
414 Give You 1 Accurate Information

Plagiarism - 410 Four gives you an accurate intelligence

"What you hear is only a small part. And you have spoken to us for 218 minutes. What we also want to tell you is that we not only have recordings, but also video and film materials. Think about it, would you like Willing to cooperate with us, if we cooperate, we will treat you as a friend and a comrade. We will help you become the director of the FBI of your dreams, and we will give you a sum of money that you have spent your life There are endless dollars. If you keep stubbornly resisting, the result waiting for you will be miserable. Even if we do nothing to you, Hoover and Johnson will not let you go!" Tan Jiabao continued to threaten him with words and used money And status tempts him.

William Sullivan felt that this was the hardest time of his life.His brain was running wildly, but he still couldn't find a suitable way to deal with the opponent's attack.

"You may think of death now! But death is not an easy thing for you. In New York, you have a wife, two children, and an elderly mother; in Los Angeles, you and your Your lover has another child. Haha, in San Francisco, you also have a lover and two children. Haha, if you die, it will be your poor relatives and lovely children who will suffer." Tan Jiabao Having studied psychology, he can guess what the other party is thinking in the current situation.

"You are really a devil! Can you really spy on other people's mental activities?" William Sullivan, who was in fear, felt even more frightened, and he actually saw his own mind again.

Tan Jiabao paused for a moment. He felt that William Sullivan's fear was too much. He didn't understand that the third person in the fbi who had worked in the fbi for many years turned out to be so pusty.He didn't want to discuss important matters with him in his state. After 1 minute, Tan Jiabao's voice became tactful and soft, and he said: "Dear Mr. Sullivan, we are not ghosts or devils, we are a group of people. Now we officially invite you to join Our organization, to create a better future. Think about it, do you agree or not?"

What Tan Jiabao didn't know was that Westerners at this time still knew very little about the mysterious things in the East.Let’s just talk about acupuncture, even in China, there are only a few people who can use it freely.Westerners have never heard of the miraculous performance of acupuncture, let alone experienced it personally.And the drug from the future that can "hypnotize" people and probe people's psychology is even more unbelievable, and it makes people feel a kind of horror from the depths of the soul.And suddenly, he encountered these two ancient and future things, how could this make him think clearly for a while?The West, like the East, often likes to attribute things that cannot be understood to elves and devils.

In fact, Qi Siming and the others hadn't had time to tell Tan Jiabao in detail that when they interrogated Ringo Waltz a few days ago, Ringo Waltz's reaction was even stronger. Qi Siming felt that Ringo Waltz at that time Ertz nearly lost his mind.

Hearing Tan Jiabao's soft words, William Sullivan closed his eyes, and he tried hard to control his emotions.But Tan Jiabao didn't urge him, he knew that he must be given time now.

After a long time, William Sullivan opened his eyes. He looked at Tan Jiabao and said, "I figured it out. I already know who you are. I remember that after the unpredictable 'counterfeit money case' happened in Japan, Our chief once said such a sentence, he said, if there is anyone in this world who can do these unbelievable and unbelievable things, that person must be Mr. Tang Xiao from China!"

Tan Jiabao was secretly startled, and he asked curiously, "Hoover really said that?"

William Sullivan finally calmed down. He sneered and said, "Of course our director has said this, but Helms doesn't seem to believe it. Helms thinks that you have already made such a big economic achievement." There is absolutely no need to take such a huge risk. To be honest, I thought so at the time. But now, you not only dare to attack the Japanese, but you are also attacking us in the United States! Is that right, dear Mr. Tang Xiao?"

"Not bad! But my purpose of doing these things is very simple. I just want my country to take back Ryukyu! If I say, I have a little personal purpose, my purpose is just to want my company to grow and grow in a good environment , I don’t want anyone to covet my company.” Tan Jiabao knows that with his growth, he has attracted the attention of many people, and he does not rule out the interference and difficulties of the US government.

William Sullivan thought for a while, and then said: "You fantasized that I would support and help you with the so-called 'Operation Containment'? Even fantasized that the FBI and our director would support and help you?"

"It's not my fantasy, it's what you have to do! And follow my plan and my requirements one by one! There is no room for any haggling between you!" Tan Jiabao said firmly.

Although William Sullivan's situation at this time was very unfavorable to him, he knew that this was after all in the United States and on his own territory, so he spoke a little bit harder: "What if I don't do it?"

Tan Jiabao sneered and said, "If you don't do it, I'll go directly to Hoover to do it! If Hoover doesn't do it, there will naturally be others! Don't you think the things in my hands are very valuable? I think, this world There must be many people in the world who want it. If these things are obtained by the Soviets, the Kremlin will definitely celebrate with champagne, right? At that time, your name, Mr. William Sullivan, will enter the history books, and you will be the 0th anniversary of the founding of the United States , the biggest sinner!"

William Sullivan sighed: "Yes, in this case, I have to cooperate with you. However, I am an American, and I am a high-ranking official in a key department of the United States. I will never betray my motherland, Even if I sacrifice everything, I will not hesitate! So, I may be able to help you convince our chief to help you take back Ryukyu. I can also convince him to provide as much protection as possible for your company in the future, that’s all. If you do this Come to threaten me and ask me to do something that hinders the security of the United States and harms the interests of the United States, and I will never agree!"

