After everyone heard that Baibuchuan was from the Yang family, they all raised their glasses to respect each other.

Cao Hua's father said: "I am a rough person, but I have always respected the Yang family, and I have heard of your father's name for a long time. I don't know where he is now?"

"In the second year of Jingkang, my father fought with Li Gang against the Jin Dynasty. At that time, he suffered a lot of defeats, but there was no news after that. I think he died on the battlefield." Baibu put on a handkerchief and wiped his tears.

"During the war, more wives and children were separated. Where is your mother now? Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"My mother temporarily lives in Ruye County, only our mother and son depend on each other, and there is no one else."

Wang Yuanwai said: "As long as you save Furong, it's easy to talk about. If you can marry the Yang family, it is also the good fortune of my Wang family. How about discussing the marriage in detail after you tell mother?"

Baibuchuan saluted and said: "Thank you, Uncle, for your success!"

This is really a half way out of Cheng Yaojin, seeing me and Fu Rong...why come out like this again?It seemed that Wang Yuanwai liked him quite a lot, everyone looked at him highly and toasted him frequently, only Jiao Xingmeng saw that I was being left out in the cold, and kept toasting to me.

Early the next morning, as soon as I went out the gate, I saw Baibuchuan and Furong talking about something from a distance.Furong was about to leave, but he actually stopped her and kept talking, and even made fun of Furong while talking, and the two actually held hands and walked away to the distance.

Don't mention the anger in my heart, Fu Rong was so kind to me in the past, but she immediately changed her mind when a little boy came... Cough, no matter how I say it, let's get this matter done first, and if it succeeds, I might be able to save Cao Hua .

After finishing all the tasks, we waited for a fight.

Early that morning, Furong, Bingbing, Moyu, the big man and his mother... all the women were dressing up Baibuchuan in Furong's room.Liu Xia'an and others wanted to go in to have a look, but they were all blocked from the door.

Chuichuidada, the kisser, came.

The bridegroom officer is a thick and short man, riding on a tall horse, dressed in red and colorful, with a beautiful face.I knew that Xinying's surname was Dong Mingrong, but I didn't want to look like I was sorry to the audience, what's wrong with it?

In the name of Brother Furong, I went to Furong's house to carry the bride. As soon as I entered, I lifted the red hijab on Baibuchuan's head, such a pretty face... Baibuchuan blushed, and quickly lost his mask again. Putting on the hijab, he said angrily, "You are not a new official, why take off the hijab?"

"Don't talk to the bride first, can't you remember?" I trained her as an elder brother.

This time he lifted the hijab by himself and made a face at me, like a little lady!I picked him up and left.When he went out, he was thrown into the sedan chair.

One crossed his eyes and asked me, "Who are you, the bride?"

"I'm his brother."

"We have all found out that the bride has only one younger brother and no older brother."

Wang Yuanwai took a step forward and said, "This is my godson, and a godson is also half a son, isn't he?"

Cross-eyed: "Where's the bride's younger brother?"

Wang Yuanwai said: "I am studying abroad, and I can't come back for a while."

Cross-eyed and said: "Well, yes, I heard that the boy is very smart, and he might win the first prize in the future. If we want to become the son-in-law, aren't we also relatives of the emperor?"

I smiled all over my face, "That's it."

Cross-eyed: "Are you all sending off relatives?"

I said, "Exactly."

Cross-eyed: "No way. Why are there no female relatives? They are all a group of men, are they going to fight?"

I said: "What are you talking about? If we want to fight, we don't go empty-handed. Why do we have to bring knives, guns and sticks?"

"Female family members, there must be female family members! You, you, you..." Doujiayan actually clicked someone, removed the men who sent us off to our relatives, and replaced them with some ladies.

"Who are you, you are here to arrange to see off the bride? This kiss is not going to happen!" I angrily opened the car curtain and pulled the bride down.

"Don't do it? I can't help you? Take the bride away for me." The few who came up wanted to snatch the bride, and I kicked the few who fell down.

Xinlang Dong Rong immediately raised a hand and said: "Forget it, forget it, I shouldn't talk too much. Naturally, the woman will arrange for the send-off, but there must be a female relative, right?"

"This is still like a human saying." After I finished speaking, I went to arrange for the female relatives, so I had to let the big man, his mother, Mo Yu, Bing Bing and others go to see them off.

A wise man has a lot of worries, and there is bound to be a mistake. To know this, it is necessary to disguise a few men as women in advance.This is great, if Mo Yu and Bing Bing entered the wolf-like stronghold, what would happen?There is no way out, and it looks like there is a lot of bad luck going forward.

The sedan chair was about to get up, so I held the sedan chair in place, and the man gave me a big red envelope, then raised the sedan chair curtain and handed the bride a glass of wine. The bride drank the wine and handed out the glass.

Burning whips, playing music, starting the sedan chair and walking slowly.

It took a long time to enter a valley, only to see a few large characters written on the stone cliff: Huluyu.After walking around some corners, he saw three big gourds hanging on the gate of the village in the distance.It is known near the front that there is a word written on each of the big gourds, which is called Gourd Village.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the village, drums and music were played together, firecrackers roared, the bride was helped off the sedan chair, and a lot of grain and beans were scattered.

The bride stepped over the charcoal basin before being escorted into the lobby, which was already decorated with lights and festoons.

The bride and groom held a towel to worship the heaven and the earth, and entered the bridal chamber.

The banquet is grand, and the host and guest enjoy together.A banquet is a good banquet, but people's hearts are in a dilemma.

