
387 Advertising, products and performance

Plagiarism - 380 advertisements, products and performance

Tan Jiabao has been in New York for a few days.In the past few days, he met with Peter Lynch, Zhang Zhiren, Soros and Rogers, several people in the securities industry.I learned from them that the U.S. stock market is still calm, but the concept stocks of the Tang Dynasty have begun to take shape.

Tang Dynasty Pharmaceutical and Danbis are undoubtedly the leaders of Tang Dynasty concept stocks.

Since the electronic watches, electronic calculators, CPUs and home computers of Tangchao Technology Company came out, many companies have begun to seek cooperation with Tangchao Technology, including the famous IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Motorola and Corning, etc. .These companies are preparing to develop personal computers and develop computer hardware and software.And some large home appliance companies, such as Whirlpool, have also begun to purchase CPUs from Tangchao Technology.Therefore, for a while, the concept of the Tang Dynasty was equated with high technology in the eyes of many people.

Tan Jiabao then went deep into the internal inspection of Tang Dynasty Pharmaceutical Company.Since Jack Welch has already gone to Mexico to implement the sponsorship of the Olympic Games, Su Zeqi accompanied him throughout the inspection process.

On the day of March 3th, Tan Jiabao was so busy that he came back very late. Su Zeqi turned on the TV for him, made tea and sat beside him.

Tan Jiabao aimlessly controls the TV program remotely.He didn't like watching TV in the first place, and he was sitting here waiting for Jack Welch to arrive.

Suddenly, he saw Teresa Teng on TV, and he immediately became interested.Because he seems to have never seen Teresa Teng so happy.This is an advertisement shot by Teresa Teng. Teresa Teng is wearing a white dress, singing and dancing in English on a green lawn: "...I like sweet and sour. This is the real me. Every day is very special to me. Fresh, my picky palate..."

After singing the song "Sweet and Sour is Me", 15-year-old Teresa Teng comfortably sucked a box of Mead Johnson yogurt packed in vacuum cardboard with a straw to the camera, and said sweetly: "I like sweet and sour—— My Mead Johnson yogurt!"

"Hahaha... Great shot!" Tan Jiabao laughed happily, and then said to Su Zeqi: "Ah Qi, we have been watching pharmaceuticals these days, how is the development of Mead Johnson Dairy? "

Su Zeqi was originally Tan Jiabao's secretary, and she was relatively casual in front of Tan Jiabao. She smiled and said, "Hehe, our little boss is still very good. Without your advertisement, how could Mead Johnson be so good? You know, Now Tang Dynasty Pharmaceuticals is in a vacuum period for new products, so the profit is already very limited, if it is not for medical equipment and Mead Johnson, Tang Dynasty Pharmaceuticals may lose money."

"Mead Johnson's world industry ranking is lower than that of Wyeth and Nestle, but we have launched a yogurt series, which is a new product and adopts this brand new packaging. When we first launched yogurt, we always did it in terms of nutrition. Propaganda, the effect is not very obvious. Since we filmed this advertisement according to your request last month, Mead Johnson yogurt has quickly gained popularity, not only children, but even young people drink a box. Our yogurt has been sold by the United States The two countries accept it, and we are actively opening up the European market. After the Olympics, our milk and yogurt will spread all over the world. Well, there will be an advertisement for our milk by Audrey Hepburn later. In a word, after the Olympics , Mead Johnson Dairy will surpass Wyeth and Nestle!" Su Zeqi said confidently.

"Well, judging from the performance of the two days, Aqi's progress is still very significant." Tan Jiabao happily praised his former secretary.Su Zeqi felt a little embarrassed.

The advertisement of Tang Dynasty Group appeared on the TV again, and I saw four Beatles in a recording studio, each wearing a different style of electronic watch.Lennon was playing with a home computer, Harrison was fiddling with a desk calculator, McCartney pulled a pocket calculator from his coat pocket, and said to the audience: "Electronic watches, electronic computing Appliances and home computers, fashionable and technological life, one of which is indispensable!"

In fact, Tang Dynasty Technology has already made full preparations for the above-mentioned products, with accurate positioning and good publicity. These products were immediately favored by young people from all walks of life as soon as they came out.Now in the streets and alleys of the United States, young people have an electronic watch of their favorite style, and many of them still have a small calculator in their pockets.This has become a fashion for young people.

However, desktop calculators are purchased by some corporate groups. The financial departments, securities departments, and educational institutions of various companies in the United States are already filled with desktop calculators from various Tang Dynasty technology companies.

High-end personal computers are mainly purchased by corporate groups, or by some high-income and crazy enthusiasts.Tang Dynasty Bank bought 300 high-end computers and stipulated that every bank employee must learn to operate computers.Affected by this, some computer operation classes have sprung up all over the United States and Canada, cultivating more and more computer enthusiasts.

And the low-end computers are the ones that really sell well. Those personal computers within US$595-1000 are favored by most young people.There are also many poor students who assemble their first computers by DIY.