"So in Mr. Sullivan's eyes, our 'Operation Acquisition' and protecting my company are not two things that hinder the security of the United States and harm the interests of the Americans? Can we cooperate?" For the Patriots, Tan Jiabao has always appreciated it, so his words became more and more relaxed.

William Sullivan shook his head and said painfully: "To be honest, these two things are against the spirit of the United States, but they have not touched my bottom line. In fact, in the past two months, the U.S. Congress has made a decision on the fate of Ryukyu. There have been several controversies on the issue of Ryukyu. It seems that more and more people tend to give Ryukyu to China. I think this is also the result of your hard work? So, I think we can do this. According to the strength of our bureau chief, we can definitely It is not impossible to shut up many congressmen who support Japan and make them turn their backs!"

In fact, with the joint efforts of all parties, the current operation to collect Ryukyu has been very successful.The Ryukyu-receiving group’s demonstrations and shouts in the media, Tang’s mocking books and movies, China’s pressure from the third world countries on the United States, Taiwan’s diplomatic and financial bombardment of the United States and the West, Coupled with the influence of the Rothschild family, the United States has also felt the pressure from these aspects. As their domestic and international situations are getting worse and worse, more and more congressmen are leaning towards China, and more and more It is not surprising that more and more members of parliament advocate to deal with this troublesome Ryukyu homeland issue as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Japan, although they are aware of the impact of the Ryukyu movement on the United States and the West, suddenly encountered a shocking counterfeit banknote case in their country, which made Japan experience the biggest economic and political crisis since the end of World War II. crisis.Affected by this, their international status has also been weakened.In this situation, they are greatly restricted in their efforts to take back Okinawa.

Now, with the power of Hoover, the move to take Liu will be more assured.

"Very good! We have cooperated like this. I still need Mr. Hoover to mobilize the power of the United Nations at that time, so that we can take back the land of Ryukyu as soon as possible." Tan Jiabao thought, now that with Hoover's joining, the United States will hand over the Ryukyu issue In the hands of the United Nations, it will not be a problem. At that time, Hoover will mobilize his secret files and play a role in the United Nations conference. That is the key.

"Yes, we will do our best!"

The atmosphere is getting more and more friendly.After the two sides discussed the details of the Ryukyu issue, Tan Jiabao changed the subject: "Dear Mr. Sullivan, I appreciate your style and attitude. In fact, with your ability, you can sit on the Ryukyu Island." The FBI chair. You're young, I think you can sit there for at least 10-years."

During the conversation, William Sullivan admired Tan Jiabao more and more from his heart.Before that, he secretly planned that after getting rid of their control, he would send out capable FBI members to capture Tan Jiabao and his group who were still in the United States, and then confiscate the evidence they produced.However, after careful consideration and analysis, he gave up this plan.He knows that Tan Jiabao not only has TV stations, radio stations, newspapers and magazines, record companies and movie theaters in the United States, he can use any channel to release these explosive news, and the situation will be difficult to deal with.And he found that with this person's strength, the hope of successfully capturing him was quite slim.So after thinking about it, he felt that it would be a good way to cooperate deeply with this powerful person.

Having figured this out, William Sullivan no longer rejected Tan Jiabao's kindness. He asked, "Mr. Tang Xiao, how will you help me become the director of the FBI? As far as I know, after Hoover, people who came later It's going to be hard to do what he's been doing for so long."

Tan Jiabao was also very happy, he knew that he had subdued another important person.And this character is the most important person so far, he is the third person in the US fbi!

"Sullivan, you should know the reason why Hoover was able to serve as director for so long? Yes, it is he who has a secret archive. So, if you want to be the director and do it in this position Until you die, you must start now to secretly build your own archives! I will provide you with a detailed list, and my list must be much more valuable than Hoover’s archives! Years later, as long as you get enough evidence from them, should understand, right?"

William Sullivan was now completely convinced of Tan Jiabao's ability. He rubbed his palms and said excitedly: "This is indeed a very good idea! I...need this list."

Seeing the excited William Sullivan, Tan Jiabao continued to seduce him: "Dear Sullivan, in fact, the current FBI does not have enough power, at least it is still restricted by the CIA, so you should get more The information that the CIA cannot obtain, over time, the status of the FBI will naturally be elevated...I will provide you with a top-secret information right now, which is information that the CIA cannot obtain!"

"Really, what important information?" William Sullivan was really interested.

In the United States, the FBI and the CIA have always been at odds with each other, and the two are full of competition.Although it is said that the main responsibility of one is at home and the other is abroad, as competition intensifies, this division of responsibilities is becoming more and more blurred.Therefore, both Hoover and Helms want to overwhelm each other and become the most important intelligence agency by the government.

"We have obtained accurate information. A few months later, the Soviet Union will lead the members of the Warsaw Pact to invade Czechoslovakia! The code name of their operation is 'Yuri's Revenge'..." Tan Jiabao said that the Soviet Union may even The war information that I haven't made a detailed plan yet is coming.

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