
438 Crazy Matthew

Plagiarism World - 430 Eight Crazy Matthew

In fact, Tan Jiabao had already kept a few eyes on these bodyguards.He lives in the same building with them, and he will arrange time to contact them reasonably, or secretly use his unique method "Tianyan Gong" to monitor them.After a period of time, he made a general understanding of these four groups of people.Except for Xing Dahai and his group who have revealed their "political" tasks, the Americans and the British are much more relaxed, or more sophisticated.Most of the time, the British like to talk about the weather and football, but the Americans like to talk about women and celebrities.Even Xing Dahai's political task is actually simple, that is, "Once Tan Jiabao is going to do something that will harm the interests of the country and the interests of the party, he must report to his superiors."Fortunately, Tan Jiabao hasn't done something that they think is too much, and they haven't reported it to their superiors.

Only Tan Jiabao and Matthew Deans were left in the room, and Tan Jiabao stared at the man opposite him coldly, especially his eyes.

In addition, Tan Jiabao also has his own method of matching people. He combines medical common sense to hope to read the other person's psychological state from the other person's gaze.He knew that the left side of the cerebral cortex of ordinary people is responsible for logical analysis, reasoning and data processing; the right side of the brain is responsible for hearing, vision and touch.If the eyes of the other party are turning to the right, it means that the other party is recalling, and what this person said at this time is very true.If the other party's eyes turn to the left, it means that the other party is reasoning, analyzing and calculating data.If the eyes of the other party rotate left and right, flickering, it means that the other party's words are full of lies.

Tan Jiabao quietly used this method to talk to his subordinates. The 18 Arhats had talked to each other many times.He has a certain understanding of their state of mind.

This time, Matthew Deans looked a little flustered.I don't know why, how many times he was in the rain of bullets, how many times he was in danger, he never showed a flustered look.However, at this time, he was a little flustered in front of a child who was less than 10 years old. Although it was not obvious, he knew that the other party must have noticed it.

"Matthew, you know, among the 18 Arhats, I value you the most, so you became the head of the 18 Arhats. Although I know that several groups of you came to the Tang Dynasty Group Company with different missions. I am by my side, but I... still value you, because I think you are all rare talents, especially you, dear Matthew. Matthew, you really think that under our current situation, it is appropriate to establish a A mercenary army?"

Tan Jiabao asked lightly.After experiencing this kidnapping case, Tan Jiabao has a better understanding of the skills of 18 Arhats and Matthew Deans' organizational and leadership abilities. He feels that it is necessary to uncover the fig leaf now.

Matthew Deans unnaturally lit a 555 cigarette, and he finally calmed down amidst the fog.He turned his eyes to the right for a moment, and then sighed: "Boss, thank you for your frankness! We... do all have missions. Before we came, Prime Minister Harold Wilson personally received us. He wants us to get you as soon as possible." I trust you, and report to the British intelligence department any information about you and the Tang Dynasty Group Company. However, so far, we have not disclosed any valuable information to the British side. Because we are finding more and more that the boss we are following is a Great man, only you can let us realize the ambitions in our hearts!"

Thousands of wears and thousands of wears, flattery does not wear.Although Tan Jiabao could hear the elements of flattery in Matthew Deans' words, in general, he was relatively smart and honest.

"Matthew, being a bodyguard is indeed burying your talents. So, you propose to build a mercenary team? Do you think the time is right?"

"Being the boss's bodyguard is not a matter of burying talents. But we always think that we are soldiers and fighters. Only on the battlefield full of gunfire can we reflect our value. I also know that due to the rapid development of our company, the foundation It is not very solid yet, and any turmoil will shake the foundation of the company. However, looking at the situation in the world, now is a very good time to develop the company's armed forces. I am afraid that in a few years, the chances may become smaller and smaller. At that time, I will definitely regret it, and for you, the boss with great ambitions, you will definitely regret it even more!"

It was another kind of flattery. Tan Jiabao became interested when he saw that he spoke so solemnly. He encouraged him to continue: "Oh, tell me."

Matthew Deans stared at Tan Jiabao and said word by word: "Boss, you are still so... young and have already made such shocking achievements, don't you just want to be the roost in the economic field? With your current age and economic strength, don’t you think you can do more things and achieve greater achievements? For establish a country and regime of your own!"

"Ah——" Tan Jiabao stood up in surprise, and in his panic, he knocked down the teacup on the table.He thought this Matthew Deans was crazy.

There is no doubt that Tan Jiabao considers himself a greedy person and an ambitious person.He once secretly made up his mind to become the global No.1 in the economic field.After more than a year of hard work, he has obtained a favorable position in some industries, and even in some sub-sectors, he is already the world's number one.His goal is to continue to struggle in other profitable fields and strive for greater achievements. His goal of catching up has been locked in the world's large conglomerates such as Rockefeller, Morgan, Citibank, Mitsubishi and Mitsui. The target is the Rothschild family.To realize these ideals, he feels that he still has a long way to go.

He never even thought about such a thing as "Jianguo".In his previous life, he was not very interested in politics and governing the country, and he still had a lot of shortcomings in these aspects.

"Boss, the world is not peaceful now, and there are huge opportunities that are once in a lifetime. In Africa, in Southeast Asia, in South America, and on the Pacific islands, turmoil, coups, and wars are happening almost every day. As long as we seize the opportunity, it is very possible to seize power in a country." Matthew Deans seemed to see that Tan Jiabao was moved, so he continued to strike while the iron was hot: "Actually, in southern Africa, there is a team of more than 1800 people employed The army team can be used by me. The leader of that team is my former instructor, I think, as long as our company pays a few million dollars, or even less money, we can buy them..."

"Is there a mercenary team of more than 1800 people that can be used by me? Our company only needs to pay a few million dollars?" Tan Jiabao was startled.

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