I took people to the gate of the village to have a look.

Twenty or so water thieves rode horses, while reciting curse words, they also made music out of leaves...

The leader is none other than the so-called Concubine Jiang.But I saw her riding a white horse with a heroic appearance.The lower body is a pair of green trousers, the trousers are tucked into the red boots, the coat is a short yellow silk skirt, the upper body is a lotus-colored short shirt, and a circle of white flesh is exposed at the waist.On one side, her hair is tied into multiple braids, with a big red flower on top of the braid, and on the other side, her hair is all loose, half covering her seductive face...

Concubine Jiang has a different kind of beauty!

Gu Feng said: "Your Majesty, it's better to open the gate of the village and capture them all alive!"

I waved my hand, "No, maybe they have already set up an ambush, trying to lure the snake out of the hole! If you succeed, it's time for you to show your skills!"

Guo Lian stepped forward, "Brothers, if I say something, you should say the same thing. We are not impatient, but we must speak loudly and overwhelm them! Either the east voice overwhelms the west voice, or the west voice overwhelms the east voice. After speaking Just applaud, the applause may rise or fall according to my gestures, we must rely on rhythmic culture to defeat them!"

"it is good!"

Golden Turtle Lake, whoring on the water,

Pull out the shit and become a demon,

a jiao,

two jiao,

Three four five six seven ** Jiao,

Every night is a nonsense...

Guo Lian said something, and the brothers also said something, we have a lot of people, so naturally they suppressed their voices, and the applause rhythmically killed each other's prestige.

After a while, these words became familiar.The brothers read aloud together.

Concubine Jiang said: "We have new words, do you have any?"

Guo Lian said: "If you come to talk, I will go to talk!"

Concubine Jiang waved her hand, and the water thieves shouted in unison:

Niu Dawang, really awesome,

Killing Husband Wins ###,

Hi one day,

Happy two days,

Three four five six seven** Tianxi,

Every day is a fox catching a chicken...

Guo Lian led the recitation:

Whoring on the water is really boring.

Occupy the lake water and pee like a dog,

A pot of show,

Two pots of Sao,

Three four five six seven ** pot show,

The pots and pots are all upside down...

The two sides laughed and scolded each other, it was a mess, but it was also somewhat interesting.

At this time, the people on and off the watchtower whispered: "My lord, there are more than these water thieves coming. We saw a lot of them coming, so we must be more careful."

I nodded and said nothing.

Gu Feng said: "Your Majesty is really clever!"

I said: "Even a fool can see the tricks!"

Guo Lian was leading the scolding again:

Whoring on the water, monsters in the water, bullying men and women is too arrogant.Your father is messing around, your mother is messing around, what kind of bird did you make?The wind makes waves, the water thieves stir up, and the people howl in a miasma.Think about who is suffering more, and look at the tears in your eyes.Call, your mother doesn't learn well!

During the scolding, Guo Lian came up with new words one after another, and soon gained the upper hand.

The whoring on the water couldn't stand it any longer, so he rushed over with people, and after a while, it was dark outside the gate of the village.More than fifty bamboo muskets were aimed at us.

"Surrender quickly, or we will bombard you with bamboo spears!"

Our new cannon was also pushed out, and I whispered to Guo Lian, "Is our cannon okay?"

Guo Lian said: "I haven't tried it, I just tried it today, but there is only two rounds of gunpowder."

"That's only one shot, and then we rush out."

With a wave of his hand on the water, the bamboo musket spewed out fire. In fact, there were only a dozen or so fire spouts. I guess the others were used to bluff people.

Some of our grass and wooden houses were set on fire. Fortunately, our sailors quickly put out the fire with bamboo water guns.

I waved my hand and shouted loudly: "Fire the cannon!"

Our artillery turned out to be very weak, and there was no sound at all.

"Hahaha, what kind of guns are you, they are made of paper." Shuishang laughed loudly.

The water thief also laughed, twisting his faces vigorously, opening his mouth exaggeratedly, wishing his upper lip could touch the sky and his lower lip touch the ground.

At the same time, another fire shot over. I was lucky to win the big lottery, and my clothes burst into flames. The unicorn was not calm enough this time, and it jumped out suddenly, almost throwing me off...

"Hurry up, hit the water gun!" The brothers shouted wildly, but the water gun couldn't react at this time. I turned off my horse and rolled on the ground a few times. A drowned chicken...

The water thief laughed happily when he saw me in such a mess.

There was only a sound of "boom", and the gunfire rang out, and the water thieves in front turned over without screaming, but those who caught the fire were crying and calling their mothers, and they were in a mess.

I was about to yell "Come out" when Baoqiang, who blew off the cannon, fell to the ground.

"Bao Qiang Bao Qiang!" Everyone rushed to push him, but he didn't move.

"Baoqiang!" Guo Lian cried, "My good brother!"

Wei Baoqiang opened his mouth and smiled violently, even his teeth were black, he stood up, "I'm fine, I'm fine, I was intimidated. Do you want another shot, my lord!"

"Okay! Give them another shot, and then we'll go out!"

Wang Baoqiang and others adjusted the muzzle of the gun, and I waved my hand, "Wait a minute!"

Whoring on the water actually pushed a person in front of him as a target. This person looked very much like Xiao Qiao's father, Master Qiao.

The knife rested on Master Joe's neck.

A water thief shouted: "Release Xiao Qiao quickly, or her father will be killed!"

It was the first time I saw someone threatening people like this.

Master Qiao shouted: "King Niu, leave me alone, even if you kill me, don't put Little Qiao..."

Master Qiao lost his voice. It must be the water thief who blocked his mouth.

At this time, Xiao Qiao came uninvited.I turned around and saw that Lan Yan'er and the others were watching not far away, I sent a soldier to pass down an order to tell them to return to Xifang Garden quickly, they must not take a step, and those who violated will be punished severely.

Xiao Qiao cried through the door, "Father! Daddy!"

The water thief still shouted, "Listen, bandit, let Xiao Qiao go quickly, or she will kill her father right away!"

Xiao Qiao turned around and plopped down on my knees, crying, "My lord, let me out quickly, or my father will die, die, let me out quickly!"

I was in a bit of a dilemma for a while, even if Xiao Qiao was released, it would be a breeze to kill her father by whoring on the water. If Xiao Qiao is not released, and her father dies in front of me, Xiao Qiao will definitely pay the debt to me on the head.

"The owner of my family said that it's fine not to let Xiao Qiao go. Send Zhiling out to my water village as a hostage, and keep Xiao Qiao as a hostage in your cottage. From then on, we will turn our hostages into friendship."

Gong Suran said: "The wolf's ambition is obvious!"

I waved my hand, "Open the door and let people go!"

The door opened, Xiao Qiao stood up, turned around and ran out.

The water prostitute met Xiao Qiao and hugged her, carried her onto the horse, waved to me, and bid farewell to me like an old friend.

Gu Feng said: "Your Majesty, do you want to chase him down!"

I waved my hand, "Let him go!"

Xiao Qiao lost it again, feeling very sad.

In the evening, Cao Hua's father told me another bad news. The matchmaker went to Wang's house to agree on the date of engagement. The date of engagement also got stuck.Finally, he finally got it right, but he put forward two conditions for him. One is that I will not be allowed to live in his royal family as the king of the mountain;For Wang Yuanwai, this condition is actually reasonable.

But let me get rid of all these ladies, let me leave the cottage, I can't do it for a while.

It's hard work!I'm afraid that if you grind it, you will lose your heart.Fortunately, my heart towards Furong has always been very high!There is no other way, try to make the best of it.

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