Hunting for the Southern Song Dynasty

Chapter 112 A Thick Grows into Vientiane

Dong Rong took out something from his sleeve and handed it to me. I saw that it was a thick needle as long as a finger. "Where did this come from?"

Dong Rong said: "I wanted to see what kind of hidden weapon Brother Yang had thrown that day, so I searched carefully on the body of the third leader, and finally dug out two needles, one stuck into his arm, and the other stuck in his face. This must be Brother Yang's unique hidden weapon."

Needless to say, my palm probably didn't have much effect, and the bean corn most likely died from this hidden weapon.

I don't know if Dong Rong pretended to be confused on purpose, he asked: "Brother, I found his needle. But I don't understand, what kind of palm is that of yours, which made him die without bleeding?"

I had no choice but to say: "Cactus. But the pea corn didn't die under my palm that day, it should have died from the hidden weapon of Baibuchuan."

Dong Rong said: "It should be said that he died at the hands of the two of you. That day, the two of you cooperated perfectly, I really admired you. Brother Niu, don't be modest, your palm is absolutely fatal."

I returned the needle to Dong Rong, Dong Rong said: "I still have one in my hand, you take this one, if you have time, ask Brother Yang, what kind of hidden weapon is this?"

At this time, Meng Xingjiao and Li Dachui came, and I picked up the needle.

We returned to the king's house with our prey.

Geng'er held up a lantern and exclaimed, "What a big sheep!"

All the people came out to watch and formed a group, even Fu Rong came out.

Mo Yu asked, "Who shot this sheep?"

Li Dachui said: "Of course it was General Niu. General Niu shot down this sheep with one arrow."

Cao Hua's father took a photo with a lantern, "Why are there two injuries?"

Li Dachui said: "I made another arrow. In fact, with General Niu's first arrow, the sheep would not be able to run away. I just wanted to practice arrows, but I didn't expect to hit it with the first shot."

Fu Rong asked, "The three of you should hurry up and eat."

Jiao Xingmeng said: "We ate at Calabash Village."

Fu Rong said: "You can't eat other people's food for nothing, and invite the village owner to come and sit at home in a few days."

I turned around and was about to leave, "Hey", a girl startled me.


"I am Qingshuang, not Mingyue."

Jiao Xingmeng said: "Why are you here?"

"Of course I came to see you!"

"Is there something going on at home?"

"Sister-in-law misses you, come back home with me tomorrow."

Fu Rong said: "Come back, there's nothing to do these few days. Go home for a few days, and come back whenever you want. If it's convenient, you might as well pick up your sister-in-law. Anyway, there are still many spare houses in this yard."

Qingshuang said: "Sister Furong, can my sister Mingyue and I come and live here?"

Fu Rong said, "Of course you are welcome."

Jiao Xingmeng said: "You girl, why do you make unreasonable demands as soon as we meet?"

"We won't live in vain. Serving tea and water, lighting a fire and cooking, we can do it all."

Fu Rong said, "Come if you want."

I turned around and went back to the house, Qingshuang followed me closely, I turned my head, those people no longer looked at the sheep, but looked at me and Qingshuang, Jiao Xingmeng also followed.

"What are you doing with Brother Niu?"

"Oh, I thought you lived in the same room as Brother Niu. Let's go and have a look at your room."

I went back to the house, washed my face, and then I lay down.

When I was about to squint, someone was pinching my nose and giggling...

It can be heard as Qingshuang.I grabbed her hand, she twitched ###, pinched my hand with her nails, I was just about to hug her... only to hear Jiao Xingmeng say, "Brother, why didn't the lights turn on? So Have you fallen asleep already?" Is her brother still following her?

"Too tired." I let go of Qingshuang, and fumbled to turn on the lamp.

Qingshuang said: "Okay, brother, you go back first, I'll leave after a while. Fu Rong asked me to stay with her in the evening."

Jiao Xingmeng glanced at both of us, then turned and left.

Qingshuang took out a letter from his sleeve and handed it to me.

"Let's take a look."

Qingshuang didn't leave, so I had no choice but to open Mrs. Meng's letter in front of her.

Brother Niu personally learned:

The willow leaves are yellow and fall one after another.I am very happy to hear that you can speak.The nectar of Fengjun is pregnant with Liujia, and you must have heard of what happened.I have long been looking forward to reconciling with you, but I have already lost flowers and willows, and you are in your youth, good encounters and good fortunes will never be short, and there are always thoughts, if the son of a slave family knows that his father died at the hands of the king, he will grow up and seek revenge What should I do?After thinking about it, whether we can get along or not, it is better to make a clean break.My body does not belong to you, but I will always miss you in my heart. Regardless of the children I conceive, I will raise them up.When the time is right, he must be taught to recognize his father and return to his clan.My elder brother intends to marry me far away, and I also have the same intention, don't read it!

Sincerely, Sister Xiaoke October [-]rd

Qingshuang came over to look at it, and I put the letter away.

"Is there something shameful? You can't even look at it? I'll go back first. When Mingyue and I come to Wang's house, we can see you often. You still have to teach us archery."

"What did Mrs. Meng tell you?"

"That's not true. I just told you not to reply. But if you want to write to her, I'll take it back for you."

After Qingshuang finished speaking, she ran out.

