
365 Follow-up measures to Japan

Plagiarism of the World - 360 Five's follow-up to Japan

In the past few days, a promotional film called "Beautiful Island" has been screened in cinemas and major TV stations around the world in turn, and this song has immediately become popular all over the world.

This is actually a MV. Qiao Jiani, who has a healthy complexion and an exquisite figure, tied a high ponytail and wore a bright bikini swimsuit, led a group of young men and women with different skin colors and nationalities who were as healthy as her, passionately on the beach Dancing youthful dance, at the same time singing the famous "Beautiful Island" that should have been sung by Madonna. <, changed the.samba to the.pipa (pipa), and turned this song about a small island in the Americas into a promotional song depicting the charming scenery of Hong Kong and Hong Kong's attractive cultural environment.

As the camera cuts, Qiao Jiani’s singing and dancing appear alternately: the sunrise at Victoria Mountain, toddlers, a long-bearded old man wielding a Tai Chi sword, a group of children and peace doves, the hurried pace of pedestrians, and a small cage just out of the cage Bags, construction sites under construction, busy wharves, quiet churches, couples embracing in Victoria Harbour, spacious and bright shopping malls, high-end villas, restaurants full of guests, ancient streets, civilized pedestrians helping the blind to cross the road, under neon lights Beautiful night scenes, street performers, street singers...

Although the entire promotional film is only less than 5 minutes long, in these 5 minutes, the film perfectly shows the characteristics of Hong Kong.

As a result, many people all over the world know this oriental girl who is only 17 years old, full of youthful vigor, enthusiasm, passion and sexiness.Qiao Jiani suddenly became the idol of many young people.At the same time, many people all over the world know that the two days of January 1968 and 1th are the Chinese New Year.During these two days, Tang Dynasty Entertainment Company will hold the first "Spring Festival Song Festival". At that time, the world's most famous celebrities will gather in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Governor David Terence also liked this promotional video very much. After their discussions, they decided to designate this song as the "Hong Kong British Government Image Song", and said that this song will be sung in major events in Hong Kong in the future.At the same time, Qiao Jiani, who sang the song, was selected as the "Hong Kong Image Ambassador".

The British Hong Kong government has also given great support to this song festival. At that time, the two-day "Chinese Folk Culture Festival" and "Hong Kong Food Festival" will be held from 31st to February 2st.After discussing with his staff, Dai Linzhi agreed to build a large stadium in Hung Hom within five years to provide a venue for large-scale events such as the "Spring Festival Song Concert".

Since the "Spring Festival Song Concert" is held every year, Tan Jiabao secretly vowed to make this song festival a famous column and let the world know that in addition to "Vienna New Year's Concert", there is also a large-scale program mainly for popular songs. Hong Kong "Spring Festival Song Concert".Therefore, Tan Jiabao specially set aside 10 days to fully intervene in all aspects of planning, publicity, personnel, rehearsal, production, and director.Moreover, he also summoned relevant talents from other fraternal units of the Tang Dynasty Group Company, and made detailed layouts and arrangements in terms of stage layout, lighting, sound, music equipment and singing equipment.

During these 10 days, Fan Nu and Qiao Jiani were undoubtedly the two people who benefited the most.As one of the chief directors and planners of this song show, he has learned a lot from this show, and he has a well-thought-out plan for the overall layout and overall planning of the show; as for Qiao Jiani, Tan Jiabao is going to focus on making her a world-famous In the "Spring Festival Song Concert", she will appear as the opening singer, singing "Beautiful Island" and other 5 strong-tempo disco songs, and then her first box of disco A tape of the song will also be released later.If she sings these 5 songs well in the song meeting, Tan Jiabao has reason to believe that Qiao Jiani will establish her world number one position in this respect.At the same time, he also believes that with the publication of these tapes, a vigorous disco dance craze will become popular all over the world.

Qiao Jiani is also a smart and studious girl with a strong talent for music box dancing. Under the careful teaching of this "little nephew", she quickly mastered the essence and skills of disco songs and disco dances. .She led her back-up dancers to rehearse diligently.

It wasn't until Fan Nu and some key members got everything going smoothly that Tan Jiabao left the rehearsal scene of "Spring Festival Song Concert" with peace of mind.


During this time, two major events took place in the world.The first major event was that on January 1 in Geneva, Switzerland, wipo conducted an arbitration against Sony Corporation of Japan suing Tangchao Electric Group for embezzling Sony technology. And asked Sony to stop the imitation "infringement" of "Tang Chaolong picture tube".

