
411 Sudden Change

Plagiarism - 410 a sudden change

After more than 3 hours of interrogation.From William Sullivan, Tan Jiabao obtained the inside story of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the details of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and the planned Robert Kennedy conspiracy; he also obtained some important figures in American politics, such as Johnson, Richard Helms, Hubert Humphrey, Robert McNamara and Dean Rusk, etc., and some of the foreign relations of the United States that he knows, with a special focus on the relationship between the United States and Japan Regarding the latest developments in the relationship, he also specifically asked the US government, the FBI and the CIA about the Tang Dynasty Group Company, Tang Xiao's views and the measures they will take, etc.

Under continuous questioning, Tan Jiabao's mouth was parched, and the two "photographers" Qi Siming and Pan Linggang were even more frightened and excited.

After they arranged for the "protagonist" William Sullivan to rest, Qi Siming and Pan Linggang took the time to edit a few recordings that could make Hoover uneasy.

Tan Jiabao signaled to keep the edited audio tape, and packed the film, video materials, and audio tapes properly, and re-bundled those equipment, ready to take away later.

They work so hard that they forget that there is another person in the room.

"Crack!" Ringo Woltz, who was behind Qi Siming, suddenly swung the camera rack and smashed it on Qi Siming's head, and Qi Siming fainted immediately.

"What are you doing?" Tan Jiabao and Pan Linggang exclaimed at the same time.They are also immersed in the joy of victory, how could they have thought that this "very well-behaved" Ringo Waltz would suddenly attack?By the time the two of them reacted, Ringo Waltz's two pistols had been aimed at the two of them respectively.

Tan Jiabao immediately thought that these two guns belonged to William Sullivan's two men just now, and he didn't notice that Ringo Woltz had taken the opportunity to hide them.

"Mr. Tang Xiao, and this...beautiful gentleman, please raise your hands." Ringo Waltz said to Tan Jiabao and the others coldly.

Tan Jiabao's heart fell to the bottom all of a sudden. This was the second time he was pointed at with a gun.The first time was when the two brothers Zhao Long and Zhao Hu pointed guns at him, and he made them disarm and surrender with his three-inch tongue.Of course he knew that Zhao Long and Zhao Hu were in a very bad situation at that time, so he surrendered under his words.And now I am in a different place, and I am engaged in "illegal activities". Besides, Ringo Waltz is a super spy trained by two famous institutions, the FBI and the CIA. .

The right time, place and people are not on my side.The most terrible thing is that I have lost the initiative.Thinking of this, he had no choice but to raise his hands for the first time.

"Linger, what do you want to do?" Tan Jiabao asked with a wry smile.

Ringo Waltz laughed and said: "Haha, Mr. Tang Xiao, I would like to ask you to go to the Central Intelligence Agency with me, and of course bring the work you just produced. I think, Richard Mr. Helms would also be very interested in you and in the work you have produced, and I assure you he will welcome you."

"I admit that I underestimated you, alas! It turns out that you are Helms' man after all. I have seen the strength of the CIA from you." Tan Jiabao sighed heavily.

"Yes, you really underestimated me, you thought I would be afraid of death, you thought I was greedy for money, you really thought I was tired of this job, and you even thought I could throw away my my country, my mission and the oath I took when I entered the CIA. You are patriots, and I am a patriot, simple as that."

With the fall of Sullivan and the huge secret he got from Sullivan, Ringo Waltz felt that his chance had come.He has a way to get himself out of the quagmire, and even make a fortune.

"You have deep scheming, you are a good spy. You are composed, you are calm. When I was lying in the box, you didn't tie me up, but you let me out, let me do so much and got Hoover's handle. You actually used my hand to get rid of Helms' strong opponent - Hoover. Hehe, I admire you more and more. I think, Richard Helms I will definitely be very grateful to you." Tan Jiabao raised his hands, talking with him while thinking of good strategies.

Ringo Woltz also sighed and said: "Actually, you are also the person I admire the most. You planned this operation one after another. From April 4th to today, you not only captured They killed me, and also captured the third person of the FBI, and obtained a lot of information. If this information is leaked, it will be no less than the energy of an atomic bomb. At that time, the United States will suffer the biggest blow since the founding of the country. disaster."

As he talked, Tan Jiabao felt more at ease. He continued, "Linger, we are actually the same type of people, but we live in different countries. That's why when I said I wanted to make friends with you, I don't regret it now. After all, you are an opponent that I respect."

"Okay, dear Mr. Tang Xiao, I am very moved by your words, but now is not the time to talk, we must leave here immediately, and I must go out and find my colleagues immediately." Ringo Waltz noticed Tan Jiabao's intention.

Tan Jiabao smiled slightly and said, "Linger, in fact, I have said so much, just to ask for your help, such as letting go of my two friends. I know, this is very reluctant to you, but I still ask you .”

Ringer Woltz shrugged and said, "I'm sorry, I must not let them go, you know, my video data is in their hands, I have to find it."

Tan Jiabao also imitated him and shrugged: "Linger, are you confident that you can make the three of us obedient by yourself? Besides, if you don't agree to my request, I would rather die than be with you Go! In fact, I know that the value of a living Tang mock must be greater than the few 'works' I made just now, right?"

Ringo Woltz hesitated. He knew that if he didn't cooperate, this little guy would not be sure to capture him alive.Although it is already a great achievement to capture Tang Xi, but if he let go of the other two, then he will hold a "huge" handle in their hands, which makes him still hard to let go.

Pan Linggang, who was standing on the other side of Ringer Woltz, suddenly "smiled" and said in a whining voice: "Dear Ringer, you should know that it is simply impossible for you to catch the two of us alone. .Even if you pointed a gun at us? And your two Browning pistols are equipped with silencers, and the soundproofing facilities in this room are specially made by the FBI at all costs, hehe... "

Tan Jiabao saw that Pan Linggang's face was flushed at this time, and he was so charming and charming.

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