Auntie Cao made it very clear to Lengxi that Bai Yicheng wanted her and wanted everything from her, so he didn't care about morality, he wanted to get her no matter what means he used.

So before Lengxi came here, he was mentally prepared and knew what he was about to face.

And Bailicheng really said that just now, didn't he?He's changed, he'll do anything to get her.

Leng Xi bit her lips, and folded her hands on her chest, covering the two bulges on her chest. Under the light, her thin body was smudged with layers of brilliance, like a bright moon coated with brilliance, becoming more and more desolate.

Her lips are very soft and elastic, with a beautiful arc sunken under the resistance of her white teeth. Coupled with the bright red color of her lips, it is like a lilac flower blooming around her lips, which is moist and at the same time seems to be covered The wet light of the rain makes the original beauty dyed with a sad color.

Bai Yicheng's eyes enlarged slightly, and he looked at the compromising her from top to bottom. At this moment, she was so humble and insignificant, as if she could be manipulated by others. There was a pain in his heart, and his eyes were unbelievably sad.

She's really off!For Ling Han, she even sacrificed herself!

Xi'er is the woman he has always loved and the woman he has always wanted, but now, seeing her kneeling in front of him, presented to him like a pastry, he can be picked and ravaged by him, he should be happy, but There was a hole in the heart, and the pain was unbearable.

Her heart is on another man, even though she sacrificed her body, she died of her heart, he should understand.

But he was not willing to lose to Ling Han so easily, he lost love so thoroughly, he should be ruthless and desperate to have her, no matter if she is a walking dead or a wandering soul, as long as she is surrounded by him. Is that enough?

Clenching his fists tightly, Bai Yicheng's face was tense, as if he was making a final decision. After a while, he loosened his fist, and his shoulders relaxed. He exhaled lightly, and squatted down slowly. Bottom, stretched out his hand.

The man's body squatted down, covering Lengxi's small body, and the huge presence was vivid in her heart. The moment he stretched out his hand, her body tightened obviously, and the white teeth biting her lips tightened even more.

A series of changes in her body pulled Bai Yicheng's nerves, she was rejecting him!Pain and stubbornness grew in his heart, Bai Yicheng gritted his teeth, no longer being slow and gentle, and grabbed her shoulders, Lengxi's thin body subconsciously shrank in shock, his black grape-like eyes were startled like a deer, dizzy With the color of panic and panic.

Bai Yicheng frowned slightly, and pulled up the hands holding her shoulders, helping her to stand up, kneeling like that, she was working hard, and he felt uncomfortable.

Leng Xi's head was drooping very low, and he didn't dare to raise his eyes to look at him. From the beginning to the end, he was facing Bai Yicheng with his black hair.

She was afraid that when she looked at Bailicheng, she would show a resentful expression, she would not be able to control herself to slap him, she was afraid that she would not be able to bear it and cry out.

In her heart, she has always regarded Bailicheng as a good friend, and she believes that he is Maxima. Although he is a bit willful, he is pure and kind.

But in the end, he broke all the beauty in her heart, destroyed her love, hurt the people she loved, and forced her to do things she didn't want to do!She hates and resents Baili like this!

Seeing her black hair dripping with water, dripping on the soft skin, sliding down the curve of the body, smooth and seductive, a layer of tulle overflowed from Bai Yicheng's eyes, his throat was a little tight, and his fingertips Touching her skin, the most primitive heat boiled all over her body along her fingertips, and the blood all over her body began to scream.

He had always loved her, and now looking at her beautiful body, he couldn't control his emotions, but when he saw her slightly trembling shoulders, the pain in his heart was overwhelming.

After staring at her deeply for a few seconds, Bai Yicheng let go of her, bent over, picked up the bathrobe on the floor, and put it on her body.

The moment the clothes fell on his body, Lengxi shivered instinctively, and accidentally bumped into Bai Yicheng's eyes, but saw that his eyes were slightly stained with displeasure, and the brows were also slightly furrowed, showing displeasure.

"Yes... I'm sorry..." Lengxi quickly lowered her head again, her broken voice expressed her cowardice.

She has to be careful now, not to make Bailicheng angry. If he is in a bad mood and hands over the evidence of Ling Han's drug business to the judge, it will be too late.

So now she has to try her best to please him.

"Put it on..." Bai Yicheng seemed to show mercy, not only helped her put on the bathrobe, but also tied her a belt.

His slender fingers slid across the pure cotton fabric, and when they slightly brushed against her waist, even through the fabric, Bai Yicheng could feel the soft curve of her slender waist, the light and smooth silkiness, the wonderful sense of flexibility, Looking at the sultry woman Meixiang, her lower abdomen tightened involuntarily.

His fingers were attached to her waist, and he tied the belt softly and thinly. There was a slight tickling feeling in his rustling movements. Thinking of the purpose of her visit today, Leng Xi's small face burst into tears. Bai blushed for a while, his muscles tensed and he was uncomfortable, and he held his breath, not daring to let out a breath.

After fastening his belt, Bai Yicheng raised his eyes, seeing her nervous and embarrassed face, the anger and unwillingness in his heart became heavier.

He would never have thought that she would actually beg him for Ling Han, and would be willing to do anything for Ling Han.

No one wants to be worse than others, especially men, who are more aggressive and face-saving!How can you be willing to admit defeat, especially in front of a woman you like.

He wants to prove to Leng Xi that he is no worse than Ling Han!

Da grasped Lengxi's little hand, feeling the coldness in her palm, Bai Yicheng looked down at her with her black head drooping, and tightened his palm even more, leading her towards the bed.

His palms should have been very warm, but at this moment, it was as cold as frost that spread to Leng Xi's body.

