
156 Disney's future

Plagiarism - 150 six Disney's future

The headquarters of the Walt Disney Company in Burbank, the whole company seems to be fried.Almost every member of the company was buzzing about the acquisition news.As the discussion deepened, the entire company was shrouded in a sense of panic.Everyone could no longer work with peace of mind, so they simply discussed in small groups.

In the big office, the white-collar workers in the office put down their work and were discussing this important matter that related to their own interests in full swing.

"Oh my God, what's going on? We're being bought by someone else at Disney!"

"It would be great if Mr. Walt was still alive. No one dares to buy Disney..."

"Don't worry, everyone. Mr. Lowy is still here, and he will definitely find a way."

"Oh my God, don't count on Roy, he's too old..."

"God! Is this the end of Disney? I've been working here for years..."

"Oh, I think, we're about to lose our jobs! What should we do? Damn Tang Xiao! Damn Tang Dynasty Company! Damn Chinese!"

"Oh, I don't think others can be blamed, let's review ourselves. What have we done in recent years? The company is like this, sooner or later it will be acquired..."

At this time, an old cough came from outside the door.The white-collar workers hurried back to their seats, and the office immediately became silent.

Roy Disney, leaning on a cane as usual, came in tremblingly, glanced at the office, and then walked out slowly, slowly walking into his chairman's office.

"Oh, Uncle, you're finally here." A woman in her 30s excitedly stepped forward to support Roy and said, "Uncle, something serious happened..."

"Stop talking, I already know, Diane, is your mother here?" Roy's voice was still calm.After all, he was the one who conquered this country together with his younger brother.

"Oh, Roy, I'm sitting here, your eyes are getting worse and worse. It's time to see a doctor." An old woman said in the same old voice.

"Oh, Lillian, it's good that you're here. Disney is facing unprecedented difficulties. We need to work together to tide over the difficulties together. Haha, this is the hard work of Walt's life, and it's also my life's hard work. We can't be taken away for nothing like this..." Roy Disney became so excited that he couldn't even speak.

Roy Disney sat down, and he said slowly: "At the beginning, I told you many times that I told you young people not to sell stocks, but you just didn't listen. Now it's all right, all the stocks of our Disney family add up to less than 30% %, more than 70% of the stocks are in circulation in the market.”

"My father and I sold our stocks to mutual funds or investment companies, but Edward sold the stocks to the market, and he made the most cash." Diane Marie Disney was Walt Disney's favorite Daughter and only child.So Walter regards her as the apple of his eye.And Edward is the son of Roy Disney, who works in the Disney animation department and is also one of the directors of Disney.

Lillian, the widow of Walt Disney, sighed and said, "What time is it, and we are still shirking each other's responsibilities like this. We should find a way to stop this hostile takeover now!"

Diane said: "Uncle, I know that Tang Dynasty Warner has merged with United Artists before. They came to annex our Disney this time, which is completely a monopoly. We can sue them for violating the antitrust "Sherman" Law"."

Roy Disney shook his head and said: "I have thought about this a long time ago. United Artists has not made a film for a long time, and we have not made a film for nearly three years, and Warner Bros.'s film production level ranks eighth in Hollywood. The company is at the bottom of the stream. So even if they annex us, it will not form a monopoly. Because the combined number of films produced by these three companies is not comparable to companies such as Paramount, Universal and Fox. Moreover, to sue others for anti-monopoly requires investigation, Collect evidence and provide some huge data so that the court can accept it. Therefore, in terms of time, we are not allowed to do this, so let’s think of other ways.”

Lillian nodded and said, "Yeah, now I think we can only rely on our old friends. Anyone of them can stand up and act as a 'white knight'. Roy, please contact the oil giant in Texas Brothers Pereira, they are our best friends."

Roy Disney sighed and said, "I have already contacted you. What a coincidence, the Pereira brothers just flew to the Middle East yesterday, and it is said that there is a big business waiting for them there."

"Asshole! We hid when things came to an end. Think about how we helped them at the beginning. Without Walter, would they be where they are today?" Lillian said angrily, "What about Louis, the food king in California?"

"Lying on the hospital bed. A few days ago, he had a high blood pressure attack. I heard that it almost killed him."

"and also……"

"Lilian, stop talking. I have contacted everything you can think of, either for this reason or for that reason. Anyway, I can't count on them. Hey, except for movies, other industries are in full swing. I am willing to throw money and energy into this area." Roy Disney was filled with emotion.

"Could it be... Is there nothing we can do?"

"I have asked Edward to rush to New York early in the morning. I believe that at this time, he is negotiating with the Chinese." Roy Disney said to them: "We will temporarily let Edward negotiate. Let's see if we can get them to give up the acquisition Disney. Of course, we have to pay a price."

"My God! Roy, is this possible? When have you ever seen a hungry dog ​​throw away the fat you got?" Lilian felt very painful.Compared with her husband, this elder brother is much worse in all aspects.The catastrophe came, and what he did turned out to be these meaningless things.

"I also know that this is impossible, but we have to try. In addition, with the current situation of our Disney, it is really difficult for Disney to do much in our hands. For example, Diane, you have no intention of running Disney. , and your husband is not good either. Edward is my son, but I know he is not capable of running Disney well, and so are the other children. So, if I plan to persuade them to give up the acquisition and fail, we will ask them to let us keep the hand We will continue to be our shareholders, and the control and management of the company will be transferred to them.”

"What? Roy, are you crazy? Give up Disney? I'm sorry, I... can't do it!" Lillian stood up and said angrily: "Roy, you also said that Disney is the Your brother Walter founded it together. How can you give up so easily?"

Roy Disney also stood up, and he said helplessly: "Actually, even if we make such a request, others may not agree to it. Lillian, think about it calmly, who else in our family can run Disney? And I , almost 70 years old... well, we will continue to work hard on this side."

He sat down again and continued: "Now we are separately contacting all major shareholders who hold more than 3 shares, and request these major shareholders not to sell to Tang Chao Warner Company. We can offer a higher price, that is, more than 50 yuan. Buy the stocks in their hands at a high price. Also, take all the company’s current funds to the secondary market to buy stocks at a price higher than 50 yuan. However, we have to raise money quickly, and we need to prepare at least 1800 million yuan. Oh , God, let's hope they don't have such a smooth acquisition."

"This way is much better. Diane, hurry up to the finance department and get a copy of the shareholder form. Let's work separately..." Lillian glanced at Roy Disney and felt that this person was very disappointing.

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