
159 Buffett's wish

Plagiarism from the World - 150 Nine Buffett's Wishes (4000 words chapter)

After a while, Roy Disney signed a dozen documents on behalf of the Disney family under the guidance of lawyers for both parties.This means that the Disney era is over, replaced by the Tang Dynasty Disney Company.

Roy Disney is gone, taking his family with him.Looking at their lonely figures, Tan Xiao was filled with emotion and sighed in his heart.

"Hehe, losing is so graceful, it's admirable. Oh, Mr. Tan Xiaozhong, congratulations to you and Tang Dynasty Warner for successfully acquiring Disney." The only shareholder finally stood up, walked up to Tan Xiaozhong and shook hands generously. Hold Tan Xiaozhong's hand and said: "I can only use two words to describe your treatment of Disney this time, and that is 'wonderful'! For this acquisition, I sincerely admire it!"

"Thank you, may I ask who you are..." The young man in his 30s in front of him looked elegant, but his eyes revealed his shrewdness and toughness.So, Tan Xiaozhong couldn't help asking questions.

The young man smiled and said, "My name is Warren Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway."

Warren Buffett?Ah, this is another character that Tan Jiabao often mentions. From Tan Jiabao's words, we know that Buffett's future is boundless.

"I have admired you for a long time, Mr. Buffett, you are well-known in the investment world."

"I don't dare to be famous. I'm just an investor with tens of millions of dollars. How can I be compared with those of you who do business with hundreds of millions of dollars at every turn?"

After a while of pleasantries, Buffett cut to the chase: "Mr. Tan Xiaozhong, I hold 5% of Disney's shares, which I bought from Mr. Walt last year. I think I will sell the 5% shares at the current price today, and then sell them at 00 Ten thousand dollars to buy back the shares of this stock, just like the Disney family, to act as a voluntary supervisor for you."

"Mr. Buffett, we have taken Disney private..."

"I know. It is precisely because of the privatization that we have to work harder on supervision. I know that Tang Dynasty Group has many industries. It now has three companies in the United States, and it has also participated in Dan Bisi. In Hong Kong There are also many companies. When managing so many companies, it is inevitable that there will be some negligence. Hehe, if I take a share, I will exercise my supervisory power in Tang Dynasty Disney Company. This is beneficial to you but nothing Harmful! Haha, I am much better at this than the Disney family.” Buffett is very confident in his suggestion.

Tan Xiaozhong thought for a while, and then said: "Well, let's just have an in-depth cooperation. We will also invest in your Berkshire Hathaway company. Not only can you invest in our companies in the United States, we can also introduce you Invest in companies in Hong Kong. Even other profitable industries in the world."

Buffett smiled awkwardly and said, "I think so, but my current capital...hehe, you know, I'm less than [-] million now."

"Don't you hold more than 70% of the shares of Berkshire Hathaway? We can cooperate in the form of stock exchange. We can even inject funds into your company. Our cooperation will be a win-win situation!" and Tan Jiabao After leading it for a while, Tan Xiaozhong also knew that having such a future influential person in his chariot would play a very positive role in the growth of his corporate empire.

Buffett nodded and said: "Dear Mr. Tan Xiaozhong, I think I will seriously consider this matter. After a while, let's have a good talk!"

A few days later, Buffett met Tan Xiaozhong again, and the two sides launched an in-depth cooperation...


In the conference room at the headquarters of the Bristol Meyers Company in New York, there was a lot of excitement and voices. They decided to hold the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 1967.However, compared with Disney's shareholders' meeting, this extraordinary shareholders' meeting is a veritable shareholders' meeting, with at least 0 participants.

As expected by Bristol, this shareholder meeting was very lively. Not only did the number of participants break the record, but the status of the participants was also the highest.A large number of presidents, managers and even chairman of the major investment funds came.Not only that, the major media also came to join in the fun, and they sent a large number of reporters.It was beyond the organizer's expectation that so many people came all at once, which brought a lot of trouble to the organizer.

