Looking at the pure and beautiful Lengxi who looked like an elf, Du Shaoxi was very reluctant to part with it. Isn't it too wasteful for such a top-notch beauty to be dedicated to old perverts like Old Man Xu?

Young Master Han dedicated her to that old man Xu, it would be better to reward Du Shaoxi for a few days and nights.

"Don't think about it, just go, after the matter is done, there will be more vases for you to put in." Ling Han pulled back Du Shaoxi's thoughts.

Lengxi stared in disbelief, the meaning of their conversation was obvious, they wanted her to accompany an old man in that capacity!How could it be, how could Ling Han let her do such a thing!

While Lengxi was in astonishment, Du Shaoxi shook his head with a regretful expression, stepped forward and took her slender arm, ready to dedicate it to that annoying old man Xu.

Obedience to his words, obedience to his words, she must obey his words!Lengxi tried her best to calm her thoughts, so that she would not panic, and had to believe that he would not really hurt herself.

She finally looked back at him begging for mercy, but he just smiled and looked at the direction of her departure, with an indescribable evil and darkness in his long and narrow eyes, without any intention of changing his mind.

Unknowingly, at that moment, Lengxi's heart ached violently for no reason, why did he feel distressed?Is it because he doesn't care about her?Lengxi lowered her head in disappointment, and followed Du Shaoxi's lead into a luxurious private room full of atmosphere...

"Um... um... hurry up... ah... hurry up..." As soon as she arrived at the door of the private room, a woman's sweet voice overflowed into Lengxi's ears, and she suddenly Frightened all over, the soles of her feet went numb in an instant to the top of her head, and Jane's hands in front of her couldn't help trembling.

You don't need to look up, you can imagine what a beautiful scene is in front of the private room.

Suddenly, Leng Xi's hand was held in the palm of her hand. She was startled when she was startled, but she met Du Shaoxi's comforting eyes. He held her hand tightly, giving her the power of courage, but in his eyes was Regret: Hey, no one can change and resist what Young Master Han decides, including him, Du Shaoxi.

"Whether a girl will become a young woman or not depends on your own destiny. The old man's energy needs to be stimulated." He lowered his head and whispered something in her ear. The word "excited" was deliberately prolonged by him. The tone seemed obscene, and Leng Xi could clearly hear the meaning of those words reminding her.

"Hey, it's coming in the water, and it's going to go in the fire. Mr. Xu, you are becoming more and more unkind. Why don't you call me for such a good thing."

Du Shaoxi led Lengxi with one hand, and walked towards the private room.

Lengxi had no excuses, and followed her half-pushed, she never dared to raise her head to look at the situation and people in the private room, because just the sound of bumping and friction in the affair came to her mind, it almost made her feel as if she was suffocating and running away , She really couldn't imagine what kind of reaction she would make when she saw such a rotten scene.

"Master Du, you don't follow Young Master Han romantically, but come to me to watch the human flesh war. Does it mean that you are more interested in me?"

Just as Lengxi sat down with Du Shaoxi, a middle-aged and elderly man with a hoarse voice spoke pointedly.

This voice, one can tell that it is a person with a strong desire, and it must have just been withdrawn from the sexual intercourse not long ago.The strange breath made Lengxi's hairs stand on end. She raised her eyes subconsciously, but the scene she saw out of the corner of her eyes made her miss a beat: directly in front of her, there was a slightly higher stage On the top, a naked man is holding a naked woman's buttocks, working hard in a backward style. The woman's expression is extremely enjoyable, giving people the feeling of flying into the sky.

The panting sounds like the wind scrubbed the eardrums of others and themselves.

Lengxi was frightened, feeling suffocated in an instant, almost screaming out loud, and the moment he hurriedly retracted his eyes, he accidentally met a cloudy triangular eye, which contained a huge desire, which made Lengxi panic even more, It's like falling into hell.

"Stop it, today's performance is not exciting enough, you still need to improve, don't let me down next time, go down." The voice came from the man with triangular eyes. The clacking sound stopped, and a man and a woman who were still mingling with each other just now retreated obediently.

"Mr. Xu, is this the end? It's so boring. I'm still waiting to see your 'good show'. I heard that Mr. Xu's style is still the same as before. Not only Qijiro, but also can shoot in 10 minutes. I don't know if it's true. , I'm very curious." Du Shaoxi said casually, seemingly suavely.

Old man Xu didn't answer Du Shaoxi's words right away, with a pair of mole-like triangular eyes, he looked at Lengxi who had just had a glance with him just now, and he saw her eyes clearly just now, watery and clear , Smart and tactful, what a beauty embryo that combines charm and purity, he hasn't tasted such a fresh product for many years.

"Young Master Du praised you. There is a saying, but it can only be stimulated if you have a good bed." Old man Xu kept his eyes on Lengxi, licking the saliva from his mouth, "Master Du, I don't know that Young Master Han has been here recently. What are you busy with?" The beauty is present, but the old man Xu will not forget that Du Shaoxi is from Linghan's side, and he knows that if he wants to get the beauty, he must pay a price.

"Oh, Young Master Han heard that his uncle Mr. Xu will celebrate your 50th birthday in eight days, and he is making preparations for you. He is a 'filial' grandson." Du Shaoxi answered casually, as if he really answered that way. Things come from word of mouth.

"Oh, really, haha... It seems that Young Master Han has me in his heart." Hearing what Du Shaoxi said, the old man Xu raised his head and laughed heartily. After laughing, his eyes settled on Lengxi, very 'deeply' "Since Young Master Han cares so much about my sexual well-being, I don't want to disappoint him. Why don't I just let this woman by your side accompany me tonight, so that I can also thrive..."

Hearing this, Leng Xi trembled all over, and his heart was numb with fear.

No, no, no, no, this old man is outrageously lewd, and if she falls into his hands, it will be her end!

"Clap clap..."

"Okay, since my uncle is so temperamental, there is no reason for me to be incomplete."

Just as Lengxi was frightened and begging not to, when Du Shaoxi hesitated to speak, there was a burst of applause at the door, and the magnetic and mellow voice was shocking.

Lengxi looked up in panic, only to see Ling Han in a silver suit walking towards him with his characteristic evil smile.

"Then uncle can do it for your convenience, let me also experience your 'durable and stable' nature!"

As Ling Han sat down next to Lengxi with his legs up, Lengxi's body was so stiff that he couldn't help himself: He really wanted to dedicate her to this old man, and he wanted to personally observe how she was destroyed!

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