On January 1th, at the arbitration tribunal at the wipo headquarters in Geneva, Tan Xiaozhong led important members of Tang Chao Electric Group, such as Kato Shin and Jian Ning, together with Sony Group Chairman Akio Morita and President Norio Ohga , the manager of the TV business department, Oda Yingfu, and other Sony elites, conducted nearly three hours of fierce debate. Tang Chao Electric Group Co., Ltd. provided a lot of strong evidence, and disassembled its latest research results on the spot to show Come out, Sony eventually lost due to lack of evidence.

After announcing the arbitration result, Tangchao Electrical Appliances Group Company immediately counter-sued the Japan Electric Company headed by Sony for misappropriating 18 patents and 9 technical patents of Tangchao Electrical Appliances Group Corporation's electrical parts, and dismantled Sony, including Sony, on the spot from Wipo. Japanese companies including Panasonic, Hitachi and Sanyo sued the Japanese companies for infringement and misappropriation with their own patent certificates on the spot, and demanded that the other party immediately stop the infringement and compensate high patent fees. Wipo accepted the case.

The ruling in Geneva gave Tang Dynasty Group a complete victory.However, Japanese companies suffered their first fiasco in the "Technology War" launched by Tan Jiabao.On the day of the verdict, the stocks of Japanese electric appliance companies fell sharply, led by Sony.This ruling also caused heavy damage to the reputation of the Japanese electrical appliance companies. More importantly, they clearly felt the threat from the Tang Dynasty Group.This left them feeling overwhelmed and overwhelmed with product development.

Take gadgets like remote controls.The remote control of the Tang Dynasty Group Company is an infrared remote control with a chip, but they still use a wire-controlled remote control, which is obviously a grade lower than others.Originally, Philips and other manufacturers could have bought the right to use the patent at a low price, but due to the friction between the Tang Dynasty Group Company and the Japanese government, the Tang Dynasty Group Company refused to sell it to them, which made them very passive.

Many companies can only watch their overseas markets being gradually eroded by Tang Dynasty Group Corporation and Philips, and they finally feel an unprecedented sense of crisis.

The second major event was the escalation of the "Ryukyu issue" between China and Japan, which finally led to a tragedy on the January issue. An overseas Chinese who had lived in Tokyo, Japan for a long time was beaten to death by Japanese right-wingers.

The cause of the incident was as follows: Taiwan's intelligence personnel learned that Japanese Foreign Minister Takeo Miki would secretly visit the United States during the Spring Festival to further negotiate with the United States on the "Okinawa issue".In response to this incident, the "Receipt Ryukyu Action" group once again launched a global demonstration.And this time, some overseas Chinese living in Japan, together with the people from Ryukyu, sat down and demonstrated in front of the Japanese Imperial Palace in Chiyoda District, central Tokyo.

It was a normal parade and sit-in, but it aroused the displeasure of Japanese right-wingers. They quickly organized a group of right-wing fanatics to clash with the demonstrators sitting in front of the imperial palace.During the conflict, a 58-year-old male overseas Chinese named Zhang Liangyu was besieged by right-wingers and eventually died.

It is worth mentioning that this scene happened to be recorded by a French TV worker in Tokyo through a camera.This scene was quickly staged on television stations all over the world.It turned out that the Japanese police were nominally trying to prevent the conflict, but it was clearly seen on the screen that the Japanese police favored the right-wingers, and some even beat the demonstrators.

One stone caused a wave of waves. Not only Tan Jiabao and other members of the "Receipt Ryukyu Action" team expressed their indignation towards the Japanese government and Japanese right-wingers and condolences for the dead through various media, and media from all over the world condemned Japan The police, Japanese right-wingers, and the Japanese government all demanded that the Japanese government severely punish the murderer and be responsible for the victims.For a time, Japan and the Japanese government became the focus of the world, and righteous people questioned and condemned the Japanese government one after another.

In order to save the image of the government, the Japanese government kept "clarifying the facts" in various media, and dealt with the Japanese police who violated the rules and regulations in the incident in a high-profile manner. The head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department took the blame and resigned.At the same time, they offered a sincere apology to the victims of the incident and compensated the victims for their losses.

I don't know if it's because of the current complicated domestic situation in Japan, or because of other reasons, the "Tang mock" brand yen that is in circulation in Japan has been silent again. There has been no news for more than 10 days. It is estimated that the discrepancy is already very large.

