
394 American Conspiracy

Plagiarism - 390 Four American Conspiracies

"Richard Helms? Oh, don't mention that man, he's a coward! I wouldn't send a man like that on this great mission. Oh, and he's not in America now, he should I went to Japan at the invitation of the Japanese government, and it is said that the counterfeit money case in Japan is getting worse." Johnson also shrugged and said patiently.

Japan has now become the focus of the world, and major newspapers and media have reported it in detail.

Since the collapse of the Japanese stock market on March 3, the panic among the Japanese people has been ignited on a large scale. They have frantically bought commodities with the yen. For a while, domestic commodities in Japan immediately became in short supply. People snapped up.Although the Japanese government is trying its best to control prices, the prices of these commodities are still skyrocketing, and inflation is getting worse.

The Nikkei once fell below 1500 points, and many commodities in Japan were out of stock on a large scale. The radical words and actions of the Japanese people also occurred from time to time, and a major civil uprising was imminent.In view of this situation, the Japanese government dispatched a large number of police and self-defense forces to maintain order in major cities with difficulty.

Japan arrests many criminal suspects every day, but none of the real big fish are caught.For this large-scale case of counterfeit banknotes, the Japanese government seems to be helpless.They had to ask the US government for help, so Richard Helms led a group of capable cia members to Japan.

Seeing that Hoover was still hesitating, Johnson continued: "Dear Edgar, you should know that this Kennedy may be much more powerful than the Kennedy in heaven, and he is ruthless. Have you forgotten? When Kennedy was assassinated Afterwards, the Attorney General at the time vowed to investigate the case and cut off his brother's head! Oh shit! If the oil giants hadn't warned him, I think... you and I would be in jail by now You should also know that during these few years, Robert Kennedy never stopped wanting to avenge his brother. He had already repaired relations with some oil giants at the time, and obtained the 3K Klan and the Mafia. support, and they've made great strides in their own careers. If he becomes president, you and I... hehe..."

Hoover seemed to be finally persuaded. He sighed and said, "According to Mr. President, when should we do it?"

"The sooner the better!" Johnson was overjoyed, knowing that he had convinced the old man.

Hoover nodded, and then said: "Mr. President, I have to remind you that the domestic situation in the United States is getting more and more serious. If such a major event happens at this time, the United States will be even more chaotic."

"Haha..." Johnson laughed softly and said, "Although I don't like the red regime in the East, especially the guy 'Mao'. But, he said a good sentence, he said that the country needs chaos , to rule. I believe that after this chaos and chaos, my next president will appreciate me."

During Johnson's 5 years in office, it was also one of the most chaotic periods in American history.During this period of time, not only did three assassinations in the United States shock the world, but also during this period, the civil rights movement, anti-war demonstrations and various national movements surged. Many Americans were completely confused during this period. They seemed to have Not knowing the direction of oneself and the country.

"I agree to do this, but I must have a 'Presidential Secret Order' signed by Mr. President himself! Otherwise, I will not obey!" Hoover could sit in this position for so long, and he could once become "the most powerful man in the United States." A powerful person", this person is by no means a fuel-efficient lamp.

Now it was Johnson's turn to hesitate, and he thought deeply.If the "Presidential Secret Order" is issued, then the responsibility will all be his Johnson's, and let this old fox get another fatal handle of him.But now, apart from this man, no one else seems to be able to get rid of Robert Kennedy.

The existence of Robert Kennedy is a threat. If Robert Kennedy is elected as the next president, it will be a disaster for Johnson!Therefore, it is urgent to get rid of Robert Kennedy.

"Don't worry, dear Mr. President, as long as I, J. Edgar Hoover, make a move, there will be no reason to miss it! I want a 'President's Secret Order' completely as an act of self-defense, and I am getting old , I don’t want to be killed and silenced, and I don’t want to be used as a scapegoat. Hehe, am I being honest enough?” Hoover said with a sneer, he knew his friend’s thoughts very well.

In fact, Hoover hated the Kennedy brothers no less than Johnson.Especially he hated this Robert Kennedy so much.He still vividly recalls how he commanded and yelled at Hoover when he was his direct boss, the Attorney General.If he hadn't restrained him in extraordinary ways, perhaps he would have gone out during the Kennedy administration.So his suggestion to assassinate Robert Kennedy was all for it.

