
36 Ambitious goals

36 Ambitious goals (seeking clicks, favorites and votes)

Coming out of the "Ming Pao" newspaper office, Tan Jiabao and the others came to Tang Dynasty Company without stopping, and met Wang Mingquan as soon as they entered the building.

Wang Mingquan looked very unnatural when she saw Tan Jiabao. She blushed and said, "Xiaobao, no, boss, I'm going to your house to find you..."

Tan Jiabao smiled slightly and said, "Sister Quan, I see you are so nervous. From now on, this 'boss' is just what they call it, you don't need to call it that way. I am not used to it, so I still call it Xiaobao, which is more cordial Some. Oh, by the way, what important matter is there to find me in such a hurry?"

Wang Mingquan said: "It's like this. One of your relatives came with three Japanese people. He said he wanted to look for you. But no one answered the phone at your home, so Fan Nu asked me to go to your home to look for it."

"Thank you, Sister Quan!" Only then did Tan Jiabao realize that his second grandfather had come from Japan. He was overjoyed and left Zheng Dashi and Wang Mingquan behind and ran upstairs.

After arriving in Hong Kong and settling down, Tan Jiabao sent a letter to his second grandfather Tan Xiaozhong according to the address he remembered.In the letter, there are not only grandpa's handwritten letters, but also photos of grandpa, grandma and the whole family.In the letter, Tan Jiabao graciously invited Tan Xiaozhong to join his newly established company, and work with him to plan big plans.

As soon as Tan Xiaozhong received the letter, he began to act intensively. Due to his high position, the handover work was complicated. It was not until today that the things Tan Jiabao explained were implemented one by one, and then he flew to Hong Kong immediately.

Tan Xiaozhong is 41 years old, a family of six, and his wife Qin Yu is 35 years old. She lives in Taipei alone with her four children, and she works as a surgeon at Taipei Veterans General Hospital.So this time Tan Xiaozhong only brought three Japanese electronics talents, and he didn't have time to go back to Taipei.

When Tan Jiabao met his second grandfather, it was an "explosion of family affection".

In this office, everyone else has quit, leaving only the two of them.

Tan Xiaozhong stared at this grandson for a long time, full of emotions.

Tan Jiabao said: "Second Grandpa, are those three Japanese reliable? Are they qualified 'Japanese traitors'?"

Tan Xiaozhong said: "Your requirements are too high, otherwise I can recruit a large number of talents. Let's talk about the three of them. They may not be 'Japanese traitors', but they are not interested in politics, and their national consciousness is relatively vague. , Two of them have already joined the American nationality. One is Kato Makoto, 35 years old this year, graduated from MIT. He is the vice president of the Technology Department of Sony Corporation, and is an expert in electronics and circuits; the other is Yamano Jiro, He is 30 years old. He is a genius in integrated circuits, and he is the treasure of Panasonic. The other is Heyuan Xiaokai, 38 years old. He used to be my deputy. Before that, he was the vice president of Toshiba’s home appliance department, mainly managing internal affairs. There are also many talents in large companies such as Philips, IBM and Siemens, and some of them can be recruited through us."

Tan Jiabao nodded and said, "Where is Xiantong?"

"I don't know many people in Xiantong, only a few Chinese. There is a man named Yu Youcheng who is more powerful there, and he is a technical supervisor there. But He Yuan Xiaozhui knows more people. He can find Some people come over." Tan Xiaozhong replied calmly.

Tan Jiabao nodded, and he discussed with him about the establishment of a group company. They exchanged views on some sensitive issues, and the two reached a consensus.

So he held a meeting in the afternoon. He believed that to make the company bigger and stronger, first of all, the matter of equity must be clear and must not be vague.For these brothers who came from the mainland together, he must be worthy of their trust.

After everyone arrived, Tan Jiabao began to speak: "I have called you here today to hold a very important meeting. This meeting is related to our future development and your vital interests."

