"Actually, just focus on three people, Xiaoduo, Huan'er, and Xueqin. Only these three people often help Furong clean up the house. Just call these three people, and you can see how I settle the case. After the case is settled, find the painting, and we Give Furong a surprise!"

Lin Moyu made a vow.

"I'm going to call these three people right now, this matter can't be delayed, just put a sullen face on the side later, just scare them, don't laugh."

After a while, Lin Moyu really brought Xiaoduo, Huan'er, and Xueqin into my room.

Lin Moyu closed the door and sat down.

Xiaoduo and Huan'er looked at me and then at Moyu, with a look of loneliness and suspicion on their faces, and they seemed a little worried.Only Xueqin, who was ignorant and fearless, smiled at me and asked: "Master, you asked us to come, do you want to sleep together?"

"Sleep, sleep, just you sleep all day, and I will let you go to Fireworks Lane in the future, and let you sleep with someone every day." Mo Yu yelled at her angrily.

"Wow! Wow! Did you see a lot of fireworks when you went to Fireworks Lane?"

"Puchi", Xiaoduo laughed.Huan'er didn't hold back, and laughed too.

"Laugh, there will always be times when you can't laugh!" Lin Moyu said and glanced at the sword tied around my waist.

I hold the handle of the sword in my hand, and my face is frosty, and the sword may come out of its sheath at any time.

Lin Mo adjusted his sitting posture, leaned on the armrest of the chair with one hand, and gestured with the other, "Miss Furong's painting, I dare say, can't be out of the three of you. Whoever took it, it's best to stand up now, I can still stand in front of Furong I beg for mercy on your behalf. Otherwise... General Niu's sword will talk to you without Fu Rong's action!"

Xiaoduo shook her head, she was about to say something.

Huan'er kept her head down and remained motionless.

Xueqin rubbed her feet on the ground, looked at Moyu and me and giggled, sometimes sticking out her tongue and rolling it.I don't need a handkerchief when I drool, but wipe it with my sleeve.

"It's okay not to say." Lin Moyu took three reeds from his sleeve, "You can see clearly, these are three reeds of the same length."

Lin Moyu said while handing out the reeds: "This is not an ordinary reed, it is a reed that was enlightened by an old monk. Tomorrow morning, you are still here, and you come to see me with the reeds. Whoever stole the painting, The reeds in her hands will grow quietly, and they will naturally be longer than others. Well, you all go down."

Early the next morning, Xiaoduo, Huan'er, and Xueqin all came into my room with reeds, and Moyu had already been waiting here.

As soon as the three of them entered the room, Mo Yu compared the reeds of the three of them, Huan'er's was as long as Xueqin's, only Xiaoduo's was much shorter.

"Huan'er, Xueqin, you go out!" That Xueqin smiled and did not move, Huaner forced her out.

Mo Yu still closed the door.

Xiaoduo was anxious, "My shortest, why should I stay?"

"Just because yours is different from theirs, surely that's your problem?"

"You don't mean anything! You clearly said that the reeds of the person who stole the painting will grow longer, and I am the shortest, how could it be me?"

"According to you, they stole the painting?"

"The two conspired to do bad things a lot."

"Think about it, how can a reed grow longer for no reason, it can only be shortened for a reason, because you have a guilty conscience and worry that the reed will grow longer, so you cut the reed short, I said isn't it?"

"No. I didn't cut it. My reeds are just that short. It's her two reeds that got longer."

"I think you are still stubborn! Reach out!"

Xiaoduo hesitated for a moment, then stretched out her hand, this Moyu was quick, took out the awl from her sleeve and pierced Xiaoduo's palm... "Oh!" Turn around.

Mo Yu asked: "Do you admit it?"

Xiaoduo said: "What do I admit? I didn't cut the reeds! I didn't steal the paintings!"

"I see you don't cry when you don't see the coffin, the reeds are much shorter, and you still say they haven't been cut?" Mo Yu suddenly grabbed her hand and used an awl to pierce Xiaoduo's hand, and Xiaoduo cried like hell in pain Usually, I stepped forward and pulled Moyu away, and Xiaoduo took the opportunity to hide behind me.

Mo Yu said: "Get out of the way! She won't admit it unless you give her some strength, and the truth will soon be revealed! Where did you hide the painting? If you don't tell me, I will not only stab your hand, but I want to stab you I can stab you anywhere, if you are disobedient, I will tell Wang Yuanwai about it and see how she will deal with you!"

Xiaoduo cried and said, "This reed is not my longest, why do you say I stole it?"

Moyu chased and tried to stab her, Xiaoduo ran away, and I was holding a fight in the middle, and the hut suddenly became a mess.Xiaoduo's two palms were dripping with blood, which reminded me of the severed palms of Deng's only son in my dream.

"Dong dong dong", the door knocked hard, I went to open the door, but Mo Yu refused to let me.I pushed Moyu away, opened the door, Furong walked in, and the people outside followed boldly into the house.

"What's going on?" Fleur asked.

Mo Yu excitedly told about Lucao's decision, while Xiaoduo interrupted and cried out her grievances.

Fu Rong said: "Even if Xiaoduo cuts the reeds short, how can it be determined that she stole the painting? She is just worried that she will be regarded as a thief and pretends to be smart."

