As soon as I checked my homework on the sand, I was so angry that Ma Li drew circles all over the ground without writing the word "person".

I reprimanded: "Why do you know how to draw circles? You can't even write characters, how will you be a human being in the future?"

Mali said, "I don't want to be a human being, and no one treats me as a human being anyway. My brother always says I'm not human."

"Why does your brother say that about you? I'll teach you again..."

I taught Mali how to write the three characters for "person" hand in hand, threatening him and saying, "If you can't write any more, I'll beat you up."

Wang Feng didn't even draw a circle, the sand in front of him was very clean.

I said: "Wang Feng, why are you not even as good as horsepower? He even drew some circles, and some of them are very round and beautiful. It is very possible to become a painter in the future. But you, how can you even draw circles?" Why don’t you draw circles?”

Wang Feng said: "If you can't write, you can't write. How can drawing circles be used as farts?"

"Why are you so stupid? I've taught you for a long time, and you can't even write? You don't compare horsepower. Do you think you are ashamed?"

"It's not that I can't write, but that I don't want to write. You've been talking for a long time, and it's all nonsense. There's nothing I want to learn."

An old man couldn't get used to it: "You bastard, how can you say that what you say is nonsense? I think what you say is very good."

Others nodded and said "yes".

I looked at the old man gratefully and smiled at him.

I then reprimanded my disciples: "Look at you two, and then look at the other children, they are not my disciples, but they wrote a lot of 'human' characters on the sand, you actually... don't talk nonsense with you, stretch out your hands Come!"

Ma Li threw his hands back.

Wang Feng stretched his hand forward and turned his head away from me.

He let me beat him so obediently, I didn't want to beat him anymore and put away the stick.

"Okay! I've always convinced people with reasoning. I won't beat you if you want to write the Chinese character on it."

Wang Feng raised his face: "Who is afraid of you hitting me?"

A little girl said: "Mr. Niu, how many characters can Erwai write? He can write dogs, pigs, flowers, and grass..."

I said, "Really?"

I said to Wang Feng again with a pleasant face: "Did your sister teach you?"

"Can you handle it?"

"I'm your husband, why don't you care? Don't think that you can write a few words before you are bold! If you don't agree, let's compare?"

"Compare to compare!"

"Hey, people are not small! Compared to what?"

"Compare pairs."

"You talk first."

"Let's talk about it first, sir."

"The cobbler turned to a carpenter—see how the brat saws."

"The old skinny donkey is stuck in the mud—how does the old animal hoof?"

"As the sky increases, the years increase and the life increases."

"The world is full of spring and happiness. Do you know anything else? Don't say this kind of cliché as soon as possible. What's the point?"

"There are two or three flowers in spring across the stream."

"Four or five houses near the water."

"There is no mud in the water from hibiscus."

"Grass flowers in the mountains always have three points of beauty."

"What's the point of looking at the stage at the bottom of the stage and jumping on the stage?"

"The Great General of the Great Song Dynasty and the Romance of the Song Dynasty said that the East and the West are not things!"

"Okay! You kid can do it! I'm not Mr. Confused, you have to study hard, and you will become a talent one day."

"Whether I become a talent or not is none of your business?"

"Okay, okay! If I can teach you, I will teach you. If I can't teach you, you can teach me. That's okay, right?"

It seems that this kid is really a genius.Just now, our teasing seems to be indistinguishable, but it is impossible for ordinary people to be able to match each other like this.

The idlers watching from the side listened to our teasing. Although they didn't quite understand what it meant, their faces were full of excitement, and some even clapped their hands.

The little girl said: "Mr. Niu, can I go to your class?"

The girl said: "What class are you taking? Be careful that your father beats you up. We girls can't study!"

The girl pulled the little girl and wanted to leave, but the little girl said nothing and said nothing.

I said: "Boys and girls can go to the education room to attend classes. Since the education is for people, there is no distinction between men and women."

"Can I go too?" said a woman in her 30s.

"of course can."

The man carrying the hoe said: "Don't be ashamed, come home with me!"

I said: "Everyone is welcome to come to our Education Hall at any time. Wang Yuanwai said that there is no need to pay tuition fees. Well, Wang Feng and Ma Li, you go home, today's class is over here."

Wang Feng and Mali ran away quickly.

I took a stick and the manuscript of the "Three Character Classic" back to Wang Yuanwai's home.

At the gate, I saw Geng'er leading the donkey.

I said, "Geng'er, where are you going?"

Geng'er said: "I have to pick up the master. The master has gone to Mengjinling. If I don't pick him up again, he will be greedy again."

The sound of the piano was heard again in the Furong room.

Yuanwai is not here, and Wang Feng is not here. At this time, I can knock on Furong's door and talk to her.

Another thought was to take the opportunity to go to the king's outhouse and have a look, maybe he could find the woman he hid.

Wang Yuanwai's door wasn't closed, I rushed in and another person came out in a hurry and crashed into my arms.

She immediately took a few steps back, and a kind of astonishment suddenly came: a disciple of Xi Shi, with a pretty appearance, looks like a shaved body, with a waist like a girdle.

The familiar red silk was tied in her hair.

"It's you?" We exclaimed in unison.

"I just helped my uncle clean up the house."

"Is your uncle not here? I have something to do with him."

"I haven't come back yet."

After the girl finished speaking, she ran into another room.

I stared blankly at her back.

Most of us live in a state of boredom, a boredom that I like sometimes, and sometimes that I hate so much that it's usually flat or even mediocre.

Thinking about people is actually a kind of boredom in boredom.But I am extremely happy with this boredom.One hibiscus is not enough, and now there is such a woman.

Wang Yuanwai's wife is long gone. Could this woman be the one who slept with Wang Yuanwai that night?

But she obviously called him uncle.

What happened to Uncle?Uncle can also sleep with her.

After dinner that night, I started to think about it, thinking about it for a long time.Of course, it's not just this one person.

And I'm really homesick, and I miss my old mother a little bit.But now, there are golden soldiers everywhere, and I can't go back home.And I heard that my hometown has long been occupied by Jin soldiers. Hey, what happened to my old lady?

Yue Fei became a general from a pawn, but I, Niu Delu, am still a "deserter" who can't return to the team.Could it be that I really want to do nothing in my life?It's understandable to be mediocre, but don't get a bad reputation of being unfaithful and unfilial.

Although Mr. Dang is extremely noble, I don't want to go on like this for a long time. It is not my envy to have peaches and plums all over the world. I just want to be the peaches and plums that everyone admires.Of course, it's a bit vain, but most of us are.

Even though we are a bit old-fashioned on the surface, we are still very Confucian and Mencius in our hearts.

Fame is always tempting.

I couldn't fall asleep after much deliberation, so I turned on the lamp and flipped through a book "The Holy Scriptures" lent to me by Wang Yuanwai.When Wang Yuanwai borrowed the book, I rejected it with some embarrassment. Wang Yuanwai said, "What's the point? This is a must-read book for a man, and this is a must-read book for a man!" To prove that I am both a man and a man Had to reluctantly accept.

I was a little sleepy, but I still didn't want to sleep. I was hesitating whether to turn off the light when the door knocked.

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