
186 Zhang Ailing Comes

Plagiarism from the World - 180 Here Comes Six Zhang Ailing

"Zhang Zhiren has also published a book?" Hu Yinmeng seemed envious after hearing this, so she couldn't help asking.

Deborah smiled and said, "Zhang Zhiren is also a desperate man. I know that in order to write these books, he has to write at least after 2:30 every night. He also has to go to the exchange to fight during the day."

"This is what kind of boss there is, and there are what kind of employees. Although I have not been in Tang Dynasty Company for a long time, all I have seen are tireless people. In Hong Kong, Mr. Fan and Sister Wang are like this. The same is true for the president in New York, as well as Lynch, Zhang Zhiren, Jian Ning and the six secretaries later. Sister Lala, you also have endless things to do every day. I find that the whole company is the easiest for me alone, so I Solemnly announce that I will start writing a book too!" Hu Yinmeng said with deep emotion.

"What kind of book do you want to write?" Tan Jiabao asked with interest.

Hu Yinmeng raised her head, and then said: "I have read so many books on management by you and the president recently, and listened to the content of your lectures, so I want to write a book on this aspect. Of course, for Management, I have no practical experience yet, but I could write a book on how to be a good employee."

Tan Jiabao looked at the 13-year-old girl next to him, he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion, and a deep affection welled up in his heart.Hu Yinmeng was embarrassed by him, she smiled and said: "Don't you believe it? Hmph, not only do I want to write the Chinese version, but I also want to write the English version myself!"

Tan Jiabao nodded approvingly and said, "I support you! I will discuss this matter with you when I have time."

Jin Kailai is also a very strong person. He also said to Tan Jiabao: "Boss, I heard that you also taught Xu Guanwen, Deng Guangrong and Huang Baiming to write scripts. In fact, my writing is also good, and my English level may be that of several young people. Best of all, I have also published many English reviews in the "Los Angeles Times". So, I also hope that the boss can provide me with some materials, and I can also write some novels or screenplays."

"Show me the article you published later. If it is what you said, are you still worried that there is nothing to write? Haha, I made up a story, and I said that I am the second in the world. No one dares to admit it It's number one!" Tan Jiabao was in a very happy mood and began to brag about himself.

Jin Kailai laughed happily. He said, "Who can beat the boss's talent? Haha, I heard from Deng Guangrong that Ms. Zhang Ailing's "Glorious Return" was actually a story made up by the boss? This story is too amazing..."

"Stop, stop, stop, what are you talking about? Eileen Chang? Wrote "Glorious Return"? Tell me clearly. When did Ms. Eileen Chang join the company?" In the past few days, he seems to have had more surprises.At first it was Rubik's Cube, then Jin Yong was coming, then Zhang Zhiren published a book, and now Zhang Ailing came out again.He felt as if the company was no longer under his control.

Seeing Tan Jiabao's discoloration, Jin Kailai said in a little panic: "More than a month ago, Deng Guangrong brought Ms. Zhang Ailing. Maybe Deng Guangrong forgot to tell you about this. He is also very busy recently, as if he was The great director Alfred Hitchcock selected him to star in "Black Sun 731", he will play the role of the Japanese devil, the murderer, and the villainous Ishihara Shiro, and he is carefree, so..."

Tan Jiabao nodded. Tan Jiabao knew that Hitchcock had asked Deng Guangrong to play Shiro Ishihara.He controlled his emotions.He also has his own reasons for thinking of these.There are some things that you should take the initiative to track the news by yourself, and when you have too many things, you will forget them.I have a lot of things to do, and my subordinates have a lot of things to do, so I should be more tolerant of this matter.Hehe, if his subordinates report to him every detail, then his own boss will be exhausted.This is not good management either.

Having figured this out, Tan Jiabao smiled again and said, "Have you treated Ms. Zhang Ailing kindly? She is a female writer whom I respect very much."

Jin Kailai regained his composure, and he said: "She is also a writer whom we all respect very much, and General Manager Liu Weide and her have known each other since they were in Hong Kong. Therefore, after Zhang Ailing joined Tang Dynasty Publishing Company, we arranged for her A separate office, and rented her a relatively high-end apartment near the company. Hehe, she is also a sharp hand in writing. In just over a month, she wrote the Chinese version of "Ronggui" and The English version was written together."

"Hee hee, didn't you say that you have the best English skills here? Are you better than Ms. Zhang Ailing?" Hu Yinmeng joked, she wanted to ease the atmosphere.

Jin Kailai's face turned red, but his face was full of confidence. He said, "I mean, I'm the best among this group of young people from Hong Kong. I'm not on the same level as Ms. Zhang Ailing. However, I I feel that my English level is only a little bit worse than that of Ms. Zhang Ailing. Now, I am proofreading her "Glorious Return", and I have also picked out some of her problems and provided her with many suggestions. I helped her revise some sentences and vocabulary. For this, Ms. Zhang Ailing praised me."

Tan Jiabao was secretly startled when he heard this, he could tell that Jin Kailai was not talking nonsense.His English level may be even higher than Zhang Ailing.Tan Jiabao knew very well about Zhang Ailing's English level.He knew that she had been educated in English since she was a child. She published English works in the school magazine as early as middle school, and she also studied English in college.Tan Jiabao's current English is so good, also benefited from Zhang Ailing's English learning method.

Zhang Ailing once said that a good way for her to improve her writing skills in English and Chinese is to translate one of her exercises from Chinese to English, and then from English to Chinese, repeating this many times, avoiding repeated words and sentences as much as possible.She said that if you do this kind of exercise often, you will definitely improve your Chinese and English.Tan Jiabao has insisted on learning English and Japanese for more than three years, and he empathizes with the benefits brought by this method.Therefore, for Zhang Ailing, Tan Jiabao has a very special respect and gratitude in his heart.

"Where is Ms. Zhang Ailing's office? I'll visit her later." Tan Jiabao was full of curiosity and respect for this legendary woman.

"She also mentioned meeting Mr. Tang Xiao many times. I know she seldom praises others, but she also respects you very much, boss." Jin Kailai seemed very happy when he heard that Tan Jiabao was going to visit Zhang Ailing look.

Tan Jiabao smiled, handed him an envelope and said, "Before I go to visit Ms. Eileen Chang, I have a second task for you. It is to publish this advertisement in tomorrow's "Los Angeles Times" and "New York Times" "Above. You have to contact the relevant agencies of Li & Fung in the United States and let them cooperate to complete this matter. After you read the advertisement inside the envelope, you should know what to do."

At this moment, the crisp and sweet sound of "tick-tick-tick" high-heeled shoes came to mind outside the door.After a while, a tall and thin woman in a white cheongsam stood in front of the door.

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