I asked Xiaolong to go down and dig three feet to find Zhang Dazui.

I was looking for Zhang Dazui everywhere in the village, and Li Shishi asked the girl Jinying to come to me.

After entering the room, Shi Shi was drinking tea.

I sat down on another mahogany chair.

Shishi pointed to another teacup, Yuying poured tea and handed it to me.

The pot and cup are blue and white porcelain.There are blossoming small plum blossoms on the ground.This kind of porcelain is not used much.It looks fresh and elegant.

When Shi Shi sat there, he looked very stylish, and every movement was a timeless picture scroll.This person really does not seem to exist in life, as if he is in someone else's dream.

"Sister, what can I do for you?"

"Wang Furong is your good friend?"

I shook my head.

"She came to me just now."

This Wang Furong is fast.No matter how you say it, it will come.

"Did she say anything?"

"She just said she came to see you. Then, she asked me my name and where I came from."

"Did my sister tell her all?"

"Hearing her tone of voice has nothing to do with you, so I'll tell you the truth. Do you want to remove the words on your face because of her?"

I nodded.

"I didn't want to remove it for you. But I thought about it when I saw Wang Furong. I am a little jealous of this woman. She is more beautiful than when I was young. If I give you some advice, she must be a famous star in the brothel."

"Sister, don't point her out. I want to marry her, and I will never let her become a brothel girl."

"Heavenly, oh, heavenly!"

"My sister is also a fairy."

"I'm old anyway, I can't compare with their young ones."

"My sister is absolutely beautiful in my eyes."

"You'd be cuter if you didn't say these nice words, but it wouldn't be you if you said them."

"This is indeed from the heart."

"If Wang Furong and I asked you to choose only one, which one would you choose?"

"None of them are spared!"

"Must choose one, must! I want to hear the truth."

No matter what kind of lady, she is willing to ask some multiple choice questions.

"I choose Wang Furong. My sister is still my good sister. Because I like Wang Furong first. Of course, sister, I like you too!"

Master Li nodded, expressionless.

"Are you really going to write on your face?"

"must go!"

"Aren't you afraid of pain?"

"My sister can survive, so can I."

"Well then, you bring a woman with a baby tonight."

"What do you want her to do?"

"That's none of your business. You just do as I tell you."

"Well, sister, I'll take my leave first. If there's anything else, I'll send Jinying Yuying to find me."

Master Li nodded.He asked again: "Recently, how have people spread about me outside, do you know?"

"It is said that you were captured by the gold soldiers and handed over to the gold master. The gold hairpin wanted you to serve him, but you refused to say anything. First, you stabbed yourself in the throat with a golden hairpin, but no other gold master stopped you, and then broke it The golden hairpin swallowed it and committed suicide."

"Hahaha, I thought of a glorious image. It seems that if I am really captured by the golden soldiers, I won't be able to live on mediocrity."

Back in Xifang Garden, it was only then that I noticed the sound of playing, playing and singing coming from Lan Yan'er's room.

Mo Yu was eavesdropping at the door, I patted her on the shoulder from behind her, she trembled, then turned around and said, "Scare me!"

"Go in and listen!"

"I don't care!"

The voice of Guo Lian sang from inside, "Drink a glass of wine with the horse, and when I turned around, I saw the building outside the sunset building. Although I took advantage of my elder brother's wish, it was on the court's honor list, and I don't know Nanzheng When will the Northern War end? Blood stains the sleeves of the battle clothes, tears and wine, a good man is not afraid of the hardships of the battle, but he is afraid of dying unjustly and no one will collect his bones..."

"Good! Good! Good singing!" I slapped my hands and walked in.

"Your Majesty!" Everyone stood up and greeted me.

In addition to the ladies, Caohuaba, Wang Yuanwai, Pu Xiucai, Liu Xia'an, Jiao Xingmeng, Li Dachui, Guo Lian and others were all there.

"Guo Lian, you sing really well! Did you write this word?"

Guo Lian said: "It was written by old scholar Pu."

Elder Pu Xiucai was standing with Liu Xia'an, seeing my eyes sweeping over, he hurried away from Liu Xia'an for a few steps.

"Old scholar Pu, don't you write ghost stories? How did you start writing operas?"

Old scholar Pu said: "Your Majesty, I don't know. Our play is a new one. It was written by Ai Ling and I. It's called "Mr. Li". The first half is a story about a human being, and the second half is a ghost story."

"Aileen, tell me how you write it?"

Ailing said: "It's actually quite simple. The first half is about the relationship between Shishi and Huizong, Yanqing, Song Jiang and other men. Later, Song Jiang died, Huizong went to the north, Yanqing went to wander, and Li Shishi fled everywhere. No, Li Shishi was captured by the gold thief and reunited with Huizong in the north. Yan Qing went to save her but failed. When she was about to return to the sun, Song Jiang grabbed her by the sleeve..."

"Haha, it's interesting. It's just that Li Shishi is not dead. You have written him to death. What if he wants to stand up and trouble you?"

Guo Lian asked: "Your Majesty, how do you know Li Shishi is not dead? Now it is rumored that she is dead, I believe it is not groundless!"

Li Dachui said: "Of course he didn't die, I saw Li Shishi!"

I glared at Li Dachui.

Wang Yuanwai stepped forward and grabbed Li Dachui's sleeve, "Sledgehammer, have you really seen the color artist?"

"What color artist?"