There are too many products of Tang Dynasty Group Company and its cooperative enterprises, and there are advertisements related to their products in almost every advertising period.

Next, Tan Jiabao saw the beautiful and sexy Jane Fonda advertising for Dan Bisi, the content of the advertisement was Estee Lauder cosmetics.

After several months of development, Danbis sanitary napkins have become a necessity for many women in Europe, America and Asia. During this period, there was no competition from any company, and it became a monopoly product.In the same way, diapers and adult diapers have also become monopoly commodities.The superb technology of shampoo is also unrivaled at the moment, Sassoon hairdressing schools are also rolled out in the United States and Canada, and Danbis Hong Kong branch will also be put into production in May.In addition, the fluoride toothpaste contributed by Tan Jiabao was also listed before Colgate. After several months of hard work, Danbis became the most popular company, and Peric laughed from ear to ear all day long.

Wearing a white suit, the handsome Marlon Brando smartly controlled a 34-inch Tang Chaolong TV with a remote control and said deeply: "My choice, the pioneer of high technology, Tang Chaolong color TV!"

Barbara Streisand, who looked like a housewife, walked towards a Tang Dynasty brand double-tub washing machine with a pile of clothes in her arms and said, "In the past, washing clothes was a painful thing. Since the Tang Dynasty brand double-tub washing machine... "

Dustin Hoffman was sitting on the sofa at home, enjoying the gentle breeze brought by the Tang Dynasty split air conditioner. He said with a look of great enjoyment: "Good air conditioner, made by Tang Dynasty!"

Qiao Jiani was wearing bell-bottom pants, holding a pink and very feminine double-speaker recorder, dancing disco and said: "Beautiful music is everywhere, Tang Chao brand recorder!"

Household appliances in the Tang Dynasty, although the brand is still immature.However, Tangchao electrical appliances are unmatched by other brands in terms of appearance, internal quality, or practicality, convenience and forward-looking.After several months of development, Tangchao brand home appliances have successfully replaced Sony, becoming the high-end brand and the first brand of home appliances.Many young people fantasize that they own a complete set of the latest Tang Dynasty brand household appliances including TV sets, integrated stereos, air conditioners, washing machines, refrigerators, kitchen appliances and small appliances.

When Tan Jiabao was using the remote control to select a channel and search for the advertisement of Tang Dynasty Group Company, Jack Welch did not come, but Su Zeqi led the smiling Hu Yinmeng in.

Hu Yinmeng once went to Tang Dynasty Pharmaceutical Industry for "internship", so she and Su Zeqi have become good friends.

"You little guy, what are you doing in New York if you don't go to school?" Although Tan Jiabao said so, he naturally smiled when he saw the beautiful Hu Yinmeng.

Hu Yinmeng seemed to have arrived home, threw her satchel on the sofa, and then said with a smile: "I miss you, come to see you, can't you?"

This little girl's words became more and more bold. Fortunately, Su Zeqi who was at the side had already known about their relationship.Su Zeqi took out the tea set and prepared to make tea for her.

"Sister Su, let me do it myself. How dare I work for you, the assistant to the president? Hee hee..." She grabbed the tea set and started to do it herself.

Su Zeqi smiled and shook her head, she stood up and said, "I'll go greet the boss' bodyguards."

After Su Zeqi left, Hu Yinmeng naturally threw herself into Tan Jiabao's arms and acted coquettishly...

After a while, she sat up, straightened her hair and clothes, then took out a stack of reports from her satchel and handed them to Tan Jiabao, "Xiaobao, I have read all the reports you brought. The little girl sincerely admires the outstanding achievements that the North Korea Group has achieved in less than a year."

This is a stack of the 1967 annual report and the February 1968 monthly report of the headquarters and major subsidiaries of the Tang Dynasty Group Company.Tan Jiabao is focusing on cultivating Hu Yinmeng, so he will send her a copy of these financial data.

Since the establishment of the mythical Tang Dynasty Group, it has expanded rapidly around the world, grabbing a lot of money with incredible speed and means.

Among these companies, except for Tang Dynasty Real Estate, which is in a loss state because it has not yet sold houses, and several companies in Taiwan are still preparing to build, other companies have already begun to make substantial profits.


Ranked second is Tang Dynasty Entertainment Group Corporation.Thanks to the success of films like My Sassy Girl, The Godfather and Goodbye Firefly, and thanks to The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Teresa Teng, Lion of the East, Barbra Streisand, and Pink Floyd Ren's records were sold like crazy, because several concerts and concert tours were sold out, and because of the best-selling of Audrey Hepburn's photobook, the sales revenue of Tang Dynasty Entertainment Group Corporation in 1967 reached an astonishing $18 billion. The profit has reached more than 8 million US dollars, and the funds for the acquisition of Warner and Disney have been recovered early.

