
147 Building to Last

Plagiarism from the World - 140 Seven Strategies for Everlasting Success

"Xiaobao, our booth is getting bigger and bigger. Just this Bristol Meyers company has so many projects, plus our movies, real estate, toys, investment, household appliances and technology, We have been involved in these seven major industries in the past few months, not including the watch industry. These industries will be subdivided, and many factories will be derived. Tang Dynasty Enterprise Group, this super large enterprise, will be displayed in front of the world at once. In many aspects, we are not prepared, or not prepared enough." Tan Xiaozhong said with great worry.

Tan Jiabao sighed and said: "Hey, the emergence of this Bristol Meyers company is completely beyond my expectations. But since this company has come, we must do it well! I also It is uncertain whether there will be new companies and new industries waiting for us. I think there will be some, such as Hong Kong, where people are panicking now, many companies are unsustainable, and we cannot see good ones I have also considered the issue you mentioned. I think the key lies in talents, talents from all walks of life, and talents from all walks of life. We especially need management talents! So, I plan to settle Bristol *Meyers Company, after the acquisition of Disney, we will conduct a global talent recruitment campaign. Attract world-class talents, stabilize the Tang Dynasty Enterprise Group within three years, and then seek expansion.”

Tan Xiaozhong nodded and said: "Talent is undoubtedly a key point, but we must pay attention to infrastructure construction from now on. This kind of infrastructure construction is not only the accumulation and expansion of assets, but also the formation of various rules and regulations. It should also include the lowest level. The cultivation of the overall quality of employees also includes the cultivation of the quality of middle and high-level management personnel, as well as the formation of corporate culture and corporate spirit. In the future, Tangchao Group Company will undoubtedly become a giant multinational company, a giant consortium, without its own enterprise Culture and entrepreneurial spirit are hard to imagine, and if we want our company to last forever, we must invest money and energy in this area from now on.”

After talking about this, Tan Xiaozhong took out a stack of materials and said to Tan Jiabao one by one: "I have prepared some teaching plans on scientific management. These are all teaching plans for the person in charge of the subsidiary company. The title of the book is "The Mystery of Management". , which I compiled by referring to a large number of books in the United States, Europe and Japan and my experience in working in major companies. 'Management Methods', 'Execution', 'Organizational Management and Organizational Behavior', 'Leader's Management Strategies', 'Management Models', 'Enterprise Competitive Strategy', 'Financial Management', ' There are 30 chapters in total, including "Personnel Management", "Employee Motivation", "Strategic Planning", "Macroeconomics" and "Regular Staff Training". I require all the heads of subsidiaries to study this book carefully, and There will be an exam in a year, whether it is your brother or the friend I brought, if he fails, then he must retire!"

"Haha, Second Grandpa, you and I are planning to go together, and I firmly support this plan!" Looking at such a large stack of lesson plans, Tan Jiabao was sincerely delighted.He knew that many of their high-level officials were not well-educated, especially Chen Lijun, Liu Jian, and Zheng Dashi.Having such a set of textbooks for self-study will bring them some help anyway.He flipped through it roughly, and then said: "Second Grandpa, I think I need to add a few chapters, such as 'Quality Management', 'Marketing and Advertising' and 'Global Thinking'. Quality is the life of an enterprise. , without super-quality products, there will be no super-class enterprises..."

Tan Jiabao talked eloquently, while Tan Xiaozhong listened attentively and nodded incessantly.

"Second Grandpa, when did you start writing this book?" It took him more than an hour to finish his opinion, and then Tan Jiabao asked again.

Tan Xiaozhong sighed and said, "Hey, when I was working in a Japanese factory last year, the president of that large Japanese company asked me to write a textbook like this. Japanese companies attach great importance to this, so their management level is very high. , even better than American companies. This set of books has been written since then, and it was not completed until a few days ago."

Tan Jiabao nodded and said: "Yes, there are many things we can learn from the Japanese devils. In less than 20 years, their economy will surpass that of European countries such as Britain, France, and West Germany, and they may even pose a threat to the United States. Second grandfather , let’s work together. You can finish the three chapters I just mentioned, and I have been writing a book about corporate culture one after another. Now I have written about 70%, and I will show it to you later. My book is called "Corporate Culture, Customs and Etiquette for Corporate Survival". I start from business philosophy, values, corporate goals, corporate spirit, corporate ethics, group awareness, people-oriented, corporate image, corporate system, and corporate mission. 10 angles and directions explain how to establish and form a corporate culture system that can make an enterprise last forever. Before I was in mainland China, I also wrote a book of about [-] characters and sent it to Fan Nu and his brothers, called "Foundation Growth" "Green", you can take it and take a look at it later, and I will organize a few secretaries to write a staff training course called "From Good to Great", which must be learned by all employees of Tang Dynasty Group."

Tan Xiaozhong took over the two manuscripts of Tan Jiabao, flipped through them briefly, and then sighed: "I thought I was already a relatively hardworking person, but compared to you, I am simply a lazy person! Hey... "

"Second Grandpa, don't say that. Your hard work is obvious to all. I'm just trying to make the most of my time." Tan Jiabao didn't expect Tan Xiaozhong to say that.

Tan Xiaozhong smiled and said: "I originally wanted to talk about you as your second grandfather tonight, saying that you like to provoke girls. This time I went to Hong Kong to stay an extra day, which almost delayed the work here. Forget it all, and you provoked four girls at once, which not only almost killed the other girls, but also put yourself in a very dangerous situation irrationally."

"Second Grandpa, I..." Tan Jiabao was extremely embarrassed.

Tan Xiaozhong waved his hand and said, "Second Grandpa thinks that you are still the best child, so of course you will inevitably have some shortcomings, and this female sex is your weakness. 'The color word is a knife to the head', you just need to be more rational. You How old are you now? Even I know that there are several people who have nothing to do with you. I am worried that you will be trapped by love and obsessed with sex and will not be able to get away. Besides, it is also a big deal for you to let down the hearts of other girls. It's a cruel thing."

"Second Grandpa, don't worry, I will be careful." Tan Jiabao said with a blushing face.

Tan Xiaozhong stood up and laughed and said, "Xiao Bao, it's fine to provoke some little girls, but if you are too old, you just... hey, that Audrey Hepburn called you a few times these days."

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