
192 The Great Hero

Plagiarism from the World - 190 The Greatest Second Hero

Then, Jin Yong told everything about Hong Kong and "Ming Pao" during this period.It turned out that Jin Yong and the "leftists" were on opposite sides of this riot from the very beginning.He opposed radical actions taken by leftist forces and supported the Hong Kong government's severe suppression of riots.And in the June 6 editorial, "Ming Pao" directly pointed the finger at the leftists.

Because "Ming Pao" supports the Hong Kong government and opposes the leftists, on June 6, the leftist forces in power in Macau announced that they would not allow "Ming Pao" and "Ming Pao Monthly" to enter Macau. So far, ten Hong Kong newspapers have been banned from marketing in Macau.The following Ming Pao editorial on June 5, "This newspaper is banned from marketing in Macau", showed that "Ming Pao" is not afraid of power and is determined to fight the leftists to the end.At this point, Jin Yong is very clear that confronting the leftists has put "Ming Pao" at the critical point of life and death.

Ming Pao is located at 561 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong.To prevent accidents, Cha Leung-yung instructed his staff to remove all the signs where "Ming Pao" was located.In addition, iron gates were installed on the gate of the editorial department, and the workers in the type room melted the lead used for casting characters into liquid lead to defend against mobs.One day, hundreds of "leftist" elements rushed to Building No. 561, King's Road, to smash "Ming Pao".They searched for nearly half an hour but still couldn't find the editorial office of Ming Pao. When they found it later, the editorial office of Ming Pao had already closed the gates, and the police also arrived at this time. "Ming Pao" was saved from being smashed and burned.

Seeing that the Ming Pao newspaper office cannot be burned down, the leftists certainly will not give up.They bribed an employee of the computer room of Jianming Printing Company, which printed Ming Pao, and in the early morning of June 6, secretly changed the layout of Ming Pao and printed it for sale.As a result, as soon as Ming Pao was published on the 23rd, the whole city was in an uproar.It turned out that on the fourth page of "Ming Pao", there was a statement signed by the Ming Pao Computer Room Workers' Struggle Committee, and the title was "Respect to colleagues, take action."The statement said that the workers in the computer room of "Ming Pao" had set up a fighting committee, calling on their peers to take action, not to print "Ming Pao", etc.The typesetting and font of this text are very rough, completely different from other fonts in "Ming Pao". Anyone with a discerning eye will find that this is the result of temporary fraud.This incident is the "23" incident.

After the "June [-]" incident, there were no workers in the computer room of Jianming Printing Company, which caused difficulties for the printing and publication of "Ming Pao". "Ming Pao" had to take expedient measures to temporarily reduce the page size and only publish one large page.A few days later, with the support of some other printing companies, "Ming Pao" overcame difficulties, restored the original number of newspapers, and returned to normal operation.

Regarding the tactics of the leftists, "Ming Pao" published a series of articles, severely denouncing it: and clarified that the Fighting Committee is a fiction.On the other hand, the actions of the leftists further escalated. They burned buses, burned trams, beat bus and tram drivers, bombed post offices, attacked teahouses, threw boulders at pedestrians and cars, threw fish cannons at police, exploded water pipes, burned newspaper vehicles... Hong Kong It has almost turned into a world of terror, where everyone is in danger, and "Ming Pao" and its employees are naturally the first to bear the brunt. They have become the key targets of attacks by leftists, and their personal safety has been seriously threatened.

Under the persuasion of his friends, Jin Yong considered the safety of his family.So I finally decided to leave Hong Kong and go to the United States for a while.Of course, at this time, Jin Yong was the first to think of Tan Jiabao.Because Tan Jiabao had persuaded him before the incident and asked him to come to the United States for a gathering at the right time.

After hearing Jin Yong's story, Tan Jiabao and Liu Weide sighed.

In order not to make Jin Yong feel sad, Tan Jiabao changed the subject and said, "Old Cha, can you reveal a little bit, what novel are you planning to write recently?"

Liu Weide also said with great interest: "I have finished reading "Xia Ke Xing". I am also eager for your new work to be published."

Jin Yong, who was immersed in memories, withdrew his thoughts, and he replied: "Originally I planned to write a novel called "The Deer and Ding Ji", and I set the background of this novel in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties... However, now I'm going to put "The Deer and Ding Tale" on hold for the time being. I want to write a martial arts novel about the historical background that the Chinese nation is currently experiencing. This book is tentatively named "Swordsman". Shown through this book, like a cult of personality..."

"Old Cha, can you write 'Ryukyu' into your new work?" Tan Jiabao listened to Jin Yong's two most important works, and then suddenly said seriously: "Compared to insinuating the Cultural Revolution and venting my dissatisfaction." Emotions. I think it would be more meaningful to do something that actually benefits the country and the people. By writing "Swordsman", we can't change anything in this country. But if we all work together, we can put The land of Ryukyu has returned to the embrace of the motherland, which seems much more meaningful, what do you think?"

"Ryukyu? China does have more reason to take it back than Japan. However, our matter which government seems to care little about this territory. What do you mean? You have a way to take back Ryukyu?" Jin Yong Xueguan From ancient times to modern times, he immediately understood what Tan Jiabao meant.However, this matter was so big that even Jin Yong felt that it was too difficult.

"What you said is true, and the difficulty of this matter is enormous. It is precisely because of this that I am planning a bottom-up 'recovery operation'. As early as more than a month ago, we were already in action. On the American side, Zheng Dashi has been traveling non-stop in the Chinese areas of major cities in the United States. We are planning to hold a vigorous Chinese demonstration in the United States during the period when the Japanese Prime Minister is visiting the United States; After arranging everything, he sent three groups of more than 60 people to the Ryukyu to encourage the Ryukyu people. At the same time, he decided to go to Beijing to lobby the government and try to seek the support of the government. There is also a group of people who are seeking to cooperate with Taiwan. As for me, I will provide a large amount of funds in this matter..."

Jin Yong was stunned.

Tan Jiabao took out the map, pointed and said.He didn't shy away from Jin Yong, and spent more than two hours telling his whole plan.

Tan Jiabao's words moved Jin Yong with horror.He pondered for a while, and then said: "Your words are really deafening to me. I suddenly found that everything I did before was boring. Thinking about it now, it really makes people ashamed. Doing this kind of boring He got angry and forced himself to run away from home. Hehe, fortunately, there are people like you, Tang Xiao, among the Chinese. I often call myself a patriot. This matter is so meaningful to the Chinese nation. Naturally I want to join. Well, I need to return to Hong Kong as soon as possible. In the literary circles of Hong Kong and Taiwan, I can still say a few words..."

"A great hero works for the country and the people. Lao Cha, no wonder everyone calls you Jin Daxia. In Hong Kong, I bought the "South China Morning Post" and an obscure tabloid "New Era Youth". I need you to send someone To host..." Tan Jiabao was overjoyed, for Jin Yong's support and joining, Tan Jiabao was still grateful.

"No problem!" Jin Yong said very seriously: "Tang Xiao, you and I have known each other for a short time, but we still love each other with all our hearts. So, my wife and children will stay in the United States temporarily, and you must take good care of me. It's not easy to come back, and we should do one or two meaningful things, so we didn't come to this world in vain. Alright, let's start to study the details of this 'Operation Gathering Crystal' now..."

It's rare that Jin Yong, who is in his 40s, is still full of enthusiasm.This made Tan Jiabao sigh, and he longed for more and more people like Jin Yong to support and join him.

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