There are two tables surrounded by young and beautiful women, singing swallows and warblers, and rings jingling.I looked for it several times, but no one looked like a grass flower.

I asked Dou Corn: "Brother, do you dare to ask where Guan Rong is?"

Bean Corn was stunned for a moment and asked me, "Do you know Guan Rong?"

I said in my heart that I knew him even if he skinned him.

Dou Jiyan said: "Brother Guan went down the mountain to buy bedding. I'm afraid you will live in the village at night without a bed or a roof?"

This village is not too big, and there are not too many minions, big and small. Could it be that they want to show weakness and lure us into the bait?

I secretly sent a big man down the mountain to lead the officers and soldiers, but he came back after a while and whispered to me: "The gate of the village is tightly guarded, you can't get out!"

At a loss what to do, temporarily drink with the bandits.The bandit might want to get me drunk, and asked a woman named Xiaolu to accompany me specially, and then sat in my arms, causing Bingbing and Moyu to keep looking at me. , let go and don't give up.

I winked at Mo Yu and Bing Bing, they are indeed smart people, stood up and toasted those leaders.These bosses didn't know what to do in front of these two little ladies, and they took a big bowl with one mouthful.As long as Moyu and Bingbing have a chat, they will regard it as a great reward.

When Mo Yu was going to toast a leader, the leader held the cup, hugged Bingbing suddenly and said: "If you want to drink, let's have a cup of wine!"

Mo Yu pushed him away and dropped the cup to the ground, "Who is going to drink wine with you? What the hell are you?"

"***! Then let's go into the bridal chamber right now! I'll let you see if I'm a puppet!" As he said that, he went to hug Moyu, who broke free and ran away...The gourd monk suddenly ran over and pulled Holding the jade belt around the leader's waist, he lifted it up and threw it out. Not wanting to hit the pillar with blood splashing everywhere, he immediately stretched his legs and died.

Both Mo Yu and Bing Bing hid behind me, the bandits rushed up and surrounded us, and many men with guns and sticks broke in.

"Avenge my second brother!" They yelled and started to attack.I tried my best to protect Bingbing and Moyu to prevent them from making any mistakes. At the critical moment, I had to hug left and right and go out in a rampage.

The gourd monk is so brave, as long as he roars, no one will dare to step forward.


The groom Dong Rong walked in.

"what happened?"

"My lord, they killed the second master!"

"Who did it?"

"I did it." The gourd monk patted his chest, threw off his hat, and revealed his shiny bald head.

"Dare to ask your name?"

"Gourd Monk!"

The bandits all took a few steps back.

"Who are you? Come to my wedding too?"

"***, the poor monk is Fu Rong's second uncle! Did you forget to call the poor monk the second uncle?"

"I don't know how my second brother offended my second uncle, so ruthless as to kill him?"

I took a step forward and said, "Your second brother molested my second sister, your second uncle was very angry, and threw your second brother to death as soon as he missed it!"

"Today is my day of great joy. I don't want to fight. Let's carry ### down first." Dong Rong waved his hand, turned and left, and whispered to himself: "The people of 'two' met together , What a damn bad luck!"

Presumably Dong Rong also knew the reputation of the gourd monk, and he was afraid that if he suffered a loss for a while, he might do something secretly, so he had to guard against it.

Everyone was in no mood to eat and drink again, and only the gourd monk didn't care about eating and drinking.

People went to the banquet, so I looked around.There are bandits guarding everywhere, and it is almost impossible to walk an inch. Where can I find grass and flowers?

I didn't realize I heard the sound of zither and singing, so I followed the sound, and no one stopped me, but I saw a small courtyard with a unique door in front of me, with beautiful characters on the door plaque, called "Huixinyuan".

"The hibiscus loses its freshness, and the lotus loses its old makeup; the two are always comparable, but they are like pink cheeks..." Accompanied by the sound of the zither, a woman's mournful singing is so vivid.

I pushed the door open, but it was a false cover. I boldly walked in and raised the curtain to watch... When the sound of the zither stopped, the woman said angrily, "Bold and lunatic, why did you come here alone?"

As soon as she raised her head and met my eyes, I couldn't help but say, "Oh!"

This little lady is beautiful, enchanting, and unusually handsome.But seeing her straight nose, bright eyes hidden deep, bright red lips, long hair disheveled... She is really unconcealable romantic, endless spring scenery.

In addition to surprise, there was a trace of fear in her eyes.

I bent down and said: "Don't be afraid, little lady, I'm from Taidi. I want to ask you, did you catch someone named Caohua here? She is also from Taidi Village."

"I also know a few people who have been arrested, but there has never been one called Cao Hua. There is no one under the stage."

"Then is there a leader named Guan Rong in your cottage?"

She shook her head, "Only Dong Rong, not Guan Rong."

Why isn't there even Guan Rong?Could it be that they are not gourd thieves?

I was speechless for a while, and said: "Thank you, little lady!" I turned around and left.

For a while, I felt in a trance, like a dream. Looking back, the words "Huixinyuan" on the door plaque are really eye-catching.I felt a little regretful, why did I come out so quickly, why don't I just hang around and see her for a while, see her today, I don't know if I can see her again tomorrow?

He also told himself not to be greedy for beauty and miss the business.Wearing a hundred steps in the bridal chamber and don't know how to deal with the groom?What if the bride accidentally reveals her flaws?Thinking of this, he quickly walked to the bridal chamber.

There was indeed a chaotic sound in the bridal chamber.

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