For a moment I felt depressed, and I didn't know what to do. If Sister-in-law Meng married far away, I didn't know if I would be able to see her in the future.It is difficult for a lover to stay together, and the separation of the flesh and blood, isn't it two major pains?If it wasn't for her husband who killed her, if it wasn't for Yehe in the sorghum field, it wouldn't be here!

The next day, Jiao Xingmeng took Qingshuang home.Li Dahui asked Wang Yuanwai to take him to the construction site.I took a dozen servants to the gourd village again, weaved together with those minions, set up various formations, and practiced the soldiers.

It was like this for several days in a row, of course drinking and teasing with Jinling Shisanchai were indispensable, but they never stayed overnight in the cottage.

When I woke up that morning, I found that Baibuchuan had come out of Furong House.When did this kid come back?Wouldn't it be possible to live with Furong at night?

I was so angry that I didn't want to see him again, so I strode back to the house, chasing after me, "Brother Niu, Brother Niu!"

I closed the door as soon as I entered the room, and he pushed it hard. Later, I threw my hand away and rushed in, and fell into my arms, blushing a little, "Brother Niu, you why is it like this?"

"How am I?"

"Do you think I'm going to marry Furong, and I'm going to be jealous?"

"Hmph, how funny! The most important thing I need is a woman, so what is Fu Rong? I don't even know how to look at her. Ask everyone, have I ever said a word to her these days?"

"The more you do this, the more it means that you like her. Don't worry, I won't steal someone's love indiscriminately, but I won't give it up easily. I just want to compete with you. If you win, Fu Rong Since you belong to me, if you lose to me, then I, Yang, will be impolite."

"If it is to fight for Furong, I don't want to use this method."

"Are you timid, afraid of losing to me?"

"Hmph, with your skill, how dare you compare with me?"

"Don't talk big! Furong doesn't want to book a lifetime easily, and there will be a martial arts competition on October 26 to recruit relatives. Let's see you in the martial arts arena."

"Who said that?"

"I don't know? I don't know what you have been busy with these days?"

Baibuchuan smiled and turned around to go, but I grabbed him and held his hand.His hands are soft and slender, could it be that he is really a woman?I looked at him, and saw that his face was blushing, and I maliciously wanted to try him, so I hugged his waist, which was also soft, "Let go! What do men say when they hug each other?"

"Don't lie to me, you are... ouch!"

Before "little lady" could say a word, my hand was pricked by him, and I immediately let go of the pain. He was about to run again, but I grabbed him again, "Don't go, I want to ask you something thing."

"Let's talk." Baibuchuan didn't dare to look at me.

"What did you use to stab me just now?"

"I will not tell you!"

I took out the thick needle from under the pillow and asked, "Is it this?"

She looked up, "Why do you have it?"

"The one Dong Rong gave me was dug out from the corn's arm?"

"Just this one?"

"Of course!" I deliberately concealed the one on the door.

"This is the hidden weapon I use. It's called the Wuxiang Flying Needle. No matter how dishonest you are, I'll still use it for you. It's no longer just a light prick."

"So cruel! How could you do this?"

"My master taught me."

"Who is your master?"

"Of course I can't tell you! However, I can tell you who my patriarch is. He is an eminent monk named Xingyuan. It's not the same. Later, he retired to a temple in Zhongzhou, Xishu, and studied it carefully. It took decades to practice this flying needle to a magical and unpredictable state. Do you want to learn it?"

"Yes I do?"

"Actually, it's not difficult to learn well, as long as you understand a formula."

"What formula?"

"The needle is the heart. The heart is the needle. If there is no heart and nothing, nothing can be true. If there is nothing and no heart, a needle will fly into the body of thousands of people. A small flying needle has no shape, and a thick long penetrating everything. The body without body is the real body, without form The form is the reality.”

"It's so wordy."

"What do you know? This is the essence of learning. It seems that there are only a few sentences, but few people can understand it. Therefore, not everyone can learn it. Of course, you only need to read one sentence when using the flying needle. 'A thick long one goes into everything'. If you really want to learn, I'll teach you later, I'm going to find Furong!"

He may have deliberately annoyed me by emphasizing the word "Furong".If he was a woman, why would he keep saying that he wanted to marry Fu Rong? If he was joking with me like this, it would be a bit too much.I was thinking about it when Jiao Xingmeng and the big man walked in, "Brother, let's go! Today is Meng Xingjiao's big wedding day!"

"He didn't invite me, what should I do?"

The big man said: "That's wrong. He's not very polite. It will embarrass him even more if you go. After all, you are the eldest brother. If you don't go, others will laugh at you."

"Then let's go. Just show your face."

When we arrived at Jiao's courtyard, people were walking around, but because the courtyard was large, it was not too crowded.

We went to the ceremony and were seated.Wang Yuanwai and Cao Hua's father were already at the table.Over the past few days, Wang Yuanwai didn't look for me or pay attention to me because of the matter of Tianranxiu. Naturally, I didn't rush to talk to him, but just smiled and nodded at Dad Caohua.

My eyes suddenly lit up, Meng's sister-in-law Ai Xiaoke walked over, her belly was not very visible because of her fat clothes, she obviously saw me, and ran away in a panic.

My eyes follow her at any time, even if I can only see her busy back.After a while, Ai Xiaoke was helped into the house by a woman, who told her to be careful while walking.

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