
285 3 prime ministers

Plagiarism - 280 five or three prime ministers

The 66-year-old Sato Eisaku sat on the prime minister's private plane with his eyes closed and rested.The plane took off in the early morning and is expected to arrive at Washington National Airport in the United States at 3:[-] am. He will pay a three-day visit to the United States.

Eisaku Sato, a Japanese politician, took office as Prime Minister of Japan on November 1964, 11.Like his elder brother, former Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke, he is one of the most staunch "anti-China and China-hating" elements since World War II.As soon as Sato Eisaku took office as prime minister, he set about obstructing and undermining the development of Japan-China relations.First, he promoted the "two Chinas" policy, talked about Taiwan's "undetermined ownership", openly meddled in Taiwan affairs, and interfered in China's internal affairs.Instigated by the Sato government, Japanese right-wingers went to Liao Chengzhi's Liaison Office in Tokyo to provoke, shouting slogans such as "Taiwan is not China's".Second, obstruct the exchanges between China and Japan.The first thing Sato did after he came to power was to refuse entry to the delegation led by Peng Zhen. In 19, Sato refused 1966 Japanese youth representatives to come to China to participate in the Sino-Japanese Youth Gala.

In addition, Eisaku Sato, like Nosuke Kishi, is also a person who often dreams of "nuclear weapons". In October 1964, China conducted a nuclear test.More than two months later, when Sato Eisaku met with US President Johnson, he said: "If China implements nuclear weapons, then Japan should also have nuclear weapons."

On the plane, he always can't sleep.In particular, the upcoming high-level meeting between Japan and the United States made him feel very bottomless.Originally planned, the meeting mainly discussed the appreciation of the yen and the return of Okinawa.If it were not for the sudden attack from Taiwan and mainland China, then this meeting will sign the "timetable" for the return of the Okinawa Islands and the Ogasawara Islands to Japan. Then after more than ten years of hard work by Japan, this great "d" operation will be achieved. sexual victory.

Eisaku Sato recalled that in April 1963 (Day), Japan launched a vigorous "Okinawa Return to the Motherland Day" event. Japan also cooperated with the people of Okinawa to hold large-scale demonstrations at sea and on land for 4 days. In the struggle of the Japanese people Under pressure, the governments of Japan and the United States began to discuss the issue of returning Okinawa. It was through this shareholder style that Sato judged the situation and adopted a policy of demanding the return of Okinawa. However, Sato’s exchange condition was: "Japan will contribute to the security of East Asia. A more positive contribution". Originally, this time, President Sato and President Johnson were about to reach an agreement to return the Ogasawara Islands and "return Okinawa within 100 or 2 years".

However, things were unpredictable. The Taiwan side formally notified the U.S. Embassy in Taipei and submitted an official letter to the U.S. government called "Decision on the Chinese Government's Formal Request to Resume Governance of the Ryukyu Islands (Including the Ogasawara Islands)."In this official letter, Taiwan took a tough stance, hinting at the worst possible use of force.In addition, they also sent a note to the Japanese ambassador in Taiwan, asking the Japanese government to withdraw the troops and residents in Ryukyu back to Japan as soon as possible...

What made him even more puzzled was that the two Chinese, who were originally enemies, joined hands in such a tacit understanding this time, and unexpectedly challenged the United States and Japan on the Okinawa issue. Suddenly cast a shadow.It stands to reason that the powerful United States should not care about the threat of "two Chinas". However, because of the Vietnam War, the United States has fallen into a wave of domestic anti-war trends. Johnson will continue to support Japan, and Japan Firm treaty?Oh, will the outgoing president take the plunge and bravely sign a treaty with Japan, or will he play it safe and leave this difficult issue to the next president?


"Hey..." Thinking of this, Eisaku Sato let out a long sigh.Unexpectedly, he heard that another person in the seat not far away was also insomnia, and his sigh seemed to be a second earlier than his own.

"Miki-kun, can't you sleep too? Why don't you come and chat for a while." Sato Eisaku knew that the person who was sighing was his foreign minister Miki Takeo.Although Miki Takeo is 5 years younger than himself, his political career is longer than himself.From 1954 to 1955, he served as Minister of Transport in the Ichiro Hatoyama Cabinet.He admired Miki Takeo's talent very much, if it wasn't for his different political views, he would definitely use this person more.

Takeo Miki came over and bowed humbly: "Your Excellency, you can't sleep either?"

"What are you thinking about so much that you can't sleep, and you're still lamenting?" Sato Eisaku motioned him to sit down, and then asked him softly.

Miki Takeo said with a smile: "I should be thinking about the same question as your Excellency Prime Minister, that is, what are the chances of our trip to the United States?"

Sato Eisaku personally made tea for him, and then asked casually: "Have you thought of the answer? What do you think our chances of winning this time are?"

"My answer may be a bit pessimistic. I think our chances of winning this trip to the United States are less than [-]%! We must be prepared to return empty-handed." Takeo Miki said lightly.

Sato Eisaku frowned, but he still said softly: "Can you tell me, what do you think?"

Miki Takeo smiled faintly: "I'm thinking, if I were Johnson, how would I deal with this problem. What is before me is that my term of office is less than a year away. During this time, I will What should I do to win the respect of the American people? After all, apart from the Vietnam War, I have made a difference in other places. For example, my "Great Society" plan has won the support of many American people. When the time is right, I even If I can negotiate with North Vietnam and end the Vietnam War, then my prestige will be even higher. One more thing I will do is to support Vice President Hubert Humphrey in winning the Democratic Party's presidential election next year, which will not only You can win the favor of your successor, and you can also get the lofty prestige of the Democratic Party, so in less than a year, I will not do something that conflicts with the above two things, such as this possibility The issue of Okinawa that arouses greater public anger and may lead to a greater war."

"Hehe, Miki-kun, you are really a bit pessimistic. As we all know, we read the articles of Chiang Ching-kuo and Mao, although they spoke angrily, as if they were ready to go to war at any time, but everyone knows that war is not a child's play, especially against the A country like the United States. If the United States is angered, no one will benefit." Eisaku Sato shook his head and said with a smile.

"I believe that you and I both believe that China dare not send troops. Even Johnson should know that with China's strength, he would never dare to use troops with the United States. But many people don't think so. What they worry about is that after the war expands, what will happen to China The harm brought to oneself and one's own family. Many people have become the frightened birds of war. In fact, China relies on this point of the people to make a big fuss. I think such a simple move is Johnson's culprit. Johnson may really I can't handle it." Miki Takeo said clearly.

"He would rather admit that the United States is afraid of China? At least many people will think so. A dignified president is scared by one or two articles? Besides, we Japan can also put pressure on the United States! The common interests between Japan and the United States must be It is much more important than the common interests between China and the United States." Eisaku Sato never believed that Johnson would be such a coward.

"For this kind of accusation, Johnson can be said to be in line with public opinion, and he can get away with it with just a few words. I don't think he will take the risk of offending the general public, so I think no matter how great the pressure is, it is not as strong as the pressure of the domestic people. Big." Takeo Miki spoke convincingly.

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