
257 Invest in Taiwan

Plagiarism - 250 Seven Investment Taiwan

The billion US dollars that Meyer Rothschild handed over to Tan Jiabao has already used more than 0 billion US dollars. In addition to Meyer Rothschild's 150 billion US dollars of gold and HSBC's 100 billion US dollars of gold, Tan Jiabao acquired more than 40 billion US dollars of gold from various other sources.Now that there are more than 10 billion US dollars left, Tan Jiabao is not too worried.For him, it is not difficult to use the more than 40 billion US dollars in other investments to obtain more than double the profit within more than 40 years.However, to do this, he must start the layout now.

Since the acquisition of Ryukyu involved the Taiwan region, the investment in Taiwan also naturally entered into Tan Jiabao's plan.

The first thing he thought of was the banking industry. After research, Tan Jiabao knew that since the 50s in Taiwan, with the gradual recovery and development of the economy, foreign financial exchanges have increased, and the introduction of foreign banks has been relaxed. The process from start to rapid development to adjustment.Although the banking industry has not been completely liberalized, Tan Jiabao thinks it is still possible to obtain the qualification of Taiwan's earliest foreign bank.Investment in other fields, he believes, will be much easier.Therefore, Tan Xiaozhong formed a large-scale business delegation, led Smith, Liu Jian, He Yuan Xiaozhui, Jin Duqin, and the general manager of the Peninsula Hotel, Keller, to Taiwan to discuss investment and cooperation in the business field with leaders of the Taiwan region. .Of course, this was facilitated by Chen Xiangmei who rushed to Taiwan in advance.Prior to this, Chen Xiangmei and Deborah had gone to Taiwan first.

This time the matter was so important that Tan Jiabao took Yi Huisi to the same plane.

Originally, Fan Nu should also go to Taiwan, but because Michael Eisner has successfully completed the acquisition of abc and "California Pacific Mills Clothing Company", and is now integrating assets and deploying personnel.Another TV station in Hong Kong, "Wireless TV", is about to start broadcasting, so Hong Kong's plan to acquire "Lide TV" has to be followed up intensively.

Fan Nu went to the UK again a few days ago to negotiate with the British Li's Voice Company on the acquisition of Hong Kong's Li's Voice Radio Station and Li's Yingsheng TV Station.In the last negotiation, Fan Nu offered 3000 million yuan to acquire Li's, but Li's voice was still hesitating.After Tan Jiabao came back, he asked Fan Nu to increase the price to 5000 million Hong Kong dollars to acquire this company, to echo Michael Eisner's side, and to deal with the upcoming "Wireless Television".So this time Tang Dynasty Entertainment sent Er Guang to Taiwan.

At Taipei Songshan Airport, Sun Yunxuan, Deputy Minister of the "Ministry of Commerce" in Taiwan, accompanied by Chen Xiangmei, led representatives of large Taiwanese enterprises to welcome Tan Xiaozhong and his party.Then, Sun Yunxuan took the group of them to the famous Grand Hotel in a friendly manner.

The high-level reception of Tan Xiaozhong and his party in Taiwan is entirely because Tan Jiabao threw out an investment plan of NT$ 0 billion.

On June 1965, 6, the United States stopped economic aid to Taiwan.Prior to this, US economic aid to Taiwan played a pivotal role in Taiwan's economic stabilization in the 30s and early 50s.Therefore, with the cessation of U.S. aid, one can imagine the difficulties Taiwan is facing.After the U.S. officially announced that it would stop economic aid to Taiwan, the famous economist Wang Zuorong said: "The cessation of U.S. aid will have an obvious impact on our economy; due to the reduction of tens of millions of dollars in imported materials and labor services each year, the public and private There are fewer materials and services for investment, so the economic growth rate is smaller; or fewer materials and services are used for consumption, so the standard of living is lowered; or both.” Lowering people’s living standards will make At that time, Taiwanese residents who were living in poverty were even more miserable. Under the international environment at that time, Taiwan was also unable to obtain financial assistance from international financial organizations. Attracting foreign private funds was almost the only choice that was forced to make.Earlier, Taiwan tried every means to reward overseas Chinese and foreigners to invest in Taiwan, but until now in 60, the results have been minimal.

At this time, Tan Jiabao's Tang Dynasty Group Company throws out a plan to invest NT$ 0 billion in Taiwan, which is undoubtedly a timely rain for the Taiwan authorities.Therefore, Taiwan has high hopes for this plan from top to bottom. Taiwan's stock market has risen for three consecutive days under the stimulation of this news, and it is likely to get out of the long-term sideways trend.

In this atmosphere, Tan Xiaozhong had no choice but to deliver a short speech in front of the gate of the Grand Hotel to the reporters who followed him all the way from the airport.He confirmed the news and told reporters: "We are all Chinese, and the Chinese are a hard-working nation. Mr. Tang Xiao predicted that in the next few decades, Taiwan's economy will take off rapidly, and people's lives will be greatly improved. The level will be greatly improved. As a Chinese, the Tang Dynasty Group Company will share the achievements and joy brought about by Taiwan's economic take-off. Also, our purpose of doing this is also to attract jade. We hope that more powerful Chinese and overseas Chinese will come forward. come to invest and promote Taiwan to develop faster and better.”

His humble speech immediately received bursts of applause from the reporters.

Tan Xiaozhong and his entourage only had three days to go, so after the welcome luncheon, they took a break and met with economic leaders and entrepreneurs in Taiwan in the conference room of the Golden Dragon Hall.

To Tan Xiaozhong's surprise, not only the "Minister of Economy" Mr. Li Guoding came, but also Mr. Chiang Ching-kuo, who was sometimes the "Minister of Defense" of Taiwan, also attended the meeting.Jiang Jingguo held Tan Xiaozhong's hand cordially and said: "Haha, welcome Mr. Tan to lead the delegation of Tang Dynasty Group Company to invest in the motherland and participate in the construction of the motherland. We sincerely admire the patriotic enthusiasm of you and Mr. Tang Xiaozhong. We I hope this fair will be a complete success!"

"Thank you, Minister Jiang, thank you, Minister Li, and thank you, Vice Minister Sun. We also hope that this meeting will be a complete success, and we hope that our investment can achieve a 'triple win', that is, the government, our side and the people of Taiwan are all happy " Tan Xiao said excitedly.

"What a 'triple win', well said! Please sit down. Today I just come to see and listen. Minister Li and Vice Minister Sun are mainly responsible for the specific negotiations. You can speak freely!" Jiang Jingguo enthusiastically led Tan Xiaozhong to The position in the center of the oval conference table allowed him to sit down, and then he sat down on the other side of the oval conference table.

Tan Xiaozhong saw that Jiang Jingguo was less than 60 years old and had a slightly fat body, which did not appear to be tall.However, his eyes are bright and energetic, which confirms Tan Jiabao's judgment that this man will become the greatest leader in Taiwan.

In fact, for Tan Jiabao, he was not surprised by Jiang Jingguo's appearance this time.He knew that as the "Minister of Defense", Chiang Ching-kuo might be more interested in economics than in "defense".

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