The main reason for this situation is that everyone is paying attention to the acquisition of Dan Bisi by Bristol Meyers.Corporate acquisitions on Wall Street happen almost every month.And this acquisition is so popular, it is entirely because Peric artificially hyped this acquisition as the most eye-catching acquisition during this period.

Fortunately, Bristol Meyers Company also has a large conference room, which is mainly a place for the company's middle-level and above cadres to hold meetings.Now the two major shareholders, Bristol and Meyers, and other directors of the company are sitting on the rostrum, while reporters and other shareholders are sitting in the audience.

Secretary of the Board of Directors Gibson presided over the extraordinary general meeting. At 10:15, he announced the start of the general meeting of shareholders.Then it introduces the attendance of this shareholders' general meeting, the notices of this extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, election supervisors, vote-counting personnel and meeting procedures and other related matters.

Then Chairman Bristol announced the consideration of three topics for today's extraordinary shareholders' meeting.First, review the "Proposal on the Company's Tender Offer to Acquire All Shares of Danbis Co., Ltd."; Second, review the "Proposal on the Temporary Transfer of Employee Pension Funds and Temporary Transfers of R&D Funds for the Company's Acquisition of Danbis"; Third, Deliberated on the "Proposal on the Company's Acquisition of Danbis and Needing a Bank Loan of USD 10 Billion".

As soon as the three issues were announced, the following shareholders began to whisper and discuss.

Bristol glanced at the dark group of shareholders below with confidence, and he explained in detail: "Tampise is a company with a long history. Originally, they only produced tampons, and the global share of this single product It was the first. Later, everyone knew that Danbis purchased several patents of Tang Dynasty Technology Company. After our research, we found that these patented products are world-leading products in technology, and many of their products have been It’s on the market. Oh, I don’t need to introduce how popular these products are. But I still want to talk about them here.”

As he spoke, he took out a few bottles of shampoo and conditioner from under the table.He picked up a bottle of Rejoice shampoo to show everyone: "This is a bottle of shampoo called 'Rejoice', which is the kind that Miss Jane Fonda demonstrates on TV every day. The shampoo that fell out of the comb. My daughter queued for an hour to get it. It works really well and my daughter can't put it down. She threatened to never use another brand of shampoo again. And this bottle It's 'conditioner', a boon for women who love perms in this day and age..."

Bristol took the trouble to show off Danbis's new products such as shampoo, conditioner, gel water, sanitary napkins and diapers one by one.And he patiently and meticulously analyzed the selling points of these products to the point, and estimated the cost and profit of these products very accurately.

"It is a miracle that so many new products are selling well at the same time, and the supply is in short supply. However, the miracle created by Dambis is not over. They are not only deploying the Sassoon Hair Academy and Hair Salon, but also acquired three companies including Estee Lauder. Hehe, I do not deny that this is too enviable, especially for a company like ours whose main business is cosmetics and personal care products, it is simply a temptation! As far as I know, when we are preparing to acquire this Before the first company, there were at least two large companies targeting Dambis. One of them was preparing to issue shares, and the other was preparing to take large-scale loans from banks. Haha, fortunately, we have sufficient cash flow, fortunately, Dambis issued new shares, and fortunately, we made a decisive decision , we got ahead of them. We were lucky enough to acquire 15% of the company's shares before Dambis's suspension. So we issued a takeover offer to Dambis. Hehe, what I said Are the reasons for these acquisitions sufficient? Are there any of you who are not in favor of this acquisition plan?"

"Of course, now that Dambis's market value has reached more than 14 billion, we are short of funds. Therefore, at a time when the fate of Bristol Meyers is related to the future of Bristol Meyers in the next few decades, we call on all our shareholders to Support us and let us grow stronger quickly. Therefore, I ask all shareholders to vote in favor of the above three issues. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

After speaking, Bristol stood up and bowed deeply to everyone.

