
272 Mr. Jiang Decided to Receive Liu

Plagiarism - 270 Er Mr. Jiang decided to accept Liu

The Chiang couple are listening to Jiang Jingguo's story about the past and present of Ryukyu and the great significance of taking back Ryukyu.

"Okay, now let me talk about the strategic significance of Ryukyu. First, the Ryukyu Islands are located in the northeast of Taiwan, facing the Pacific Ocean. They are Taiwan's eastern barrier and their strategic position is extremely important. If they are stolen by Japan, it will be harmful to our future It poses a huge threat. Second, if Ryukyu is stolen by Japan, this group of islands, the Diaoyu Islands, will become a disputed area. According to the Japanese temperament, they will definitely look at the Diaoyu Islands. Third, since ancient times, Ryukyu Because of its special geographical location as a transit point for trade in Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia, the trade is developed, and it is known as the "Tianjin Bridge of All Nations". Its economic status should not be underestimated."

Jiang Jingguo pointed and talked, and it took him nearly an hour to explain all the situation about Ryukyu.He then said to Tan Xiaozhong: "The problem now is that in 1951, the United States, Britain and other countries signed the "San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan" with the Japanese government, recognizing Japan's "residual sovereignty" over Ryukyu. It is really difficult to overthrow this agreement. It's not easy."

Chiang Kai-shek didn't say a word, he closed his eyes, regretful in his heart.

Roosevelt thought of the Ryukyu Islands on November 1943, 11.He said to Chiang Kai-shek: "The Ryukyu Islands are an arc-shaped archipelago composed of many islands. Japan used improper means to snatch the islands and should also be deprived of them. I consider that Ryukyu is very close to your country geographically. We have a very close relationship with your country. If your country wants to obtain the Ryukyu Islands, you can hand them over to your country for management.” In response to this question suddenly raised by Roosevelt, Chiang Kai-shek said to Roosevelt: “I think these islands should be occupied by China and the United States. Then the international entrustment should be jointly managed by China and the United States." When Chiang Kai-shek said this, Roosevelt thought he didn't want the Ryukyu Islands, so he didn't say anything more.

At the end of 1944, when Chiang Kai-shek and Roosevelt talked again, they talked about the Ryukyu Islands.Roosevelt said: "I have repeatedly considered that this island cannot be occupied by aggressive Japan for a long time. Should it be handed over to your jurisdiction together with Taiwan and the Penghu Islands?" For many years, the original proposal did not contain the Ryukyu issue, and I felt that it was difficult to answer.Seeing that Chiang Kai-shek was silent, Roosevelt thought he hadn't heard clearly, and added: "Does your country want Ryukyu? If you want, the Ryukyu Islands will be handed over to your country after the war is over." Chiang Kai-shek followed the previous reply. He responded: "The issue of Ryukyu is more complicated. I still have that opinion. It is better for China and the United States to manage it together." Since then, Roosevelt and other personnel on the US side have never mentioned the issue of Ryukyu in front of Chiang Kai-shek.

Chiang Kai-shek adopted a negative attitude towards Roosevelt's two proposals.At that time, Chiang Kai-shek was already overwhelmed by the domestic situation, so he didn't have the mind to deal with the Ryukyu affairs.This time, after Chen Xiangmei told him the whole "operation to collect Ryukyu", he also felt that Ryukyu was his last chance this time, and he couldn't hesitate any longer.

"Minister Jiang is very reasonable. The most unfavorable thing for us now is the "San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan". The first step of our "operation to accept Ryukyu" is to ask the US government to overthrow the "San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan". We can I think this contract is illegal. There are two reasons. First, when signing this contract, the Chinese government did not invite me to participate. As a permanent member of the United Nations, China, which has a deep relationship with Ryukyu, did not invite me to participate. Can this be considered legal? ?The second reason is that the "San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan" actually overturned some important provisions of the "Potsdam Proclamation", which itself is considered illegal. We can say that if the "San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan" is legal , then the Potsdam Proclamation is illegal? Does that make sense?"

Jiang Jingguo immediately interjected: "Hehe, your first reason is not sufficient, but it can be said. Your second reason, they can be said to be caused by the relationship between time and age and changes in the international situation. This There is no legal and illegal law.”

Tan Xiaozhong stood up and said: "We have noticed that the "Potsdam Proclamation" was issued in 1946, and the "San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan" was signed in 1951. There is only a difference of about 5 years between the announcement and the contract. And now it is 1967, and it has been 16 years since the "San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan". Why can't we overthrow it with the same reason? The changes in the world situation in these 16 years should be more than the 5 years before the signing of the treaty. The year should be much older, and there are more reasons to overthrow it!"

