
172 Bruce Lee Wants to Break Up Friendship

Plagiarism - 170 Two Bruce Lee wants to break up friendship

Tan Jiabao's study.

Bruce Lee looked very serious and sad: "Xiaobao, I did what you asked me to do. But, I killed someone! I killed Dinah. Oh, my god! I killed a woman!"

" dead? What's going on?" Tan Jiabao was also taken aback, he had calculated thousands of times but he didn't count this part.

"Yes! I saw it with my own eyes. She... died so badly!" Bruce Lee closed his eyes in pain, and the tragedy he saw just now appeared in his mind, and he thought he would never forget that scene in his life.

Danaxi's car flew away like an arrow leaving the string.But she didn't expect that there was a big truck in front of her running a red light and coming from her right.Before she could react, she slammed into the truck.The Japanese car immediately fell apart, and the beautiful Dinah died instantly.

“他的丈夫,还有他的情人一下子都来了。他们都伤心欲绝,布里斯托尔还失去理智地去痛揍了那个喝了酒的墨西哥卡车司机。但是,这一切都太迟It's too late..." Bruce Lee looked distressed.

"Xiaolong, this should be the responsibility of that Mexican driver, you..." Tan Jiabao wanted to comfort him.

"No!" Bruce Lee yelled, "Do you know why she drives so fast? She wants to transfer money to the bank! She wants to transfer their funds to a securities account. Oh, I know, that's to deal with you. The acquisition of their company!"

It was dinner time, and Bruce Lee's roar attracted Tan Xiaozhong, Deborah, and Hu Yinmeng who were having dinner in the restaurant next door. They all walked into the study silently. They stood there silently, watching the two emotional men talking Arguing violently.

Tan Xiaozhong and Hu Yinmeng also just flew back from Los Angeles.

"Xiaolong, calm down!" Tan Jiabao comforted him.

"Oh, I am the murderer! And you are the mastermind behind the scenes!" Bruce Lee couldn't contain his anger. He pointed at Tan Jiabao and said, "Can't you do business in an open and aboveboard manner? It is disgraceful to use this kind of filth. using the same means against another. Oh, and against a woman!"

Tan Jiabao closed his eyes, and he said with a blank face: "Xiaolong, I really didn't expect all this to happen! Believe me, my original intention was not like this, I didn't even think that they hadn't transferred the funds over at this time .Oh, they can all attest, and I'm trying to figure out what to do with their billion dollars..."

"But what about those photos? Don't tell me you got those disgusting photos by some fair means!" Bruce Lee was still furious.

Has Deborah ever seen someone being so rude to Tan Jiabao?She also knew everything about Tan Jiabao's preparations, and she even knew the origin of these photos. It was obtained by Pericz from a private detective, and it had nothing to do with Xiaobao.So she said angrily: "Those photos didn't come from Xiaobao at all, they were..."

"Shut up!" Tan Jiabao interrupted her and said, "Yes, it's all my fault! I have an unshirkable responsibility for Dinah's death. Although I didn't kill Boren, Boren died because of me. Dinah Xi is Boren! Xiaolong, since this is the case, what do you think should be done?"

Bruce Lee was stunned, he was also angry for a while, and he didn't think about what to do.Now Tan Jiabao asked, he thought for a while, and then said calmly: "Xiaobao, you and I are friends, you taught me many things, and healed my eyes. But this time, I helped you One thing I really didn't want to do, and you got what you needed. There is no debt between us. Now I know, you and I are not the same type, I think, we will... ...Sever contact! Of course, I will not be your enemy, just pretend that we have never known each other! I think...I can only do this now."

Bruce Lee has lived in the United States for many years, and like many Americans, he likes to speak straightforwardly.After he said these words, he felt a lot more relaxed.But another uncontrollable pain emerged spontaneously, and he didn't know whether his decision was right or not.

Hearing this, Tan Jiabao's heart was shocked. He didn't expect Bruce Lee to be so decisive, and he also started to shout loudly: "Xiaolong, don't you think this is unfair to me? Hehe, just because of such a thing, you Are you really going to cut off contact with me? I don’t agree! Unless you tell me yourself, you don’t want to be friends with me at all, or you want to cut off contact with me a long time ago!”

"No! I swear, I have always been proud of having a friend like you. I even told my wife and my children that the mysterious Tang Xiao is my good friend! He is the one I respect the most Good friends! However, you and I are not on the same path after all. Since childhood, my father and my masters have taught me to have a sense of justice, to punish the strong and eliminate the evil, and to eradicate the violent and the good. But today, for my friends , took a stack of unsightly photos, threatened a woman, and killed her because of it! Oh, you know? This is the most regrettable thing I have ever done in my life!" Bruce Lee said painfully.

"At that time, I asked you to help me find a reliable friend to do this. But you had to do it yourself! At that time, I had explained all this clearly and plainly. Tell me, I lied to you with that sentence? The other party is a woman, I have some photos of her cheating, I need her shares... I have nothing to hide from you!" Tan Jiabao also got angry , His voice is also very loud.

