
41 Arrangements before going to the United States

41 Arrangements before going to the United States

The next day, Tan Xiaozhong, Dai Weiye, three Japanese, Zheng Dashi, Liu Weide and two assistants boarded a plane to Los Angeles, USA.

Tan Jiabao stayed. In Hong Kong, he still had some things to do.

Bruce Lee would go to Tan Jiabao's house every day to learn "Bagua Youlongbu". For martial arts, he had a love and desire beyond ordinary people.

For this super idol of Tan Jiabao in his previous life, he is now his friend, and Tan Jiabao also plans to work hard on him to make him a global superstar.Therefore, while teaching him martial arts, Tan Jiabao also spent a lot of hard work targeting his physical defects.

First of all, Bruce Lee is highly myopic, and this kind of vision will suffer in a master duel.Therefore, Tan Jiabao used his unique acupuncture and qigong therapy to restore Bruce Lee's eyesight to 1.0 and 1.2 within seven days, which made Bruce Lee extremely excited and amazed.

Secondly, objections were raised to Bruce Lee's method of "electric shock + hormone + stimulant + death-style devil training" on his muscles.In the last life, Bruce Lee's sudden death has always been a mystery.But Tan Jiabao looked at the problem from a medical point of view. He felt that his devil training was seriously exhausting his body, and those hormones and stimulants were banned drugs in later generations, and they were harmful to the body and had no benefit.Therefore, he tried every means to convince him of this cruel training method from a medical point of view.

On the other hand, the entertainment company is already full of talents.In terms of film, future stars such as Xu Brothers, Seven Little Fortunes, Huang Baiming, Chu Yuan, Hu Jinquan, Huang Shuyi, Li Siqi, Zheng Peipei, Pan Yingzi, etc., and some old film artists from established film companies such as Great Wall and Phoenix have all joined the "Tang North Korea Entertainment Co., Ltd."The record company is still relatively small, but which one of Xu Guanjie, Luo Wen, and Xu Xiaofeng is not a top singer?Tan Jiabao knew that during the June [-]th riot, there must be other artists joining.

"Tang Dynasty Entertainment Co., Ltd." is Tan Jiabao's first company. He is determined to make this company the most powerful and powerful entertainment company in Hong Kong and even in Asia.Therefore, he had to consider the quality training and education of artists.Although among these artists, there are generals like Chu Yuan and Hu Jinquan who can play their own roles, and there are also people like Zheng Peipei and Pan Yingzi who have become famous in Shaw Brothers, but most of them, even Wang Mingquan and Deborah, just made a movie, and Xu Although the brothers, Qi Xiaofu, Huang Baiming and others love movies and have a great pursuit of movies, they have not had any serious contact with movies at all, so Tan Jiabao feels that taking advantage of the period of turmoil to hold artist training classes It was an urgent matter, so before he went to the United States, he asked Fan Nu to make some arrangements.

Before Fan Nu arrived, Gu Long arrived first.

As soon as Gu Long sat down, he yelled: "This adaptation of the script is even more difficult than some novels. You see, it took eight days to get rid of this script with a total of 0 minutes for the first and second episodes. You are really good at torturing people." , in the future, Lao Ni should do this kind of thing, he is famous for his sharp swordsman. If I hadn't read "The Legend of Condor Heroes" before, I wouldn't be able to write it."

Tan Jiabao casually flipped through this Gu Long version of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", and was already overjoyed.He ignored Gu Long, and watched excitedly from beginning to end.He couldn't help secretly admiring Gu Long's broad vision, outstanding thinking and superhuman intelligence. "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is already dazzling and wonderful under the writing of Gu Long.This work is jointly created by two masters. Of course, this requires Tan Jiabao, a pseudo-master, to add some of his signature "wonderful dialogue" and movie songs. In addition, Master Hu Jinquan directed it. It is not popular. , who fires?

Gu Long was so bored that he called out, "You read the script, what am I doing? Is there any wine?"

"There are two bottles of 55-year-old Lafite on the desk in my study, go get them yourself." Tan Jiabao continued to read the script without raising his head.But Gu Long found Lafite unceremoniously, picked up a teacup and began to drink.Fortunately, Fan Nu and Chen Lijun came at this time, and Gu Long was overjoyed, thinking that someone would drink with him now.

After Tan Jiabao introduced them, Gu Long took out his wine glass and poured wine with them.

"Boss, you came to us because you want to know the final box office of our "Smiling Forest Boy"?" Fan Nu said beamingly.

Tan Jiabao looked at Fan Nu, and said, "You can tell from your look that the final box office must be good. Tell me, what's the final box office today?"

Fan Nu laughed and said proudly: "236 million, the result of the statistics just now! It's almost full, and we have set a new record for Hong Kong's box office. There will be a lot of excitement in the newspapers tomorrow. Have you read these few days? Today’s newspaper? Many people want to make a series. Jia Ning and Shaoqiang are two big stars now, and the audience loves it. I think we have to strike while the iron is hot and make a few more films about their two children. Let's play."

"236 million, breaking the record again, it is really gratifying. You must know that before we came to Hong Kong, the best box office in Hong Kong did not reach 100 million! We worked hard and worked hard, but we were still so lucky! To be honest, At the beginning of the filming, I didn’t expect such a good result at all. It’s a good start! But, as I said, we have a lot of luck this time. If we want to gain a foothold in Hong Kong’s entertainment industry, we must have our own strength Therefore, taking advantage of the June [-]th Movement, we must train our directors, screenwriters, actors and other entertainers, let them systematically learn about movies and music, recharge their batteries, and let them have real skills in the future. To become a big star, a big director and a big screenwriter with one's own strength."

Having said that, Tan Jiabao took out a "Proposal for Tang Dynasty Entertainment's First Artistic Training Class" and handed it to Fan Nu.He said to Fan Nu: "Sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood. This study class plans to study for eight months, recruiting students from all over Hong Kong, and hiring seniors from old film companies such as Great Wall and Phoenix to systematically explain film-related knowledge. Jin Yong , Gu Long and Ni Kuang will spare some precious time to give lectures and improve their literary accomplishments. If possible, I will also invite some film experts from Hollywood to come to Hong Kong to impart their knowledge..."

Gu Long interjected: "This is a move that will benefit the present age and benefit the future. This is of great significance to the improvement of Hong Kong films. I know that there is only one 'Beautiful Artist Training Class' in Hong Kong, but their scale is small and it is difficult to achieve success." , as long as a school like Tang Xiao is run, I think the era of Hong Kong film take-off is not far away. I also like movies. Since I promised this kid, I will always come to take a class or two. But I have a natural instinct If you are lazy, don't force me to stay in your company, ha ha."

Tan Jiabao laughed and said, "We have already agreed that the three of you come to attend at least two classes a year, or give two academic speeches, that's enough. Don't worry too much."

Fan Nu said: "I understand. In the future, our 'artist study class' will continue for a long time, and we will build a school like 'Film Academy' at the right time?"

Tan Jiabao nodded and said: "That's right, that's what it means. Although we are currently facing difficulties in terms of funds and manpower. But we have to look at the problem from a long-term perspective. If we want Hong Kong films to truly dominate the world, it is a great opportunity to open this school." It must be done. From next year, we will expand the scope of enrollment to Taiwan, and expand the age range, so the junior class must also start preparing.”

Fan Nu nodded and said, "Tomorrow, I will ask someone to prepare."

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