
236 Lin Yutang and Liang Shiqiu

Plagiarism - 230 Liu Lin Yutang and Liang Shiqiu

"Master, are you really going to ask me to show up and visit those two literary masters? I know that they both worked for the Taiwan government." Since Lin Yutang and Liang Shiqiu are about to arrive in Los Angeles, Ren Zhichu asked Tan Jiabao to make preparations together. Go to the airport to meet.

In 1944, Ren Zhichu met Liang Shiqiu in mainland China and became close friends.It was also in that year that Ren Zhichu also met Lin Yutang.Since Tan Jiabao made the world flourish, he thought of these two old friends.He believes that with the prestige of these two people, it will definitely help Tan Jiabao.

Of course Tan Jiabao also knew about these two people.He has read Lin Yutang's novel "Moment in Peking" and the collection of essays "Confucius' Wisdom", and he has also seen the film "The Wind and Cranes" adapted from his novel.I am more familiar with Liang Shiqiu. In Tan Jiabao's impression, he is a person who was once scolded bloody by Lu Xun, so unconsciously, Tan Jiabao has a bad impression of this person. "This image is too vivid and unforgettable.In fact, in the minds of Tan Jiabao's generation, the impression of Liang Shiqiu seems to have been deeply ingrained.As we grow older, our understanding of things becomes deeper and deeper.He knew that Liang Shiqiu's articles were actually beautiful, especially his "Elegant House Essays".He also knew that the debate between him and Lu Xun lasted for eight years, and Liang Shiqiu was not always at a disadvantage in the debate.Just because a person can argue with the earliest and most powerful cynic like Lu Xun for so long, this in itself shows that this person's strength should not be underestimated.

Ren Zhichu said confidently: "They have all been politicians, but their first identity is still a literati! They are all gentlemen! They are still my friends! I absolutely trust these two people."

Then, Ren Zhichu changed the subject: "Your identity has already been known by more than 30 people, so why care about these two old men in their 6s and 70s? I guess, if there are intelligence agencies that really want to know your identity, they will I may have known it a long time ago. Although I don’t know whether your 30-plus people are reliable, but after I have been to your Tang Dynasty Disney and Tang Dynasty Warner, I know that even if the intelligence department does not pass your 30-plus people, There are also other ways to find out your details. Xiaobao, you'd better be careful."

Tan Jiabao knew what he was talking about.During this period of time, everyone in Tang Dynasty Company has been very busy.In the offices of Cantona, Barry Diller, and Michael Eisner, different people come and go almost every moment, and it is indeed very easy for those national-level intelligence agencies to learn what they want to know matter.

"You are currently operating your 'Operation Gathering Crystal'. Think about it, if Lin Yutang and Liang Shiqiu took action, would the effect be much better?" Ren Zhichu pulled him back from his complicated thoughts.

When Tan Jiabao heard it, he immediately understood the truth.Of course he knew the importance of Lin Yutang and Liang Shiqiu in the Chinese community. If they made a move, more people would definitely respond.Especially in Hong Kong and Taiwan, the weight of Jin Yong and Gu Long can't match these two for a while.

"Master, will they make a move?"

"Haha, it depends on your ability." Ren Zhichu laughed, he saw another side of Tan Jiabao today.His oratory-style speech made Smith, who has always been proud, submissive, and he was very pleased.

"Master, I will not let you down. I believe in the principle that birds of a feather flock together and people form groups. Since they are your friends, they must also be patriotic. As long as I grasp this point and speak, I believe they will respond of."


"Both of you are 'everyone' in the current world. I wonder what the two gentlemen think of my 'operation to collect Ryukyu'?" In the hotel room, Tan Jiabao introduced the history, current situation and "receipt of Ryukyu" to the two. After planning Operation Liu', Tan Jiabao humbly asked two respected elders for advice.

"Ahem..." Lin Yutang is over 70 years old, but he is healthy and energetic: "I never imagined that you would preside over such a big event at such a young age. It is admirable! To be honest, no one mentioned Ryukyu for a long time. That piece of land is gone. But during this period of time, Taiwan’s newspapers are full of things about Ryukyu. Your action to take Ryukyu has already had a great response among the people in Taiwan. I know that many spontaneous organizations have been established in Taiwan. It may also take some action recently. Hehe, now I know that you are behind all of this."