After Bristol finished speaking and sat down, Secretary of the Board of Directors Gibson said: "Now is the time for shareholders to speak and ask questions. Everyone is welcome to speak freely on the above three issues."

A shareholder in the front row began to ask questions: "Mr. Chairman and President, among the four main businesses of Bristol Meyers, pharmaceuticals always rank first. And this time at least 15 billion funds will be used The acquisition of Danbis will make the company use employee pension funds and research and development funds, and borrow a large amount of debt from the bank. I am worried that this acquisition will hurt the company. Although Danbis is currently an excellent company, the company needs to Development is inseparable from scientific research. As we all know, Tang Chao Technology Co., Ltd. owned by Tang Xiao, a Chinese, is the second largest shareholder of Danbis and the inventor of these best-selling products. If Tang Xiao leaves, what else will Danbis have? So I think the company's development of pharmaceuticals is the key, and the risk of acquiring Danbis is very high, and I am skeptical about this acquisition..."

"Who said that Tang Dynasty Technology Company should leave? We will do everything in our power to negotiate with Tang Dynasty Technology Company. Hehe, since they can be the shareholders of Dan Bisi, why can't they be the shareholders of Bristol Meyers Company What about the shareholders? Bristol Meyers is unmatched in terms of strength, prestige, and capital. It is obvious that the Chinese are smart people, and they will definitely not reject our good intentions. Invitation." Bristol was obviously prepared for this kind of question, he said: "Even if Tang Dynasty Technology Company does not accept our invitation, with our strength in the personal care and cosmetics industry, we can also be in Danbis Based on these new products, we will develop our new products! Therefore, we believe that the acquisition of Danbis is not only risk-free, but also a huge opportunity for our company, and it can also provide the company with considerable profits.”

"We should have contacted Tang Dynasty Technology Company long ago, but this company is too busy. Everyone knows that they are buying Disney. Hehe, they made an extraordinary move. They actually bought Disney at a bidding price of 50 US dollars. It is a crumbling enterprise. It took only one day for them to acquire more than 51% of Disney’s shares. It is worth learning from us! Hehe, it seems that they have succeeded. At the right time, we should also find this company The company had a good talk," Bristol added.

Peter Lynch attended the meeting, he sat in the front row.When he heard this passage, he sneered in his heart.But today he only came with his ears and didn't intend to speak.

At this time, another shareholder stood up and said: "Dear Mr. Chairman, I can agree to both the acquisition of Danbis and the loan of US$10 billion from the bank. But for the 'temporary transfer of employee pension funds and temporary transfer The R&D Fund' violates the articles of association of the company and the relevant laws and regulations of the United States. It will also bring adverse effects on the reputation of Bristol Meyers Company. Especially it will cause harm to the employees, so I oppose this proposal .”

How could Bristol and Meyers not know the difficulty of this bill?But they have no choice but to bring it up at the general meeting of shareholders.Because now many media have begun to suspect the source of funds for their acquisition of Dan Bisi, which has attracted the attention of relevant departments.They may arrive at the company soon.Therefore, after careful consideration, they decided to propose it at the general meeting of shareholders in the form of a motion, and tried their best to persuade shareholders to vote in favor.Only in this way, they will not affect the company's reputation because of such "little things".

Bristol smiled awkwardly and said: "Hehe, I have explained in detail the positive significance of the acquisition of Danbis before. This is related to the fate of our Bristol Meyers company for decades, so some side effects We will no longer follow the last section. Note that we are temporarily transferring the two funds, not a long-term transfer. We promise that within half a year, all the funds transferred will be returned to the accounts of the two funds. I think our shareholders and employees will understand and support us on this point."

Then, like an oboe, Bristol and Meyers once again described the bright future after they acquired Dambis.

Peric, a minority shareholder who only holds 5000 shares of Bristol Meyers in the back row, became more and more angry when he heard these two shameless people wantonly "portrait" his company. He knew it was time to act himself.

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