
444 "Golden Hex" Japanese Imperial Treasure

Plagiarism - 440 Four "Golden Lily" Japanese Imperial Treasure

The origin of this treasure begins with the Japanese army’s plundering in Asia during World War II.

During World War II, while trampling Asian countries by force, Japan persistently and secretly implemented a "Golden Lily Plan" to plunder the wealth of the occupied countries. The main organizers of the plan were members of the royal family.On the eve of Japan's defeat and surrender, tens of thousands of tons of treasures were hidden in various parts of the Philippines or sank to the bottom of the sea with shipwrecks.

Japan's logic at the time was simple: if it had lost the war militarily, Japan had not lost economically if it had these wealth.

Since they annexed North Korea in 1910, they have successively invaded many other countries.Every time they go to a country, they will loot that country like looting.Different from the previous Anglo-French Allied Forces and Eight-Power Allied Forces, they looted not only the royal family and the government, but also nobles, civilians, foreigners, and even local gangs.

For example, after Japan invaded and occupied Korea, it was still not satisfied after looting the celadon collected by the Korean court and folks.During the period when Masahide Sionei served as the director of North Korea, Japan excavated more than 00 ancient tombs of North Korea, including the Tomb of the North Korean King in Kaesong, and plundered all the treasures in the tomb in the corridor, including celadon, Buddha statues, crowns, necklaces, earrings, copper, etc. Mirrors and other decorations; after the Japanese army captured Nanjing, the military police immediately moved around. They kept a close eye on wealthy businessmen and gang leaders in Nanjing, and used various means—including kidnapping—to force them to hand over huge amounts of wealth.It is said that at this stage, the Japanese gendarmes robbed 6000 tons of gold. In addition, a large number of diamonds, precious stones, platinum and silver, ancient books and rare books, cultural relics, calligraphy and paintings were all looted. They also knocked it down; they snatched thousands of tons of gold bricks and other property from the Malay chiefs and overseas Chinese in various provinces in Malaysia in the vault of the Central Bank of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur; about 1000 tons of gold were robbed from Myanmar, and countless emeralds and diamonds; Philippines, Singapore...

This is an open robbery, and a secret robbery.

After the Japanese army occupied a certain place, they would set up a bank and issue banknotes or military tickets.They forced the local residents to exchange the valuable currency of the original country for the new currency, and extorted war materials from the host country.Continuously increasing the issuance of military tickets caused inflation, and the credit of military tickets continued to decline. When a military ticket lost its credit, Japan replaced the old military ticket with a new one.The Japanese established a predatory financial system in the occupied areas. By discovering military tickets and all kinds of taxes, the wealth of the occupying countries was continuously withdrawn back to Japan.

Not only that, they also forced the local people to grow opium poppy and set up hundreds of drug factories.Japanese gendarmes, chaebols, and underworld gangs are all working together to compete for drug profits.By 1937, 90% of the world's illegal opium and morphine were produced in Japan, and the Japanese army became the world's largest drug cartel, with drug revenues as high as $0 million a year.

In the closing months of World War II, Yamashita, known as "The Masked General" and "The Malay Tiger," was fighting his last stand in the mountains of Luzon, Philippines.At the same time, several prominent members of the Japanese imperial family directed the hiding of large quantities of looted gold bricks and other treasures in nearby caves for future use in other countries.These treasures are the wealth accumulated by 12 countries in Asia over thousands of years.

As Japan looted tens of thousands of tons of "trophies," it was Emperor Hirohito's brothers Chichibu Yuhito, Mikasa Takahito, and cousin Taketa Kintoku who oversaw the execution and concealment of these "trophies."Because they were worried that the Japanese mainland would be attacked and occupied after the defeat, and the plundered wealth would be "confiscated", so it was very necessary to find a dormant place for these wealth.Except for the parts transported back to China and mainly hidden in the imperial palace, some were sunk on the seabed by intentional shipwrecks, but a large amount of wealth can only be hidden on land, so Japan chose to build 175 "Royal Treasure Vaults" in the Philippines.

Among the 175 "royal treasure vaults", there are 169 small and medium-sized "treasure vaults", all of which are designed to deceive treasure hunters.After Japan's defeat, Yamashita's driver led the Americans to find about 10 of the small "treasure vaults", while five of the large "royal treasure vaults" were the Japanese in 5 under the pretext of prospecting found.These five large "royal treasure vaults" contain 58 tons of gold, 5 tons of platinum, 8900 tons of silver, diamonds, emeralds, jewelry, antique calligraphy and paintings, and securities worth more than one billion yuan.These treasures are covered with tens of thousands of tons of copper, iron ore and bauxite.The total value of the treasures here now exceeds 1600 billion US dollars!

These 5 large "Royal Treasure Vaults" are actually side by side.Back then, even Yamashita Bongbun didn't know that Chichibu Palace Yongren and Mikasa Palace Chongren found a canyon about 3 kilometers long and less than 6 meters wide.They divided the canyon into 5 sections, hid the treasures in them, and then sealed them with special cement, and then piled up minerals and soil to fill up the canyon.and planted trees on it.

To be on the safe side, the Japanese army killed a large number of Filipinos who buried the treasure back then, and killed all the people within a 10-kilometer radius around the treasure.Therefore, this is the most hidden location.The Japanese government and the Japanese royal family believe that no one will come here.

But they had calculated thousands of times, and they didn't count Tan Jiabao.How did they know that since Chichibu Gong Yongren and Mikasa Gong Chongren died, Tan Jiabao may be the person who knows the location of this treasure best in the world.

At this time, a treasure map of 175 "royal treasure vaults" in the Philippines appeared in Japan and the Philippines.This phenomenon caught Marcos' attention.He has been secretly planning these treasures.

According to history, if Tan Jiabao did not come, at the end of 1968, President Marcos would send a high-level delegation to Japan to reach a joint excavation deal with Japan.According to a member of the delegation, they met with a member of the royal family, "a high-ranking official who was a cousin of Emperor Hirohito. He told them that Japan had hidden wealth worth $000 billion in the Philippines, which required It took more than a century to search for all this riches".

After returning to the Philippines, Marcos immediately set up a treasure hunting team of 00 people, and in October 1975, Marcos transported gold bricks worth $10 billion in a tunnel in Tresa.

If that is the case, Tan Jiabao will be hindered even more by Marcos.Therefore, while Tan Jiabao was mining treasures, he also tried to prevent the Marcos couple from their trip to Japan.

In view of the importance of the matter, Tan Jiabao decided to meet Marcos in person.Before meeting Marcos, Audrey Hepburn revealed such a message to him.That is, Imelda is very interested in the Chinese medicinal materials that Audrey Hepburn said can restore youth. She has already guessed that it is the medicine provided by Tan Jiabao.And tonight, Imelda and Marcos will also meet with Tan Jiabao.

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