Xiaoduo nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, miss, I was wrong, I shouldn't have cut the reed short. But I really didn't steal that painting, I just wanted to make the reed shorter so that I would avoid suspicion. It's self-defeating."

"Didn't you cut it short? Why did you admit it now?" Mo Yu turned to Fu Rong and said, "Don't listen to her sweet words, she must have stolen the painting. She also said that she liked it when she was in your room before. This is a painting. How can we trust a person of unknown origin?"

Fu Rong said: "Believe it or not, it's not up to you? My painting is lost, what's the matter with you? Who told you to interrogate this interrogator randomly? Who do you think you are?"

"Hmph, you are a donkey with good intentions, you are really not worth talking to! I won't take care of your business anymore!" Mo Yu shook his sleeves and left.

Fu Rong glared at me and reprimanded me for the first time, "Do you think you are really stupid or fake? Why is this kind of thing getting mixed up with Mo Yu? Do you think the water is not muddy enough?"

I lowered my noble head.

Xiaoduo quickly excused me, "I can't blame him, if he hadn't stopped me just now, my palm would have become a hornet's nest."

Furong took Xiaoduo's hand and looked at it, sighing, "I'm like a female devil now, what do you want to do in the future? From now on, you all stay away from her, let alone provoke her!"

The crowd nodded.

Furong led Xiaoduo and me into her room, applied some medicine to her, and bandaged her.Then he said to me, "I blame you for this matter, you shouldn't have kept it from me with Moyu. I'll punish you to take Xiaoduo to find Sun Sizu, otherwise it will be troublesome if the wound festers later."

I nodded in agreement, and took Xiaoduo up to the cave on the top of the mountain to seek treatment from Sun Sizu.

Xiaoduo didn't talk much when I went there, and maybe my palms didn't hurt so much when I came back, so she chattered with me all the way: "I thought I was smart, but I was mistaken for being smart, it seems that I am really stupid! Stupid, even more stupid than Xueqin. Why did I believe what Mo Yu said, how can a broken reed grow longer? How could I be so stupid at that time, I really thought it was the old monk who gave me advice What about the reeds. I thought it was cut short, so I must be the first to get rid of me, but I was the most suspicious. Moyu is really ruthless, he deserves to be hacked to death, and he should be fucked by thousands of people. ..."

"Ah-" I patted her shoulder with my hand.

Xiaoduo went on to say: "Of course I'm just saying this to you, anyway, it won't reach Moyu's ears, isn't it. Do you think this is offensive? Actually, this is the colloquial language in our restaurant, and it will come naturally after you get used to it. Three God, if you don't suffer this kind of scolding, others will think that everyone looks down on you, and those who suffer this kind of scolding are usually the most popular! Have you ever found a prostitute?"

I shook my head.

"Who would believe it? Anyway, I don't believe it. Just like you don't believe that I didn't steal the painting. But I really didn't steal that painting."

I nod my head.

Xiaoduo grabbed my hand, "Just trust me! But, looking at the eyes of those people in Wang's courtyard, they all regarded me as a thief. I don't look like a thief, do I? I believe in women who are classics, but I am not a thief. You can say that I am a thief. I only steal love, and I don’t steal anything else. Of course, I don’t have a husband anyway, so even stealing is not considered stealing. Don’t you think so?”

In a few days, Xiaoduo's injury healed, and the palm was still in my hand for me to touch. There was no scar at all, and it was as bright as before.Of course, some people still guard against Xiaoduo like thieves, but most of them can get along with her friendly, especially the men in the yard.

Men are prone to fall in love with women, however, few are sincere, and more are beastly.And I really have real affection for Furong.Furong's painting has never been found, and Furong has been depressed, and I feel sad.In order to make her happy, I often lead the horse to saddle and take her outside to learn how to ride a horse.As a result, Fu Rong's face was a little bit happy.

Furong's horse is getting better and better, and she can ride it without me helping her.In the past few days, although the Wang family added eight horses, because of a quarrel with her father, Fu Rong got angry and didn't ride these horses, but rode Caohua's pony.I had no choice but to pick up a yellow pussy horse and ride it.

We rode farther and farther every day.Or walking along the river bank, or crossing the hills, or crossing the long pavilion, or stepping on the grassland... Although we are relatively silent, we have a tacit understanding, and it is more leisurely to hold hands and walk side by side.

The mountains are blue all the time, and the sound of the stream is clear.

A mountain stream meanders down, and Furong and I got off the horse at the same time, stood there looking into the distance, and listened attentively.

Fu Rong walked to the stream and listened for a long time, then pointed to a certain place and said to me: "There must be precious jade here."

After hearing this, I didn't even think about it, so I went down to the river to fish for stones.

Fu Rong smiled and said, "You fool, you can take off your clothes and fish them again."

I scooped up a few pieces, and Furong shook her head. Finally, there was one piece, and Furong nodded in agreement.

I touched this stone with my hand, it was smooth and cool, it is very likely to be jade.

Fu Rong asked me to place the stone by the stream, and then wrung out the wet part of my clothes with her hands.

Furong dropped a drop of water on the stone, and it turned into dew, which lasted for a long time.

Furong laughed and said, "It's real jade. It's true if it drips into dew, and it's false if it doesn't drip."

I couldn't figure it out, pointing to the jade, and pointing to the place where the jade is fished, gesticulating towards Furong...meaning to ask her: How do you know there is jade there?

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