Deepin Sony Ericsson: Women, don't cry!

Chapter 60 Follow Your Heart

this cup?

It broke itself?

Lengxi was terrified, remembering the scene of Ling Han holding the goblet just now, the knuckles of his slender fingers turned white, and suddenly realized, did he pinch it?

Is he angry?But this is too unbelievable, the glass doesn't shatter immediately when it is under force, how could it shatter after a while?

What kind of character is he that can do things that ordinary people can't do?

Leng Xi was panicked, both shocked and haunted by the unreachable strangeness, she was dumbfounded and froze in place.

Du Shaoxi frowned slightly as he looked at the bright red liquid flowing meanderingly on the table, Master Han lost his temper?

It's not about getting angry in an open and aboveboard way, and being so forbearing to intimidate others, Young Master Han can only face those powerful and wealthy drug lords at the negotiating table, facing harsh forms, strong and arrogant enemies, it is not suitable to face up When a conflict arises, he can only endure and outsmart him, take the strategy of sacrificing courage and defeating the opponent with a strategy. Under his elegant speech, the anger in his body needs to be vented, but it is not appropriate to express it clearly. This is his usual method.

Accumulate strength on the glass in his fingers, making it want to break but not being able to, his hand is not only a tool to destroy the glass, but also a source of protection to prevent it from shattering instantly.

After his hand left the glass for a moment, the glass that should have fallen apart due to the force, lost the protection and naturally shattered.

At the negotiating table, whenever Ling Han wins with resourcefulness, he will give his opponent a charming smile, give others a look of appreciation, and then get up and leave leisurely. Not long after he took a step, the glass on the table will be It shattered with a bang, leaving the opponent with a strong deterrent and lingering horror.

This is Ling Han's consistent style of handling things, and only he can have this ability and achieve this state!

Du Shaoxi turned around and looked at Lengxi, who was still in shock, suspiciously.

Obviously, what happened just now, he didn't know anything, but he caught up with him, and the scene he saw aroused his interest.

He raised his eyebrows, and there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes, Master Han actually started a forbearing fire at this powerless woman!It's really rare. With his cold and ruthless personality, there's no reason why he can't bear such a temper with an unimportant woman, so let's suffocate himself.

It seems that there is something going on, Du Shaoxi was watching the excitement, and the smile in his eyes became stronger and stronger. He took the gift box in his hand, walked up to Lengxi, and said with a smile on his face, "Lengxi, don't Li Linghan, he is such a pervert, even the glass cup is dissatisfied with him and blew himself up to express his protest. Competing with him is a waste of his expression, let's go, go to the auction venue with me and sit far away from Linghan Yes, completely ignore him!"

Du Shaoxi spoke in a suave tone, but it was not difficult to hear the coaxing meaning in those words.

He's slandering Ling Han, excuse her, let her not care too much, don't be too sad.

Lengxi is a sensible person, of course he can understand.

But the shock that Ling Han gave her just now, she couldn't recover for a while, and her heart was faintly shaking, a little flustered and a little downcast.

She raised her head slightly, and smiled at Du Shaoxi, "Okay, I'll listen to Brother Du and ignore him. I want to go to the bathroom to fix my makeup first. Brother Du, go sit down first. I'll find you later." She wanted to be alone first, to sort out the messy threads.

Du Shaoxi rubbed his chin, "Okay, I'll be over there, come over later." He pointed to the middle of the hotel lobby, and left with a smile.

Facing the mirror in front of the sink, Leng Xi took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Everyone is afraid of something, and everyone will subconsciously alienate those things or people that scare them. Lengxi is just an ordinary girl, and her heart is also the carrier that beats under the flesh, and she is of course no exception .

The look of Ling Han's starry eyes just now is still in front of her eyes, and he actually let a cup shatter in the air. They were all afraid that he would get angry, but they didn't expect that when he was not angry, it would be even more penetrating, like his deep eyes in a deep pool, bottomless, endlessly mysterious and frighteningly cold.

After she calmed down, she realized that it took courage to love someone, to understand him, to accept everything about him, to bear everything about him.

There is no free lunch in this world, and love is the same. Now that she is in love, and now that she has decided to follow her heart and pursue her own happiness, she needs to be strong and courageous, and even more so, a tough heart.

Lengxi took a deep breath again, dispelling the lingering fear caused by Ling Han's intrusive actions just now, raised her head, looked at herself in the mirror, gave herself strength with firm eyes, and then the corners of her mouth revealed A sweet smile, like a sunflower chasing the sun after the rain.

Finally, the surge in his chest calmed down, and at this moment, Lengxi's mood also relaxed a lot.

As soon as I relaxed, I thought in a good direction.

Ling Han was angry, because Aunt Cao said that she had a marriage contract with Bai Yicheng, and he was angry, which meant that he still cared about her, and the degree of his anger meant how much he cared about her.

It's such a good feeling to be cared about by the person you like.

A woman who is immersed in love is always a little foolish. Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, she prefers to go to the mountains, not for anything else, but for the one that holds his heart.

Lengxi smiled lowly, unexpectedly counting on his fingers how much he cared about her.


In a daze, there was an extra hand on her forehead, which lifted her slightly lowered head up.

"Walk carefully, you're going to bump into someone!"

A slightly hoarse, vigorous voice sounded in front of her.

Lengxi raised his eyes, and saw a man with a typical burly figure, well-developed muscles, a somewhat sinister face, a Chinese character face, slightly rough features, dark skin, and a pair of evil eyes, showing a bit of evil. Bloodshot, looking directly at her.

Leng Xi held his breath, frowned, quickly withdrew his head from his palm, and hurriedly lowered his head, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Only then did she realize that when she walked out of the bathroom, she was so lost in thought that she didn't look at the road and almost bumped into someone.

The only thing to blame is that the men's and women's restrooms share the same access.

Lengxi hurriedly apologized modestly, and moved her body aside to make way for that person.

The man didn't leave immediately, his slightly bloodshot eyes stared at Leng Xi unmovingly, his rough eyes became hot, exuding an aura of lust: Beauty, I didn't expect to be so beautiful!

"Woman, what's your name, tell me, and I won't argue with you." The man's hoarse and vigorous voice suddenly lingered.

Feeling that he was approaching her, Lengxi froze and tensed up, "I'm sorry sir, I apologize for my rudeness, I still have something to do, I'm leaving first..." Lengxi felt numb all over his body. Concerned, he turned around awkwardly and quickened his pace.

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