
283 Worries in the White House

Plagiarism - 280 Three Worries of the White House

On the morning of November 11, in the Oval Office of the President of the White House, President Lyndon Johnson held a brief meeting.

"Dear Mr. President, I think it's time to take action! I have said long ago that the Chinese are the real threat to the security of the United States! We have been conniving at the Chinese people's mockery of activities in the United States and the world, and now it's okay, He made such a big move. In the future, I don’t know what he will come up with!" Secretary of State Dean Rusk said through gritted teeth: "According to the investigation of the intelligence agency, we have evidence to prove that this time The action has something to do with the Chinese Tang Xiao, I propose to take decisive action against Tang Xiao and Tang Xiao’s company, or take retaliation!"

Dean Rusk was an intelligence officer. He participated in the "Blue Whale Project" of the Allied forces' assassination of Chiang Kai-shek in 1944. When Truman was re-elected as President of the United States in 1949, he was appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary of State.In just three months, he was promoted to Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. In 1950, Rusk volunteered for the first time and expressed to the then Secretary of State Acheson that he would rather step down to become Assistant Secretary of State in charge of Far Eastern Affairs.Less than two months after he took office, the Korean War broke out, and Lax strongly advocated that the United States send troops to North Korea.He also used his special relationship with the United Nations to promote the adoption of a resolution by the United Nations to intervene in North Korea. In addition, he also suggested that the US President send the Seventh Fleet to the Taiwan Strait.He also worked with John Dulles to negotiate a Japan-U.S. peace and security treaty with Japan. In 1961, he became secretary of state in the Kennedy administration and then in the Johnson administration.He was "one of the toughest hawks" during Johnson's Vietnam War campaign.Even when Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara urged Johnson to suspend the bombing of North Vietnam in an attempt to negotiate peace, Rusk objected.This man doesn't know what's going on, he seems to have an innate dislike for the Chinese.

Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara said coldly: "I oppose Mr. Secretary of State's proposal. In fact, it is an irresponsible and terrible proposal! As we all know, the United States is a democratic country. In this country, Different beliefs and different voices are allowed. The Chinese parade is because of the disputed land in Ryukyu, and the United States is the actual owner of this land. This is completely different from the anti-war parade! If Tang Xiao and his company are attacked rashly, it will attract more voices of opposition! It will also arouse strong international repercussions! This will directly affect the international image of "freedom" and "equality" of the United States."

Robert McNamara is the longest-serving, most controversial, and arguably most influential Secretary of Defense in U.S. history.Famous events such as the Berlin Wall Crisis, the Bay of Pigs Incident, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the escalation of the Vietnam War all occurred during the peak period of the US-Soviet Cold War from 1961 to 1968 when he was in office, and left a deep trace of McNamara.Because of his leading role in the Vietnam War, that unpopular war that had a profound impact on American society was even called "McNamara's War."For the Vietnam War, Robert McNamara has begun to regret it. In fact, the trauma of the Vietnam War has become McNamara's personal trauma and nightmare, making him an "enemy of the people" who symbolizes the war machine.

Vice President Hubert Humphrey also sneered and said: "Mr. Secretary of State's proposal seems very naive. Mr. Dean Rusk's proposal does not seem to be solving the problem, but creating new contradictions. This kind of intentional The proposal, once adopted, will lead the United States to an even worse situation!"

After Tan Xiaozhong donated to Nixon, for the sake of safety, he donated another 500 million US dollars to the Hubert Humphrey campaign committee.I don't know if he is for the national interests of the United States, or out of repayment to Tan Xiaozhong, Hubert Humphrey resolutely opposed Dean Rusk's proposal.

Shaking his head, President Johnson said to a thin man of about fifty, "Mr. Helms, as director of the CIA, what is your attitude toward this matter?"

Richard Helms replied seriously: "The Central Intelligence Agency is always watching the development of the situation. If the situation expands, if we think it will lead to national security, then we suggest that the government should act decisively! I suggest that for the time being Respond to all changes with the same. And I know that the FBI is also watching this company closely. In addition, I am more concerned about Tang Xiao’s extensive collection of gold around the world, and the United States has lost more than 10 billion US dollars because of it gold."

"Every banker in the United States thinks this is a trivial matter, and there is nothing to make a fuss about. Let's stop dwelling on this matter. We need to use more energy to deal with the rising anti-war sentiment in our country. The domestic situation in the United States is not optimistic. Various aspects are taking advantage of the anti-war sentiment of the people in our country. A typical example is Martin Luther King’s civil rights movement, and now the Chinese people’s move to accept Ryukyu has been added. I am worried that this kind of sentiment will spread, and I am worried that it will cause domestic political turmoil. But this time the Chinese's "operation to collect Ryukyu" has made the situation worse and worse, and some people are even worried that the United States will go to war with China because of this!" Johnson sighed road.

Richard Helms no longer dwelled on the matter.He is a well-behaved person. Now that the president has said so, he feels that what he said is superfluous.

"Dear Mr. President, Tang Xiao has written many anti-war movie scripts, and he has almost won over all the film companies in Hollywood. The two conjoined films "Flags of Our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo Jima" that ended only two days ago It was actually screened in more than 100 cities around the world at the same time, and the audience enthusiastically watched it, making Fox a huge profit. This further stimulated other film companies, and everyone filmed anti-war films written by Tang Xiao. It is said that 1968 will be "anti-war" War-themed movie year. Yesterday, the cartoon "Goodbye Firefly" produced by Tang Dynasty Warner Company ignited the anti-war anger of many people. Oh, I have to mention that these three recent movies were all during World War II. Movies against Japan. That's—couldn't be a coincidence?" Richard Helms reported another incident to President Johnson.

"Flags of Our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo Jima" created many firsts.That is to say, it created a precedent for simultaneous global screenings, and they are the first films to be screened simultaneously worldwide; "Flags of Our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo Jima" are neither part two films nor sister films in the traditional sense, but a kind of film like Siamese twin sister movie.That is to say, these two films were filmed under the same background and with different perspectives from both sides of the war; the global box office revenue of the two films directly exceeded 1000 million US dollars on the first day, reaching more than 1 US dollars; Today, the total box office score exceeded 0 million yuan, making it the first film to exceed 13 million yuan in its first screening.

Tang Dynasty Warner's cartoon that followed, although the first day's results were not as good as the previous two, it also achieved a box office revenue of more than 800 million US dollars.Judging from the media's reaction, "Goodbye Firefly" has been well received, which means that it is coming from behind.

Richard* Helms is right that all three films were directed at Japanese fascism, Flags of Our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima sparked anti-war sentiment, and Goodbye Firefly While arousing anti-war sentiment, he also complained about the atrocities committed by Japanese fascists.Therefore, "Goodbye Firefly" was brutally banned by the Japanese government in Japan after it was screened for only one day. It is said that relevant personnel in charge of the cultural industry in Japan were punished to varying degrees because of lax censorship.

"That's right! Tang Xi is indeed a dangerous person! But the Japanese may hate Tang Xi even more." Johnson sneered, "Tell some information about Tang Xi that you know to the Japanese who will come tomorrow. It is much better for the Japanese to kill Tang Xiao than for us to do it ourselves."

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