speak?"

"According to the original plan, don't come in without my order!" Ling Han shoved the phone aside.

Pressing up, tore the shackles on her body, and pulled her down to enter. Sure enough, she encountered that thin layer of obstacles. Uncle Lou was right, she was still a perfect body.

That day, Uncle Lou said that with his many years of experience, he could recognize this girl as a rare young child at a glance, and Ling Han snorted and laughed.

However, when he was helping her wash her body and change her sanitary napkins, Ling Han paid attention to it because of Uncle Lou's words, and sure enough, there were flower buds...

The obstacles he encountered made Ling Han's nerves a little released, but when he thought that if it wasn't for him, at this moment, the person above her was the damned Leng Kang, he became so angry that he couldn't control it, and loaded up his anger In his frantic movements, he frantically danced his avatar, hitting Lengxi with a crackling sound.

Lengxi couldn't take it anymore, grabbed his neck and bit him hard.


The vacancy filled by the lingering sex made Lengxi's hot and empty heart so comfortable that she slept soundly until dawn.

"Hmm..." Opening his sleepy eyes, Lengxi moaned habitually, then woke up suddenly, and sat up quickly.

Where is she?Strange, why is her body sore and sore, what's wrong with her?

Sporadic memories seemed to have a very real dream last night, no, she sat up quickly, looked at the bed, what she saw made her head turn pale, there was indeed a dry, dark red bed on the white sheet. The bloodstains, as well as the smell after the incident wafted into her nostrils, all told her the fact that she had been put to sleep!

Looking around in panic, it was eerily quiet, there was no one else but her!God, she didn't even know who she gave to for the first time.

My heart ached fiercely, as if a devil's claw was grabbing and tearing fiercely.

"Dong dong!"

"Open the door, open the door!"

Before Lengxi had time to be sad, or to tidy up his embarrassing self, someone knocked on the door rudely, with the tendency to rush in.

Lengxi frantically looked for her clothes, but saw that the dress she wore last night had been torn to pieces on the ground...

"Let go, I'm going in!" This is Leng Ni's voice, and Lengxi can hear it, "If you don't open the door, I will open it myself!"

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