
25 First Battle Victory

25 Victory in the first battle (seeking clicks, recommendations and votes)

The car shuttled through the streets and alleys, and soon arrived at the "Lai Palace Theater" in San Po Kong, Kowloon.

Belle Palace is a new theater that only opened in 1966.The theater has 3000 seats and is currently the largest and most advanced cinema in Hong Kong.Generally speaking, the premieres of small companies are afraid to show here, because 3000 seats will bring a lot of pressure to the producers.Tan Jiabao chose this place because of his self-confidence.

There were no celebrities invited to the premiere, but there were quite a few "Rising Stars".The first thing Tan Jiabao saw were the four Xu brothers. Xu Guanwen was still so elegant and cold-faced; Xu Guanwu was still unobtrusive, low-key and unknown; , although there is nothing about him in the Mandarin film, the theme song in the Cantonese film makes him confident.

Then Yu Zhanyuan led Liu Xiaofu to appear.Sammo Hung hurried forward to greet him, and introduced his mentor and juniors to Fan Nu and other crew members. At that time, Jackie Chan, who was still called Yuan Lou, was only 13 years old, and Yuen Biao was only [-] years old.

Fan Nu was busy greeting the guests, but Tan Jiabao was looking for "acquaintances" among the audience. Last time he saw Wu Yusen, this time he saw a Huang Baiming who came in a hurry with a bag.

Hong Kong is too small, and the "novelty" and "freshness" mentioned in the advertisement may be a good reason to attract young people like Huang Baiming who are determined to make a film career.

Not long after Huang Baiming entered, a man in his 30s was arguing with the ticket inspector.

"Miss, I really bought the ticket. It's just that I can't find the movie ticket now. How about I pay for it? I'm afraid I'll miss the opening theme song after queuing up to buy the ticket..." The man said distressedly Rummaging in his pocket.

The ticket inspector said in a business-like manner: "I'm sorry sir, we enter the venue by ticket, so please go find the movie ticket or buy it again before entering the venue..."

Tan Jiabao saw that this man was very "familiar", but he couldn't think of who he was for a while.

"Miss, in fact, I am also in the film industry. I am currently working in Shaw Brothers. My name is Gu Jiahui..."

Tan Jiabao's head "buzzed", he did not expect that Gu Jiahui's appearance would change so much when he was young and when he was old.So he ran to Fan Nu and whispered something to him.

Gu Jiahui was not very famous at that time, so the ticket inspector didn't know him.Fortunately, Fan Nu walked over with Wang Mingquan at this time and said with a smile, "Mr. Gu, hello! My name is Fan Nu, and her name is Wang Mingquan. I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

Only then did Gu Jiahui heave a sigh of relief, thinking that he still knew someone after all.Seeing Fan Nu and Wang Mingquan being polite, he blushed and said, "Mr. Fan, it's a pleasure to meet Miss Wang. In fact, it was a misunderstanding just now, and the responsibility lies with me..."

Fan Nu laughed and said, "Mr. Gu is being polite. To be honest, Ah Quan and I both admire you very much. It's rare for you to join us today. How about we let Ms. Wang take you to the guest seat?"

Gu Jiahui nodded and said: "Thank you. In fact, I came here specially to listen to the songs sung by Mr. Fan and Ms. Wang. Everyone said that the songs composed by Mr. Tang Xiao are the best in music, and Mr. Fan and Ms. Wang's interpretation is even better. It's the icing on the cake, so I came here specially to listen to these peerless divine comedies, haha."

Wang Mingquan could hear the dissatisfaction in his heart, so he said politely: "Hee hee, 'Peerless Divine Comedy'? Mr. Gu is too exaggerated. We are all new to the music scene, so we need Mr. Gu's advice."

Seeing Wang Mingquan's sincerity, Gu Jiahui laughed and said, "I've heard your songs before, and your voice is good, but I haven't received professional training. You don't dare to give advice, but I hope we can cooperate in the future. By the way, you Cantonese The version of the movie also has Cantonese songs?"

Wang Mingquan said with a smile, "Thank you, Mr. Gu, for your guidance. Our Cantonese version of the film does have Cantonese songs, but it was also sung by me and a novice."

As they talked and walked, Wang Mingquan brought Gu Jiahui to the guest seats in the cinema.


"Laughing Forest Boy" was very successful, with a box office of more than 50 yuan in three days.

The lighthearted, witty, and humorous style of this film brings a breath of fresh air to Hong Kong cinema.It is completely different from the previous kung fu movies and dramas, and even the route taken by the previous kung fu comedies is also quite different.Therefore, Hong Kong people who have watched too many routine movies in the past feel very fresh and fun.

