When I opened my eyes, the sky was already slightly white, and a small wind blew my tattered clothes, making it a bit cold.Surrounded by a mass of human bodies, fallen, in various poses.There was a knife wound on my chest, the cut was not deep, and the blood had dried.

I, the leader of the Song Dynasty, have a surname of Niu and a name of Rangzi Delu.Now it is a bit far-fetched to call the Great Song Dynasty, after all, a large area of ​​the country has been swallowed up.

I am considered a scholar, I didn't win the exam, but I have great ambitions to serve the country.When the Jin soldiers came to commit the crime, they resolutely threw their pens and joined the army.It's a cliché, but it was passionate.If he became a character like Di Qing, then Zong Yao and his ancestors would be considered exhausted.

This time, he was ordered to deliver dry food to the soldiers guarding the position. Before he could leave, he was attacked by Jin soldiers.Usually, although I have little martial arts skills, I have seldom fought in actual combat. I fell under his sword after only a few strokes with a golden soldier.

Before, I thought I was so powerful, and the general asked me to cook with a fire, and I always felt that I was inferior, and scolded the general for not knowing gold and jade.Only by doing this with the enemy soldiers with real swords and guns can we realize how vulnerable we are.

The general is also surnamed Niu. Some people say that he is taking care of me. I am an idiot who is suitable for cooking. Cooking is relatively safe.However, I was so unlucky that I encountered this attack.

I didn't expect how lucky I was not to die.I took out the dry food in my arms and took a bite. My mouth was too dry and I couldn't swallow it.That also had to be swallowed hard.On the way to deliver dry food, I secretly hid a copy and wanted to use it as a snack, but I didn't expect it to come in handy.

I picked up a spear beside me and stood up leaning on it.

"Is there still alive?" I yelled. I wondered why I yelled like this, but just yelled.

"Is there still alive?" There was an echo in the mountains.I suspected it was my own voice, so rough and powerful, I haven't eaten for a long time; before, I ate and drank enough, but spoke in a soft voice.

There was no movement, so I had to go down the mountain.I don't know whether to go back to camp or go home.Back to camp?Now we are fighting a city and losing ground, and it is difficult to find a camp; besides, how can I explain when I go back, so many brothers died, and I came back alone?

Let's go home, it's too far away, home has become an enemy-occupied area again.

Seriously, I miss home very much. I have been in the army for several years and have only been home once.

When I went home that time, my father was gone.Dad died early under the sword of the golden soldier.

Mother heard people say that Dad hid a wounded General Song in a cave, and then he wore his armor and rode his horse to lure away the searching Jin soldiers.Father was captured alive, Jin Bing saw that he had chased the wrong person, hung him on the tree on the spot, tortured him and asked where General Song was hiding, but his answer was irrelevant, and he said with a smile: "Look, do I look like a big man?" General?"

The next day, Dad was killed.

Brother and mother secretly collected the body for father, buried it hastily, and fled for their lives.

The guard Li Yanxian beat off the Jin army that besieged Shanzhou, and his elder brother carried his mother on his back and took his younger sister with him, and then returned home.

The Jin soldiers are not dead-hearted, and they repeatedly commit crimes in Shanzhou.In the fourth year of Jianyan, the Jin soldiers stepped up their offensive. Goose carts, trains, and rushing chariots all attacked one after another. Li Yanxian led the army and people in the city to fight bravely and fought the enemy more than [-] times.The food in the city was exhausted, and the soldiers boiled beans for food. Li only took soybean juice to drink himself.Jin Bing lured him to surrender with wealth, and Li immediately beheaded his envoy.Reinforcements never arrived, Li Yanxian and fifty other generals died to serve the country, none of them surrendered.Shanzhou fell.Although the people fled, they fell in love with their homes for a long time, and many returned to their hometowns.

Thinking about it, I lost my way again.I often get lost, and my comrades call me confused for this reason.I never remember the way.When I came, I was with Big Fatty and followed him. At this time, he was dead and it was impossible to lead me the way.I can only go forward blindly.

a river!How happy I am.I pounced on it, drank water, washed my face, and splashed water.After drinking enough and eating some dry food, I wanted to take a rest.I had nothing to do, just wanted to ###, in fact, I didn't urinate much, I urinated for a long time before urinating.When I urinate into the river, the sound of urination and the sound of water resound together, so damn good!

"You are a pig!" Halfway through peeing, I heard scolding.On the upper reaches of the river, a woman was holding her clothes in one hand and pointing at me with the other, tilting her head.This freeze-frame picture is also fucking good.