"After we arrived in Hong Kong, everything went smoothly. We started from scratch, and now we own our first company, 'Tang Dynasty Entertainment Co., Ltd.'. This company is developing very well. In a few days, I will go to the United States to open another A few companies, oh, Mr. Zheng and your friends will go first tomorrow. Then, I will come back in June or July to set up Hong Kong's 'Tang Dynasty Real Estate Company' and 'Tang Dynasty Investment Company'. In the next few years We are making steady progress in the film industry, real estate industry, investment industry, toy game industry, publishing and media industry, and electronic technology industry. We will strive to stand at the top of the world in at least two of these six industries in five years. , and others should also play a pivotal role in Hong Kong. Next year or the year after, we will get involved in the mining industry. As for other industries, we can get involved, but we will not go deep. With so many companies, this has formed a Group, this group is called "Tang Dynasty Group". I am the chairman of the board of directors of this group, that is, the chairman. Mr. Tan Xiaozhong is the president, and all of you are shareholders of the board of directors. As the chairman, I own 50% of the company's shares, and you Each of you has 5% of the shares. Mr. Tan Xiaozhong, as the president of the group, will obtain another 5% of the shares in accordance with international practice, a total of 10% of the shares. In addition, you will own another 10%-% of the active shares in the company you preside over, for example Fan Nu is now in charge of 'Entertainment Co., Ltd.', so he still has 15% of the shares in this company. Do you have any comments on this proposal?"

Regarding such a proposal, everyone whispered to each other for a while, and then all of them were beaming with joy, expressing their support for this motion.Liu Jian said excitedly at this time: "Boss, they all have their own companies. For example, Fan Nu has a film company, Lao Dai has an electronics company, and Lao Zheng has a publishing house, but what about me, Chen Lijun, and Cui Youfu?"

Tan Jiabao smiled slightly and said, "Now let's talk about everyone's arrangements and responsibilities. Liu Jian is right. Fan Nu has a film company, Lao Dai has an electronics company, Lao Dai owns 10% of the electronics company's shares, and Lao Zheng has a publishing house." Now, Lao Zheng occupies 10% of the shares of the publishing media company. Now there are only three industries: real estate, investment and toy industry. I am in charge of the investment company, and I own 5% of the shares. As the chief financial officer of the head office, Lao Cui will go to The entertainment company and the publishing and media company each hold 10% of the shares. I think Chen Lijun is in charge of the real estate company. Since real estate is a violent industry, he only owns 15% of the shares. You, Liu Jian, are in charge of the rest of the toy and game company, with [-]% of the shares. % of the shares."

There is no objection to this distribution.

Tan Jiabao continued: "Attention everyone, the shares that you hold in the company you own are active shares. What are active shares? That is to say, this kind of shares are determined according to your ability. If you do not have this If you don't have the ability to manage your company well, then you will be promoted from the position of general manager, and you will no longer enjoy this 10%-% share. To run a business, you must do "the mediocre goes down and the capable goes up". I hope This should also become your criterion for employing people, and you must not act on your emotions. Therefore, for you, you must quickly understand the situation of your company, learn a lot from experienced seniors, actively use your brains, be diligent, and bear the burden of hard work. Only in this way, you Only then can you quickly enter the role and lead your company to create good results. By the way, Mr. Tan Xiaozhong graduated from Harvard and has worked in many large companies. If you encounter any difficult problems, you can ask him for advice, and he will tell you what to do of."

"Excuse me boss, as far as I know, we only have so much money, can we do so many things? It takes money to start these companies? Especially in the real estate industry, buying a house or land costs hundreds of thousands. Sometimes Millions, millions are also very common." Chen Lijun said worriedly.

Tan Jiabao said: "We are now in a special historical stage. In this stage, the biggest feature is that there are many opportunities. As long as we grasp these rare historical opportunities, then our goal will definitely be realized! Take the real estate industry as an example. Let’s just say, Hong Kong is about to face a great opportunity of the century. There will be a major reshuffle in Hong Kong’s real estate industry. Build Hong Kong into the most dazzling pearl in the Pacific Ocean."

"The great opportunity of the century? Can you tell me more about it?" Tan Xiaozhong was a serious person, he asked in disbelief.

Tan Jiabao said confidently: "There will be a large-scale riot in Hong Kong, and the real estate industry and related industries will face a very important test..."

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