Tang Dynasty Electric Group is the third enterprise with a profit of more than 1 million US dollars.By the end of February, Tangchao Electric Group achieved a sales revenue of US$2 million and a net profit of US$7.68 million.Among them, TV sets contributed the most. The sales and profits of color TV sets and black and white TVs accounted for more than half of the share, followed by tape recorders. Tangchao brand tape recorders were sought after by many young people; Small.White goods have only been on the market since February, so the income is still relatively small.

Tang Dynasty Toys Group Co., Ltd., with its three flagship products Rubik's Cube, remote control electronic toys and Audrey Hepburn dolls, plus their previous educational toys, cloth toys and adult toys, sales revenue reached 2.13 million US dollars, profit More than $8000 million.

Although Tang Dynasty Publishing House is the smallest enterprise, they also contributed more than 1000 million US dollars in profits.Liu Weide followed Tan Jiabao's suggestion and left some things to other people to do, freeing up his own hands. Taking advantage of the current downturn in the cultural market, he spent nearly 0 US dollars to acquire several newspapers and magazines with potential.Such as "Life", "Fashion", "Vanity Fair", "Economic Observer", "Business Weekly", "Reader's Digest", "Market Guide", "Chicago Sports News" and "American Science" etc. more than 10 kinds related to life, Economic and scientific newspapers and magazines.

Tang Dynasty Bank, Hong Kong Hotel, Nanyang Cotton Factory and Hong Kong Telephone also made good profits, and each acquired some enterprises.

Due to the leveraged buyout, although Tang Dynasty Pharmaceutical Company and Danbis have achieved considerable profits, they did not distribute the profits due to the huge loan and interest repayments.

Enterprises in Taiwan and Europe also contributed a certain amount of profits.The fastest progress among them is Wang Yongqing's Formosa Plastics. They have completed technical transformation and have started a small amount of plastic steel production this month.In France, the Tang Dynasty Renault Motor Company has developed a new type of engine. In the first half of the year, the first energy-saving version of the new type of car provided by Tan Jiabao will definitely be launched. By then, this will be another [-] million yuan product!

As for the mining industry in the Tang Dynasty, Tan Xiaozhong recruited Christopher, the 38-year-old American vice president from the Mobil Oil Company. This Christopher is still very capable, and he quickly found dozens of right-hand assistants around the world. In addition, a large number of talents have been transferred from the acquired mining enterprises to enrich the middle management team.He used the shortest time to integrate the current mining companies acquired by Tan Xiaozhong and the others, and sorted out the company's structure.Moreover, based on the Tang Dynasty mining industry, he became a subsidiary company of the "Tang Dynasty Petroleum and Natural Gas Company", which focuses on the exploration, exploitation, refining and transportation of oil and natural gas. For this subsidiary, he designated a company named An American from Best is the general manager.Although the mining industry in the Tang Dynasty has not yet achieved benefits, it is believed that under the leadership of this Christopher and the guidance of their great Mr. Tang Xiao, they will soon be able to achieve good returns.

A resource-based giant aircraft carrier is ready to set sail, what kind of storm will it set off in the world?

"Hehe, I don't like to hear you sing praises. I need you to stand in your position and comment on these companies and their performance from the perspective of a future strong woman." Tan Jiabao liked this smart woman more and more. child.

Hu Yinmeng leaned on her hands and walked around the room with a mischievous expression. She said, "I sincerely admire the outstanding achievements of the Tang Dynasty Group. But I found that some of our fees are still too high. At this point The above is mainly caused by too fast development. I think this situation will improve in a year or two. Second, many of our companies still have potential to tap. For example, Tang Dynasty Entertainment, since Audrey Hepburn "California Sunshine" photobook has sold so well and achieved such excellent results, why can't Tangchao Entertainment make a second photobook? For example, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Ah Jun and Dongfang Xiongshi can all shoot photobooks, they Fans will definitely buy it enthusiastically. From this, we can also make some films such as "Rock and Roll All Stars", "Tang Dynasty Stars Collection" and "Oscar Stars" and so on..."

Tan Jiabao looked at the smart girl and said with relief: "Your proposal is very good. You should propose it to President Cantona. I think he will selectively accept it."

Hu Yinmeng sat down and said proudly: "Do you still need to teach me? They went to Tang Dynasty Warner last month. Cantona accepted all my suggestions. They are now fully preparing for "Oscar Stars" Woolen cloth."

Hu Yinmeng continued to say proudly: "I also made suggestions to Mr. Heyuan Xiaozhui. I suggested that he produce some smaller washing machines and refrigerators to meet the needs of young people like me who live in single dormitories. I learned that , as long as the price is right, the market for such small refrigerators and small washing machines is also broad."

Tan Jiabao laughed, and ran over to kiss her: "My little Mengmeng is smart, these are some good suggestions! I will continue to carry forward in the future!"

Hu Yinmeng fell on him again, and said softly: "I haven't finished talking yet."

She straightened her body and was about to say her suggestion when Jack Welch rushed over.

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