The reason why he hesitated just now was because he still had to trade with Johnson.

After hearing this, Johnson no longer hesitated, and in fact he was not allowed to hesitate any longer.He took out his pen, found a piece of post-it note, and started writing like a flutter.After a while, he handed the "Presidential Secret Order" signed by himself to the old man in front of him.After the latter looked at it carefully, he put the item in his inner pocket of his suit with satisfaction.

Johnson was about to get up and leave when Hoover said with a smile: "Dear Mr. President, before I kill Robert Kennedy, I want to kill another extremely dangerous person! I think this person is more dangerous to the United States!"

"Who?" Johnson frowned, cursing the old fox secretly.He immediately knew that the other party was threatening him.

Hoover gave a sly smile, and then he said through gritted teeth, "This man is Martin Luther King Jr. that nigger! He's a member of the American Communist Party, and he's a Soviet spy! He's the most notorious liar and the worst character in the country. For the benefit of the United States, we must kill him immediately!"

"No!" Johnson exclaimed. He stood up and whispered to Hoover: "Although Martin Luther King Jr. is a commoner, his influence is far greater than that of Robert Kennedy! Oh, dear Edgar, you should know that if something happens to him, the 2300 million black people in America will never rest, we will never have peace! There will be no peace in America! I have to say, Edgar, this is a terrible idea."

"I don't think it's a bad idea at all. Oh, didn't the President say just now that 'big chaos leads to great order'? Besides, since I did it, the FBI will be able to control the situation, Mr. President. Don't worry!" Hoover said without a doubt.

"Oh, what a cake! Let me think about it..." Johnson sat down dejectedly, and only then did he formally feel how difficult and difficult this old man was to deal with.But now, he has already caught the biggest handle on him, and he still has to ask him.

Hoover began to patiently explain to Johnson: "We have obtained reliable information that this person has been in contact with the Soviet spy Stenny D. Levison, and Levison has a $100 million aid project for the US Communist Party. Column Wilson gave King a guideline for action. They believed that the United States did not like violence and was keen on racism, so the Civil Rights Liberation Movement would be the most profitable job. The Soviet Union’s financial support for King was transferred through a Jew named An Yes. He is the secret police of the KGB. His public identity is a businessman in New York. He bought and shipped large quantities of goods to the Soviet Union. The fbi bought the Childs brothers as informants. Activities. We broke into the interior of the American Communist Party. According to reports from our comrades, every time the American Communist Party meets, Kim always sits in the front row... and this man's morals are extremely corrupt, he likes to play with prostitutes..."

Listening to Hoover's eloquent talk, Johnson already knew that Hoover had made up his mind to kill Martin Luther King.Fortunately, he didn't like Martin Luther King Jr., and the troubles he caused him were endless.So although he knew that Hoover's accusation against Martin Luther King was a bit exaggerated, he still accepted Hoover's proposal in his heart.He thought that the only thing he had to do now was to deal with the aftermath for him and try not to cause mutiny among black and colored people. He thought he would have to mobilize the army if necessary.

"Can you get rid of Robert Kennedy first, and the next step is this Martin Luther King?" Johnson said to the old man in a negotiating tone, and he needed time to make some preparations for emergencies.

Hoover shook his head, and he said decisively: "To be honest, we started to prepare for this work a month ago. We set up a 'three-person team' for this purpose, and one of them is the CIA A member of the Bureau. I think in just a few days, that nigger is going to see his God."

In fact, the conflict between Hoover and Martin Luther King became more and more acute. Hoover could no longer bear the black leader, and he had already started preparations to assassinate the black leader.When he knew that Martin Luther King still had something to do with him, he became more determined to assassinate this man.He absolutely does not want this person to pose a huge threat to the United States, nor does he want him to pose a threat to himself.

"Hey, dear Edgar, try to be as clean as possible and let the fewest people know about it. I don't want to affect the next plan because of this..." Johnson began to hate the old man, he was obviously ready Cut first and then play, or not play at all.But now he has nothing to do with this old man.

"I will be careful, dear Mr. President, you can rest assured that I will never affect the next move! After Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy will never live two more than a nigger Month!" Hoover was extremely happy, and a long-lost sense of accomplishment rose in his heart.Now he can not only eliminate his old enemy with peace of mind, but he has conquered another president.He, Hoover, is still one of the most powerful men in America!

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