Bruce Lee nodded and said: "You have indeed said all this. But, I think you are my friend. I am afraid that others will not be able to do this well, and I am afraid that they will spoil your good deed... Oh, I care about you too much My request, maybe I always thought you were an upright person, maybe I thought things too simply. Anyway, at this point, it is my fault! However, it is also because of this incident that I can see clearly everything!"

After saying this, everyone fell silent.Both Tan Jiabao and Bruce Lee stared at each other, and the only sound in the room was the sound of Bruce Lee and Tan Jiabao gasping for anger.

After a long time, Tan Jiabao finally spoke. He sighed and said, "Xiaolong, is it really irreparable between us? For this matter, do we have to sacrifice our friendship?"

"Well. I think it can only be like this." Bruce Lee nodded firmly and said, "I have something important that I haven't had time to tell you. Muhammad Ali has approached me. We agreed to meet in Las Vegas on Christmas. It's a East-West showdown in Vegas. All the rules are as you said before."

"Is Don King here to organize this summit match?"

"Yes. And Mr. Don King will be my agent."

"No! This person..."

"Xiaobao, I've made up my mind." Bruce Lee swung his arms vigorously, interrupting his speech, and then said, "I didn't want to tell you about this at this time, but you first proposed this matter." Yes, so after much deliberation, I still think I should tell you. However, I can handle this matter myself, and I don't need your intervention!"

"Hmph, this concerns all Chinese people, you want me to watch?"

"Yes, you'd better do nothing! Otherwise..."

"What else? What am I going to do?"

"That's enough, Xiaobao! Are you going to use some tricks and do some despicable things again? Tell you, Xiaobao, I would rather die under Ali's fist than you join in!"

Tan Jiabao was in so much pain, he raised his head, controlled his emotions, and said leisurely, "I'm in your heart now, is it that unbearable?"

"Yes! I like to be with people who are upright. I like to be frank and frank, and I don't like to play tricks!" Bruce Lee knew that he could not stay here any longer, and he was afraid that he would regret it.So he stood up, cupped his hands, and walked away!

Looking at the back of Bruce Lee leaving, Tan Jiabao's heart seemed to be pricked, and he felt very uncomfortable.He sat down dejectedly, holding his head in pain and meditating.

Tan Xiaozhong walked over and patted him on the shoulder lightly.And the two girls grabbed his hand one by one, and called softly: "Xiaobao, Xiaobao, don't feel so uncomfortable..."

Tan Jiabao raised his head and said to Tan Xiaozhong: "Second Grandpa, was I wrong? Did I make a mistake from the very beginning? Am I...was I being too ruthless?"

"No! You are not wrong at all! When dealing with the enemy, do we still have to be afraid?" Tan Xiaozhong said firmly: "This is like on the battlefield, an enemy wants to kill us or our friends. Should we not fight back? Should we be slaughtered? Or when we fight back, should we also consider whether we will hurt our enemy? Are we worried about whether we will make the enemy’s relatives feel sad? Oh, In the mall, we have to throw away those women's benevolence that shouldn't be there!"

"But Xiaolong, he... oh, I lost a friend! Maybe I shouldn't ask him out to do this. I didn't expect him to be such a pure person." Tan Jiabao sighed: "And, for I'm really... regretful about Danaxi's death! I really never thought that this plan would need to be realized with blood. I don't think I would, even if Bristol Meyers was acquired. Will be happy. Second Grandpa, I want to give up the acquisition of Bristol Meyers."

"What? Abandoning the acquisition of Bristol Meyers at this time? Is that what you said? Is that what my Tan man said? What are you kidding! How much money have we invested? How much have we invested Energy? Moreover, Peric is still lying in the hospital, how much hope does he have in you? He even bets his own life! You are giving up now because of a little setback? Are you worthy of Peric? Isn't Perici our friend too?" Tan Xiaozhong criticized Tan Jiabao for the first time in front of the two girls: "Xiaobao, you were born to do big things, and those who do big things don't care about small things! If your grandpa heard what you said, I'm sure he'd slap you twice in the face! Did you see your grandpa give up lightly?"

Hu Yinmeng also said softly: "Xiaobao, Second Grandpa is right. What a good situation we are in now. As of today, we actually own more than 66% of the shares of Bristol Meyers. And accident happened today, and the 10 billion US dollars could not be transferred to the securities account. For us, Bristol Meyers Company is within easy reach. "One will succeed and ten thousand bones will die", since we have chosen To enter the business world, we must have a good mental capacity."

Deborah choked up and said: "Don't talk about it, I know Xiaobao feels uncomfortable. Doesn't he know this? He knows it all! Xiaobao, since this is already the case, don't feel too uncomfortable. In fact, after our successful acquisition , you can also do more good deeds, and you will feel much more at ease."

Tan Jiabao looked at the two girls around him, and then said to Tan Xiaozhong: "Second Grandpa, I was a little arrogant just now. I promise that I will never do this again in the future. Hehe, look at my two girlfriends, Meng'er She is clear-headed and thoughtful at a young age, and she is born to be a businessman, and my Lala is the most gentle, considerate and understanding, no wonder I can't do without her more and more..."

The faces of the two girls turned red, and they all looked at Tan Jiabao reproachfully.

Tan Xiaozhong frowned, coughed and said: "Talk slowly, I have to make a phone call with Cantona, and then go to the hospital to visit Peric."

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