In the past, this half of my urine would have to be forced to flow back, and the thing would obediently retract.I'm ashamed when I meet a woman, let alone ### in front of her.No today, as if I have a grudge against women all over the world because I haven't met a good woman in the past few years, I just finished peeing in front of her.I urinate quite comfortably.

After urinating, I said irrelevantly: "You are unreasonable. I am downstream and you are upstream. How can you dirty the water?"

"Stinky fart! If you pee there, the water will be dirty!"

"You are still a woman, how dare you look at others ###? Don't be ashamed!"

"Look what? What's the difference between a human and a pigdog###? You shouldn't dirty this river, though."

"Then let me have a look?"

"We don't ### before the river."

I took a few steps towards her and saw her face clearly, round and smooth.She also looked at me, and cast her eyes on me, like cutting water with a knife, not knowing whether it was soft or ruthless.

I looked around, but there was no village, and I was worried that I might encounter a ghost.I was a little afraid to look at her, but I couldn't help but look at her again.

She gave me a hard look and said, "Haven't you seen a girl?"

I said, "I want to ask you, how to get to Junzhou?"

She smiled mischievously: "I won't tell you."

Can something happen with her?This idea turned in my mind, and then I thought it was unrealistic, I'd better go home, go home and ask a woman to keep a seed, and then go to fight Jinbing.

I don't look back anymore, I keep going forward.I was going to walk through a forest, and there was not much light in the woods, so I was a little scared. I always thought that there was something behind me, so I looked back from time to time.

Finally coming out of the woods, I excitedly planned to look back one last time—***!A brown-red wolf was looking at me affectionately not far away.

I run.The wolf chased after him fiercely.

Running and running, I seemed to bump into something, and I didn't know who I was.

When I woke up again, I was lying in the grass house.The woman who gave me the medicine looks familiar to me, but I just can't remember it.

"You are……?"

"It's really a pig. Look at your memory, don't you know me?"

"Oh, you... live here?" It turns out that she is the little lady who sees me ###.

Her father saved me.When the wolf was chasing me, I panicked and bumped into the carriage driven by her father.The wolf was scared away by her father.

Her father is very short and a little uglier than me, but he is cute and not scary.However, no matter how ugly a person is, I don't believe he can scare away wolves.

She told me his daddy just yelled and scared the wolf away.In the past, I heard that the black face scared an enemy general to death with a roar, but I didn't expect to meet a man who scared away a wolf with a roar today.

Her name is Cao Hua.Her mother used to call her that.I just call her Hua'er, of course this is after we got to know each other.

After my injury was healed, I chopped firewood to feed the caravan cook and did everything very diligently.But I don't cook, and I don't carry water.I cook well, and I'm afraid I'll be made to do it often after I show it off.

However, sometimes I want to carry water but they don't let me carry it, and I don't know why?

Sometimes Cao Hua and I ride horses to herd sheep.I ride a horse well, and my horse moves beautifully. I often show her off.It made her laugh all the time.I also told her funny stories about our barracks.Of course, I didn't say I was cooking.I am so good at making up stories, so I have to give full play to it, so I said that I am a capable member of Yue Fei's subordinates... She didn't know who Yue Fei was.I will tell her the story of Yue Fei.I have so many stories to tell her.

Of course, I sang when we were not talking, especially after we quarreled.I couldn't find the tune, and couldn't remember the words, so I sang indiscriminately.On the grassland, I sang unscrupulously, singing so that the grass swayed in the wind.

"Where do you wake up from your dream tonight? The wind and the moon on the banks of the willows. If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening? Ask you how much you can worry. It's like a river of spring water flowing eastward. Ask the wine to the blue sky. I don't know the sky. Palace, what year is today..."

After we sang, she also sang: "A guest on the horse, looking back, there is a shadow on the vast plain. The wind blows the grass, the grass flutters, the wind blows the grass to move away from human feelings..." She sang casually, and she sang so well that I almost heard it Son fell off the horse.

On the prairie, nothing happened to me and her.There is a lot of space here, and I rarely think about that, and maybe she is the same.

Only that time, her parents went to the field, and she and I were the only ones at home.I think something is going to happen today... I can't help but assume all kinds of situations...

I like her, really like her, but I don't think much about our future.When we were cooking together, she was peeling the garlic with tears in her eyes, looking at her from the side was very touching.I hugged her violently from behind...

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