Realizing that he was leading her to the bed, Leng Xi's heart froze while beating like a drum, tense and flustered, the cold feeling spread from the palm of his hand, and went through from head to toe.

Sensing that her hands were sweating coldly, Bai Yicheng pulled his lips in a sinister arc, but his footsteps did not stop at all.

When she was pushed on the bed and sat down, Lengxi was already so nervous and embarrassed that she couldn't breathe.He twisted his fingers tightly, struggling in his heart.

Does this count as betraying Ling Han? If Ling Han finds out, what will happen?She wanted to cry when she thought of Ling Han, but she bit her lip to hold back.

"Huhu" sounded from behind, and Lengxi turned his head, only to see Bai Yicheng was blowing her hair with a hair dryer. He was sitting behind her, stroking her black hair with his fingers, blowing it carefully and attentively.

At such a close distance, Bai Yicheng's chest is almost touching Lengxi's back. From time to time, because of the need to blow his hair, his chest will rub against her back, causing Lengxi's whole body to tense up, and his heartbeat to slow down. Slow down, tense your nerves as if you can hear your own slow breathing, and squeeze your little hands tightly, sweating from your palms.

But Bian Yicheng is different, every time he rubs against her body, his lower abdomen tightens a bit, his throat becomes dry, and his eyes gradually darken, until he blows her hair dry and smells her body fragrance With the fragrance on the top of his hair, his eyes are so dark that they can drip water.

Lust was growing, everything seemed out of control, Bai Yicheng put down the hair dryer, and wrapped his arms around Leng Xi's body from behind.

Lengxi was as startled as a deer, his body tensed and stiff, his eyes were like black grapes after being soaked in water, and he panicked helplessly.

But Bai Yicheng automatically ignored her reaction, he only wanted her now.

With his eyes closed, he sniffed deeply the fragrance of her hair, the throbbing factor boiled up from the deepest part of his heart, Bai Yicheng looked very focused and enjoyed it.

Suddenly there was a wet temperature on her neck, and Lengxi shuddered, realizing that Bai Yicheng was kissing her, her whole heart trembled, she was so frightened that she wanted to run away, but when she thought of Linghan, she gritted her teeth and endured it again. Living.

Dragging Lengxi's neck, he gently put her down on the bed. Bai Yicheng's eyes were filled with unprecedented tenderness. He was finally going to get Xi'er. This feeling was a kind of happiness.

Bowing his head, he kissed her lips tenderly. Her lips were soft and resilient, like pudding or fruit tofu. The texture was excellent and the taste was extremely delicious. Bai Yi kissed and was intoxicated by it.

The strange breath, the strange heartbeat, the strange kiss, everything is so strange, so she is afraid, it is not Ling Han, it is really not Ling Han, what should she do: Ling Han, I miss you so much...

Straightening his body, Lengxi stiffly endured Bai Yicheng's kiss, but his body was shaking with fear, and warm tears could no longer hold back from falling from his eyes.

Suddenly tasted a stream of water, salty!

Bai Yicheng was startled, opened his eyes suddenly, raised his head, and saw Lengxi's little face crying like a river bed, his heart was suffocated, and the desire in his eyes was dispelled by the suffocation-like feeling. Lifting her chin, let her face him, "How many men have you shed tears for?" The seemingly angry words were tinged with sadness.

Biting her red lips to stop her sobs, Leng Xi stubbornly turned her face away, not looking at him.

she cried!Being with him would cause her such pain!Bai Yicheng's heart also hurt like tearing, looking at her stubborn face, the unwillingness in his heart turned into pain little by little, for her stubbornness and persistence, and also for the sadness of the person he could not love.

After staring at her for a long time, Bai Yicheng finally couldn't help her, unwilling to tear such a beautiful her apart.

He let out a long breath, let her go and lay beside her, but his long arms wrapped around her body and hugged her.

Lengxi was startled, and subconsciously struggled a few times.

"Don't move! Or I'll come again!" Bai Yicheng closed his eyes and threatened with a cold voice, Lengxi's body trembled, and he really didn't dare to move.

After a long time, Bai Yicheng sighed, "Just let me hug you..." It's not a luxury to hold her to sleep through the fabric for a night, maybe let him experience the feeling of having her by his side at night, it's right His consolation.

Lengxi froze for a moment, and froze in his arms, not daring to move, with her dark eyes open, she didn't know how time turned.


At about three o'clock in the evening, the silence of the night is still singing amidst the hustle and bustle.

The office of the president of Lingyun Group was brightly lit. Ling Han was very tired after reading the documents all night. He leaned on the armchair and rubbed between his brows.

"Young Master Han, you haven't rested since you started working in the morning, and you won't go back to have a look..." At this moment, Uncle Lou pushed the door open and entered.

"I have to deal with the documents piled up at the American company in time." Ling Han's mellow voice echoed the exhaustion from the previous night.

Uncle Lou nodded knowingly, "In the afternoon, I was taken to the police station by those bastards to solve some things that should be solved. On the way, I met Xi'er. I asked her to wait for you to go back at home, but I didn't expect that you were working. Crazy, she hasn't gone back and she hasn't gone back..." Uncle Lou said.

Ling Han immediately raised his head, frowning.

"President Ling, Aunt Zifeng told you to go to Room 8088 of Baidun Hotel to pick her up now..." In less than a second, Leng Ni hurried in, her tone a little eager.

Ling Han frowned, and his intuition told him that something was wrong, so he immediately stood up and walked outside.

He drove the car all the way to the Baidun Hotel.

With a "snap", the door was kicked open, waking up Leng Xi, who had been sleeping nervously and lightly, and looked towards the door in panic.

The person in front of her made her heart tighten suddenly, her ancient spring-like eyes widened, she was dumbfounded, "Ling... Ling Han..."

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