Although Liang Shiqiu was a few years younger than Lin Yutang, after a long-distance flight, he looked even more tired than Lin Yutang.Both of them were invited by American Chinese groups to give lectures.After listening to Tan Jiabao's words carefully, he was also terrified.Liang Shiqiu said: "I know that although the Ryukyu Kingdom has changed several dynasties, it "pays tribute" to China, and China "canonizes" it. This relationship has been maintained for more than 500 years. It cannot be allocated to Japan! I also know that most of the residents of Ryukyu speak Chinese, and most of them speak Hokkien. Since this is a disputed territory, it is more reasonable for China to take it back."

Lin Yutang nodded and said, "Yes, I am from Fujian. I remember when I was a child, I often saw Ryukyu people doing business and going to school in our place. Hehe, I still remember that I was a Ryukyu person when I was young. The sense of identity is far stronger than that of Japan, and we really have to make a contribution. Lao Liang, you see that a child in this family is devoted to state affairs and is not afraid of risks. You and I are old bones, what are you worried about? "

Liang Shiqiu laughed and said: "That's right, you and I have only been writing and drawing for many years, and have never really done anything practical for the country. This time Tang mocked us two old guys, so we should do our best for the country's affairs. Let us do our part. Tang Xiao, tell me, what do you want us to do?"

"The two seniors are too humble. Your straightforwardness and patriotic enthusiasm are touching." Tan Jiabao bowed deeply to the two old men, and then said: "You two are so old, you shouldn't be here Labor two. But looking around the world, there are not many scholars who are as respected as these two and loved by Chinese people all over the world."

The two old men were humble again, but after hearing this, they felt very happy.

Tan Jiabao continued: "Japanese Prime Minister Eisaku Sato will visit the United States soon, and one of the important topics is the ownership of the Ryukyu Islands. I know that the United States may really abandon Ryukyu this time due to various reasons, and The Japanese reached an agreement and even signed a timetable with Japan to return Ryukyu to Japan. Therefore, we Chinese must act urgently. I know that the two gentlemen came to the United States to give lectures. I hope that you will try your best to publicize the Ryukyu issue during the lecture. Attract more attention from compatriots. I would also like to invite the two gentlemen to write more articles and send them back to Taiwan, Hong Kong and other Chinese media. While encouraging the public with your reputation, you also call on the government to pay more attention to this matter. The lecture is over , The two gentlemen should return to Taiwan as soon as possible and call their friends, classmates and students to act together. As long as we work together, I think the conspiracy of Japan and the United States will not succeed."

Lin Yutang and Liang Shiqiu looked at each other and nodded silently.Liang Shiqiu said while thinking: "You mentioned Sato Eisaku. I think this person is not simple. Since he came to power in 1964, his speech is very sharp and his actions are very tough. This person's ambition is still quite big. .Hehe, we must not take it lightly."

Tan Jiabao agrees with him.He knew that Eisaku Sato was a strong man.In another parallel space, this person became the Prime Minister of Japan in 1964 and stepped down in July 1972.He has formed a cabinet three times and was elected as the president of the Democratic Party four times. He has been in power for 7 years and 3 months. He is the prime minister who has been in power for the longest time.During his tenure as prime minister, he signed the "Basic Treaty of Japan and South Korea", extended the "Japan-US Security Treaty" on his own, and implemented a pro-US and anti-China policy.During his term of office, Japan's economy grew rapidly and the sovereignty of Ryukyu was recovered. He also won the Nobel Peace Prize in 4 for proposing the three non-nuclear principles. He is the only Japanese prime minister who has won this award.

The time for "Operation Gathering Crystal" is getting closer and closer. At this critical moment, two such highly respected figures suddenly joined in, which undoubtedly added great confidence to Tan Jiabao.Although Sato Eisaku is a strong man, he also wants to witness and see if he can rewrite history through his own efforts.

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