The eyes of the grandfather on the throne are not big, and when they are opened, they are like lights of beans.

The face is bigger than the "big face" that almost cut off my stuff. The eyebrows, beard and hair are very long and brownish red. It looks not only weird, but also cute.

His mouth is not big, but his nose is big and straight, as if pushing his nose can step on the top of his head.Of course, he didn't know whether the top of his head was flat, because he was wearing a golden crown that looked like a ball, and there was a small ball on top of the big ball, which reflected light.

The master coughed twice, and finally opened his mouth, "But Niu Shang?"

I thought my master was slurred, so I said, "Exactly."

The master looked at me suspiciously for a while, and then said to the fat man beside him: "Judge Qin, go and get the life and death book!"

The fat man wanted to say something but didn't say anything and reluctantly left slowly.

Master looked at Shi Shi and Gong Suran, and asked, "What's the matter with these two girls?"

Black and white impermanence came out.

Bai Wuchang said: "They insist on accompanying this man, I think the two of you are very pretty, so I have to bring them down to serve the king."

I thought to myself: What a disaster, I didn't expect there to be lecherous people here, didn't these two women I love also suffer.

If the master didn't speak, he didn't express his opinion. He didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd.

Gong Suran took a few steps forward: "Your Majesty, the little girl has a picture to offer. Please let this bully go!"

Grandpa said: "Submit it."

Judge Qin came over at this moment, and waved his hand from afar, "Slow down!"

The master asked: "Judge Qin, what's the matter?"

Judge Qin said: "I have seen a transcript, a man named Jing Ke, when he presented the picture to the King of Qin, there was a dagger hidden in it, we have to guard against..."

Before the judge finished speaking, Gong Suran unfolded the painting at once, which showed "Picture of Erotic Palace" with naked men and women.

Everyone wowed for a while, and after a glance, some lowered their heads, and some covered their eyes. There was a green light on their faces, which was most likely because they were shy.But after a while, the bold ones looked up at the painting boldly, and the timid ones covered their eyes and watched secretly through their fingers.

Master was a little upset, I thought it was because he was unhappy seeing the painting, and I was a little worried for Gong Suran, but he didn't want to, but raised his finger and cursed at those ghosts who were covering their eyes: "What's wrong with you? Just look at it if you want, What does it look like to cover your eyes and make a gesture? It’s like this when you’re a human, but you’re still like this when you’re a ghost!”

When the master scolded, the ghosts moved their hands away, but they still looked like they wanted to look but didn't dare to look, and they didn't know where to put their eyes.

Daredevil was still stretching his neck and staring in the flickering light.

"Let's take a look, is it just a trick?" Gong Suran questioned.

After scolding the master, he looked at the painting, and the more he looked, the more fascinated he became. After a long time, he said: "Niu Shang, I heard that you can write poetry at the age of seven. Today, I won't let you write poetry in seven steps. You can take twelve steps. Write a poem on the spot, the title is "Looking at the Picture", no matter it is good or bad, as long as you look good, I will let you go back and forth from wherever?"

I scratched my ear and scratched my cheek, "I'm not talented, I can only try."

The master said: "Here, modesty is useless, pride is useless, only true ability is useful."

I thought to myself: "If you want Lord Yan to really see that I'm talented, it would be terrible if you had to keep me. It's better to just talk nonsense."

Thinking of this, I paced into poetry.

The jade hand holds the scroll,

Beauty is so natural.

Let's have a show,

Picture poor men and women.

Men and women have died.

The sky and the earth scattered clouds and smoke,

Clouds and smoke splash ink,

Sprinkle ink and get drunk.

I only heard my grandfather shout: "Okay!"

All the ghosts also jumped and said "yes".

The master said: "What a genius! What a talent! What a ghost! It's nothing to say, stay here. Be an assistant to Judge Qin!"

Judge Qin stood up and said, "No!"

The master said: "Why not? Are you jealous of him? Are you afraid that he will stand against you in the future?"

Judge Qin said: "Your Majesty, I want to retire a long time ago. It's just that this cow is not yet alive!"

"Niu Rang? Isn't it Niu Shang?"

"It's all my fault. It was originally called Niu Shang, but it turned out that this Niu Ren and this Niu Shang were lined up on the same page. Maybe I was too old to be blind, and I actually gave up this Niu Shang. I deserve death."

"Bring it to me to see."

Judge Qin handed over the life and death book, the master glanced at it, and threw the life and death book on the table, "You bastard! Don't you know that this cow is still useful in the yang world? If it's too late, he won't be able to pay back the yang! Come on!" , Poke Judge Qin blind in one eye! Bull head and horse face, quickly send the cow back!"

Niutou got on his face, pulled me and ran away, I yelled: "I won't go, if you want to go, let Gong Suran and Shishi come with me!"

I only heard Judge Qin's scream, and I wanted to look back. The bull-headed horse-faced man went up a big uphill without hesitation, and was already sweating profusely when he climbed the cliff. I don't know which kick kicked me. down.

"Teacher! Su Ran!"

I opened my eyes amidst the screams, only to hear the cries around me, the room was full of people, that Xiaoduo lay on top of me crying to death; that Moyu was combing my hair with tears ;The hibiscus held my hand tightly, and her eyes were full of tears...

"Oh my god, I've cheated on the corpse!" Perhaps Huan'er was the first to notice that I had moved, and jumped back in shock. The copper basin in her hand fell to the ground, and the water spilled all over other people's bodies and all over the floor.Everyone was shocked.