Tan Xiaozhong continued: "Right now, all kinds of conflicts in the United States are intensifying. The Vietnam War and the civil rights movement have overwhelmed the Johnson administration, and the domestic people are complaining. At present, he certainly does not want to bring this kind of Asian conflicts into the United States. , Johnson’s term of office is also limited, and we have received accurate information that Johnson will not seek re-election. At this point in time, is he willing to get into such a big trouble? In this way, we have a chance..."

"In addition, for this 'operation to collect Ryukyu', we have adopted a multi-pronged approach. First, we have launched global Chinese demonstrations. Hong Kong has already taken the lead, followed by Chinese in the United States, Taiwan and Southeast They will follow the trend. Second, we have gone deep into Ryukyu Island and got in touch with the largest "People's Party" on the island. We have persuaded the "People's Party" to support China's recovery of Ryukyu. At that time, various events will be held on Ryukyu Island Various activities to denounce the US and Japanese governments. Show the world the determination to return to China. In fact, the hearts of the people are the most important, especially the voices of the people on the island, which will definitely attract the attention of some people. On this point, if we If the government sends a few eloquent people to negotiate and talk with the people on the island on behalf of the government at this time, the effect will be even better. Third, we have already had several forces to lobby members of the US Congress. Madam Chiang's reputation will surely convince many congressmen and even influence the attitude of those in power in the United States. As long as we are united in this way, I think at least half of Ryukyu can be recovered, if not 100%. As for the Diaoyu Islands issue and the East China Sea The problem will be solved." Tan Xiaozhong said what he had prepared for a long time, and said it in one breath.

Tan Xiaozhong went on to say: "If we really can't let the Americans overthrow the "San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan," it doesn't matter, as long as they acquiesce. Now there are two organizations to resolve international disputes, one is the United Nations General Assembly and its Security Council; the other is the As the judicial organ of the United Nations General Assembly and its Security Council - the Hague International Court in the Netherlands. The United Nations General Assembly or the Security Council can accept disputed international affairs and make rulings on them, which are then executed by relevant countries; the Hague International Court can also directly Accept the appeals of relevant countries. And its ruling is not authoritative at all; there is no enforcement agency. We think that the issue of the ownership of Ryukyu should be arbitrated by the UN General Assembly and its Security Council. We try our best to pass the vote in the UN Security Council We need to take back the right to govern Ryukyu by means of a method. The five permanent members of the council, we have to split up, at least not let them vote against. We can also do something here. The other 5 non-permanent members of the council, we can’t take it lightly. Because we need the support of at least 10 countries. Therefore, I suggest that from now on, cross-strait relations should temporarily put aside contradictions and conflicts for the sake of the great cause of the motherland, and at least reach some kind of tacit agreement.”

The Jiang family fell silent.They also know that this operation is not easy. If the mainland side does not support it, or even obstruct it, it will be difficult to succeed in this operation.Among the 10 non-permanent members, there are several third world countries in Africa, South America and Asia, and they all seem to listen to them.

Chiang Kai-shek opened his eyes at this time, he turned to look at his wife and said, "Da, if you go to the United States, will it have the effect that you just said in your smile?"

He didn't mention things about the mainland, obviously acquiescing.

Song Meiling smiled and said: "I haven't been to the United States for many years, but I have not cut off contacts with those friends in the United States. I still have the confidence to persuade some veterans in the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The influence is still very large. As for the current parliamentarians, it depends on Kong Lingkan. So I think that Xiaozhong’s proposal is feasible. If I go to the United States, I believe that at least I will not return empty-handed.”

Chiang Kai-shek said to Chiang Ching-kuo again: "Jing Guo, according to the meaning of the smile, find a few capable people to go to Ryukyu as soon as possible. Let them tell the people of Ryukyu that when Ryukyu returns to China, we will treat the people of Ryukyu as well as the Chinese people. Even in some respects, we can give the Ryukyu people more benefits and rights."

Jiang Jingguo agreed.

Tan Xiaozhong said: "We have prepared [-] million U.S. dollars for the government. We want Mrs. Jiang and Minister Jiang to use [-] million U.S. dollars for activities, and the other [-] million U.S. dollars for the construction of Ryukyu."

Chiang Kai-shek was polite.Tan Xiaozhong said sternly: "We proposed the 'Action of Collecting Ryukyu'. This is an action that is impossible to succeed, but here is a historical opportunity, and we must grasp this fleeting opportunity. As long as we unite as one, our operation will be a complete success. For the sake of a strong motherland, we are willing to pay more money."

Chiang Kai-shek nodded silently, thinking that it was impossible to go back to the mainland, and when he was 80 years old, he was able to accomplish such a major event, which can be regarded as a great contribution to his later years.

After convincing the Chiangs and his wife, Taiwan will participate in the Ryukyu operation in an official capacity, and the operation of the Ryukyu operation group can be considered to have made significant progress.

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