
209 King's Heart, My Heart

Plagiarism - [-] My Heart Is My Heart

Teresa Teng walked gracefully to the center of the stage.She wore a white dress today and tied a pair of ponytails, looking pure, clean and sweet.She is only 13 years old, and now she is only more than 150 centimeters tall. Fortunately, Lennon has personally lowered the microphone. The little Teresa Teng said: "Good evening, audience friends at the scene, and audience friends in front of the TV. And Hello, my family and friends in China! My name is Teresa Teng, and my English name is teresa.teng. Tonight, I will present 4 songs, I hope you like them!"

"All right? Shall we start?" Lennon asked.

Teresa Teng glanced at where Tan Jiabao was, made a grimace, and said in Chinese, "I didn't do it on purpose, I hope you don't get angry." Then, she nodded to Lennon .

Tan Jiabao smiled, he knew that she said this to him.

"Ah Jun is awesome!" Seeing her sister's demeanor on stage, Hu Yinmeng couldn't help but happily said: "Xiaobao, don't make things difficult for her, she must have a reason for doing this."

"My first song is called " Girl Waving Wings". I want to dedicate this song to Mr. Tang Xiao, and thank him for his great support and endless love for me."

Maybe it's the reason why the Beatles fans know that Teresa Teng has become their idol's sister, and they start to like this little oriental girl for no reason.The applause of the audience rang out, as did the soothing music of the Beatles.Oh, yes, everyone read it right, the Beatles are accompanying this girl! <..Hold me tightly, ind helps me open the door of my heart, dedicates his most precious..."

Tan Jiabao suddenly discovered something interesting, that is Teresa Teng's singing is extremely penetrating and flexible.In the noisy rock concert venue, applause and screams have turned the amphitheater into quite noisy, and Teresa Teng's singing is also intertwined in it.Her voice has always given people the feeling that it is soft, so that it may be drowned by the noise, but in fact, on the contrary, it is in this hustle and bustle that her singing is so special, so clear, and so tenacious. Like the authentic Taijiquan in a piece of flower boxing and embroidered legs, it conquers all other sounds and all hearing senses in a continuous, firm and soft way.Only she could sing that familiar voice that couldn't be more familiar.

To slay the dragon with a precious sword, command the world; if you rely on the sky to come out, who will fight for the front!When Teresa Teng's extraordinary singing voice released a heavenly voice, everyone was amazed immediately, and the applause poured in like a tide.

Everyone listened to the rock and roll all night, and suddenly heard this fresh, melodious, melodious and crisp bird's voice, like drinking a cup of nectar on a summer night, feeling hearty and comfortable.In addition, the tune of the song is so soft and flexible, how can the audience not like it?

The audience finally calmed down. They listened attentively to the Chinese girl's singing, and waved light sticks quietly to express their deepest respect and love for the little singer.

"Believhe..e nothing can stop me, spread my wings..." During repeated singing, the song composed by the Chinese girl Feng Xiyu from the previous life ended, and the whole theater There was prolonged applause.

"The next song is "pretty.boy"" Teresa Teng glanced at Tan Jiabao in the audience, and found that Tan Jiabao was looking at her lovingly. She subconsciously avoided this gaze, and then sang softly : " I lay in bed without any sleepiness, your image flashes in my mind all the time, my heart is full of longing, I knew it from the beginning, oh my pretty boy I love you my pretty boy I need you let me in let me stay by your side..."

This is a m2m song by two Norwegian girls. This song expresses the feeling of a girl falling in love with a boy, and she longs for that boy's love.

Teresa Teng sang so hard that the slightly cheerful song by m2m turned into a sad and lingering love song for Teresa Teng. To the fullest.She sang this song in a different way, and she grasped the essence of this song better than m2m.Although she did not turn her attention to Tan Jiabao again, Tan Jiabao clearly felt that this was her singing to him, and that this song was her heartfelt voice.


At this point, Teresa Teng's eyes finally returned to Tan Jiabao's side. There were tears in her eyes, and there seemed to be a thousand words in her eyes to tell the beautiful boy in her eyes. Her voice became more sad, Tan Jiabao Jiabao's heart didn't feel a twist, it was aching.

Some time ago, she spent a few days with Tan Jiabao and the others.The little girl soon discovered the unusual relationship between Tan Jiabao, Deborah and Hu Yinmeng.So she left with an excuse and never came back.Tan Jiabao could feel how sad and disappointed a girl must have been at that time.

Finally finished singing the song that made her sad, Teresa Teng bowed deeply.This bow lasted for more than half a minute.Tan Jiabao knew that she was trying to control her emotions.

After a long time, she finally straightened her back, greeted the audience's warm applause, smiled faintly and said, "Thank you everyone, the next song is called ".away the day you walk away". I hope you like it."

Tan Jiabao smiled at her and made a song ".away the day you walked away" is still an m2m song. The difference from the previous one is that this is a lovelorn song. It expresses a girl's attachment to her lover and The complex psychology of helplessness towards her ended relationship.

Although this song is also very sad, but the young Teresa Teng controlled her emotions, but still carried a trace of the sadness of the previous song, vividly and naturally portraying the state of mind of a lovelorn girl.

Although it was just a song, Tan Jiabao seemed to be facing her gentle torture.Hu Yinmeng on the side was already in tears, she said in a soft voice inexplicably: "Ah Jun, it's not like's really not like this..." ".away the day you walked away" also finished singing.After Teresa Teng bowed to the audience, she quickly raised her head and greeted the audience's warmest applause with a smile.


The audience followed them and shouted.

"Thank you everyone, I have another song tonight—" Teresa Teng said slowly, and the audience fell silent as soon as she opened her mouth.For Teresa Teng's first three beautiful songs, they were amazed and afraid to miss every note.

Teresa Teng's crisp voice sang this very nostalgic song, which immediately touched the deep-seated feelings of the past in the hearts of the audience and brought back all kinds of good memories.

The melody is beautiful, the singing is beautiful, and the arrangement is beautiful.For Teresa Teng's songs, the Beatles actually worked diligently to arrange, accompany and harmonize for this girl.It seems to be more serious and serious than their own singing.

Lennon's interest was even higher. He actually used 6 instruments in four songs with great interest.Harmonica, violin, trumpet and saxophone, etc., which also made the Beatles very addicted, and they saw Lennon's versatile side again.

"everysha-la-la-la, everyill.s, so.fine..."

Teresa Teng's nightingale-like voice sang this classic line that has been sung repeatedly by generations and has endless aftertaste. It is like a trickling stream, which quickly melts into the hearts of the audience, giving people a refreshing feeling. <.lang,..." The Beatles' harmonies are also so beautiful, which really has the effect of icing on the cake. Tan Jiabao thought, even if he goes to the recording studio tomorrow, these 4 songs may not be as good as they are tonight. Effect.

In fact, many classics are forged inadvertently.This song "ore", written and composed by Tang Xiao, carefully arranged and accompanied by the Beatles, and sung by Teresa Teng who just debuted, has become a classic of this century.

"Every.sha-la-la-la, every.ill.s, so.fine..." Teresa Teng sang repeatedly, ending today's singing.The audience stood up consciously and expressed their extra respect for this Chinese girl with prolonged applause.

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