Jiao Xingmeng took a step towards me, "Big brother, you are not dead! Big brother! My big brother!"

Jiao Xingmeng took a step forward and hugged me.

When everyone saw that I really opened my eyes, they were all overjoyed.

I heard the sound of ding ding bang bang outside the house, Wang Yuanwai went to the door and shouted: "Carpenter Lu, don't worry about it, the coffin is useless, General Niu is alive again."

After a while, Carpenter Lu and others also crowded into the room to watch.

Carpenter Lu said to Wang Yuanwai: "You are still urging us! I think General Niu's body is still soft, and he will definitely be able to break through."

I really wanted to say something and ask something, but I opened my mouth, but I just couldn't speak, and I was a little anxious.

At this time, Geng'er brought a bowl of soup and handed it to Fu Rong, who fed me mouthfuls with a small spoon.

I looked into Furong's big eyes, wanted to say something but couldn't say it, I grabbed Furong's hand recklessly, tears flowed from my eyes, Xiaoduo wiped them away with a handkerchief.

Liu Xia'an shook my arm and said, "Brother Niu, you said that you are going to die, how should I live?" At this point, he yelled "Ah" and jumped out, "Blood, blood! ,bleeding!"

Fu Rong pinched my nose with her hands, "Huan'er, bring the copper basin."

Several people turned me over and took the copper basin, and the blood from my nose flowed into the copper basin.

Fu Rong ordered: "Geng'er, quickly chase Sun Sizu back."

When some people saw it, they hid aside.

Wang Yuanwai said: "Is it to stop the bleeding? It's not a problem to be old like this!"

Fu Rong said: "This blood is black and purple, it seems to have a lot of poisonous gas, it's better to put it away."

After a while, it stops flowing, and after a while, it flows again.Repeat this several times.Later, the blood became clearer, but I couldn't stop it.

He opened his mouth wide and said, "I can't bear the constant bleeding, I think it's better to continue making coffins!"

Grass Flower Dad shouted: "Shut your crow's mouth!"

Sun Sizu came without haste, and Jiao Xingmeng pulled him to my side.Sun Sizu didn't say anything, but stuffed a few flowers and leaves into my nose, and gave me some medicine powder to stop the bleeding.

Fu Rong asked, "Mr. Sun, why is it that General Niu can't even speak?"

Sun Sizu said: "I think he is in a state of aphasia for a while, it's not a serious problem, you have to tie the bell to untie the bell, you might as well let him raise it, and then take him to Zhenxuan Temple, maybe he can talk to Taoist Qiu. "

Cao Hua's father said: "It seems that this general still has a sinister spirit."

Sun Sizu nodded, "Everyone disperse, just leave someone to take care of it for a while. Let General Niu take good care of himself."

Liu Xia'an said, "I'll come. You all go."

Jiao Xingmeng said: "Don't be brave, you are so afraid of blood, if you bleed again, you will be scared to death!"

Feng Baldzi said, "Let me do it."

Everyone dispersed, and Feng Bald stayed with me.

I sat up by myself, leaned against the folded quilt, and pointed to my mouth.

Feng Baldzi is a smart man, "You want me to tell you what's going on?"

I nodded.

Feng Baldzi began to tell me.

The little Taoist girl named Xueqin was a little short-hearted. She heard from her master that I was a blessed person, and I wanted to pass the blessing on to her after sleeping with me.She was worried that I would not follow suit, and thought that the master always couldn't sleep and often took a kind of pill, so she stole the pill and melted it into tea to feed me, and then put me to sleep.

When Gu Zhixian and the others woke up and were about to leave, they called me for a long time and there was no answer. They knocked open the door and saw the little nun lying naked on top of me and fell asleep.

Daoist Qiu was furious, so he went up and slapped her a few times, "Little Scavenger, I asked you to help him to rest, and I didn't let you steal a man."

The little nun hurriedly put on her clothes.

Daoist Qiu pushed me, but I didn't wake up, so he asked everyone to help me get dressed, and then interrogated the little Taoist nun while whipping me, only to find out that the little Taoist nun had given me medicine.

Gu Zhixian was furious and wanted to arrest Daoist Qiu and all the Taoist nuns and go back to the Yamen for interrogation.

Daoist Qiu flicked his fly whisk, "Who dares?"

The arresters rushed forward regardless, Daoist Qiu shook the whisk a few times, and the arresters backed away.

Qiu Daochang said: "If you have a wronged person and a debtor, how can you implicate the innocent?"

As I said that, Daoist Qiu pried my mouth open, fed me a pill, and said, "General Niu won't wake up for a day, I'll leave it to you! I don't plan to take my little apprentice anymore, you just take it away now." , at your disposal."

Gu Zhixian had no choice but to obey her and took Xueqin away. Feng Baldzi made an exception and pulled me, a dead man, back with a bullock cart.

Feng Baldzi said at this point: "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't kill anyone. Now, if you come back to life, my car wouldn't kill someone, would it?"

But one day later, seeing that I was too late to survive, Gu Zhixian took people to the Zhenxuan Temple again, and the Daoist Qiu also kept his word, and came to Yuanwai's house for a walk, seeing that I was still dead, so he Obeyed the law and left with Gu Zhixian.

When I heard this, I thought, it's not good, if Taoist priest Qiu and the little Taoist nun lost their lives, it wouldn't be too bad.Not to mention two lives in vain, my aphasia is hopeless.

I hurriedly got up, put on my shoes and rushed out with the Moon-hooking White Dragon Spear, but Baldy Feng couldn't hold me back.

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