Tan Jiabao was worried, and asked Zhuo Peng to sneak into Japan again and go to the scene to see what was going on.

On January 1, Jin Kailai returned from the United States and brought back from the United States the English translation of "Proof of Human Nature" given to him by Tan Jiabao.

This "Proof of Human Nature" is the work of a Japanese writer Seiichi Morimura that Tan Jiabao likes very much, but it is not the "Proof of Human Nature" that describes Yasugi Kyoko killing her own son, but the one he wrote later "Proof of New Humanity", an anti-war novel that exposes the crimes of Japanese militarism, is a companion volume to "The Devil's Feast".

This work mainly tells about a 58-year-old Chinese female interpreter named Yang Junli who went to the port to find her daughter, and died of poisoning suddenly in the middle of the night.Detective Dongju of the Japanese Police Department found clues from a collection of novels left by the deceased, and found out that the deceased had been captured by the 731 Bacterial Unit of the Japanese Invading Army as a "human experiment material" during the Japanese War of Aggression against China. up to".With the atonement feeling of a Japanese, Dongju carried out arduous investigation and detection work, and finally through the tragic experience of this female interpreter, he exposed all kinds of heinous crimes and crimes committed by the 731 bacterial troops of the Japanese army in China. The dark inside story of this unit.

Originally, there was a "Red Sun 731" filmed in Harbin directed by Alfred Hitchcock that should have been completed, and it could be better used by the current Tan Jiabao.However, as an old artist, Hitchcock is really dedicated. In order to better and more truly tell this history, he visited Japan, South Korea, the Soviet Union, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other countries and regions non-stop on the eve of shooting. area, looking for the surviving "Maluda" and some "conscientious" veterans of Unit 731, and even went to Harbin to visit the site of the original Unit 731 in the Pingfang area of ​​Harbin...

Through interviews, hearing and witnessing again and again, this little-known past has more and more shocked the heart of the old man. In his letter to Tan Jiabao, he said: "Oh, I can't believe that what happened on earth After such a sensational and horrific tragedy, I don’t even know what shooting method to use to show the tragic scenes that happened in Pingfang District, Harbin. I feel that I can’t show it with all my previous horror and horror methods. One ten-thousandth of the tragic situation here! Therefore, after careful consideration, I decided to shoot this time with realism as the mainstay and technical means as the supplement... What makes me most regretful is that I can't shoot this movie in Harbin, I can't Shooting this movie in that 'devil's lair'... In South Korea, all the shooting locations I found had shortcomings of one kind or another, and I will continue to search until I find a shooting location that I am satisfied with."

Tan Jiabao understands the difficulties of this master. He wants to make one or two heavyweight movies in the rest of his life, so as to draw a successful conclusion to his artistic life.Therefore, when Huo Yingdong went to Beijing for the first time, Tan Jiabao wrote a letter to Zhou Gong, introducing Hitchcock's difficulties, and attached the script of the "Black Sun 731".At that time, Japanese Prime Minister Eisaku Sato was very arrogant. He often made some reactionary remarks against Beijing. Beijing did not like this person very much, so Tan Jiabao dared to make such a request to Duke Zhou.After careful consideration, Zhou Gong finally approved Hitchcock to go to the "magic cave" in Harbin to shoot this work.

Therefore, Hitchcock's "Black Sun 731" only entered Harbin in mid-November and officially started filming, and it is still being intensely filmed.

Since Hitchcock's "Black Sun 731" is not available yet, Tan Jiabao immediately thought of "Proof of New Humanity" with the same theme as "Black Sun 731", which was "created" by Tan Jiabao when he was in mainland China For the finished novel, he asked Jin Kai to translate it and then publish it, so as to add another fire to the bustling Japan.

"Kailai, the translation is good! I will revise it again within 2 days, and then you will go back to the United States immediately and publish this book. At the same time, the French, Spanish and Portuguese versions will follow up one after another. We The Chinese version of the book will be released in Hong Kong soon, and the Japanese version will also be released in small quantities. At that time, we will make a big publicity for this novel. I think this work will be another best-selling novel." Tan Jiabao said enthusiastically.

Jin Kailai agreed with a wry smile.Originally, he was on vacation to reunite with his family and spend the Spring Festival together.Unexpectedly, the little boss sent him back to the United States.

Tan Jiabao seemed to see through his thoughts, and he said to Jin Kai: "Let's finish this part, and then I will give you a few more days to rest..."

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