
218 Pulling out the "gold standard" ahead of schedule

Plagiarism - 210 pulled out the "gold standard" ahead of schedule

Meyer Rothschild stared at Tan Jiabao and said, "When you were reborn, Qu Yuning should have given you an answer sheet, right? I want to know, your financial achievements?"

Tan Jiabao's face turned red, and he said awkwardly: "He...he only gave me an 'understanding' evaluation. Later, I learned some financial knowledge, but most of it was about stocks and futures."

"It's no wonder. I suggest you take the time to learn about banking." Meyer Rothschild walked slowly in the room, as if thinking about a problem, and said to Tan Jiabao: " I really admire your courage, even daring to toss in an industry that I am not familiar with."

When Tan Jiabao heard this, he felt that there was really a problem with his plan to buy gold, but he still couldn't figure out what his problem was for a while.

"Do you know how many gold reserves there are in this world? You must not know that if you calculate the gold price at $35 an ounce, you have to buy 0 million ounces of gold for your billion dollars, which is more than 5.72 tons Gold! I know that the United States is now the main distribution center for global gold. The United States has 16000% of the world's gold reserves, and its total volume will not exceed 70 million ounces, that is, no more than 8 tons. You want to get it in a short time How easy is it to reach more than 2.3 tons of gold? This is almost impossible! Also, if you want to buy gold, I guarantee that all the politicians and bankers in the world will not let you go!" Meyer Rothschild said coldly said coldly.

Tan Jiabao was sweating profusely after being told, and was dumbfounded.How did he know that the world's gold reserves were only so small, and how did he know the true meaning of gold?He felt that this had violated the interests of Mayer Rothschild.

Tan Jiabao said dejectedly: "Meyer, I have nothing else to do but, figure it out."

As he spoke, he stood up, an unprecedented sense of frustration made him extremely depressed.Seeing his expression, Mayer Rothschild suddenly burst out laughing again: "Haha, I defeated you so easily? Are you like my friend?"

"Meyer, do you still have the nerve to say the word 'friend'? Is there anyone who treats a friend like this?" Tan Jiabao roared: "0 billion, become 2500 billion, you might as well kill me!"

Mayer Rothschild said without changing his face: "You thought of gold, that's good! Did I say I won't help you? For me, there is nothing in this world that I can't do !"

"You promised to buy gold for me?" Tan Jiabao was overjoyed.

Mayer Rothschild walked in the room and said slowly: "I can give you 100 billion dollars in gold, oh, that's what I have accumulated through more than 100 years of hard work. Of course, this A sum of gold, you must return me the same weight of gold in kind after 13 years, plus [-]% interest, also paid in gold. In addition, I can also provide you with some suggestions and methods. You know, only the central government Banks can exchange gold, so you have to buy a few small banks, and then I will help you find a way."

"How could this happen?" Tan Jiabao couldn't figure it out again, this person has so much gold, why didn't he operate it himself, but pretended to be Tan Jiabao?However, he has no more time to think, and to some extent, he has no choice.He could only patiently listen to Mayer Rothschild's advice.

At this moment, Tan Jiabao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and his pressure instantly became much less.He thought that since Mayer Rothschild could collect so much gold, the amount of gold in this world is far less than 2-3 tons.Besides, he thought of a huge gold treasure in this world!

"Oh, I also have to remind you that you bought so much gold at one time, I guarantee that there will be many eyes staring at you. Of course, I will also help you out of it, but this has already made many people uneasy. Hehe , your total gold has surpassed many European countries." Meyer Rothschild continued to remind him.

"Hey, I'm taking one step at a time now. Don't worry, I will be more careful."


After Mayer Rothschild sent someone to send Tan Jiabao away, he made a phone call, and after a while, a man around 60 years old appeared in front of him.

"Guy, you prepare 100 billion US dollars of gold tomorrow, which is more than 2.8 million ounces of gold, and give it to the Chinese. Then, help him in this way..."

"Okay. Just follow my instructions, and I will do it!" The man named Guy didn't say a word of nonsense, and he nodded in agreement.

"Has the matter of 'Gold Convergence' been implemented?"

I don't know how many generations that Guy is his grandson, so he behaved respectfully in front of him.He replied: "Johnson promised to implement the 'gold pool' disintegration plan early next year. And he will close the gold window and stop governments or central banks from holding dollars to exchange for gold. This may take the next president to complete. Because He has hinted that he will not participate in the presidential election next year and will not seek re-election. Johnson has indeed made efforts, and now the Vietnam War..."

"Now it's up to him, he must at least make a timetable for closing the gold window during his tenure! Thoroughly pull out the cancer of the 'gold standard'! Well, in the next few months, a large number of gold will be released into the market."

Guy's eyes lit up, and he nodded, "Okay, I'll see Johnson tomorrow."

"Also, how is the 'Ryukyu' matter requested by my Chinese friend going?"

"Don't worry, everything will be fine..."

Looking at Guy's back, Meyer Rothschild showed a sly smile, and he murmured, "If this person comes in to interfere, the cancer of the gold standard can be eradicated as soon as possible, haha..."

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