In fact, two children acted as the protagonists in the play, which surprised many people.The image of the chubby Tan Shaoqiang wearing a melon cap, small sunglasses, and riding a children's bicycle was immediately accepted by all Hong Kong people. Many parents rushed to buy these props for their children.For a while, the melon skin hats and small sunglasses in Hong Kong stores were out of stock; and Tan Jianing's bald head and his incredible martial arts also made everyone's eyes shine. Some parents began to consider letting their children practice martial arts. It was booming, and there was an endless stream of parents who came to consult about learning martial arts.His Sichuan dialect in the Cantonese version has also become an object for children to imitate.

Among the young people, they also highly praised Sammo Hung's naive image; they were even more admirable for the two actresses. Wang Mingquan and Deborah immediately became the dream lovers of many Hong Kong boys.Of course, the four songs are also one of the main goals pursued by the majority of boys and girls. These four songs are catchy, and some people will sing them after watching the movie three or four times.Especially the two Cantonese songs, they didn't know that the language they use every day is so beautiful to sing, the fresh feeling makes people have endless aftertaste. The two songs "A Lang's Love Song" and "Infatuation for Love" immediately ranked the top two songs on the song list.The other three Mandarin songs followed closely behind, ranking third, fourth, and fifth.For a while, it seemed that being able to sing these songs was the most fashionable thing for the majority of young people, so the voice for making a record became louder and louder.

In the past few days, the entertainment section of newspapers has been dominated by "The Laughing Lin Boy". At the same time, all the newspapers that published reports on this movie are sold out, and some newspapers have thousands of extra copies that are still in short supply.

"Wen Wei Po" reported in detail the grand occasion of the reflection of the two versions of "Smiling Lin Boy" from the beginning to the end, and exclaimed: Hong Kong has not seen such a movie that is loved by four generations of old, middle-aged and young people for many years.Hong Kong movies need fresh blood, and then Tang Xiao came...

For the first time ever, the entertainment edition of "Crystal News" published large and exquisite photos of several actors at one time, greatly admiring several young actors, and praised the director Fan Nu for his good performance and singing, but the most outstanding It is his "discovery" ability, and he also commented on the performances of the two children.

The reporters of "Ta Kung Pao" were very meticulous. They sorted out the lines in the play and divided them into "Children's Fun Chapter", "Chasing Girls Chapter", "Couple Quarrel Chapter", "Romantic Love Chapter" and "Humorous Chapter". and "Philosophical Thoughts", etc., published in separate periodicals.He also made an in-depth analysis of the social phenomena caused by "Xiaolin Boy" and praised the "new vocabulary" and "latest catchphrases" produced by "Xiaolin Boy".

The title of "Sing Pao" is: Tang Xiao, Genius or Ghost?The whole article fully affirms Tan Jiabao's attainments in scripts and songs, and expects Mr. Tang Xiao to bring more surprises to Hong Kong.

"Ming Pao" and "Ming Pao Weekly" released the album "Xiao Lin Kid" at the same time, which not only published huge photos of all the actors, but also made exclusive interviews with some important actors.This issue of "Ming Pao Weekly" really has a beautiful photo of Deborah as the cover character, and there are several pages of chic and fashionable photos of her taken by professional photographers in the color inserts.And "Ming Pao" published the lyrics and scores of the three songs in three issues this time.Tan Jiabao secretly admired Jin Yong's shrewdness.

Of course, there are also some discordant voices about this movie. These voices are mainly concentrated in the film circle. They look at this movie with a professional eye, saying that this movie has everything in terms of storyline, director level, and even the basic skills of the actors. Big deficiency.However, this voice was quickly drowned in the sea of ​​praise.

The film aroused strong repercussions from all walks of life in Hong Kong.A young man who just came back from the United States to celebrate Master's birthday watched two Cantonese versions of "Laughing Lin Boy" in a row. He didn't watch the plot or listen to the songs. What he cared most about was Tan Jianing's kung fu!He went back and said to his master: "That kid is really kung fu! I can see that he is using the authentic Shaolin martial arts. It is very difficult to see such authentic Shaolin martial arts in Hong Kong. I want to meet him." Master..."

"No! I know that you are looking for martial arts competitions everywhere in the United States, causing trouble. But this is Hong Kong, you have to pay attention to the rules of the world. People are nice, why do you want to provoke others?" An old man looked bright, and he knew that he was a respected person Martial arts senior.

The young man shrugged and wanted to explain, but after thinking about it, he said nothing more.

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