
115 Participation in Danbis

110 five participations Dan Bisi

Peric Cruz suddenly thought of something, and he said calmly: "What do you want to do? As far as I know, you have already bought our company's shares in the secondary market, and the amount exceeds at least 10%. You earned from your patent, you are already the second largest shareholder, aren’t you?”

Tan Jiabao said coldly: "Mr. Peric Cruz, you should know that we currently only hold a little more than 13% of the stock, which is still far from my goal, and far from the stock held by you, the largest shareholder. The volume is also far away. So we ask the company’s board of directors to urgently issue 1000 million new shares, which we will buy at 5 times the current market price.”

Peric Cruz was secretly startled, he said: "Our share capital has a total of 6000 million shares, and the current price is only 2.06 US dollars. You want to acquire nearly 1.03% of our shares at a price of 17 million US dollars? Then your shareholding will be Close to 30%, close to me? Haha, as long as you are happy, you can buy Dan Bisi at any time and compete for the controlling stake of Dan Bisi? Isn't it?"

Tan Jiabao shook his head and said, "We never wanted Dan Bisi's controlling stake! Hehe, if I wanted it, why should I come to talk nonsense with you now? Maybe I can buy it in the market tomorrow with 1 million yuan More stocks. Even if I take action to buy Danbis tomorrow, you will be caught off guard! Inviting you to negotiate today is to show our sincerity!"

Looking at his expression, Tan Jiabao knew that he needed to give him some sweetness and confidence.So he said: "If we join Dan Bisi, then we will have a way to prevent others from acquiring. In addition, according to the current reputation of Tang Dynasty Company and my sense of mystery. I believe that even if someone wants to acquire, they will be afraid of our mystery. opponents, they will also spend time investigating my situation, and when they investigate clearly, our market value will already be very high."

Peric Cruz nodded his point.

Tan Jiabao continued: "We are only the second largest shareholder, and you are still in charge of all management and decision-making matters. However, we can provide you with many valuable suggestions and strategies. Also, if we join, for Danbis also has a lot of benefits and no harm. We are responsible for providing new products and old products. For example, I think Danbis tampons should be changed in terms of internal quality and appearance packaging. We provide these most important research and development tasks, Danbis can save at least 70% of the research and development costs, and we use this fund to strengthen management, expand sales channels and develop advertising planning. Think about it, compared to When other companies come, have we, Dan Bisi, already won at the starting line?"

Tan Jiabao paused, and then said: "We have so many new products to develop and put into the market, the demand for funds is huge. If we blindly rely on banks, our asset-liability ratio will be too high, which will affect us. The future development will bring adverse effects. We subscribe for new shares, which can bring a sum of money to the company. Besides, if we raise the stock price by 5 times at once, it will also bring confidence to investors. I think after the market opens, Dan Bisi's stock price must be above 10 yuan, then Danbisi's market value has reached 7 million U.S. dollars."

Tan Xiaozhong added: "We are optimistic about your ability. We think you will be able to build Danbisi into a world-leading large-scale enterprise. For us, Danbisi is just a long-term investment. Our ambition is very ambitious , not what you can imagine."

After a long time, Perici Cruz finally said: "It seems that you have convinced me. I have to agree. I hope we can cooperate happily!"

Tan Jiabao smiled.He said to Peric Cruz: "I also want to know your plan for Dambis, can you tell me so we can study it together?"

Peric Cruz closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then said, "Okay, let me tell you. See if you have any comments, after all, you are also the major shareholders."

He collected his thoughts and said: "We obtained your patent more than a week ago, and we acted immediately. Now we have acquired two small paper towel factories, a medium-to-large soap factory, and established in New York and Los Angeles. The two places bought some houses for hairdressing colleges and hairdressing salons. I plan to continue to acquire factories.”

Tan Xiaozhong said: "I read your first quarter report, and your working capital is less than 3000 million yuan. Did you borrow money from the bank for such a large-scale investment?"

Perici Cruz nodded and said: "Yes, we have already borrowed 3 million US dollars from 1.1 banks. In addition, this year our traditional product tampons opened the markets in Japan and the Far East, and our revenue increased by more than 15% .”

He went on to say: "My plan is to accelerate the production and sales of Hushubao and diapers while steadily increasing the revenue of tampons. After all, they are almost the same as tampons. For shampoo and hair care Suspension and jelly water are about to open up additional sales. First, we are preparing for large-scale advertising. Second, we will quickly open up the European market through the influence of Sassoon. Third, we will get in touch with major department stores and supermarkets around the world. .Fourth, I will recruit talent globally..."

"I strive to promote the existing products within three months, at most four months, so that these products have a sufficient market share. Then after recovering part of the funds, we continue to acquire companies. But this time I’m going to buy a big business, and my first target is Colgate! I’m going into the oral care industry.”

"Ah." Tan Jiabao exclaimed, "Colgate's current stock price is not bad. Its market value is more than [-] million US dollars. How do you buy it?"

"Hmph, as I said before, I have a very good relationship with the bank. Even if I have a loan of one billion yuan, there is no problem!" Perici Cruz said confidently: "Colgate's current annual sales have exceeded 2 million yuan. If Cooperating with our products will drive our other products."

Tan Jiabao shook his head and said: "I have no objection to seeking high-speed development through debt. However, if there are other methods, it is best not to use this method. The pressure on this kind of funds is very high. If the pressure caused by the product affects the quality of the product, then the loss outweighs the gain. I firmly believe in a truth, that is, quality is the life of a company!"

"Don't worry, we will never affect the quality of the product. I am still sure of this."

Tan Jiabao nodded and said: "I advocate temporarily abandoning the acquisition of large companies like Colgate. We can first acquire some relatively small companies with development potential. I have a goal here, and that is Estee Lauder. You should know that this It is a non-listed cosmetics and perfume company. Its scale is still small, but it needs to grow. Ms. Estee Lauder is a very good manager. If you have a way to buy this company, even if it is only 50 % of the shares, is also a great victory."

Perici Cruz shook his head and said, "I've met Ms. Estée Lauder a few times, and I think this woman is very smart. It will be very difficult to buy this company."

Tan Jiabao said: "Ms. Estee Lauder is almost 60 years old this year. Women are often the most vulnerable at this age. I suggest you give it a try. You can promise her that this company will continue to be managed by her. Her experience, we Both can be learned. As long as their products are printed with our company logo. I think the acquisition of Estee Lauder is much more meaningful than the acquisition of Colgate, and I can control this company with great potential for less than $[-] million. I believe that this The company will surely become the world's largest skin care, cosmetics and fragrance company in the future."

"You have so much confidence in this company? Then I will do everything possible to get this company!" Peric Cruz nodded and agreed.

"Colgate is a good company, but I think its stock price is too high now, and our funds are relatively limited. I don't think it will touch this company for at least six years. After six years, maybe Colgate's price will change. It is much lower, and our funds will be much more abundant at that time. I will fully support the acquisition of Colgate in six years’ time.” Tan Jiabao said seriously: “I agree with you if you want to enter the oral care industry. You suggest that you hurry up Buy a mid-sized toothpaste business for a few million dollars, and I'll give you the latest toothpaste formula. Huh, and hit Colgate and Crest by the way."

Peric Cruz was overjoyed, he suddenly felt that it was not a bad thing to let this mysterious Chinese Tang Xiao take a share.

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