"The color artist of Qingyin Building is Li Shishi, and Li Shishi is the color artist of Qingyin Building."

"Uncle Wang, are you talking nonsense, the Qingyin Building has been demolished long ago, what kind of sex artist is not a sex artist?"

"Don't talk nonsense, just say have you seen Master Li?"

"I saw it. Many people saw it at the bonfire singing and dancing party that day. I saw Li Shishi being taken away by Jin Bing with my own eyes. Jiao Xingmeng and I went to save him, but we couldn't save him!"


"Of course!"

"Jiao Xingmeng, is what the sledgehammer said true?"

Jiao Xingmeng nodded.

Wang Yuanwai stopped talking.Look dejected.

Pu Xiucai asked: "Your Majesty, you have to personally give pointers to this play, and you can bring forward the parts that need to be changed, and we will definitely make good changes."

"No need, just create and arrange well. I know you can all perform well. Guo Degang, which one do you play?"

"I'm playing Yan Qing."

I burst out laughing, "Aren't you too messed up? How can you let Guo Degang play Yan Qing? Even Meng Fei is better than him! What about Gu Feng? Let Gu Feng play Yan Qing, okay?"

Lan Yan'er said: "Gu Feng doesn't sing anything, he raps and sings to delay military training."

"That's true. Some of you idlers can sing a song, which can be regarded as a morale booster. If you are all singing, who will go to war?"

Guo Degang said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I am good at both singing and fighting. I will definitely perform this Yanqing's suave and heroic spirit."

"Okay. It's all made up anyway, so you can act it out however you want."

"Who will play the old emperor?"

Wang Yuanwai came immediately when he was full of energy, "Me!"

I didn't say anything because of Wang Furong's face, Huizong's image is a bit too that, if the current emperor knows how to find such a person to play his father, it will probably delay me!

"Where is Song Jiang?"

Elder Pu Xiucai said: "This role has not yet been decided, and it is reserved for the king."

"I don't like Song Jiang, so you can play Song Jiang. Besides, I don't have time. Which part is less in it? Is there anyone in Golden Thief?"

Pu Xiucai said: "No one will play this. Everyone is unwilling to play it."

"What's the point? You can't be a big bad guy. How many scenes does he have?"

Pu Xiucai said: "There is only one event, and it only appears when the marriage is forced."

"Okay. Send the book to my room when I have time, and I will try it out."

"It's just the king, the gold thief king was killed by Yan Qing, do you want to change it?"

"Change! The Gold Thief cannot die, let him live. Only when he is alive will the audience be more worried."

"That's good! I'll change the trick again."

"When is this play going to be played?"

"It's still early? Wait until the Chinese New Year to perform."

"Well, it's fine if you have time to practice, don't work too hard. Lan Yan'er, besides practicing, you also have to make time to make winter clothes for these ladies, otherwise, this winter will not be able to survive. "

"Don't worry. Your Majesty, we will start making winter clothes from tomorrow."

"Okay, keep practicing! Where have you been practicing?"

Pu Xiucai said: "This is a farewell scene. After Fang La was conquered, Yan Qing wanted Li Shishi to go wandering with him, but Li Shishi refused to say anything."

"Did you see your mouth wide open?"

Pu Xiucai said: "In this play, he plays the role of a bun seller. He was here two days ago, but he didn't come today."

"That's good! Let's practice!"

Joyfully, Tian Pujun poured a glass of wine and handed it to Guo Lian, only to hear her sing: "White clouds pass over the high wall, white horse dust flies, I don't know where the officials will go? Life is too hasty, the fragrance of the South Mountain comes to the fragrance of the North Mountain, one day The little lady wanted to accompany her to a distant place, but she was afraid of going back to her hometown. The beautiful scenery of Bianjing City, the fragrant clothes of Cuiyan Tower, how can I leave it aside..."

Tian Pujun sang and recited very well, with a variety of styles. She wanted to watch for a while, but because she had a lot of things to do, she withdrew, gestured to Jiao Xingmeng and Li Dahui, and the two followed.

"Brother! What are your orders?"

"From now on, the two of you will work hard and take turns leading troops to guard Xifang Garden!"

"What's the matter? Brother, is there any trouble?"

"That's not true. There is no impenetrable wall. If Master Li lives here, someone will definitely know. We have to guard against it."

"Brother is right. We must be more careful."

I nodded and turned back to the Demon King's Cave.

"Xia Da, has Xiaolong returned yet?"

"Come back. He said he couldn't find Zhang Dazui, so he looked for it again."

"Go to Zhao's house later, find Xu Dongdong, and ask her to come to my room to wait for me at night. I have something to do with her."

"As ordered."

After lunch, I rushed to the foot of Baihua Mountain and found Feng Baldzi.

Feng Baldzi is feeding the chickens.

"Baldy, do you see your mouth wide open?"

"Why didn't I see you? Damn it, I'm going to deliver eggs to Baizhi. He's weaving baskets for her at her house."

"Earthquake, is your chicken okay?"

"Baihua Mountain is really a good place. There is nothing serious here. Only a few died."

"Okay, I'll come to you again when I have time, I'll go first."

"Don't, you finally came all the way, so let's have dinner here. I'll scramble an egg for you. At night, you will sleep in the small bamboo building over there. There are a few ladies there, no less than Qing Chanting Lou, you can sing and dance well!"

"Do you go there often?"

"I dare not. However, there was a little lady who slept with me, and I scrambled a lot of eggs for her.

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